FTCE General Knowledge- English practice test 1,2,3, &4

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STOP! Shouted the frustrated mother. A. " stop!" shouted B. "Stop!", shouted C. "Stop!" Shouted D. No change is necessary.

A. " stop!" shouted Dialogue is tricky. When you use an exclamation or a question mark within the quotation marks, no comma or capitalization is needed following the quote.

The doctor's assistant mistakenly overbooked the schedule, AND CAUSING FRUSTRATION ON THE PART OF THE DOCTOR AND THE PATIENTS. A. , causing frustration for the doctor and the patients. B. therefore causing frustration on the part of the doctor and the patients. C. and causing the effect of frustration for the doctor and the patients. D. No change is necessary.

A. , causing frustration for the doctor and the patients. The dependent clause must be preceded by a comma. Comma and is the necessary conjunction when two independent clauses are linked.

(1) mini retirees to spend their golden years in warmer climates. (2) Florida and California have been popular options for these folks. (3) however, arid Arizona has grown as a favorite place to retire. (4) in addition, Arizona generally avoids natural disasters and never gets hit with hurricanes or earthquakes. (5) Beyond the sunny, warm, and dry climate, Arizona is also an affordable place to live. (6) no wonder it has become a retirement destination for many. Which of the following is the best title for this passage? A. Arizona Attracts More and More Retirees B. Arizona Beating Out Florida as a Retirement Destination C. Arizona Heat Too Much for the Aging Population D. Arizona Faces the Heat as a Retirement Community

A. Arizona Attracts More and More Retirees This title best summarizes the information in the passage. Eliminate B because although Florida as mentioned, the article as a whole does not focus on Arizona beating out Florida as a retirement destination. C contradicts information in the passage alludes to a problem.

(1) Many fear that with the onslaught of standardized testing, our students are not experiencing any joy in school, especially in the primary grades. (2) Seeing as though kids need to learn through play in discovery, there is a good reason for concern. (3) Although teachers would love to encourage experimental Learning by taking their students on field trips, there was a little time in the schedule for such things. (4) Instead, children are stuck in front of a computer screen choosing multiple choice answers for complicated questions. (5) If we want to instill the joy of learning, we must allow more time for play and discovery. What is the best re-write of sentence 2? A. Because research has proven that kids learn through play and discovery, this concern is valid. B. In light of the fact that kids learn through play and discovery, everyone should be concerned. C. Researchers know that children learn via play and discovery, so we should be concerned. D. It is well known fact that children need time to play in discover things, concern is warranted.

A. Because research has proven that kids learn through play and discovery, this concern is valid. You can start a sentence with because when it is an introductory clause. In this case, this sentence is grammatically and stylistically correct.

The teacher_____the class for its____behavior on the field trip. A. Chastised, unruly B. Commended, unruly C. Chastised, orderly D. Reprimanded, orderly

A. Chastised, unruly- scolded, reprimanded; difficult to control ***** A. Chastised, unruly- scolded, reprimanded; difficult to control B. Commended, unruly- praised; difficult to control C. Chastised, orderly- scolded; well behaved D. Reprimanded, orderly- scolded; well behaved

After much debate, the council members could not reach a____ at the meeting, forcing them to table the decision. A. Consensus B. Conclusion C. Cessation D. Concurrence

A. Consensus- agreement. ***** A. Consensus- agreement B. Conclusion- end or finish C. Cessation- being brought to an end D. Concurrence- simultaneous occurrence of events or circumstances.

During freshman orientation, the students were feverishly taking_____notes. A. Copious B. Verbose C. loquacious D. Scant

A. Copious Copious, or abundant, is the best choice. The context clue feverishly hints that the students are moving quickly and frantically, so it is unlikely they are taking scant notes (D). Verbose (B) and loquacious (C) both being unnecessarily wordy, so eliminate those.

During freshman orientation, the students were feverishly taking_____notes. A. Copious B. Verbose C. Loquacious D. Scant

A. Copious- abundant, plentiful ****** A. Copious- abundant, plentiful B. Verbose- wordy( used more for speech than writing) C. Loquacious- talkative D. Scant- minimal, negligible

Pretending a problem doesn't exist won't help the situation; instead, it will only______it. A. Exacerbate B.Antagonize C. Suppress D. Exasperate

A. Exacerbate- increase the intensity of A. Exacerbate- increase the intensity of B. Antagonize- to make hostile C. Suppress- to do away with D. Exasperate- to provoke

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. He was the only one in the class who read the assigned chapters. B. He was the only in the class that read the assigned chapters. C. He was the only one in the class which read the assigned chapters. D. He was the only one in the class whom read the assigned chapters.

A. He was the only one in the class who read the assigned chapters. Who read the assigned chapters? He did. If the answer were him, D will be correct. You would not say "Him read the assigned chapters" so eliminate that as a choice. That and which are used with things, not people.

Katherine is a volunteer basketball coach for the local YMCA. She needs to draft a letter that spells out the expectations for the participants and their parents. Which will be the most professional closing line for Katherine's letter? A. I am looking forward to a great season and want to thank you in advance for your cooperation. B. This will be a great season if everyone cooperates and follows the guidelines set forth in this letter. C. I know that everyone thinks their child is special, but I believe that all the children are special. D. I appreciate your cooperation and would also like to remind you that as a volunteer, I don't get paid.

A. I am looking forward to a great season and want to thank you in advance for your cooperation. This is the most appropriate. It is positive and helpful.

Ken has been unhappy with his lawn service for quite some time. He needs to give them a 30 day notice to end the contract. Which would be the most positive way to end his letter? A. I appreciate your cooperation as we end our business relationship. B. If you give me a discount, i'll reconsider ending my contract. C. I plan on filing a complaint, with the Better Business Bureau. D. I would never recommend you to anyone I know.

