Fundamental of Computer Science (241)

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What is the next value in this base 8 sequence? 5, 6, 7


What is the base 2 value equivalent to 39 base 10?


What is the next value in this base 2 sequence? 1000, 1001, 1010


What is the base 2 value equivalent to 704 base 8?


What is the base 2 value equivalent to F4 base 16?


What is the base 8 value equivalent to 76 base 10?


What is the base 10 value equivalent to 1110011 base 2?


What is the base 16 value equivalent to 456 base 8?


What is the base 16 value equivalent to 101011011 base 2?


What are the next three values in this base 10 sequence? 16, 17, 18

19, 20, 21

What is the base 10 value equivalent to A25 base 16?


What is the base 8 value equivalent to 90F base 16?


What is the base 16 value equivalent to 92 base 10?


What is the base 10 value equivalent to 76 base 8?


What is the base 8 value equivalent to 110011 base 2?


What is the next value in this base 16 sequence? 7, 8, 9



A compiled, English-like computer programming language designed for business use, designed under the leadership of Commodore Grace Hopper.


A computer operating system assembled under the model of free and open-source software.


A development process currently in use by many software companies that involves the use of sprints on a monthly or weekly basis throughout the span of the project.


A diagram used to represent the overall structure of an object-oriented class design.


A family of multitasking, multiuser computer operating systems that use a command-line interface.

Artificial Intelligence

A field of study which studies how to create computers and computer software that are capable of seemingly intuitive human behavior.


A formal comment block that describes what a process needs in order to be effective.


A general-purpose computer programming language that is class-based and object-oriented, where source code programs are compiled into bytecode files, which are then interpreted by each machine based on its own architecture.


A general-purpose programming language designed in the late 70s by Bjarne Stroustrup as an extension to the C language with object-oriented data abstraction mechanisms.

Low Level

A language easily understood and executed by a computer, like machine language, assembly, or bytecode.

Assembly Language

A low-level programming language (difficult for humans, easy for machines) that uses mnemonic opcodes, such as mov, sto, and load, to interact directly with a computer's CPU and registers, used by expert programmers to produce highly efficient and fast programs.


A notation technique for context-free grammars, often used to describe the syntax of languages used in computing.


A programming entity that encapsulates data and related methods into one package.

High-level language

A programming language using words and commands easy for humans to understand and organize, but which must be translated into machine language or object code for the computer to understand and execute


A set of rules and methods that describe the functionality, organization and implementation of computer systems, often in terms of the type of processor being used.


A software system is to be developed for which the requirements are well understood and the risk of failure is minimal. To meet these requirements, which of the following software development models would be most appropriate to use?

Style Conventions

A system of using rules to control various aspects of the implementation process of a program that enhances readability and functionality, such as indenting, spacing, naming identifiers, use of comments, and documentation.


A term in OOP related to encapsulation, sometimes called "information hiding", that indicates the concept where a programmer hides all but the relevant data and processes about an object in order to reduce complexity and increase efficiency.

UML/Unified Modeling Language

A visual organizer developed to graphically show objects and their contents.


A widely used general-purpose, high-level programming language, with a design philosophy that emphasizes code readability.

A concept that indicates how an entity contains processes that work, but how they function internally is hidden from the user of that entity.


The concept in programming where a feature is used without knowledge of the inner workings of it.


CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computer

An ISA that has many specialized instructions, some of which may only be rarely used in practical programs.

RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer

An ISA that simplifies the processor by efficiently implementing only the instructions that are frequently used in programs.


An acronym for several computer operating systems that were operated by using the command line, the primary predecessor to the Windows GUI based OS.


An informal high-level description of the operating principle of a computer program or other algorithm.


An operating system developed by Microsoft that uses a graphical user interface instead of typed command line operations.

The stage in the software system life cycle that determines the overall needs of the project.


The concept in programming where an object is made up of other objects.


Choose the statement that best classifies the identifier creation guideline shown. Class names start with an upper case letter


Choose the statement that best classifies the identifier creation guideline shown. Method names start with a lower case letter



Design strategy of using pre-existing modules to put together a project.


Development process that achieves production in small steps, where design, implementation, and testing occur during each step.


Development process that combines features of other development models into a cyclical process, including several phases, one of which is risk analysis.

