French Rev - Shields Study Guide

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National Assembly

made up of the Third Estate, or the lower class. When the Estates General would not allow the opinions and advocation of the Third Estate, they took the Tennis Court Oath and became the National Assembly

What was the execution of the supposed traitors to the French Revolution called?

"The Reign of Terror"

How many votes did each Estate get in the Estates General?

1 vote per estate


A huge prison in France. Was overthrown by the people during the Revolution, the garrison was killed and his head speared, the guards sided with the people and helped them get weapons


Advocation for the rights to vote for all men, not just property owners

What all contributed to the start of the revolution? (THIS WILL DEF BE ON THE TEST!!)

Corruption in government, advanced thinking due to the enlightenment, economic troubles, and influence from the American Revolution


Dictator who took control of France after fear rose again after the revolution

Deficit Spending

Government spending credit money (money they don't have!)

Where was the tennis court oath taken?

In a tennis court

What rights did "The Declaration of Man and the City" give?

It gave all men equality under the law, and gave the right to life, liberty, and property.

Louie XVI (16th)

King of France during the Revolution, was executed by the people after being overthrown and jailed

Louie XIV (14th)

Known as "The Sun King", built the palace of Versailles and left France in great debt

Who led the committee of public safety?

Maximilien Robespierre

Were all men in France immediately entitled to voting rights?

No, first only men who owned property, then all men

Did France become a Republic after the revolution?

No, it was given to a dictator

Did other European monarchs support the French Revolution?

No, they denounced it because they feared revolution would spread to their own countries

Were there still estates after the revolution?

No, they were eradicated during the revolution

How many people were executed during "The Reign of Terror?"

Over 40,000

Marie Antoinette

Queen of France (wife of Louis XVI), executed along with her husband

National Convention (1792)

Takes control after the overthrow of the Legislative Assembly, started to write a new constitution for France

Legislative Assembly (1791-1792)

Takes control after the overthrow of the National Assembly, throws Louie XVI and his family in prison

Who was the wealthiest of the Third Estate?

The Bourgeoisie

What document did "The Declaration of Man and the City" model?

The Declaration of Independence

Which group that ruled France is known for being weak and inefficient?

The Directory (1795-1799)

The Directory

The French government that was put into place after the revised French constitution

What was the first estate comprised of?

The clergy; church officials (0.5% of population)

Which of the estates had the most wealth?

The first and second

Which class did the king belong to?

The king was above estates & classes, none


The lowest of the third estate, the peasant workers who seeked to make France a Republic

What was the second estate comprised of?

The nobles, anyone from a noble family (2-5% of population)

Tennis Court Oath

The pledge that created France's National Assembly, comprised of the Third Estate who's goal was a change in the government and their voices to be heard

What was the third estate comprised of?

The rest of the French population

What was "The Great Fear"?

The rioting of the third estate, as they killed members of the first and second estate

Which of the estates had the most amount of the population?

The third estate (95%)


The upper of the Third Estate, the most educated - teachers, doctors, lawyers, etc

What became of Marie Antoniette and Louie XVI?

They were executed by the people

What was the goal of the committee of public safety?

To keep the peace, and capture & execute anyone accused of being a traitor the revolution

The Ancienne Regime

"The Old Order", the government under Louie XVI made of three estates

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