A. I appreciate your cooperation as we end our business relationship. This sentence is professional and straightforward.

Ms. Diaz is a teacher at an alternative high school for at risk students. She needs to send out an email to parents whose kids are in danger of not graduating. Which would be the most positive last line? A. I would like to thank you in advance for working with me as I take every measure to help your child get back on track. B. If you want your child to graduate on time, I strongly suggest you speak with them about getting on track. C. I regret to inform you that we must place our focus and attention on her students who are on track to graduate. D. At this time, it is highly unlikely that your child walk the stage in June; therefore, may I suggest summer school?

A. I would like to thank you in advance for working with me as I take every measure to help your child get back on track. This option is the most diplomatic way to approach a touchy situation and get the point across. It lets the parents know that she wants to work with them and he's not blaming anyone. B is too forceful and bossy. C indicate she's giving up on the student. D assumes failure, which as a teacher, you never want to do.

Choose the sentence that is communicated an idea clearly. A. It is not clear why, but the school has been closed for the day. B. Why is not clear, but the school has been closed for the day. C. While it is not clear, the school has been closed for the day. D. The school being closed for the day is not clear.

A. It is not clear why, but the school has been closed for the day. This is the only option that is worded following conventional English syntax.

Many ideas that used to be considered outrageous have become part of the ______. A. Mainstream B. Counterculture C. Article D. Gentry

A. Mainstream- trendy A. Mainstream- trendy B. Counterculture-rejecting trends or norms C. Article- A piece of writing D. Gentry- upper class

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. Many will agree that public servants such as nurses, firefighters, police officers, social workers, and teachers need to be paid better salaries. B. Many will agree that public servants: such as nurses; fire fighter; please officer; social worker; and teachers need to be paid better salaries. C. Many will agree that public servants such as: nurses, firefighters, police officers, social workers, and teachers need to be paid better salaries. D. Many will agree that public servants such as nurses, firefighters and police officers, social workers and teachers need to be paid better salaries.

A. Many will agree that public servants such as nurses, firefighters, police officers, social workers, and teachers need to be paid better salaries. The colon is misused in B. No colon is needed after such, so eliminate C. Finally, the way the careers are organized i. D is not ideal.

After was was declared, the army still needed a couple days to____. A. Mobilize B. Reconstitute C. Adjudicate D. Remonstrate

A. Mobilize- to assemble or marshal A. Mobilize- to assemble or marshal B. Reconstitute- reconstruct C. Adjudicate- to settle or determine D. Remonstrate- to plead or protest

Choose the sentence in which the apostrophe is accurately placed. A. The boys decided it would be funny to steal the girls' books as payback for telling the teacher that she is on the last test. B. The boys' decided it would be funny to steal the girls books as payback for telling the teacher they cheated on the last test. C. The boys decided it would be funny to steal the girls's books as payback for telling the teacher that they cheated on the last test. D. The boy's decided it would be funny to steal the girls books as payback for telling the teacher they cheated on the last test.

A. The boys decided it would be funny to steal the girls' books as payback for telling the teacher that she is on the last test. Because there are multiple girls, the apostrophe needs to come after the ass to show that multiple girls possessed the books.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. The fans at the back of the theater were making too much noise. B. The fans at the back of the theater was making too much noise. C. The fence at the back of the theater makes too much noise. D. The fan at the back of the theater were making too much noise.

A. The fans at the back of the theater were making too much noise. Subject- verb agreement. The fans were making too much noise.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. The patients in the medical trial receive compensation for they're participation. B. The patients in the medical trial received compensation for there participation. C. The patients in the medical trail receive compensation for their participation. D. The patients in the medical trial receive compensation for his or her participation.

A. The patients in the medical trial receive compensation for they're participation. When looking at the three forms of there-their-they're, only C is used correctly as a plural possessive pronoun to match the plural antecedent (patients). The use of his or her in D is incorrect because they are singular possessive pronoun and the antecedent (patients) is plural.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. The teammates wore special uniforms in honor of their late coach. B. The teammates were special uniforms in honor of its late coach. C. The teammates have worn special uniforms in honor of their late coach. D. The teammates have worn special uniforms in honor of its late coach.

A. The teammates wore special uniforms in honor of their late coach. Teammates is plural, so their is correct because it is plural possessive pronoun.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. With fuel price plummeting, many are perplexed by the increase of airline ticket prices. B. With fuel price is plummeting, the price increase in airline tickets perplexing. C. With the price of fuel plummeting, increases in the airline tickets perplexes. D. With the price of fuel plummeting, increased airline tickets remains perplexed.

A. With fuel price plummeting, many are perplexed by the increase of airline ticket prices. A is the only choice that is clearly stated. Who is perplexed by the increase of airline ticket prices, Many are. Why, because fuel prices are plummeting.

When the flight attendant announced that no refreshments would be served on the flight, EACH PERSON on board voiced their displeasure. A. all of the passengers B. each one C. every single person D. No change is necessary.

A. all of the passengers This is pronoun/antecedent agreement. Switch each person to all of the passengers so their matches the subject.

When the state officials announce huge budget cuts in EDUCATION ADMINISTRATORS, TEACHERS, AND PARENTS were livid. A. education, administrators, teachers, and parents B. education, administrators teachers and parents C. education, administrators and teachers, parents D. No change is necessary.

A. education, administrators, teachers, and parents A comma is needed after the dependent clause, when the state officials announce huge budget cuts, as well as in between each item in the series.

When the state officials announced huge budget cuts in EDUCATION ADMINISTRATORS, TEACHERS, AND PARENTS were livid. A. education, administrators, teachers, and parents. B. education, administrators teachers and parents C. education, administrators and teachers, parents D. No change is necessary.

