Gen Bio II Exam 2

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Which of the following mitigation strategies would be most likely to cause evolution of a drug-resistant strain of Plasmodium? A. widespread, frequent spraying to kill mosquitoes B. use of a cocktail of three drugs in patients suffering from malaria C. widespread, frequent use of a single drug in patients suffering from malaria D. widespread use of anti-mosquito bed nets

C. widespread, frequent use of a single drug in patients suffering from malaria

Recently, a microbe that is able to digest cellulose was discovered in a hot spring with an average temperature of 95°C. This microbe most likely belongs to which of the following groups? A. Archaea B. Proteobacteria C. Cyanobacteria D. Spirochetes

A. Archaea

Which of the following statements is true? A. Archaea and bacteria have identical membrane lipids. B. The cell walls of archaea lack peptidoglycan. C. Prokaryotes have low levels of genetic diversity. D. No archaea are capable of using CO2 to oxidize H2 releasing methane.

A. Archaea and bacteria have identical membrane lipids.

While examining a rock surface, you have discovered an interesting new organism. Which of the following criteria will allow you to classify the organism as belonging to Bacteria but not Archaea or Eukarya? A. Cell walls are made primarily of peptidoglycan. B. The organism does not have a nucleus. C. The lipids in its plasma membrane consist of glycerol bonded to straight-chain fatty acids. D. It can survive at a temperature over 100°C.

A. Cell walls are made primarily of peptidoglycan.

Which of the following types of protists causes the potentially fatal disease dysentery? A. Entamoeba histolytica B. Amoeba proteus C. plasmodial slime molds D. Dictyostelium discoideum

A. Entamoeba histolytica

Photosynthetic eukaryotes contain both mitochondria and chloroplasts. Which sequence most likely describes the evolution of this group? A. Eukaryotes' ancestor engulfs heterotrophic prokaryote and then engulfs photosynthetic prokaryote. B. Eukaryotes' ancestor engulfs photosynthetic prokaryote and then engulfs heterotrophic prokaryote. C. Both sequences are equally likely.

A. Eukaryotes' ancestor engulfs heterotrophic prokaryote and then engulfs photosynthetic prokaryote.

If you get severe diarrhea after drinking water from a feces-contaminated stream, you are a victim of a member of A. Excavata. B. SAR. C. Archaeplastida. D. Unikonta.

A. Excavata.

Which statement about the domain Archaea is accurate? A. Genetic prospecting has recently revealed the existence of many previously unknown archaean species. B. The genomes of archaeans are unique, containing no genes that originated within bacteria. C. No archaeans can inhabit solutions that are nearly 30% salt. D. No archaeans are adapted to waters with temperatures above the boiling point.

A. Genetic prospecting has recently revealed the existence of many previously unknown archaean species.

What line of evidence would support a hypothesis that a newly discovered bacterium is a cyanobacterium? A. It is able to form colonies and produce oxygen. B. It is an endosymbiont. C. It forms chains called mycelia. D. It lacks cell walls.

A. It is able to form colonies and produce oxygen.

Which two genera have members that can evade the human immune system by frequently changing their surface proteins? A. Plasmodium and Trypanosoma B. Trichomonas and Paramecium C. Trichomonas and Trypanosoma D. Trypanosoma and Entamoeba

A. Plasmodium and Trypanosoma

Many parasitic members of the excavates lack plastids and have highly reduced mitochondria. Which of the following statements explains these observations? A. These parasites typically live in low-oxygen conditions, and therefore it was adaptive to move all plastid and mitochondrial genes to the nucleus. B. The original, eukaryotic ancestors of these parasites did not engulf prokaryotes. C. These parasites typically live in low-oxygen conditions and therefore loss of genes for plastids and mitochondria did not result in lower fitness. D. In the future, natural selection will favor descendants that acquire new plastid genes from today's prokaryotes.

A. These parasites typically live in low-oxygen conditions, and therefore it was adaptive to move all plastid and mitochondrial genes to the nucleus.

Which of the following characteristics do dinoflagellates exhibit? A. They possess two flagella. B. They are all autotrophic. C. They lack mitochondria. D. They include species that cause malaria.

