Full Stack Web Developer
- Information captured from the application's user.
Type Safe -
A feature of the C# that restricts a variable to only ever be the datatype that it was declared as.
A keyword that indicates an incomplete implementation of the thing being modified that must have its functionality extended or implemented in a child class.
Index -
The 0-based position of an item in a collection.
Counter -
The starting point for the loop to begin counting and to be updated after each pass through the loop.
Pre-fix incrementer
- a shortcut to add one to a variable. The addition happens before all other math and assignment operations that can be completed for the given calculation occur.
Assignment operators
- a shortcut to complete a mathematical calculation and reassign the new value back to the variable used in the calculation.
The user-friendly name that is being rented and associated with a website available on the Web.
Update -
The value to change the counter after each pass through the loop.
Hungarian / Lezinski -
a naming convention that uses a lowercase first word that represents a description of type of object the variable is, followed by a capital first letter for each following word in the name
occurs when the value contained in one datatype cannot fit into a variable of a smaller datatype. This results in lost information as a result of binary bit cells being chopped off permanently.
reek for "many forms". In Object Oriented Design, polymorphism is the concept of an object of any type at the same time being an object of another type and being able to use functionality of either type. This is easily observed with inheritance, where an object of a child class also has the features of the parent class available.
Postfix incrementer
a shortcut to add one to a variable. The addition happens after all other math and assignment operations that can be completed for the given calculation occur.
A feature of a variable that helps determine how it can be used.
Type List
A type of collection that is
Provide behavior or action for the class.
Branching -
A type of flow control used to make decisions on whether or not a clock of code should run.
a naming convention that uses all lower case letters
Complex Datatype
A type of variable that requires the "new" keyword to call the constructor for the object
ASP ( Active Server Pages
A type of web application architecture that is presented later in the track PreviousNext
Condition -
A Boolean statement that is checked to see if a loop should run.
Windows Application
A Program that runs within Windows usually on a desktop rather than the internet.
Array List
A type of collection that is not type safe, but is expandable.
A binary value of 0 or 1. 0 indicates "false" or "off". 1 indicates "true" or "on". Multiple bits can be put together in a section of memory to store exponentially larger values.
View Source
A browser feature that lets the user see the underlying code being used to generate the page, as delivered to the browser.
Logical Operator
A character set that compares the bool values on either side of it and returns a bool value of true or false.
Comparison Operator
A character that checks the value of objects on either side of it and returns a bool value of true or false.
Case -
A condition to check used in a switch statement.
Reference Type
A datatype that does not have memory created to hold a value, but rather looks at another piece of memory set aside for a different variable that calls that variable's value whenever the datatype is called.
Value Type
A datatype that holds its value in a section of memory set aside specifically for that variable
A division within a solution that contains one or more class files. Class files of a similar nature or intended usage are often grouped together in a project. A solution will always contain one or more projects.
A file that contains code that may be used (called) by your application. Classes are stored inside projects.
Web Page
A file that utilizes HTML to mark up or describe its content and can be viewed in a browser.
A folder of webpages and additional resources, often hosted and available on the Web and associated with a domain name.
A framework developed by Microsoft for software and web development.
Method -
A group of code statements that together perform an action. Methods can be considered the verbs of the C# language.
Array -
A type-safe collection with a fixed-length.
A middle-tier language used for software and web application development. As a "C-based" language C# is syntactically similar to C++ and Java.
A naming convention that uses all capital letters
Reference -
A pointer to look at another namespace (aka Project) and bring in the files that exist in it. A reference must be added to be able to access files that exist outside of the FCL and outside of the namespace where they will be used.
Browser (Web Client/User Agent
A program that can make requests for Web pages and renders the resulting HTML, CSS, JavaScript and images into a usable interface.
Web Application
A program that exists on the internet that a user interacts with, as opposed to a static web page that never changes and only presents information.
Ternary Operator -
A quick, single ling if / else statement.
Automatic Properties
A shortcut for creating properties inside custom classes that creates a field automatically at runtime and does not require you to create fields. Automatic properties have an open getter and setter and cannot be used for properties that have business rules.
Variable -
A storage container for information that is reusable within a program.
Developer Tools / Inspector
A suite browser features for developers to analyze the code and the browser's use of it. Specifically, the Inspector allows users to see how CSS and JavaScript has been interpreted in combination with the HTML.
A system of tools, features, and functionality that is pre-built that makes writing software and web sites quicker and easier.
A way of executing a code block until some condition no longer resolves to true.
String Formatting -
A way to show output to an application's user by putting information into placeholders within the output string. Allows formatting to be done to the information in the placeholder.