A. education, administrators, teachers, and parents. A comma is needed after the introductory phrase, when the state officials announced huge budget cuts in education,

When it was clear that the storm was EMINENT, we HAD to decide WHETHER to stay where we were or go to a shelter. A. imminent B. have C. weather D. No change is necessary.

A. imminent When faced with these types of questions, look at each underline element very carefully. Even if you don't know what eminent and imminent I mean, you can eliminate have (B) because it doesn't match the verb tense of the remainder of the sentence, and you can eliminate weather (C) easily. Imminent means "inevitable, or about to happen," making it the best choice.

The young boy liked his first grade teacher, Miss Young, better THEN his second grade teacher because MS. YOUNG was more COMPLIMENTARY of him. A. than B. she C. complementary D. No change is necessary.

A. than Use than, not then, with comparative (better than, more than). On another note, know the difference between calmly confused words such as complimentary (praise) and complementary (compatible).

During an Individual Education Plan (IEP) meeting in which the student is present, a parent becomes irate that his child will no longer receive the service he thinks are necessary. Which would be the best way to address his concern? A. " Sir, you must calm yourself, especially in front of the child." B. " I understand your concern; let's discuss alternatives." C. " I am going to have to have you removed if you don't calm down." D. "While you have valid concerns, that service just isn't on the table."

B. " I understand your concern; let's discuss alternatives." This is the only option that refrains from being confrontational, acknowledges The concern, and offers compromise.

(1) there is a national crisis looming, one that has the potential to affect millions of American children. (2) While this assessment may sound dramatic, the national teacher shortage already affects students across our country. (3) but, mini current teachers will attest that increasing workload, unrealistic expectations, and low salaries are to blame for veteran teachers calling it quits. (4) students are packed into classrooms when schools do not have enough teachers to keep class size low, and worst case scenarios, kids are held in auditoriums or gyms when there are no teachers at all. (5) unfortunately, there is no single factor causing this. (6) decreasing the workload and increasing pay would certainly go along way to retaining current teachers and attracting new ones. What is the best sentence order to provide a logical sequence of ideas? A. 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6 C. 1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 6 D. 6, 5, 2, 3, 1, 4

B. 1, 2, 4, 5, 3, 6 These logical order numbers are tough, especially when two of the choices start with the same two numbers! Eliminate A and D because sentence six is not a good opening sentence for the paragraph. Sentence 2 needs to come after sentence 1 because the "assessment" it mentions refers to the "crisis" in the sentence 1. When weighing the last two options, the order of the sentence in B makes for a clear paragraph.

(1) The subject of whether or not Shakespeare should be studied in high school English classes has caused much debate. (2) On the one side, you have the diehard traditionalists Who insist that learning to appreciate Shakespeare language is the crux of a well rounded Education. (3) however, others will argue that the archaic language used in Shakespeare's works is a source of confusion for students. (4) They also argue that today's students need more practice reading and interpreting the type of text they will be exposed to in a professional setting. (5) With valid arguments on both sides, debate will most likely not be settled anytime soon. What is the best placement for the sentence below? They also point out that because many modern day savings have roots in his works, studying Shakespeare will help students cross the history of our language A. After sentence 4 B. After sentence 2 C. After sentence 5 D. After sentence 1

B. After sentence 2 The best placement of the above sentence is after this sentence because sentence 2 talks about Shakespearean language

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. Although I am not sure which, either my hard drive or one of my programs are not working properly. B. Although I am not sure which, either my hard drive or one of my programs is not working properly. C. Either, although I am not sure which, my hard drive or one of my programs is incorrectly working. D. I am not sure which one it is, but either my hard drive or one of my programs are not working properly.

B. Although I am not sure which, either my hard drive or one of my programs is not working properly. Subject-verb agreement. My hard drive is not working. One of my programs is not working. One is singular.

______is not a good quality in a physician. A. Resolution B. Arrogance C. Fortitude D. Empathy

B. Arrogance- behaving and believing that you are better than others ***** A. Resolution- Finding a solution to a conflict or problem B. Arrogance- behaving and believing that you are better than others C. Fortitude- mental strength D. Empathy- Sharing someone else's feelings

(1) Many may think that manatees are only found in Florida. (2) However, Antillean manatees live in the coastal inland waterways of eastern Mexico, Central America, the Greater Antilles, and along the northern and eastern coasts of South America. (3) Florida manatees, although large in size are docile and slow moving creatures that will not harm people. (4) If you ever come across a Florida manatee in the water, there's no reason to be afraid, but remember to keep your hands to yourself. What is the best placement for the sentence below? Touching manatees can alter their behavior in the wild, causing them to lose their fear of boats and humans. A. Before sentence 1 B. Before sentence 4 C. Before sentence 2 D. This sentence is not necessary

B. Before sentence 4 This sentence is an effective transition to the last cautionary sentence.

Unfairly, the ____ of the cost has been paid by just a few members of the group. A. Gift B. Brunt C. Choice D. Divestiture

B. Brunt- the burden A. Gift- a present B. Brunt- the burden C. Choice- the option D. Divestiture- the sale of business holdings

Much to his_______, the student did not get accepted into the college of his choice. A. Revelry B. Chagrin C. Confidence D. Disdain

B. Chagrin- distress/embarrassment ***** A. Revelry- lively B. Chagrin- distress/embarrassment C. Confidence- belief in one's abilities D. Disdain- hatred

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. In danger of depleting their funds, The board of directors decided to settle the lawsuit rather than keep fighting. B. In danger of depleting its funds, The board of directors decided to settle the lawsuit in lieu of continuing to fight. C. Because their funds were depleted, the board of directors decided to in the lawsuit by stopping the fight. D. The board of directions decided to settle the lawsuit instead of keep fighting since their funds were being depleted.

