G&L Appendix A, "Documenting Sources*"

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Documentation ordinarily requires two elements:

(1) an end-of-report list of sources used in the report (known as a Works Cited or References list) and (2) citations in the text of the report that link to the items in that end-of-report list.

____(1)____ with ____(2)______, presenting another's work as one's own is equivalent to lying: it's a form of ____(3)_____.

1) Even; 2) the writer's permission; 3) dishonesty

To avoid plagiarism, you need to do all of the following:

1) Identify sources and information to be documented in your paper. 2) Take effective and accurate notes. 3) Understand how to quote, paraphrase, and summarize properly. 4) Know how to document sources both in the text itself and at the end of your report.

Other than ideas considered common knowledge, it is important to document the authors and sources of all ideas that are not your own. Specifically, you must document these sources:

1) any source from which you use exact wording 2) any source from which you adapt or paraphrase material in your own words 3) any visual illustration: charts, graphs, drawings, or the like

Always provide a __(1)____ or ___(2)____, even if you didn't need copyright ___(3)____.

1) citation; 2) caption; 3) permission

When creating technical documents, especially more formal, longer documents such as reports, you will need to rely on outside research. To make your case ___(1)____, use outside sources ___(2)____ and avoid __(3)___ the work of others.

1) credible; 2) wisely; 3) plagiarizing

In addition, plagiarism cheats writers and researchers of the __(1)___ they deserve for their ___(2)____ and ____(3)_____.

1) credit; 2) work; 3) creativity

Scholars and teachers can face public ___(1)___ and even be __(2)___ of a ___(3)___.

1) disgrace; 2) forced out; 3) position

A serious breach of scholarly ___(1)___, plagiarism can have severe consequences in college and at work. Students risk a ___(2)___ grade or disciplinary action ranging from suspension to ____(3)____.

1) ethics; 2) failing grade; 3) expulsion

The one major ____(1)____ to this rule is that you do not have to document ____(2)_____: widely known information about current events, famous people, geographical facts, or ___(3)___ history.

1) exception; 2) common knowledge; 3) familiar

Creative commons, discussed earlier in this chapter, provides new ways for copyright holders to make their licensing ___(1)____; yet, most online sources do not ___(2)____ any sort of copyright information, so it is important to remember that when in doubt, you should request ____(3)_____.

1) explicit; 2) contain; 3) request

If all information were covered by copyright protection forever and ever, there would be no source of public information that authors and artists could use to create new ideas. But if all information were completely free of copyright protection, creators might not have any incentive to write songs or books, for example. This is why in the United States copyright is not ___(1)____, just for a __(2)___ time. This is also why there are some ___(3)____ under which you do not need to request copyright permission.

1) forever; 2) limited; 3) conditions

Most _____(1)_______ are also public domain, and most ___(2)____ information, such as height and weight charts or metric conversion tables, are also public domain.

1) government documents; 2) commonplace

In addition, online services can now ____(1)____ plagiarized papers, and ____(2)_____ are ____(3)______ to such services.

1) identify; 2) academic institutions; 3) subscribing

Take detailed notes that identify the specific ____(1)____ and its sources; otherwise, you may ___(2)____ about a source you learned something from, thereby ____(3)______ plagiarizing.

1) material; 2) forget; 3) unintentionally

Finally, and perhaps most important for students, plagiarizing __(1)____ the very reason for attending college. A student who hands in a plagiarized paper has missed an opportunity for ___(2)_____ and ____(3)_____.

1) negates; 2) growth; 3) learning

If the borrowed material can be found in only ___(1)___ specific source and not in ___(2)___ sources, ___(3)___ it.

1) one; 2) multiple; 3) document

To offer as a paraphrase an ___(1)___ passage only __(2)____ is ___(3)____.

1) original; 2) slightly altered; 3) plagiarism

Whenever you use information from an ____(1)_____ (any source that isn't your own ___(2)___), you need to ___(3)_____ that source.

1) outside source; 2) brain; 3) document

Unless your audience or your company has a ____(1)____, ___(2)__ style can be adapted to most research writing. Use one style ___(3)____ throughout your document.

