Gartner GTS Test
end-user (consumers of technology)
Open Questions
ex. In light of this priority, what is the primary objective you've been tasked with?
high tech (creators of technology)
magic quadrant
midsize enterprise
Where might you find the corporate objective for a public company?
- financial reports - investor calls - webcasts and presentations
2nd or 3rd Level Questions
- follow up - ex. Why do you think that? What impact is that having?
Where might you find the CO for a private company?
- industry - competitor - When you can't find specific information, find the # of employees and multiply by 100k for an estimate
- mission critical priorities - a crucial business issue that a c-level executive MUST execute successfully for the ongoing vitality of the organization and faces impediments doing so
What are the necessary components of a value story?
- relevant - detailed - credibility through statistics - relatable
Critical Capabilities
- shows products - the companion to a magic quadrant - It ranks vendors' products based on a set of weighted capabilities
Hype Cycle
- shows technology - graphical representation of the maturity of a technology as it progresses from inception to mainstream adoption
Magic Quadrant
- shows vendors - graphical representation of the competitive positioning of technology providers within a given technology market based on their completeness of vision and ability to execute
Who are Gartner analysts?
- subject matter experts who provide unbiased insight to companies in their particular field - Average 13 years of experience in their field
- templates - An actionable, pre-made template typically in word, excel, or PPT format that allows you to plug and play with your information rather than starting from scratch.
What are the steps of the Pathway to Gold?
1. Engage seatholders 2. Execute retention lifecycle 3. Seize high leverage solutions 4. Build TBVA and win the c-level 5. Capture the org with team solutions 6. Drive high quality activity 7. Convert all event prospects 8. Leverage the rules
Gartner Research Methods
1. Hype Cycle 2. Magic Quadrant 3. Critical Capabilities 4. IT Score 5. IT Budget Tool 6. IT Key Metrics Data 7. Toolkit
What are the MCP test points?
1. Is it tied to the corporate objective? 2. Is it owned by a c-level individual? 3. Is there a struggle in achieving it? 4. Is the success quantifiable?
What are the four different question types in sales?
1. Open 2. Leading 3. 2nd or 2rd Level 4. Confirming
What are the main values Gartner delivers to clients?
1. Save time 2. Save money 3. Mitigate risk 4. Educate staff 5. Validate decisions 6. Extend resources
What are the four Gartner centers of excellence?
Fort Meyers, Dallas, Barcelona, London
Who is the CEO of Gartner?
Gene Hall
How does Gartner provide value for clients?
Giving them access to the information they need to make an informed decision with confidence
If I want to select a technology, which research methodology should I use?
Hype Cycle
If I need a maturity assessment of a particular area of IT, what would I use?
IT Score
What are the c-level challenges?
People, processes, and technology
Gartner's End to End Sales Process
S: Suspect D: Identify C: Quantify B: Develop A: Commit
What does BI do?
Software applications and platforms that allow businesses to collect, convert, and analyze data from disparate sources in an organization for use in decision-making
What division of Gartner helps companies with over a billion dollars in revenue?
The Field aka America's Major Accounts/America's Large Enterprise
What methodology is a plug and play template?
What qualifies a HT client as midsized?
Up to $250 million in revenue
What qualifies an EU client as midsized?
Up to $750 million in revenue
IT Budget Tool
- IT spending and staffing vs. peers - A tool that allows IT leaders to input their IT spending and staffing data and receive a customized report detailing how their spending compares to peers. The comparative data is pulled from the IT key metrics data.
What is I&O?
- Infrastructure and Operations - Data center - Network and telecom - Distributed computing - Help desk
What does security do?
- Keep the bad guys out - 2/3 of security spending happens here - Antivirus/antispyware - E-mail Security/Phishing - Intrusion Prevention - Firewall/UTM - Advanced Threat Detection
Confirming Questions
- Repeat what they said and clarify - ex. So you've been tasked with x, and a major obstacle is Y, and you feel that z is contributing towards this, is that correct?
IT Key Metrics Data
- The largest repository of IT spending and staffing data in the world. It allows leaders to see how their IT spending and staff allocation compares to peers in similar industry, geography, and revenue band.
Leading Questions
- Yes or no - ex. Have you found it difficult to gain buy-in from the business?
IT Score
- benchmark of maturity - A self-assessment tool that measures the maturity of the IT organization on a scale of 1 to 5 in comparison to industry averages. This includes the IT org as a whole and includes separate assessments for each functional IT department
- company objective - how a company measures success within a given year, often expressed in financial terms
On average, how much more do clients spend with Gartner when the c-level is involved?
How many clients does Gartner have?
How many analysts does Gartner have?
What percentage of the IT budget goes to I&O?
What percentage of the Global 500 are Gartner clients?
Business Intelligence
What is the biggest indicator of success?
What is the companion to the MQ?
Critical capabilities
net contract value increase
preparation and conversion tool
trust-based value add