B. In danger of depleting its funds, The board of directors decided to settle the lawsuit in lieu of continuing to fight. Though it is composed of a group of people, the board of directors is a collective noun that refers to a singular entity. Therefore, its is correct because it is a singular possessive pronoun. Their is incorrect because it is plural possessive pronoun.

Marco is a college student interested in the treasurer position for the local chapter of the nursing Association at his high school. He needs to send an email to the president of the association detailing why he believes he is a good candidate. Which of the following best communicates his strengths? A. I am really into finances, am organized in detail oriented, and will arrive to meetings on time. B. My strong math, organizational, and time management skills make me a good candidate for the position. C. While good math skills are a plus, I believe that my ability to socialize is what the association needs. D. Being involved in extracurricular looks good on a resume so I would like to take on this challenge.

B. My strong math, organizational, and time management skills make me a good candidate for the position. This sentence provides strong, concise reasons why he should be considered for the job is written in a professional manner.

It is _____ of her to assume she will get the job. A. Pessimistic B. Presumptuous C. Cautious D. Chaste

B. Presumptuous- bold, forward A. Pessimistic- Expecting bad things to happen B. Presumptuous- bold, forward C. Cautious- careful D. Chaste- pure

(1) all over America, vending machines schools have been emptied of any drinks with sugar. (2) those sweet and calorie-laden cans of soda, sports drinks, and flavored water replaced with "diet" versions, purportedly because they are healthier options. (3) however, how healthy is it for kids to consume these artificial sweeteners on a daily basis? (4) over the years, research has shown that sugar substitutes can increase sugar cravings. (5) all of this raises an important question: Have The changes to vending machine offering made kids healthy or just replaced one unhealthy option with another? Which sentence would best fit between sentence 4 and 5? A. This, unfortunately, will just cause obesity rates to rise among our children. B. Research has also linked daily use of these products to certain health issues. C. However, nutritional guidelines are always changing, so who knows. D. So, kids to drink diet sodas are less likely to exercise and thus gain weight.

B. Research has also linked daily use of these products to certain health issues. A and C jump to hasty conclusions that cannot be proven to be accurate, so eliminate as answers. The tone in C is too casual to match the objective tone of the rest of the passage. B is the only choice that ties the two sentences together and matches the tone.

In a world of conflict, she attempted to be____ A. Contentious B. Sanguine C. Conductive D. Intolerant

B. Sanguine- optimistic or positive, especially in a bad situation. ******* A. Contentious- likely to cause an argument; controversial B. Sanguine- optimistic or positive, especially in a bad situation. C. Conductive- making a certain outcome likely D. Intolerant- bigoted; narrow-minded

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. The flight attendant asked the passenger to return his seat to the upright position, shut off his electronics, and to buckle her seatbelt. B. The flight attendant asked the passenger to return his seat to the upright position, shut off his electronics, and buckle his seatbelt. C. The flight attendant asked the passenger to return his seat to the upright position, to shut off electronics, and buckle his seatbelt. D. The flight attendant asked the passenger to return to seat to the upright position, to be shutting off his electronics , and to buckle his seatbelt.

B. The flight attendant asked the passenger to return his seat to the upright position, shut off his electronics, and buckle his seatbelt. This is the only choice with parallel structure ( return his seat, shut off his electronics, buckle his seatbelt).

Choose the sentence with no errors. A. The team was upset when they were eliminated from the finals. B. The team was upset when it was eliminated from the finals. C. The team members was upset when they were eliminated from the finals. D. Each individual on the team was upset when it was eliminated from the finals.

B. The team was upset when it was eliminated from the finals. Team is a collective noun and therefore an entity, not a person. It is confusing because the team is made up of people, but all together it's considered a thing. The other choices either have the wrong pronoun for team or incorrect subject/verb agreement.

We felt empathy for the disheveled,______homeless man begging for money. A. Tidy B. Unkempt C. Orderly D. Immaculate

B. Unkempt- means the same as disheveled ******* A. Tidy- this is antonym for disheveled B. Unkempt- means the same as disheveled C. Orderly- means the same as tidy D. Immaculate- means the same as tidy

Gina had exams in the following CLASSES, MATH, HISTORY, AND science. A. classes; math, history, and B. classes: math, history, and C. classes, math, history, and D. No change is necessary.

B. classes: math, history, and The colon used when an independent clause( Gina had exams in the following classes) is followed by a list. (math, history, and science).

The school decided to ELIMINATE the COARSE DUE to lack of interest. A. illuminate B. course C. do D. No change is necessary.

B. course Coarse means "rough" it is not the correct word to use here. Replace with course.

The TINY DIMINUTIVE girl was not tall enough for the rollercoaster. A. tiny, diminutive B. diminutive C. diminutive, D. No change is necessary.

B. diminutive Because diminutive means the same thing as tiny, you need to take one out. Remember to avoid redundancy.

My friend, her dog, and I went for a ride in my new car, and SHE chewed through one of the seat belts. A. my friend B. her dog C. they D. No change is necessary.

B. her dog The antecedent for "she" is not clear. Is it the friend or the dog that you chewed through the seatbelt? When it is unclear, avoid pronouns.

Without making a SOUND GEOFFREY CREPT down the stairs. A. sound; Geoffrey crept B. sound, Geoffrey crept C. sound, crept Geoffrey D. No change is necessary.

B. sound, Geoffrey crept Introductory clauses should be followed by a comma. Without making a sound is an introductory clause.

She QUICKLY SPED UP to beat the red light. A. quickly B. sped up C. quick sped up D. No change is necessary.

