Future Trends in Sport
-equipment and facility improvemments will result in better performance -training method will be improved -people will develop new drugs and performance enhancers -the process of recovering from injury will be improved
Participation Sport
-health struggles will continue to increase -development programs will use sport as a vehicle to achieve social goals -the connection will become clear between physical activity and health quality of life -growth will continue in community programs, extreme sports, and college sport clubs -funding challenges -electronic ent. will continue to compete for people's time -commitment will be needed to attract sport dropouts and increase physical activity among young people
trends that will affect U.S. sport
-increase in number of older athletes -protection of citizens rights -protection of sport investment -expansion of sport management -record breaking due to scientific advances -changing attitudes toward gambling -increase in coaching competence
Social changes for LGBT
-individuals need to be welcomes into the sport leadership positions
-pay per view and internet will continue to revolutionize -growing spectatorship will increase participation unless undercut by boom in electronic spectatorship -legalize sport gambling -competition will increase for fans time and commitment
Performance Sport:International
-soccer participation and spectatorship will increase (u.s. and globally) -the olympics will become more professional -females sport will continue to grow -drug testing programs will be expanded
electronic media
-sport action will be viewed on demand -fantasy teams and leagues will be interactive -online sport wagering will grow -athletes will be more accessible to fans through social media -giants will continues to grow ( ESPN )
Social changes
-the civil rights movement increase diversity in sport, but minority opportunities still lag -female participation has increased but educational and athletic leaders need to embrace Title XI -women must be recruited and nurtured in sport leadership roles -latina and hispanic girls and women need to be integrated into lifeline physical activity -as women age they look to extend their participation in physical activity and sport - age group competition opportunities will continue to grow for older adults
Performance Sport:U.S.
-youth participation will increase among those who can afford it. -schools will invest more in college athletic programs but still face financial struggles -professional sports will continue to dominate; more may develop true world championships
social changes fro people with disability
need continuing oppurtunites in sport and physical activity
Global trends
terrorism, global economy