1) preference; 2) any; 3) consistently

Quotations can ___(1)____ in length from a word or phrase to several paragraphs. In general, quote the ___(2)___ amount that gets your __(3)___ across.

1) range; 2) least; 3) point

First, the academic community relies on the ____(1)____ exchange of ideas and information to advance ___(2)____ and ___(3)___.

1) reciprocal; 2) knowledge; 3) research

Most researchers use citation ____(1)____ (such as Endnote, Zotero, and Mendeley). These programs automatically download citation ____(2)_____ directly (from a Web site, a library entry, or many other online sources). Using these programs also lets you keep notes for each entry, search and retrieve entries (by author, title, topic, date, and other fields), and generate in-text citations and references lists. These programs have ____(3)_____ options, often functioning as an extension within popular browsers such as Chrome and Firefox, so you can access your bibliography from anywhere.

1) software; 2) information; 3) cloud-based

Ethical considerations aside, it's hard to get away with plagiarism. Experienced professors can easily tell when a paper is not written in a student's own ___(1)____ or is more _____(2)______ than they would __(3)____.

1) style; 2) professionally prepared; 3) expect

In the United States, works created after _______ are automatically copyrighted as soon as the material is fixed; that is, the moment the idea is recorded, written down, turned into an electronic document, or otherwise.


Documentation practices vary widely, but all systems work almost identically in the following respect:

A brief in-text reference names the source and refers readers to the complete citation at the end of the report, which allows readers to consult the source if they so desire.

____________ is the legal system that gives authors and owners rights over their original works of authorship. These works can include books, musical recordings, photographs, drawings, letters, memos, email, Web pages, and any other expressions of ideas that are, as the law puts it, "fixed in a tangible medium."


Online, many copyright holders are turning to putting explicit licensing statements on their websites and other work, often using parameters defined by a group called ___________, which provides a range of options including "copyright by attribution," "copyright non-commercial," and so forth (search on creative commons for more information).

Creative Commons

__________ is the key to avoiding plagiarism.


________ allows writers to quote or paraphrase a limited amount of another's work in their own papers and books.

Fair use (see page 415)

_________ is using someone else's work—words, ideas, or illustrations, published or unpublished—without giving the creator of that work sufficient credit.


Elsewhere in the workplace, plagiarism can lead to...

a lawsuit as well as permanent career damage.

Match this strategy statement to its description: Use a direct quotation only when...

absolutely necessary. Sometimes a direct quotation is the only way to do justice to the author's words or thoughts. Use direct quotations to preserve the original line of reasoning, special phrasing or emphasis, precise meaning, or an especially striking or colorful example. Direct quotes convey the authority and complexity of expert opinion and can capture the original's voice, sincerity, or emotional intensity.

In some instances, you might have reason to preserve the anonymity of unpublished sources—say, to...

allow people to respond candidly without fear of reprisal (as with employee criticism of a company) or to protect their privacy (as with certain material from email inquiries or electronic newsgroups). Note: You should keep all of your qualitative data analysis survey respondents' identities anonymous.

Make sure your summary is...

an accurate restatement of the source's main ideas. Do not add new details or remove essential details from the original.

Use ellipses to keep quotations...

as brief as possible. An ellipsis is three spaced periods (. . .) indicating that words have been omitted within a single sentence. Add a fourth period to indicate the end of a sentence or the omission of more than a sentence. The resulting passage must be grammatical and must not distort the original meaning. (For more on ellipses, see page 428.)

Cite borrowed material twice:

at the exact place you use that material and at the end of your report.

Finally, documentation is a matter of ________. In making any claim (say, "A Mercedes is more reliable than a Ford") you invite challenge: "Says who?" Data on road tests, frequency of repairs, resale value, workmanship, and owner comments can help validate your claim by showing its basis in fact.


The purpose of copyright is to...

balance the reward for the intellectual labor of the author with the importance of making information freely available to the public.

Make sure your readers know when the summary...

begins and ends. As with a paraphrase, identify the source early in the summary.

Make sure your readers know when the paraphrase...

begins and ends. Identify the source at the start of the paraphrase or as early into it as possible.