B. sped up Sped up means quickly, so quickly is not necessary. It is redundant. Leave out quickly and use only sped up.

Determine the purpose of apostrophe. The child's favorite toy was misplaced. A. to replace the i in the word is to form a contraction B. to indicate that the toy belong to the child C. to make the word child plural D. to show that more than one child on the toy

B. to indicate that the toy belong to the child In this sentence, there is one baby who has a favorite toy. The 's shows possession. Eliminate A because baby is does not make sense. Eliminate C because an apostrophe is not needed to make the word child plural. Eliminate D because multiple children would not be babies'.

We feel empathy for the disheveled_______ homeless man begging for money. A. tidy B. unkempt C. disorderly D. immaculate

B. unkempt Unkept is the most accurate choice. Just shoveled is the context clue to lead you to the answer. Using this clue helps you eliminate The antonyms in choices A and D. Disorderly (C) it's meant to be a distractor, but he doesn't quite fit because it has two meanings implies implies the man is being unruly.

His feelings were hurt WHEN THE CHOCOLATES HE GAVE THE GIRL WERE REJECTED. A. when the girl rejected the chocolates which she gave her. B. when the girl rejected the chocolates that he gave her. C. when the girl rejected the chocolates, that he gave her. D. No change is necessary.

B. when the girl rejected the chocolates that he gave her. Active voice (the girl rejected) is usually preferred over passive voice (were rejected). Although A is a very close answer choice, non-restrictive clauses using which must be set off with commas.

As she prepared to move into the dorm, it dawned on her that she had_____too many things. A. Accounted B. Accredited C. Accumulated D. Accrued

C. Accumulated- acquired an increasing number. ****** A. Accounted- considered; regarded B. Accredited- officially recognized or authorized C. Accumulated- acquired an increasing number. D. Accrued- accumulated or collected. This is close in meaning to accumulated, but is more of a technical term for finance

Choose the sentence that communicates an idea clearly. A. As each hour past, the mother's concerned increased that her son wasn't home yet. B. With each passing hour, the mother became concerned increasingly that her son wasn't home yet. C. As each hour passed by, the concern of the mother increased that her son wasn't home yet. D. With each passing hour, the mother became increasingly concerned that her son wasn't home yet.

C. As each hour passed by, the concern of the mother increased that her son wasn't home yet. This is the choice that is worded clearly. The others are confusing.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. She was the one that had the highest GPA in her class, so the girl was chosen to deliver the graduation speech. B. The girl with the highest GPA in the class was therefore chosen to deliver the graduation speech. C. Because she had the highest GPA in her class, the girl was chosen to deliver the graduation speech. D. Since she was chosen to deliver the graduation speech, the girl had the highest GPA in the class.

C. Because she had the highest GPA in her class, the girl was chosen to deliver the graduation speech. Use a comma to link a dependent introductory clause to an independent clause. If the sentence were flipped, no comma would be needed.

The technical terminology the professor used____ his inexperienced students. A. Amused B. Deluded C. Befuddled D. Jaded

C. Befuddled- confused A. Amused- entertained B. Deluded- misled C. Befuddled- confused D. Jaded- worn out

The public was shocked when it became clear that Dr. Jackson's miraculous claims were in fact ____. A. Inferior B. Laughable C. Bogus D. Jealous

C. Bogus- not true A. Inferior- synthetic, artificial B. Laughable- funny, amusing C. Bogus-not true D. Jealous- resentment

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. Everyone on the crowded airplane were annoyed by the little girl running up and down the aisle. B. Everyone crowded on the airplane were annoyed by the little girl running up and down the aisle. C. Everyone on the crowded airplane was annoyed by the little girl running up and down the aisle. D. Everyone crowded on the airplane were being annoyed by the little girl running up and down the aisle.

C. Everyone on the crowded airplane was annoyed by the little girl running up and down the aisle. Subject-verb agreement. Everyone was annoyed.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. Everyone on the crowded subway were flustered when the train screeched to a halt. B. Everyone on the crowded subway is flustered when the train screeched to a halt. C. Everyone on the crowded subway was flustered when the train screeched to a halt. D. Everyone on the crowded subway became flustered when the train screeched to a halt.

C. Everyone on the crowded subway was flustered when the train screeched to a halt. This is another subject/verb agreement question with the pesky prepositional phrase struck between the subject and the predicate! Everyone was flustered and everyone is flustered could be correct. However, this question addresses another issue tense. The subject/verb agreement alone in B could be correct except got the train screeched to a halt, so you would use the past tense was.

His flashy car, huge home, and expensive clothes_____ an air of snobbery. A. Demurred B. Concealed C. Exuded D. Abated

C. Exuded- projected, display A. Demurred- objected B. Concealed- covered up C. Exuded- projected, display D. Abated- reduced

Jack received a call from the human resources department at a company where he has recently interviewed informing him that he did not get the position. However, he wants to write a formal thank you letter to the person who interviewed him. Which of the following is the most professional way to word the opening sentence? A. I understand that you had a lot of applicants, but I feel that you missed out on a great employee by not choosing me. B. While I know you interviewed a lot of people, you're going to be sorry that you did not give me an opportunity to prove myself. C. I appreciate the chance to interview and hope that you will keep me in mind for future opportunities. D. Your time and consideration is much appreciated, and I hope you will contact me if the person you choose does not work out.

C. I appreciate the chance to interview and hope that you will keep me in mind for future opportunities. This option is professional and lets the interviewer know Jack is still interested in working for the company in the future. D is close, but the word choice if the person you choose doesn't work out it's too informal and presumptuous.

