Gardner's global Chapter 15

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3D oval at the top of the head of Buddha; crown of the hair;top knot


A dome shaped structure erected as a Buddhist shrine


A person who is supposed to reach nirvana but out of compassion delays doing so in order to save those who are suffering


A symbolic or ritual gesture with the use of hands and fingers


A tiered tower with multiple eaves .. originating from a stupa


A triple tiered umbrella form atop a stupa; symbolic of the Bodhi tree under which Buddha became enlightened


An Indian word that means string thread; a genre of ancient Indian texts found in both Hinduism and Buddhism


An afterlife in which reincarnation ends and the soul becomes one with the supreme spirit


Container for relics


Derived from the word "wheel"; each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body


Gateway, usually of stone, marking the entrance to a Buddhist shrine/stupa


Hindu and Buddhist social custom regarded as a religious and moral duty


Hindu goddess commonly know as Parvati; tranquility


Is a demon associated with death, rebirth, and desire

Jakata tales

Large body of literature native to india concerning the previous births/lives of Buddha

Funeral Banner of Lady Dai (Xin Zhui)

Location: China

Terra Cotta Warriors from Mausoleum of the first Qin Emperor

Location: China

Longmen Caves

Location: Luoyang, China

Great Stupa at Sanchi

Location: Madhya Pradesh, India


Location: Nara, Japan

Gold and Jade Crown

Location: Three Kingdoms Period, Silla Kingdom, Korea


Representing the universe; a circle enclosing a square with a deity on each side that is used for meditation


Small platform with a railing located at the very top of a stupa


The historical Buddha;named after buddhas birthplace


The pole that arises from the dome of the stupa;symbolizing the axis of the universe


The universal Buddha, a source of enlightenment;also known as the supreme Buddha who represents emptiness,that is, freedom from earthly matters to help achieve salvation


To circle on foot especially ritualistically (ex: around a stupa)

Facts: It was started to be built by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka in the mid-3rd century B.C.E ,but later enlarged. Solid throughout, it is enclosed by a massive stone railing pierced by four gateways, which are adorned with elaborate carvings (known as Sanchi sculpture) depicting the life of the Buddha, legends of his previous births, and other scenes important to early Buddhism.

Facts: The grottoes were started around the year 493 when Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534) moved the capital to Luoyang and were continuously built during the 400 years until the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). The scenery measures 1,000 metres (about 1,094 yards) from north to south where there are over 2,300 holes and niches, 2,800 steles, 40 dagobas, 1,300 caves and 100,000 statues. Most of them are the works of the Northern Wei Dynasty and the flourishing age of the Tang Dynasty (618-907). Lots of historical materials concerning art, music, religion, calligraphy, medicine, costume and architecture are kept here.

Facts: Worn around the forehead, this tree-shaped crown (daegwan) is the headband type found in the south in royal tombs at the Silla capital, Gyeongju. Between the fifth and sixth centuries, Silla crowns became increasingly lavish with more ornamentation and additional, increasingly elongated branch-like protrusions. In this crown, three tree-shaped vertical elements evoke the sacred tree that once stood in the ritual precinct of Gyeongju. This sacred tree was conceived of as a "world tree," or an axis mundi that connected heaven and earth. Two additional antler-shaped protrusions may refer to the reindeer that were native to the Eurasian steppe that lies to the north of the peninsula. Attached to the branch-like features of the crown are tiny gold discs and jade ornaments called gogok. These jade ornaments symbolize ripe fruits hanging from tree branches, representing fertility and abundance. With sunlight falling on its golden discs, the crown must have been a luminous sight indeed.

Facts: As the tomb of the first emperor who unified the country, it is the largest in Chinese history, with a unique standard and layout, and a large number of exquisite funeral objects. It testifies to the founding of the first unified empire- the Qin Dynasty, which during the 3rd BCE, wielded unprecedented political, military and economic power and advanced the social, cultural and artistic level of the empire.

Facts: The T-shaped banner was on top of the innermost of four nesting coffins. Although scholars still debate the function of these banners, we know they had some connection with the afterlife. They may be "name banners" used to identify the dead during the mourning ceremonies, or they may have been burial shrouds intended to aid the soul in its passage to the afterlife. Lady Dai's banner is important for two primary reasons. It is an early example of pictorial (representing naturalistic scenes not just abstract shapes) art in China. Secondly, the banner features the earliest known portrait in Chinese painting.

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