A concept that indicates how data and methods that act on the data are all incorporated into a single entity.


The concept where all of the characteristics and processes of a feature are included within that feature's definition.


A diagram that uses geometric shapes connected by arrows to indicate the step-by-step process of a project.


Choose the statement that best classifies the identifier creation guideline shown. Identifiers should be meaningful

Good idea

Choose the statement that best classifies the identifier creation guideline shown. Variable names should be abbreviated

Good idea


In object-oriented programming, this is the process of combining simpler data types into more complex data types; easily identified as a "has a" relationship.

The concept where an object uses characteristics of another object, and then expands on them.


Choose the statement below that best classifies the following identifier example. 4Gone

Invalid - does not start with a letter or underscore

Choose the statement below that best classifies the following identifier example. him and her

Invalid identifier - contains spaces

Choose the statement below that best classifies the following identifier example. float

Invalid identifier - programming language reserved word

The stage in the software system life cycle that takes the most amount of time.


A programming paradigm that uses objects and classes.


Project design strategy of using interacting objects.

Object Oriented


One of the three pillars of object oriented programming that allows for classes to be defined based on previously defined and developed classes, receiving all of the characteristics of the pre-defined class, and then expanding on those features, easily identified as an "is a" relationship.

A concept that indicates how various processes within an entity may be duplicated, accomplishing the same thing, but in different ways, or at different levels.


The concept in programming where certain features of an object can take many forms.


The term describing programs that are virtually unbreakable and able to handle any and all situations.


Choose the statement that best classifies the identifier creation guideline shown. Variables start with a letter or the underscore character


Operating System

Software that manages computer hardware and software resources and provides common services for computer programs

Syntax diagram

Sometimes referred to as railroad diagrams, these are graphical ways to represent a context-free grammar.

The stage in the software system life cycle that checks the program for reliability, validity, and effectiveness.


ISA - Instruction Set Architecture

The part of the computer architecture related to programming, including the native data types, instructions, registers, addressing modes, memory architecture, interrupt and exception handling, and external I/O.


The practice of using capital letters and lowercase letters to enhance the readability of programmer created multi-word identifiers for variables, method names, and class names.

Stepwise refinement

The process of breaking down large modules of a project into smaller, more manageable modules, a key part of the top down design process.


The stage in the software system life cycle that manages the software project after it has been rolled out and put into use.

Implementation (Coding)

The stage in the software system life cycle that writes the program using a suitable programming language.


This module in some programming languages typically starts with an uppercase letter.

Try Catch Block

This technique is used in some programming languages to provide input protection in order to make the program more robust.

Which of the following best describes the purpose of creating a flowchart as part of the design of a computer program?

To graphically display the steps needed to solve the programming problem

The general approach of having a goal in mind and then dividing the goal into sub-goals and tasks, sometimes also referred to as step-wise refinement.

Top down


Traditional development process, that includes the idea phase, analysis, design, development, testing, through to the final product, where any changes in the original design come at significant cost.

Choose the statement below that best classifies the following identifier example. floated



Which object-oriented programming concept is described by the following: A certain class GraduateStudent is partially made up of predefined classes Student and CollegeStudent.


Which object-oriented programming concept is described by the following: A parent class J has child classes K and L, and can reference objects of either class.


Which object-oriented programming concept is described by the following: A process in class H is defined in several different ways, but achieves the same result.


Which object-oriented programming concept is described by the following: Class Car has several methods, all named openDoor, but which work in different ways.


Which object-oriented programming concept is described by the following: Class Cupcake inherited a method from class Dessert and redefined it.


Which object-oriented programming concept is described by the following: Class Jaguar is defined based on all the characteristics of class LuxuryCar.

Identify the data type for this value: false


Identify the data type for this value: true


Identify the data type for this value: ' ' (single blank space)


Identify the data type for this value: 0.0


Identify the data type for this value: 3.14


Identify the data type for this value: -45


Identify the data type for this value: 45


The most appropriate way to use a library of program code is to access the:

methods or functions by way of the interface. correct

Choose the statement that best classifies the identifier creation guideline shown. No spaces or invalid symbols.


Identify the data type for this value: " " (single blank space)


Identify the data type for this value: "" (no space between quotes)


Identify the data type for this value: "JBO"


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