Dr. Perez has decided to let an unreasonable, demeaning patient go because of the way this man treats his staff members. What would be the most diplomatic yet firm way to address this issue in a letter? A. Your demanding, demanding and, quite frankly, immature behavior has left me no choice but to tell you to find another physician. B. I am not going to mince words: you were behaviors and except all cannot cannot be tolerated in my practice, so you'll need to find another physician. C. I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to serve as your physician and will send your records to your new physician upon request. D. At this time, I had to make this decision to let you go as a patient for fear of losing my staff , many of whom you have a offended and abused.

C. I regret to inform you that I will no longer be able to serve as your physician and will send your records to your new physician upon request. This sentence is direct and professional.

Lizbeth wants to address the school board about the lack of sufficient recess time at her child's elementary school. Which would be the most effective open line for her speech. A. Ten minutes after lunch is not good enough when it comes to playground time. B. How would you like if your kid only got ten minutes of playground time at school? C. I would like to bring the issue of limited playground time at my child's school to your attention. D. Although I doubt any of you remember this, kids actually need sufficient playground time.

C. I would like to bring the issue of limited playground time at my child's school to your attention. This clearly states the problem in a non-confrontational manner. The other choices may put the school board on the defensive, which is never a good thing to do and seeking help and cooperation for an issue.

He knew he would get in trouble for skipping SCHOOL BUT HE DID IT ANYWAY. A. school, he did it anyway. B. school and he did it anyway. C. school; he did it anyway. D. No change is necessary.

C. School; he did it anyway. The semicolon correctly separates the two independent clauses. A comma in answer A is not enough to separate two independent clauses. Just the and or the but is not enough to separate two independent clauses. A comma and, comma but is needed.

(1) For many beach communities, Spring Break means sold-out hotels, packed beaches, and crowded restaurants and bars. (2) While business owners love the crowds, many residents of these communities don't. (3) The extra traffic, lack of parking, and noisy partiers, annoy those who just want to enjoy a peaceful day soaking up some sun and salt air. (4) However, their complaints usually fall on deaf ears as city officials allow Spring Breakers to take over. (5) It is unlikely that this issue will ever get resolved to everyone's satisfaction. Which of the following is the best title for this piece? A. Spring Breakers Tell Residents to Take a Hike B. City Officials Refuse to Listen to Beach Residents C. Spring Break Crowds Cause Inconvenience to Residents D. Business Owners Vow to End the Spring Break Madness

C. Spring Break Crowds Cause Inconvenience to Residents This title includes all the main ideas discussed in the passage.

Choose the sentence with no errors. A. The band sold their CDs after the concert. B. The band sold they're CDs after the concert. C. The band sold its CDs after the concert. D. The band sold it's CDs after the concert.

C. The band sold its CDs after the concert. See #8. If it were the members of the band, their would be the correct pronoun. B and D are incorrect because they are contradictions , not possessive pronouns.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. The use of cell phones and computers have been prohibited. B. The use of cell phones and computers were prohibited. C. The use of cell phones and computers is prohibited. D. The use of cell phones and computers are prohibited.

C. The use of cell phones and computers is prohibited. Be on the lookout for this little trick. The test markers will put a prepositional phrase (of cell phones) between the subject (use) predicate (is) to throw you off. The use is prohibited is correct subject/verb agreement. The use have been is incorrect (A). Ditto for the use were (B) and the use of (D).

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. Unaware of the bullying problem at her school, the principal was failing to respond appropriately. B. Unaware of the bullying problem , the principal of the school had appropriately failed to respond. C. Unaware of the bullying problem at her school, the principal failed to respond appropriately. D. Unaware of the bullying problem, the principal failed to respond appropriately at her school.

C. Unaware of the bullying problem at her school, the principal failed to respond appropriately. Correct comma use and tense agreement.

UNFORTUNATELY SHE FORGOT The most important part of the birthday celebration: the gift. A. She, unfortunately forgot B. She unfortunately, forgot C. Unfortunately, she forgot D. No change is necessary.

C. Unfortunately, she forgot Introductory words require a comma.

As she appeared to move into the dorm, it dawned on her that she had________too many. A. accounted B. accredited C. accumulated D. accrued

C. accumulated Accumulated means " to collect or acquire," making it the best choice. Accrued (D) is close, but generally refers to money or benefits.

(1) " what do you want to do when you grow up?" (2) it's a question that adults commonly asked school age children. (3) some of the traditional answers include: doctor, nurse, firefighters, teacher, and police officer. (4) whoever, data scientist, computer software engineer, or network systems analyst. (5) and, as technology continues to race forward at lightning speed, new job titles will be created to support customer demand. (6) The simple question, " what do you want to be when you grow up?" May have some answers that have adults scratching their heads. What is the best placement for the sentence below? Many of these careers are familiar to kids who have grown up with technology but not so familiar to many adults. A. before sentence 6 B. After sentence 3 C. after sentence 4 D. before sentence 3

C. after sentence 4 For these types of questions, read the paragraph with a sentence in each place. Because it includes the phrase these careers, this sentence needs to come after the sentence that addresses specific careers. However after sentence 3 (B) does not work as the sentence refers to technology. The careers listed in sentence 3 are not technology focus careers, making C the best option.

Hector was KNOWN AS "SLIM", BECAUSE if his gaunt appearance. A. known as "Slim," because B. known as "Slim." Because C. known as "Slim" because D. No change is necessary.

C. known as "Slim" because No comma is needed before because.

Her list of complaints about the apartment was LONG; BAD VIEW, too noisy, ugly carpet, and small kitchen. A. long, bad view, B. long (bad view) C. long: bad view, D. No change is necessary.

C. long: bad view, Use a: colon with an independent clause that is followed by a list.

The CFO warned his staff NOT TO TALK AT THE MEDIA about the incident. A. not to talk for the media B. to not speak to the media C. not to speak to the media D. No change is necessary.

