FYS Nursing Mid-term
Using sources cited at the end of a good article on your topic is:
A good search strategy
Which of the following is from a book?
A) 'Why cowboys read.' Economist, vol. 388, issue 8597 (2008): 36-37. B) CORRECT: Popham, W. James. 'The Wyoming Story.' Unlearned Lessons: Six Stumbling Blocks to Our Schools' Success. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, 2009. 139-158.
Which would you expect to be the most reliable source of information about a weight-loss medication?
A) CORRECT: A peer-reviewed article reporting a clinical trial of the drug B)An article in Mens Health magazine C)The company web site D) Your Aunt Myrtle, who has tried every product on the market
You need to write an 8-page argumentative research paper. Which of the following thesis statements is best suited to this assignment?
A) CORRECT: Growing beef in feedlots is a less sustainable practice than raising pasture-fed beef B) Pasture-fed beef is generally more expensive than feedlot-grown beef C) Beef raised in Wyoming is the best in the United States
Which is the best research question for a 3-5 page paper?
A) CORRECT: How do new Wal-Mart stores impact locally-owned businesses? B) How many bags of snack chips does the Laramie Wal-Mart sell to customers between the ages of 32 and 45? C) Is Wal-Mart a good company? D) Does Wal-Mart discriminate against women?
Which is the best source if you are seeking a scholarly peer-reviewed article?
A) CORRECT: Mark P., Kartashov, A. I., Ebbeling, C. B., Van Horn, L., Slattery, M. L., Jacobs, Jr., D. R., & Ludwig, D. S.. "Fast-food habits, weight gain, and insulin resistance (The CARDIA Study): 15-year prospective analysis". (2005) The Lancet, 365(9543), 36. B)Boyle, M. (2004). Can you really make fast-food healthy? Fortune, 150(3), 134. C)A body image site for every body. (n.d.). Retrieved Mar. 03, 2005, from http://www.adiosbarbie.com/
Which source will give you the most current information?
A) CORRECT: newspaper B) Magazaine C) book D) encyclpedia
Which library resource would guide you to some good article databases to use for your kinesiology paper?
A) List of databases by title B) Prospector C) CORRECT: List of databases by subject D)library catalog
Which strategy is still plagiarism?
A) Using quotations and a citation when copying someone else's words B) CORRECT: Copying information not easily traced online C) Giving credit to authors in the reference list at the end of your paper D)Taking careful notes with page and source details
Which of the following is the least complex assignment?
A) an analytical paper, because you analyze your feelings about your topic B) CORRECT: a report, because you present facts about your topic C) an argumentative paper, because you support your opinions about a topic
30 second seduction: how advertisers lure women through flattery, flirtation, and manipulation / Andrea Gardner. Berkeley, CA: Seal Press: 2008. This is a citation from a
In TIP, CRAAP is an acronym for
Currency Relevance Authority Accuracy Purpose
Which of the following questions should you ask yourself when considering the relevance of a potential source?
Does the source add something new to your knowledge of your topic?
When analyzing a research assignment, which of the following phrases would tell you that you need to choose an issue, pick a side, and make an argument?
Evaluate and persuade
In which type of research would currency be most important as you consider which sources to use?
Health sciences
If the UW Libraries do not have a book you need, you should
Order it through Request It or Prospector
Who would represent the target audience for Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior?
Professors, researchers and students in human nutrition
Two men claim to a have a sasquatch corpse in their freezer. Your roommate says it is a hoax. How do you convince him that the story is true so he will make the trip with you to see it?
Show him an article written by a zoologist who tested the creature's DNA
Which type of search is not available in Google?
Subject search: where the search uses standardized words or phrases chosen by experts in the field
Why is it important to determine the purpose of a book, article, or website before using it in your research?
To help identify biases or prejudices in the information
Why is investigating so important to the research process?
Why is investigating so important to the research process?
Which type of assignment requires you to explore multiple aspects of your topic and draw conclusions from what you find in your research?
analytical paper
The investigating step of research is essentially
analyzing your research assignment and planning how to approach it
Use of emotional language and omitting important facts can indicate information is
What kind of resource does this citation refer to? Plath, S. (2000). The unabridged journals. K.V. Kukil, (Ed.). New York, NY: Anchor.
If a UW instructor believes a student has committed plagiarism in a paper, they
can use search engines or special software to check the student's paper for plagiarism
To choose a topic for your research, you should
check out news headlines for inspiration and find something you're interested in
The investigation component of research includes
choosing a topic that fits your research assignment
You want to include a stanza of a poem in your freshman paper about Maya Angelou. To avoid charges of plagiarism, you should
cite the book or website where you found the poem
When a work is in the public domain, that means
copyright has expired and the work may be freely used
what does a Library of Congress call number look like ?
ex. HQ 796 .J625
ncluding an image of a painting with proper citation in your art history paper is
fair use
Citation Finder is a tool for
finding full text from an article citation
APA and MLA style guides both refer to
formats for citing sources used in a paper
When can you use copyrighted material?
if the way you use it falls under legal definitions of fair use
Which source offers the most current information
newspaper articles
Which source is likely to use references to support its claims and conclusions?
peer-reviewed journal
A thesis statement
saves you time and keeps your research focused
Plagiarism and violation of copyright are examples of
Books at the University Libraries are arranged by
Which source would verify whether the UW Libraries own The Hurt Locker on DVD?
the library catalog
Your ultimate goal when searching should be
to answer your research question
Phrase search
where only those documents that contain a specified phrase, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, are located in search results
Keyword search
where the search engine scans all words in a record or document, including the title, author and full-text when available
Subject search
where the search uses standardized words or phrases chosen by experts in the field
You find some statistics on automobile accidents on a government web site that you want to use in your paper. Do you need to cite them?
yes, because you are using information someone else created