A. They possess two flagella.

In this data table comparing DNA sequences among various protists, why do some cells have a dash rather than a value? A. Those cells would compare one species to itself. B. Those cells would duplicate comparisons shown elsewhere in the matrix. C. Those comparisons were not made by the researchers.

A. Those cells would compare one species to itself.

If you were a tiny aquatic protist, what would you fear as a possible predator? A. a ciliate B. a diatom C. a red alga D. a green alga

A. a ciliate

Prokaryotes lack some parts found in eukaryotic cells, including which item? A. a nuclear membrane B. DNA C. one or more chromosomes D. a plasma membrane E. all of the above

A. a nuclear membrane

Use of synthetic fertilizers often leads to the contamination of groundwater with nitrates. Nitrate pollution is also a suspected cause of anoxic "dead zones" in the ocean. Which of the following processes is most likely to help reduce nitrate pollution? A. adding methanogens to the soil B. adding nitrifying bacteria to the soil C. adding denitrifying bacteria to the soil D. using ammonia instead of nitrate as a fertilizer

A. adding methanogens to the soil

Which protist has the least rigid shape? A. amoeba B. red alga C. foram D. diatom

A. amoeba

Which of the following structures is most likely missing in a bacterium that regenerates from an endospore lacking any of the plasmids from the original cell? A. antibiotic-resistant genes B. a cell wall C. a chromosome D. water in its cytoplasm

A. antibiotic-resistant genes

Which of the following pairs of protists and their ecological roles are correctly matched? A. apicomplexans-parasites of animals B. euglenozoans-primarily mixotrophic C. dinoflagellates-parasites of plants D. entamoebas-free-living soil organisms

A. apicomplexans-parasites of animals

Which of the following involves metabolic cooperation among prokaryotic cells? A. binary fission B. endospore formation C. biofilms D. photoautotrophy

A. binary fission

Photosynthesis that releases O2 occurs in ________. A. cyanobacteria B. archaea C. gram-positive bacteria D. chemoautotrophic bacteria1

A. cyanobacteria

The chloroplasts of land plants are thought to have been derived according to which evolutionary sequence? A. cyanobacteria →green algae →land plants B. cyanobacteria →green algae →fungi →land plants C. red algae →brown algae →green algae →land plants D. cyanobacteria →red algae →green algae →land plants

A. cyanobacteria →green algae →land plants

You have discovered a new species aquatic protist that is a primary producer. It cannot swim on its own. It appears to be resistant to physical damage from wave action due to the presence of a glass-like wall. Which of the following organisms would this organism be most like? A. diatom B. dinoflagellate C. apicomplexan D. red alga

A. diatom

Which was not formed by secondary endosymbiosis? A. dinoflagellates B. stramenopiles C. euglenids D. chlorarachniophytes E. cyanobacteria

A. dinoflagellates

Assuming that each of these prokaryotes possesses a cell wall, which ones are expected to be most strongly resistant to significant water loss in hypertonic environments? A. extreme halophiles B. extreme thermophiles C. methanogens D. cyanobacteria

A. extreme halophiles

From question 11, which of the following characteristics allows this bacterium to adhere to the intestinal lining? A. fimbriae B. pili C. an endospore D. a flagellum

A. fimbriae

Reinforced, threadlike pseudopods that can perform phagocytosis are generally characteristic of which of the following groups or organisms? A. foramifera B. water molds C. dinoflagellates D. oomycetes

A. foramifera

Which of the following statements correctly describes one difference between green algae and land plants? A. green algae are often unicellular, while land plants are not B. land plants have plastids and green algae do not C. algae have alternation of generations but land plants do not D. land plants have cell walls containing cellulose but green algae do not

A. green algae are often unicellular, while land plants are not

Photoautotrophs use ________. A. light as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source B. light as an energy source and methane as a carbon source C. N2 as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source D. CO2 as both an energy source and a carbon source

A. light as an energy source and CO2 as a carbon source

If the mitochondria and chloroplasts in eukaryotic cells resulted from endosymbiosis, what features might we expect these organelles to contain? A. plasma membrane, DNA, and ribosomes B. plasma membrane, nucleus, and ribosomes C. nucleus, DNA, and ribosomes D. plasma membrane, nucleus, and cilia E. nucleus, ribosomes, and cilia

