Gateway Book Semi Review

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the diagram below provides details about the origins of World War One. (Long Term Causes of World War One in Europe)

A. Alliance System.

What was one of the arguments used in favor of these changes?

A. American industries need raw material and market found overseas.

which phrase complete the diagram on the left?

A. Discriminated against African Americans.

the cartoon on the left by Thomas Nast was published in 1874. Main message of this cartoon is?

A. Opponents of Reconstruction were using violence to intimidate the freeman.

in 1902, Lincoln Stiffens and Claude Wetmore publish the article below about St.Louis in "McClure's" magazine. Which types of activity does this article illustrate?

A. Reporting by muckrakers.

which of these strategies was NOT used by the south to counter the North's advantage in resources shown in the graph?

A. South would invade and capture major union cities.

which of the following contributed to the outbreak of the civil war?

A. Southerner feared that Northerners intended to abolish slavery.

why did government leaders generally sympathize with business owner against labor in the late 19th century?

A. government leaders received money from business and also believed in laissez-faire.

Why is the Spanish American War of 1898 often considered a major turning point in United State history?

A. it revealed that the United State had become a world power.

what did the passage of the Homestead Act of 1862 and the Pacific Railway Act demonstrate about the federal government?

A. it was committed to setting the western territories.

which conflict is described in the newspaper shown on the left?

A. ranchers with herd on the open range opposed farmers and ranchers with fenced properties.

what was the major consequences of the Civil War?

A. the end of slavery and a strengthening of the power of the federal government.

the timeline below display the sequence of some events affecting Asia immigrant. What was the goal of these measure?

A. to keep Asian immigrant out of American society

the certificate on the left was issued in 1919. what was the primary goal of the organization that issued this certificate?

A. to obtain better condition for worker that issued this certificate?

the map shows below shows the world in 1917. which conclusion can best be drawn from this map?

B. American imperialists saw their nation's main opportunities in the Pacific and the Caribbean.

Before 1898, most Americans had opposed imperialism. why did imperialism suddenly become more popular in the United State by the end of the century?

B. American wanted to sell goods to new markets and but raw material for new industries.

this cartoon was publish in the "New York-American Journal" in 1902. which legislation was directed at remedying the evils depicted in the cartoon?

B. Child labor laws.

which sequence of events correct identifies a rise in tension, bringing the nation closer toward armed conflict?

B. Compromise of 1850-Dred Scott decision.

What was an important effect of the share cropping system and debt peonage?

B. freemen played an important role in local and state government.

Base on the cartoon above , what conclusion can be reached about the United State in the early 1880?

B. some American critics felt workers were being oppressed by business monopolies.

what was an immediate effect of the changes describe above, which were implemented by Congressional Reconstruction?

B. the balance of power in Southern state government shifted.

cartoon below was published in "puck" magazine in 1883. which issue is addressed in the cartoon?

B. the excessive power of Big Business.

how did many nativists fell about the rapid influx of immigrant between 1870 and 1900?

B. they feared that the immigrant might take their job for lower wage.

the information on the left identifies some of the key reform of the Progressive Era. what characteristic was shared by all five reform?

B. they gave citizens a greater voice in government.

what was the purpose of the Grange movement?

B. to break the rural isolation of farmer and represent their interests.

the timeline below display the sequence of some event during the Progressive Era. What was the primary goal of the government in these action?

B. to break up trusts that adopt unfair or dishonest business practice.

what was the main purpose of the reservation system?

B. to clear federal lands for settlement by railroad, ranchers, and farmers.

these steps are all performed by a single company?

B. vertical integrgation

which amendment guaranteed the "equal protection" of the law to all American citizen?

C. 14th Amendment

which completes the timeline by replacing the question mark? (1892; after the 1886 Hay-market Riot)

C. Homestead Strike at Carnegie's steelworks.

the cartoon below was publish in the late 1800. what is the main idea of the cartoon?

C. Indians went hungry while federal Indian agents grew wealthy.

the cartoon at the left by Thomas Nast was publish in 1871. Which problem is addressed in the cartoon?

C. Political machines were profiting from kickback on public contracts.

what was a positive long-term impact of Radical Reconstruction on the South?

C. Public education system ere establish foe student of all race.

how were Americans influenced by the growth of railroads during the Second Industrial Revolution?

C. Railroad created time zones, the growth of cities, and the first truly national market.

Based on this speech, what did Bryan demand in his subsequent campaign for the Presidency?

C. a policy of bimetallism that would help farmer by raising crop price.

which is the best contemporary definition of a "scalawag"?

C. a white southerner who supported Reconstruction.

which ideology was most similar to the ideology identified "The Anarchists of Chicago"?

C. communism

How did the Dawes Act (1887) mark a departure from earlier federal Indian policy?

C. it permitted Indians to withdrew private plot from the tribal reservation.

First industrial revolution compare to Second industrial revolution. Which phrase completes the diagram?

C. new method of telecommunication

which social issue is addressed in the cartoon?

C. the condition of Southern slaves

which laws addressed concern raised by the case of Luther Watson.

C. workman's compensation act and Child labor act.

to what event do the cartoon and President Roosevelt's statement refer?

D. Roosevelt's decision to help Panamanian rebels against Colombia in exchange for the Canal Zone.

the diagram below provide detail about United State involvement in the Philippine during the early 1900. Which Phrase completes the diagram?

D. United State forces fight a three-years was against Filipino rebels seeking independent.

the flier on the left appeared on May 4,1886. which conclusion can be made about the Hay-market Riot?

D. a large number of the participants were Germany-speaking immigrants.

Which factor contributed to the shift on population shown on the graph?

D. better job in industry attracted farmers and farm laborers to cities

in this book, Mahan urged American to build a large navy and acquire colonies as Britain had. What other strategy did Mahan advocate for the United State to succeed as a naval power?

D. buiding a canal through Central America.

the newspaper headline on the left describes a significant event in domestic affairs. Which set of Progressive reform is illustrated by this article?

D. the introduction of measure of direct democracy at the local and state level.

how did completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1869 encourage settlement of the American West?

D. the railroad made it easier for rancher and farmers to ship goods back east.

what was the significance of the passage of the Interstate Commerce Act (1887) and the Sherman Antitrust Act (1890)?

D. they established the principle that congress could regulate business in certain circumstances.

what was the main object of the plan described in General Scott's letter?

D. to suffocate the south by controlling the Mississippi River and the southern port.

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