C. not to speak to the media Using the process of elimination if you are stuck. Eliminate A because it changes the meaning of the sentence. Eliminate B because the negative is formed by adding not before the infinitive (to speak). Eliminate D because at is not the correct preposition for talk.

Determine the purpose of the parentheses. The teammates (accompanied by their coach) had a celebratory dinner after their victory. A. to include the coach as part of the subject B. to show that the coach was an afterthought C. to clarify that the coach also attended the dinner D. to diminish The rule that the coach played

C. to clarify that the coach also attended the dinner Parentheses can be used to add information that clarifies but is not essential to the sentence in the show that the information within the parentheses is not as important- also an afterthought. However, information included in the parentheses is not included in the subject, making A incorrect.

Determine the purpose of the parentheses. Marisa (Who was busy texting her friend) ignored her mother's request to empty the dishwasher. A. to clarify who ignored the mother's request B. to introduce a new person into the situation C. to enclose information that clarifies the situation D. To add humor to the tense situation

C. to enclose information that clarifies the situation The phrase inside the parentheses ( Who was busy texting her friend) gives additional information about the situation. While B may seem logical, but the phrase is more about what Marissa was doing while she ignored her mother instead of introducing a new person.

When he found out he feel the test YET AGAIN HE DECIDED college was not for him. A. yet again; he decided B. yet, again, he decided C. yet again, he decided D. No change is necessary.

C. yet again, he decided Use a comma following a dependent clause hooked to an independent clause.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. A screw caused pinging sound that was loose in the engine. B. The pinging sound caused by the loose screw in the engine. C. A pinging screw was causing the engine. D. A loose screw in the engine was causing the pinging sound.

D. A loose screw in the engine was causing the pinging sound. This sentence has the correctly placed modifier.

The committee seemed concerned with long-term plans than with solving _____ immediate problems. A. Apathetic B. Ludicrous C. Classic D. Acute

D. Acute- intense, severe A. Apathetic-Having little or no concern B. Ludicrous-ridiculous C. Classic- severing as a standard or model D. Acute- intense, severe

Tina is interested in working as a teacher for an elite private school they rarely has openings. She wants to send her resume so it is on file in the event the job does become available. Which would be the best professional opening line for her cover letter? A. I understand that your institution rarely has openings, but I wanted to send you my impressive resume just in case something does pop up. B. While I know you generally only hire people who know current employees, I thought it wouldn't hurt to send my resume along. C. Please consider my extensive list of credentials as you conduct your end-of-the-year evaluation, as I may be a good placement for someone. D. Although I understand that there are no current openings, I would like you to have my resume on file in the event a position arises.

D. Although I understand that there are no current openings, I would like you to have my resume on file in the event a position arises. This sentence is direct and professional.

The teacher had trouble____her feelings of frustration when students misbehaved. A. Maintaining B. Distorting C. Performing D. Camouflaging

D. Camouflaging- concealing A. Maintaining- Keeping B. Distorting- deforming C. Performing- acting D. Camouflaging- concealing

The_____professor refused to grade any assignments that did not follow his exact instructions. A. Pompous B. Scrupulous C. Cautious D. Fastidious

D. Fastidious- concerned with accuracy and detail, demanding, nit-picky A. Pompous- arrogant B. Scrupulous- upstanding; principled. In context, fastidious is better choice. C. Cautious- careful D. Fastidious- concerned with accuracy and detail, demanding, nit-picky

(1) You've probably heard the old adage, "no pain, no gain." (2) It is mostly associated with sports and physical training. (3) Most people wouldn't think this concept has anything to do with learning. (4) Just as you must push yourself physically to improve, you have to go beyond your limits mentally as part of the learning process. (5) After all, anything worth having is worthy of hard work. Which is the best transition between sentence 3 and 4? A. Well, it does. B. Therefore, you can utilize this concept in learning applications. C. They are wrong. D. However, this idea can easily be applied to learning.

D. However, this idea can easily be applied to learning. This sentence is the best transition because it gives an alternative to sentence 3

Choose the sentence in which the parentheses are accurately placed. A. Joey and (his mother) continued to drive well after he realized they were lost. B. Joey and his mother continued (to drive) well after he realized they were lost. C. Joey and his mother (continued to) drive well after he realize they were lost. D. Joey (and his mother) continued to drive well after he realized he was lost.

D. Joey (and his mother) continued to drive well after he realized he was lost. Information enclosed in parentheses is not part of the subject. Joe is the subject, making D a grammatically correct sentence.

NOW THAT HE WAS 18, he thought he didn't need his parents. A. Now that he was 18 B. Now that he was 18; C. Now that he was 18: D. No change is necessary.

D. No change is necessary.

The advisor gave timm a list of the courses he needed for his PROGRAM: MACRO ECONOMICS, BUSINESS LAW, AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING. A. Program- Marco Economic, Business Law, and Financial Accounting B. program: marco economics, business law, and financial accounting. C. program. Macro economics, Business Law, and Financial Accounting. D. No change is necessary.

D. No change is necessary. A colon is the appropriate punctuation mark to use before a list. Since the courses are titles, not journal names, they need to be capitalized.

At 15- years-old, he shipped as A CABIN BOY, BOUND FOR Ireland. A. a cabin boy; bound B. a cabin boy: bound for C. a cabin boy; bound for D. No change is necessary.

D. No change is necessary. At 15- years-old, he shipped as A CABIN BOY, BOUND FOR Ireland. A and C use the semicolon incorrectly. A semicolon is used when connecting two independent clauses, and bound for Ireland is not an independent clause. The colon in B is also used incorrectly. Therefore, a comma is the correct connector here, and no change is necessary.