A. plasma membrane, DNA, and ribosomes

Similar to most amoebozoans, the forams and the radiolarians also have pseudopods, as do some of the white blood cells of animals. If one were to construct a taxon that included all organisms that have cells with pseudopods, what type of evolutionary pattern would the tree show? A. polyphyletic B. paraphyletic C. monophyletic D. it would include all eukaryotes

A. polyphyletic

Trypanosome infections evade attacks by host immune systems through which of the following mechanisms? A. production of new cell-surface proteins with a different molecular structure by each new generation B. production of toxins that kill lymphocytes C. insertion of its DNA into the nuclear DNA of host cells D. infection of lymphocytes leading to a decline in the host's ability to fight infection

A. production of new cell-surface proteins with a different molecular structure by each new generation

Paulinella chromatophorais a cercozoan that secretes a test, or case around itself consisting of plates made of silica. Which of the following is a rhizarian that would be in competition with P. chromatophorafor the silica needed to make these plates, assuming limited quantities of silica in the environment? A. radiolarians B. foraminiferans C. dinoflagellates D. diatoms

A. radiolarians

A biologist discovers an alga that is marine, multicellular, and lives at a depth reached only by blue light. Based on this information, to which of the following groups of algae would this organism be classified? A. red algae B. brown algae C. green algae D. golden algae

A. red algae

According to the endosymbiotic theory, it was adaptive for the larger host cell to keep the engulfed cell alive, rather than digesting it as food because ________. A. the engulfed cell provided the host cell with adenosine triphosphate (ATP) B. the engulfed cell provided the host cell with carbon dioxide C. the engulfed cell allowed the host cell to metabolize glucose D. the host cell was able to survive anaerobic conditions with the engulfed cell alive

A. the engulfed cell provided the host cell with adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Living organisms can be divided into two groups: autotrophs and heterotrophs. How do these two groups differ? A. their sources of carbon B. their electron acceptors C. their mode of inheritance D. the way that they generate ATP

A. their sources of carbon

Which of the following statements correctly describes both phototrophs and chemotrophs? A. Both are also autotrophs B. Both obtain their energy from chemicals C. Both obtain their energy from light D. Chemotrophs obtain energy from chemicals and phototrophs obtain energy from light

D. Chemotrophs obtain energy from chemicals and phototrophs obtain energy from light

Which bacterial species has an rRNA gene that is most similar to that of the wheat mitochondrion? A. M. capricolum B. A. tumefaciens C. E. coli D. C. testosteroni E. A. nidulans

B. A. tumefaciens

Which most likely arose from endosymbiosis? A. nuclear membrane and Golgi apparatus B. ER and chloroplasts C. chloroplasts and mitochondria D. mitochondria and Golgi apparatus

B. ER and chloroplasts C. chloroplasts and mitochondria

In which part of a bacterium is the complete chromosome found? A. Mitochondrion B. Nucleoid C. Nucleus D. Plasmid

B. Nucleoid

SAR is a highly diverse group of protists defined by DNA similarities determined through whole-genome analysis of various organisms in the group. Which of the following conclusions could be drawn from this information? A. SAR is a paraphyletic group B. SAR is a monophyletic group C. SAR includes organisms that have different common ancestors D. the common ancestor of the members of this group arose relatively recently in evolutionary history

B. SAR is a monophyletic group

If you are using fossilized protists to filter water, you are using members of A. Excavata. B. SAR. C. Archaeplastida. D. Unikonta.


Living diatoms contain brownish plastids. If global climate change continues to warm surface waters of Earth's oceans, which of the following is the most likely effect on the animals that build coral reefs? A. The coral animals, which capture planktonic organisms, may be outcompeted by the diatoms. B. The coral animals' endosymbiotic dinoflagellates may get "shaded out" by the diatoms. C. The coral animals may die from overeating the plentiful diatoms with their cases of silica. D. The diatoms' photosynthetic output may over-oxygenate the water.

