FSOT practice #4

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Which of the following demonstrates a correctly designed formula for determining the sum of the value of two cells in one row?


What is a primary function of the Government Accountability Office or GAO?

Conducting audits and providing oversight on federal spending

Which of the following costs is included in the carrying cost of supplies inventory?

Cost of money

Companies such as Moody's and Standard & Poor's provide the service of:

Determining credit ratings for public and private companies.

Economic globalization, or the increased geographic dispersion of production across borders, has had which of the following impacts?

Diminished the ability of states to ""go it alone"" in defense production2E

When managing complex projects, which of the following costs must always be taken into consideration?

Direct costs.

What is the FDIC?

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

Which President promised prosperity by campaigning with the slogan, "A chicken in every pot and a car in every garage"?

Herbert Hoover

Proportional representation in voting has had the greatest impact on governing in which of the following countries?


In the 1960s and '70s, writers such as Tom Wolfe, Gay Talese, and Joan Didion often wrote from the point of view of their sources, one of the techniques that defined a form of reporting known as:

New journalism.

Which of the following formulas would accurately calculate the probability of an event occurring?

Probability = Total number of ways event can occur / Total number of possible outcomes

When the Fed enacts an expansionary monetary policy in order to increase output,a goal is to increase the monetary supply which is usually accomplished through all of the following Fed actions except:

Printing additional currency.

To measure the progress of projects, managers need to be aware of four concurrent elements: labor costs; functional and technical requirements; work being performed at the right level; and work

Proceeding on schedule.

"It's still trust but verify. It's still play, but cut the cards. It's still watch closely. And don't be afraid to see what you see", is from the final Presidential address of:

Ronald Reagan

Some experts suggest managers can be divided into two types of styles labeled Theory X and Theory Y. Theory Y, which is more motivating, stresses regular collaboration with staff and soliciting employee input and feedback into decision making. This type of manager is most likely to:

Rotate the chairperson position at regular staff meetings

Which of the following entities/programs is an official organ of U.S. government public diplomacy efforts?

The International Visitors Program

Computer equipment has been purchased from a seller in the U.S. for shipment to the American embassy in Lebanon. The contract specifies delivery DES Beirut (Delivered Ex Ship). The ship docked in Beirut and has been there for a week awaiting unloading when guerilla activity breaks out and the port is shelled. Shelling damages the equipment. Whose equipment is it?

The embassy's, because the supplier delivered it to the port

Multilateral patent treaties are primarily administered by which of the following institutions?

The World Intellectual Property Organization

Anti-globalization social movement organizations meet annually at which of the following gatherings?

The World Social Forum

Which nation gained freedom from Turkish control in treaties following WWI, existing as a mandate of Britain until full independence was granted in 1932?


An inventory philosophy developed in Japan that employs a trigger that signals when products are needed and should then be ordered is called


Which of the following policies, which mandated that media broadcasters present a diversity of perspectives on contentious or controversial subjects in order to prevent domination by a single viewpoint, was repealed by the U.S. Congress in 1987?

The fairness doctrine

Your department consists of twelve employees and your total payroll expense for salaries only is $325,000. The organization's average salary is $36,000. What is the relation of your department's average salary to the organization's average?

Your department is about 25% below average

The responsibility for responding to a Freedom of Information Act request lies with:

the agency that created and maintains the requested record

Which of the following electronic extensions for websites and e-mail addresses does not designate a specific type of group or organization?


Internal rate of return (IRR) is the interest rate that makes the net present value of all cash flows for a project equal to


If a firm desires to improve productivity and expand economic growth over time,the best action to take is:

- increase capital expenditure - acquire new technology

A factory that produces pipe costs 5,000,000 to set up and has an annual capacity of 50,000 units. The production cost is 0.5 per unit and this cost is not expected to change. The machines have an indefinite physical life, and the cost of capital is 10 percent. What is the competitive price of a pipe?


Total tax revenues have historically made up what percent of the U.S. economy?


In the 2004 U.S. Presidential election, about what percentage of voters were from households with a labor union member?


Involving numerous people in an employee's evaluation such as co-workers, customers, the employee, and supervisors is known as:

360-degree feedback

Which group was a leader in the organized labor movement in its infancy in the nineteenth century?


What best describes the role of the Department of State in combating terrorism?

Acts as the head agency of the interagency anti-terrorism committee

In Microsoft Excel, what function does SUMIF perform?

Addition of all cells within certain specifications

Transferable discharge permits allow polluters to buy and sell the right to pollute. For which type of environmental pollution are these permits most often used?

Air pollution from power-generating companies.

The process of paying off a debt over a fixed period of time with specified payments and interest rates is known as:


If your organization is hosting a charitable fundraising event and wants to increase attendance and participation, you might partner with local media to produce:

An advance story.

Which artist's works are well known for their connection to American pop culture, including images such as a bottle of Coca-Cola, Campbell 's soup, and film icon Marilyn Monroe?

Andy Warhol

When meeting with an important local businessperson for the first time, a Foreign Service Officer should

Be inquisitive and ask many questions about the local business environment and practices.

In order to become a naturalized U.S. citizen, a person must have:

Been lawfully admitted for permanent residence by the U.S. government

From the point of view of international trade law, the Helms-Burton law for dealing with Cuba is legally questionable because it:

Calls for secondary boycotts.

When complex issues require interagency coordination, which agency convenes and chairs the interagency meeting?

Depends upon the issue

In which of the following environmental issue areas did international negotiations fail to result in a treaty or other multilateral agreement?


Which of the following outcomes renders negotiation based on the positions of negotiating parties dangerous?