BECAUSE SHE WAS NOT YET 18, she could not purchase a Powerball ticket. A. The unfortunate consequence of her not being 18 was that B. Being that she was not 18 at the time, C. She was not 18 because D. No change is necessary.

D. No change is necessary. BECAUSE SHE WAS NOT YET 18, she could not purchase a Powerball ticket. You can start a sentence with because when it is an introductory clause. As you can see, in the sentence above, because she was not yet eighteen, is an introductory clause followed by a complete sentence, she could not purchase a Powerball ticket. Therefore, no change is necessary.

SHE FORGOT HER LIST WHEN TO THE GROCERY STORE; this overnight caused her to forget many of the items she needed. A. Her list was forgotten at home when she went to the grocery store; B. Forgetting her list when she went to the grocery store, C. Because she forgot her list when she went to the grocery store, D. No change is necessary.

D. No change is necessary. SHE FORGOT HER LIST WHEN TO THE GROCERY STORE; this overnight caused her to forget many of the items she needed. The semicolon is used correctly in this sentence. It connects two related independent clauses. Therefore, no change is necessary.

The advisor gave timm a list of the courses he needed for his PROGRAM: MACRO ECONOMICS, BUSINESS LAW, AND FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING. A. Program- Marco Economic, Business Law, and Financial Accounting B. program: marco economics, business law, and financial accounting. C. program. Macro economics, Business Law, and Financial Accounting. D. No change is necessary.

D. No change is necessary. There are two things being tested here: Use a colon with an independent clause followed by a list. In addition, titles of courses are capitalized. Generic names like math, science, and history, however are not.

When the ambulance arrived, the_____ patient refused to cooperate. A. Complacent B. Submissive C. Indelible D. Obstinate

D. Obstinate- stubborn ******* A. Complacent- satisfied with one's current circumstances. B. Submissive- compliant, obedient C. Indelible- permanent D. Obstinate- stubborn

Beatrice is an office manager who needs to record an out of office voicemail message while she is on vacation. Which would be the most professional choice? A. Leave your contact information, and I'll be happy to help you when I can. B. Please leave your information, and call back if you don't hear from me in the week. C. Leave your contact information, and I will get back with you when I have time. D. Please leave your information, and I will contact you as soon as I return to the office.

D. Please leave your information, and I will contact you as soon as I return to the office. Please leave your information, and I will contact you as soon as I return to the office. This is the most professional choice. When I can in A and when I have time and C are dismissive. B puts the responsibility back on the caller, which is not professional.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. The teacher asked the students, who were finished with their test, to choose one of these options, read a book, write a story, or draw a picture. B. The teacher asked the students, that were finished with their test, to choose one of these options; read a book, write a story, or draw a picture. C. The teacher asked the students, that were finished with their test, to choose one of these options: read a book, write a story, or draw a picture. D. The teacher asked for students, who were finished with their test, to choose one of these options: read a book, write a story, or draw a picture.

D. The teacher asked for students, who were finished with their test, to choose one of these options: read a book, write a story, or draw a picture. Colons are used to connect an independent clause with a list.

(1) Many worry that children are getting too much screen time. (2) in the past, television was about the only screen parents needed to monitor. (3) however, with technology, children are exposed to screens not only through television but also through phones, tablets, in car entertainment centers, and computers. (4) how much is too much? (5) not everyone agrees, but many experts say children under two should have no screen time, and children over two should have no more than two hours per day of screen time. Which would be the best concluding sentence after sentence 5? A. Whether or not you agree with these strict guidelines, you should always do what the experts suggest. B. Although these recommendations are unrealistic, you should consider them when deciding on how much screen time to give a child. C. If you want to be a good parent, you need to follow these expert recommendations regardless of how unrealistic they may seem. D. While many would argue these guidelines are not realistic, they do bring attention to the need to monitor and limit a child's daily screen time.

D. While many would argue these guidelines are not realistic, they do bring attention to the need to monitor and limit a child's daily screen time. Eliminate A because it uses always. Remember, always, never, only, etc. are generally too extreme. Eliminate B because it is an option that the recommendations are unrealistic. Eliminate C has a condescending tone that does not fit the tone of the rest of the passage. D is the best choice because it acknowledges the opposing side while pointing out the issue being addressed.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. While she was out of town on business, a thief broke into her home, stealing her car, her computer, and taking her jewelry. B. Well she was out of town on business, a thief I had broken into her home, stole her car and computer, and took her jewelry. C. While out of town on business, a thief broke into her home, stole her car, computer and her jewelry. D. While she was out of town on business, a thief broke into her home and stole her car, computer and jewelry.

D. While she was out of town on business, a thief broke into her home and stole her car, computer and jewelry. •This list is parallel. The other answer choices are not parallel.

Choose the sentence that is grammatically correct. A. Cyber bullying has become an issue, with the spike in social media use. B. Cyber bullying has become an issue, because of the spike in social media use. C. Cyber bullying has become an issue; with the spike in social media use. D. With the spike in social media use, cyber bullying has become an issue.

D. With the spike in social media use, cyber bullying has become an issue. Commas are not necessary before with or because, eliminating A and B . The semicolon in C is also misused. The use of an introductory clause and independent clause separated by a comma is the correct choice.

The student was suspended in______ with the District's Code of Conduct. A. correspondence B. accountability C. concurrence D. accordance

D. accordance Accordance means " in a manner conforming with." Concurrence (C) is meant to be a distractor, but that refers to being in agreement or when two things happen at the same time, so it doesn't quite make sense.

The____ professor refused to grade any assignments that did not follow his exact instructions. A. pompous B. scrupulous C. cautious D. fastidious

D. fastidious One of the meanings of fastidious is " to be very concerned about accuracy and detail," making it the best choice. Scrupulous (B) has two meanings and generally is used to refer to morals

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