B. The coral animals' endosymbiotic dinoflagellates may get "shaded out" by the diatoms.

Which of the following is a characteristic commonly found in ciliates? A. They use pseudopods as feeding structures. B. They are often multinucleate. C. They can exchange genetic material with other ciliates by the process of mitosis. D. Most live as solitary autotrophs in fresh water.

B. They are often multinucleate.

Which of the following statements correctly compares prokaryotic and eukaryotic flagella? A. They have the same evolutionary origin. B. They have different structures. C. They require different sources of energy. D. They contain their own DNA.

B. They have different structures.

Biologists think that endosymbiosis gave rise to mitochondria before plastids partly because ________. A. the products of photosynthesis could not be metabolized without mitochondrial enzymes B. all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids C. mitochondrial DNA is less similar to prokaryotic DNA than is plastid DNA D. without mitochondrial CO2production, photosynthesis could not occur

B. all eukaryotes have mitochondria (or their remnants), whereas many eukaryotes do not have plastids

Which of the following statements about flagella provides the best support for the claim that the flagella from eukaryotes and bacteria evolved independently? A. The flagella of both eukaryotes and bacteria are made of the same protein B. The mechanics of movement are the same in these flagella C. The protein that accomplishes the movement is different. D. The protein structure and the mechanism of movement in eukaryotes flagella are different from those of bacteria flagella.

D. The protein structure and the mechanism of movement in eukaryotes flagella are different from those of bacteria flagella.

According to the phylogeny presented in this chapter, which protists are in the same eukaryotic supergroup as plants? A. green algae B. dinoflagellates C. red algae D. both A and C

D. both A and C

Most ecosystems on Earth rely on sunlight as the primary energy source for the synthesis of organic compounds that living organisms need. Sunlight does not penetrate deep enough in the ocean to provide energy for organisms living near hydrothermal vents. How can these densely populated communities survive without energy from the sun? A. chemoheterotrophic bacteria convert organic compounds into carbon dioxide which is used by other organisms as an energy source B. chemoautotrophic bacteria harvest chemical energy from hydrogen sulfide and then provide the basis of food for the vent communities C. chemoheterotrophic bacteria harvest chemical energy from hydrogen sulfide and then provide the basis of food for the vent communities D. chemoautotrophic bacteria fix nitrogen which then is used as a source of energy for other organisms

B. chemoautotrophic bacteria harvest chemical energy from hydrogen sulfide and then provide the basis of food for the vent communities

Bacteria perform a number of ecological roles. Which role typically involves symbiosis? A. skin commensalist B. decomposition C. chemical recycling D. immobilizing nutrients

B. decomposition

Which of the following characteristics is common among all protists? A. unicellular B. eukaryotic C. symbionts D. mixotrophic

B. eukaryotic

Which of the following groups is matched with a correct anatomical feature? A. foraminifera-silicon-rich tests B. dinoflagellata-holdfast C. diatoms-tests made of cellulose D. brown algae-blade

D. brown algae-blade

Which of the following protists have chloroplasts (or structures since evolved from chloroplasts) thought to be derived from ancestral green algae? A. stramenopiles B. apicomplexans C. dinoflagellates D. chlorarachniophytes

D. chlorarachniophytes

Which of the following statements correctly describes exotoxins and endotoxins produced by various bacteria? A. endotoxins are secreted into the environment while the bacteria are still alive B. exotoxins are secreted into the environment while the bacteria are still alive C. exotoxins are only released into the environment when the bacteria die and their cell walls break down D. exotoxins are components of the outer membrane of the bacteria that produce them

B. exotoxins are secreted into the environment while the bacteria are still alive

A porous test (shell) of calcium carbonate, through which pseudopodia protrude, is characteristic of which of the following groups of organisms? A. diatoms B. foraminiferans C. ciliates D. water molds

B. foraminiferans

If you were given a microscope slide with a sample from a habitat rich in bacteria and nitrogen, you would expect to see A. peptidoglycan. B. heterocysts. C. filaments. D. halophiles. E. biofilms.