Courts tend to ask four questions about whether a use is considered fair: How much of the material is...

being used? (less is favored)

In your paper, set off long quotations as...

block quotations. Avoid relying on long quotations except when you want to provide an extended example or definition or to analyze or discuss a particular idea or concept. Start on a separate line. Double-space and indent the entire block ten spaces. Do not indent the first line of the passage, and do not use quotation marks.

Some major outside sources that researchers often consult are discussed in Chapter 2 and include...

books, newspapers, magazines, journal articles, government sources, radio or television programs, databases and data sets, correspondence, films, plays, interviews, speeches, and surveys. These materials may be accessed in print, online, or both.

Courts tend to ask four questions about whether a use is considered fair: Is the material educational or...

commercial? (educational use is favored)

One example of ________ in the medical field is that foods containing animal fat (meat, butter, cheese, whole milk) raise blood cholesterol levels. So, in a research report on fatty diets and heart disease, you probably would not need to document that well-known fact.

common knowledge

In our digital age, there is a tension between the openness of the Internet, which allows people to access music, text, and images easily on the one hand, and the restrictions on such items that copyright calls for on the other. It is easy to cut and paste material online but also easy to forget that this material is probably covered by...

copyright protection.

Because most research today is done electronically, you need to be especially careful about taking notes if you...

cut and paste quotations or other material from an electronic source.

Be careful when cutting and pasting ________ to mark these as such. Include all citation information.

direct quotes

Match this strategy statement to its description: Keep copies of your...

documentation information. For all sources that you use, keep photocopies or accurate notes of the title and copyright pages and the pages with quotations you need. Highlight the relevant citation information in color. Keep these materials until you've completed your report.

Cite the source of...

each quoted passage. Immediately follow each quotation with a parenthetical reference (see pages 393 and 404) indicating the source.

Match this strategy statement to its description: Record bibliographical information for...

each source you consult. Use the citation format that will appear in your document. Record the information accurately so you won't have to track down a source at the last minute. When searching online, print out or save the full bibliographic record for each source or copy and paste the Web address into your document, thereby ensuring an accurate citation.

Documentation is also a matter of _________. Accurate documentation provides a network for organizing and locating the world's recorded knowledge. If you cite a particular source correctly, your reference will enable interested readers to locate that source themselves.


Documentation is a matter of ______ in that the originator of borrowed material deserves full credit and recognition. Moreover, all published material is protected by copyright law.


Copy the material from your source to your document...

exactly as it appears in the original. Do not alter the original spelling, capitalization, or punctuation. If a quotation contains an obvious error, you may insert [sic], which is Latin for "so" or "thus," to show that the error appeared in the original. Record the exact page numbers, and double-check that you haven't altered the original expression in any way.

Match this strategy statement to its description: Create the Works Cited or References list...

first. Before you start writing your report, create a working bibliography, a list of possible sources to which you add entries as they emerge. When you finalize your list, you can delete entries for sources that you've decided not to use.

A record of such action can adversely affect...

future professional opportunities.

On the other hand, you would document information about...

how the fat-cholesterol connection was discovered, what subsequent studies have found (say, on the role of saturated versus unsaturated fats), and any information for which some other person(s) could claim specific credit.

You must still document the fact that you are not the originator of material from anonymous sources. Using APA style (see page 404), you would cite the confidential source...

in your text itself ("During interviews with department employees in May 2014 ...").

Use square brackets to...

insert your own clarifying comments or transitions. To distinguish your words from those of your source, place them within brackets—for example, "This occupation [campus police officer] requires excellent judgment."

The chief purpose of a paraphrase is to...

maintain your own writing style throughout your paper.

Using material without acknowledging its source violates the expectation of reciprocity in intellectual honesty and consequently...

makes it harder for researchers to verify and build on others' results.

Indicate the exact source of the summarized...

material. Immediately follow each summary with a parenthetical reference (see pages 393 and 404) indicating the exact location of the material in the source.

Using ___________ is one way to record your sources and the material you want to use.

old-fashioned notecards

A _________ is a restatement, in your own words and your own sentence structure, of specific ideas or information from a source. This can be about as long as the original passage.