Full stack
A web development skillset that incorporates knowledge of front end, middle tier and back end programming. A full stack developer has enough knowledge to build a complete web application.
Web server
The software that handles hosting a website (a folder of webpages), responding with the appropriate code and resources when a request is made.
An action by the Web server that returns a Web page and all the necessary accompanying resources to the requesting client browser.
An action by the browser that is routed to a web server to ask for a Web page. Often accomplished by submitting a URL in a browser's address bar or clicking a link or a button on a Web page.
An application. A solution contains all of the basic files necessary to run a program.
Web Service
An external web program that is intended to be used inside of other web programs
An individual keyboard item. this can be letter, number, or symbol
Length -
The 1-based total number of items in an array. The Length is always 1 greater than the final index in the array.
An optional scope of a Try / Catch block that runs if the code in the Try fails upon execution.
Using Statement/Directive-
An optional statement that can be added to the top of a class file that references the namespace for files that exist outside of the namespace. Used with a reference it allows a namespace to use files that exist in another namespace within the solution without having to reference the outside namespace with every class or method call that occurs to that namespace. I a reference to an outside namespace is added, but no using statement is added in the file that is calling to the outside namespace then the outside object must be called from Namespace.ClassName.
Blueprint for an object Classes are made up from members such as fields, properties constructors and methods
a naming convention that uses a capital letter for all individual words in the name
Casting the value of a generic Object item back to its original data type (if the original data type was a value type).
Casting the value of almost any data type up to a generic Object value (casting String and other reference types to Object does not result in boxing).
Explicit Casting
Copying the value from a larger datatype to a smaller datatype.
Implicit Casting
Copying the value from a smaller datatype to a larger datatype.
Copying the value of a variable of one datatype to a variable of a similar, but different datatype.
Extensible Markup Language. XML is a metalanguage used to create other languages and define what the information that is being represented means. In C#, XML is useful for adding comments before classes and methods that help a developer implementing those classes and methods with using them when calling them from other files. PreviousNext
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure also allows browser to communicate with web servers, but it is slower and more secure because it handles the encryption and decryption of information being passed.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the communications standard that browsers use to communicate with web servers, allowing them to request pages and pass user input over the Internet.
Information shown to the application's user.
Parse / Convert -
Two methods of changing the data stored in a variable of one datatype into data of another non-similar datatype (i.e. string data to int).
Integrated Development Environment. A piece of software that makes writing and running applications easier.
Local variables that by convention are only available from inside the class
Collection -
Multiple items grouped together, often of a similar or identical datatype.
Uniform Resource Locator - the full address of a resource on the Internet, including the domain.
Public variable that encapsulate the getting
Putting two string together using plus signs
Short for enumeration. A type of class that contains a list of values that restricts selection to the provided list options.
a naming convention that uses a lowercase first letter for the first word in the name, followed by a capital first letter for each following word
Specialized method that creates (instantiates) the object. It must Have
Text inside of a class that is not intended to be parsed (read) by the program and executed. Comments are used to make code more easily maintainable or to describe what a section of code does.
Middle Tier
The Part of a web application that preforms the actual work.
The act of making Web content available over the Internet or even over a private Intranet network.
Framework Class Library
The collection of prebuilt classes that exist behind the scenes in the framework that can be called and used in a program built within the framework.
World Wide web (www)
The combined collection of all website content available on the Internet.
The combined hardware and software infrastructure for a private network that provides content with a smaller distribution.
The combined hardware and software infrastructure that provides the world's largest computer network, providing a platform for shared information and communications.
The concept of creating a child class that inherits certain features from its parent, including fields, properties and methods, that can then have its functionality extended by incorporating new features that are unique to the child.
Back End
The data that a user is interacting with on a web application, such as a list of customer or information about products they can purchase.
Front End
The part of a web application that a user interacts with. Typically this is a website.
The scopes of the Try encapsulate a block of code that may potentially cause a runtime error at execution. If the code fails it does not run and the code block is skipped. If the code does not fail it is run.
To create a variable using a datatype and name.
To give value or change the value assigned to a variable
To give value to a variable for the first time.
To organize all program files to work together to run a program, including setting aside memory for variables and making files call to each other. Compiling occurs automatically when a program is run inside Visual Studio.
Used in a Try / Catch block to show an error message from an Exception object that is created due to code failure.
Break -
Used in a switch statement to tell the compiler to jump out of the switch and continue on with code below it.
Floating point
a decimal value
a keyboard character used to indicate that a mathematical calculation should be performed by the compiler.
does exactly the same calculation as division, but only returns a whole-number remainder. Modulus is used with whole-number division to return the remainder after the division is completed.