Distracts negotiators from focusing on the underlying concerns of the negotiating parties

Since the beginning of the Iraq War, the labor movements in the U.S. and Great Britain have

Diverged, with Great Britain strongly anti-war

Which of the following government regulatory agencies was created in response to wide spread bank failures during the 1930's?


If you find yourself leading a team of people from diverse functional and demographic backgrounds, you can anticipate that they will have:

Good creativity and performance, but high levels of conflict.

Management tendencies to skew an evaluation or appraisal positively in all areas due to high employee performance in a few areas should be avoided and is known as:

Halo effect

If asked to provide the quotient of your division's clocked work hours (Hours) and the number of division employees (Employees), the answer would be calculated by which of the following formulas?

Hours / Employees = Quotient

You are considering organizing your staff into teams to tackle upcoming projects. When looking at the permutations of team organization, you are considering:

How many ways people can be organized into teams

The Massachusetts state legislature banned any Massachusetts company or individual from trading with Burma. In terms of legality, this action is

Illegal under the U.S. Constitution.

Which steps would you follow in Microsoft Word to place a picture you have already stored, into a document?

Insert-Picture-From File

A system in which goods are replaced as they are used by means of a card (or other signaling device) that travels with the goods and is sent back to the supplier when the goods are consumed as automatic authorization to replace what was used is known as


With a few legal exceptions, visa application records are:

Kept confidential

The dinar is the official currency of which of the following nations?


What was a primary issue addressed by the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, also known as the McCain-Feingold Bill?

Limiting soft money contributions to candidates

In order to meet the residency requirements for U.S. naturalization, a person must have

Lived in the U. S. for the vast majority of the preceding five years

To most productively use team members' time when coordinating an embassy-wide program, a Foreign Service Officer should call meetings only to

Make decisions requiring the sharing of opinions or knowledge.

Which government agency regulates the process for certifying labor unions as representatives of certain groups of workers?


What does NLRB stand for?

National Labor Relations Board

A refugee picked up at sea by U.S. authorities who wishes to claim political asylum in the U.S. has which of the following rights?

No right to an asylum hearing or appeal

The U.S. embassy in Lapatria has recently experienced rapid staff turnover. Which of the following actions would be most helpful in ensuring that the newly reordered staff functions most effectively?

Promote the creation of a working culture unique to the Lapatrian Embassy that does not conflict with the culture or with policies dictated by the State Department.

Effective downward communications within an organization or company can include all of the following except:

Provide regular opportunities for employees to provide supervisors with status updates.

A series of editorials appear in the Lapatrian press condemning the lack of donor aid from the U.S. government. To counter these criticisms most effectively, a Foreign Service Officer would:

Publish booklets and disseminate press releases that stress the importance of private as well as public U.S. philanthropic activities in Lapatria

When considering applicants for positions in your department, each of the following hiring practices would comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act except

Questioning an applicant about the limitations created by a visible disability

You have just started a new management job with over 500 employees working under you. You discover that some company practices are not in compliance with the Equal Pay Act of 1963 and its subsequent amendments. In order to remedy this, you could take all of the following steps except:

Reduce the compensation of some employees to equalize compensation for employees of all genders performing the same job

In Microsoft Word, which of the following functions is not available when right clicking on highlighted text?


If you are speaking to an audience of professionals in a highly specialized field and are using the manuscript style of delivery, it is very likely that:

Someone else prepared or assisted in the preparation of your speech.

An application for a temporary visa to visit the U.S. must, by law, be denied unless the applicant can demonstrate:

Strong ties to the applicant's home country

Which of the following nations was not invaded or occupied by German forces during WWII?


In conducting an employee evaluation, which of the following is a "soft" area to which employees are most likely to take personal offense?


If the child of a U.S. citizen is abducted and taken to another country, the parent can file a request for the return of the child with what international entity?

The Hague Convention

Which of the following is an accurate statement about determining a winner in a Presidential election in which no candidate receives a majority?

The House of Representatives will vote to determine a winner, who must receive a majority of the votes, with each state having one vote

Marine Lt. Col. Oliver North was the key figure in what event in the 1980's?

The illegal sale of arms to Iran to aid Nicaraguan contras

Historically, the term flapper is often associated with which trend in American history?

The liberation of women from society's traditional constraints

In the United States, individuals who are suspected of criminal behavior are considered innocent until they are proven guilty. All citizens have the right to due process which means they are entitled to a fair trial before a jury of their peers. In addition, they have a right to a lawyer who will help them support their case. Because the suspect is considered innocent until judged otherwise, the prosecution has the burden of proof. Even after a verdict is made on the case, both sides can appeal to a higher court to reconsider the decision. All of these steps are in place to protect the safety and liberty of all Americans.

The responsibility for convincing the jury of their case

You are analyzing the relationship between employees working more than ten hours in a shift and the number of on the job accidents at your production facility. One aspect to consider is the relative frequency which would be:

The total number of accidents divided by the number of times employees worked more than ten hours in a shift

Trade Promotion Authority granted to the President by Congress gives the executive branch the authority to negotiate:

Trade agreements provided that Congress approves each agreement as a whole.

In the U.S., how many parents must consent for a child under 14 to obtain a passport?

Two parents' consent required

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits corrupt payments by

U.S. companies overseas.

Managers can best address the vagueness associated with rating and ranking scales in employee appraisal systems by supplementing standard company forms with:

Written comments explaining scale ratings

The role of the Department of State in combating drugs is to

carry out public diplomacy, reporting, and negotiating in support of anti-drug efforts

When negotiating an inventory resupply arrangement for gasoline, which of the following issues would typically be addressed last?


What is "soft money"?

unregulated campaign money

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