Furia by Yamile Saied Mendez

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What barrio do the Hassans live in?

7 de Septiembre

What did Mami want to become before getting pregnant?

A doctor

What does Camila ask for in return for trading lollipops?

A kiss

Whose grave in La Piedad has Camila never visited?

Abuelo Ahmed

When does Camila help with the kids at El Buen Pastor?

After school

Who is Diego's adoptive mom?


Who was the best runner on the monoblock at age 10?


Who is the hall monitor with supersonic hearing at Camila's school?


What type of car does Diego keep in Buenos Aires?


2p What are Central's jersey colors?

Blue AND yellow

2p What color paper is Diego's parting gift to Camila wrapped in?

Blue AND yellow

What are Diego's favorite colors?

Blue and yellow (Pink 67)

2p What is Camila's favorite thing to put on toast for breakfast?

Butter AND tomato marmalade

What mean nickname do the boys call Karen for stuttering?


What warrior princess ran across the sea without her feet getting wet?


Who is the shortest person on the team?


What is the name of Diego's manager in Italy?


What did Mami allow Camila to do instead of a quinceañera?

Go dancing

What is Roxana's position?


What event does Sudamericano conflict with?


What color handkerchief symbolizes the feminist movement?


Whose red Peugeot does Camila see in a carport near El Buen Pastor?

Her father's

What drew Diego to the site of the scrimmage with Gabi's team?

His lucky goal (178) OR field

Who did Diego live with in a barrio in Newell territory?

His mother

What is the name of the team physiotherapist in Turin?


What does Camila tell her parents she wants to study?


Who is the unofficial team mascot?

Micaela OR Marisa's daughter

Who gives Camila the nickname Furia?

Mrs. Fong

What team did Mami's father support?


What is Gabi's team's last stop on their tour of Argentina?


What is the second largest city in Argentina?


Whose parents never miss a game?


What number building do the Hassan's live in?


What is Diego's favorite number?

10 (Messi)

At what age did papa forbid Camila to play futbol?


At what age was Diego adopted by Ana?


What bus does Camila ride to Parque Yrigoyen field?


In what year was Instituto Del Buen Pastor founded?


What does Camila consider the most dangerous score of all?

2 - 0

How much does Father Hugo pay Camila per week?

2000 pesos

What number is Diego's jersey, formerly Paolo Dybala's?


2p What is on the official Adidas Juventus jersey Diego gives Camila?

21 and CAMILA

How many flights up is the Hassan's apartment?


How much can Camila save in a year of working for Father Hugo?


2p Who are papa's best friends?

(Tio) César and Héctor

What is Camila's jersey number?


Who can Camila never lie to?

Coach Alicia

What kind of studs does Diego wear?


Who taught Camila to run fast at age 10?


Where does Diego buy pastries his last night in Rosario?

Distinción Bakery

Which church used to be a depository for unwanted women ("Los incorrigibles")?

El Buen Pastor

In whom does La Furia meet her equal?

El Titán

What is Diego's nickname?

El Titán

What does Camila earn a licenciada in?

English (language)

What is the name of Camila's team?

Eva Maria

What Rosario radio station does Diego stream in Italy?

FM Vida

Who did Diego live with before moving in with Ana?

Father Hugo

Who wants a woman/girl to teach English to underserved kids?

Father Hugo

What is the destination of Karen and Camila's paths?


What is La Difunta the patron saint of?

Impossible things

What country does Father Hugo come from?


What name does Mami share with her Russian grandmother?


What type of car does Diego have in Turin?


What futbol club does Diego play for?

Juventus (FC)

What is the name of the only girl in Camila's English group?


What does the tattoo on Diego's wrist read?

La Banda del 7 (barrio)

What saint's card is Camila given on the 142 bus?

La Difunta (Deolinda) Correa

What year of high school did Mami get pregnant?

Last OR fifth

What color handkerchief do pro-life supporters carry?

Light blue

What pink item did Diego trade Camila for a yellow one?


What is the name of Diego's roommate from Brazil?

Luis Felipe

Who does Diego describe as Carnaval personified?

Luis Felipe

What is the name of the reporter who interviews Camila?


Who is forced to quit the team when her abusive boyfriend won't let her play in the tournament?


What is Pablo's girlfriend's name?


Who was hired when Camila applied for a job at a clothing store?


Which neighbor does Diego give a photo signed by the entire Juventus team?


What kind of car does Papa drive?


2p Name two things Diego does when not training.

Read, sleep, AND play FIFA

What kind of car does Pablo want, rather than a BMW? (color/model)

Red Camaro

What league does Eva Maria play in?

Rosarina Ladies' League

What day are weekly scrimmages held?


2p What does Camila consider her sacred safe spaces?

School AND the futbol field

What is mama's profession?


Who does Karen bring food for at home?


What is both Diego and Camila's favorite superhero?


What women's tournament is in December?


What movie did Diego and Camila watch a thousand times?


What team does Eva Maria beat to qualify for Sudamericano?

The Royals

What book did Diego lend Camila before leaving?

The Shadow of the Wind

What is Pablo's nickname?

The Stallion

What Central item did Camila give to Diego?


What career ending injury left Luciano Durant working in a spice processing factory?

Torn meniscus

2p Where does Diego play professional futbol? (City, country)

Turin, Italy

How often are mandatory practices to prepare for Sudamericano?

Twice a week

What injury befalls Camila when she is distracted by Diego?

Twisted ankle

Where does Camila hide her medal from the Rosarina Ladies' League championship?

Under her mattress

What US team does Gabi coach?

Wasatch Rage

What offering is traditionally left at shrines to La Difunta?


2p What herbs does Camila use for mate?

Yerba AND Peppermint

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