Match this strategy statement to its description: Determine whether to quote...

paraphrase, or summarize. When quoting others directly, be sure to record words and punctuation accurately. When restating material in your own words (paraphrasing and summarizing), preserve the original meaning and emphasis. Double-check if any portions of paraphrases or summaries are actually quotations, and insert the necessary quotation marks.

Indicate the exact source of each paraphrased...

passage. Immediately follow each paraphrase with a parenthetical reference (see pages 393 and 404) indicating the exact location of the material in the source.

Retain key words from the original to...

preserve its meaning. Use quotation marks within your paraphrase to indicate quoted material.

Plagiarism violates three significant values:

preserving intellectual honesty, giving credit to the work of others, and promoting intellectual growth.

Documentation involves...

providing readers with sufficient information about the sources you have consulted; consequently, readers may consult those sources themselves if they so desire.

Many images, sounds, books, and other materials fall into what is called the ________. These kinds of works include works that were published in the United States 95 years before the current year. In these cases, you do not need to request permission for use.

public domain

Courts tend to ask four questions about whether a use is considered fair: Has the material been previously...

published? (use of published works is favored)

A ________ reproduces a portion of a source, using the exact words, for a purpose of your own: to support a statement or idea, to provide an example, to advance an argument, or to add interest or color to a discussion.


Copyright holders have the exclusive right to...

reproduce, distribute, perform, display, prepare derivative works, and publish their copyrighted material.

Many authors and artists publish work and expressly state that the work is in the public domain. Look on the Web site or document for more information. If you are unsure about the work's status, you may want to...

request permission.

Use your own words and...

sentence structure. Do not duplicate the source's words (unless quoting briefly), and write the sentences in your own style.

For a controversial topic, you may need to cite...

several authorities who hold various views. Readers of your research report expect the complete picture.

Integrate quoted material into your writing...

smoothly and grammatically. Quotations must blend seamlessly into your text so that the resulting sentence is neither ungrammatical nor awkward, and punctuation must be handled properly. (For more on grammar and punctuation, see Appendix B.)

A _______ is a restatement of the original in your own words. This kind of source integration, however, restates a large portion of the original text briefly, rather than restating a small portion of the original in about the same number of words.


A simpler option is to...

take notes in a word-processing file, then use the "Find" command to locate information quickly.

For class, on the job, or when writing for a specific publication, you may be required to use a documentation style different from APA or MLA style. These other styles might include...

the Chicago Manual of Style, Council of Science Editors (CSE), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), American Chemical Society (ACS), or others that are specific to a scientific, engineering, or professional field. Some of these styles use numbered citations within the text that appear almost like footnotes; references lists also have their own unique rules. You can learn more about these citation styles by searching online and at your college or university library.

Whether this source is a Web page, a blog or wiki, or a journal article available in electronic format, be sure to keep track of...

the author (individual or organizational), Web address, and date when you accessed the information.

Be sure to preserve...

the author's original intent. Check that your paraphrase is an accurate and objective restatement of the source's specific ideas.

If the publication is a traditional one in e-format (such as the electronic version of the New York Times), record...

the title, page number, and other publication information needed for the citation.

When in doubt, the safest strategy is...

to provide documentation.

Most plagiarism is __________.


Complete the last sentence: Use your own words and sentence structure. If you must quote a crucial word or phrase directly...

use quotation marks around the quoted words.

Copyright holders have the right to grant a license (essentially, to give permission) for others to...

use the material in whatever way the holder deems appropriate.

Courts tend to ask four questions about whether a use is considered fair: How will your use of the material affect the market...

value of the original? (if your use does not have an impact on the value of the original, this is favored)

If you receive permission to use someone else's material or if your use qualifies as fair use...

you are probably covered when it comes to copyright. Most of the writing you will do for this class and in college generally will be situations where your use of outside material is considered educational and thus fair. But you still must document your source by providing an appropriate in-text citation as well as a reference; otherwise, you run the risk of plagiarism.

Failure to credit a source could make you liable to legal action, even if...

your omission was unintentional. (For more on copyright, see page 414.)

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