B. heterocysts.

Which of the following structures in chlorarachniophytes provides evidence that they evolved through the endosymbiosis of a green alga by a heterotrophic eukaryote? A. food vacuole B. nucleomorph C. mitosomes D. flagella

B. nucleomorph

A research ship catches a fish from the depths of the ocean. In the dark, it glows. What are prokaryotes doing with the fish? A. decomposing it B. providing bioluminescence C. fixing nitrogen D. photosynthesizing

B. providing bioluminescence

Amoebas are polyphyletic. Based on this fact, which of the following statements regarding their evolution is correct? A. movement by pseudopodia evolved only once B. scientists need to continue to investigate the origins and evolutionary history of protists C. evolutionary history cannot be discovered D. eukaryotes are also not monophyletic and need to be broken into many groups

B. scientists need to continue to investigate the origins and evolutionary history of protists

Green algae and plants are placed in the same phylogenetic group. Which of the following statements presents evidence to support this classification? A. similarities in mitochondrial structure and enzyme sequences B. similarities in chloroplast structure and pigment composition C. similarities in cell wall and membrane structure D. DNA sequence similarities in genes for ribosome structure

B. similarities in chloroplast structure and pigment composition

When a mosquito infected with Plasmodium first bites a human, what is the first process carried out by the Plasmodium? A. the gametes fuse, forming an oocyst B. the cells infect the human liver cells C. the cells cause lysing of the human red blood cells D. the oocyst undergoes meiosis

B. the cells infect the human liver cells

Which of the following statements is the most likely result of conjugation involving a bacterium that contains a copy of a plasmid containing a gene for tetracycline resistance with one that does not? A. the temporary possession by this bacterium of a completely diploid genome B. the rapid spread of tetracycline resistance to other bacteria in the population C. the subsequent loss of tetracycline resistance from this bacterium D. the production of endospores among the bacterium's progeny

B. the rapid spread of tetracycline resistance to other bacteria in the population

Slime molds and fungi were once included in the same taxonomic group due to some specific similarities in morphology and lifestyle. These two groups are now classified in different taxonomic groups. How would you describe these similarities now that the two groups are classified separately? A. the similarities are homologies B. the similarities are examples of convergent evolution C. the similarities are variations of common ancestral traits D. the similarities are adaptations for much different functions

B. the similarities are examples of convergent evolution

What is one of the primary benefits of bioremediation? A. to improve human health with the help of living organisms such as bacteria B. to clean up areas polluted with toxic compounds by using bacteria C. to improve soil quality for plant growth by using bacteria D. to improve bacteria for production of useful chemicals

B. to clean up areas polluted with toxic compounds by using bacteria

Mitochondria are thought to be the descendants of certain alpha proteobacteria. They are, however, no longer able to lead independent lives because most genesoriginally present in their genome have moved to the nuclear genome. Which phenomenon accounts for the movement of these genes? A. recombination B. conjugation C. translation D. endosymbiosis

D. endosymbiosis

Which of the following types of organisms produces algin, a substance used as a thickener in many processed foods? A. forams B. dinoflagellates C. diatoms D. kelp

D. kelp

A bacterium has the following characteristics: I. It adheres to the human intestinal lining using a feature that protects it from phagocytes, bacteriophages, and dehydration. II. It can survive being boiled. III. It contains no plasmids and relatively little peptidoglycan. Which of the following characteristics allows this bacterium to survive in a human who is taking penicillin pills? A. gram-negative cell wall B. peptidoglycan in the cell wall C. lipopolysaccharides in the cytoplasm D. long polypeptides in the cell wall

D. long polypeptides in the cell wall

A process that cannot produce genetic variation in bacterial populations is ________. A. transduction B. conjugation C. mutation D. meiosis

D. meiosis

In a lifecycle with alternation of generations, multicellular haploid forms alternate with ________. A. unicellular haploid forms B. unicellular diploid forms C. multicellular haploid forms D. multicellular diploid forms

D. multicellular diploid forms

Some bacteria possess antibiotic resistance, as well as the ability to survive through adverse conditions. Where in this type of bacteria is the DNA located? A. nucleoid, fimbriae, and plasmids B. endospore, fimbriae, and plasmids C. fimbriae, nucleoid, and endospore D. plasmids, nucleoid, and endospore

D. plasmids, nucleoid, and endospore

Which of the following traits do archaeans and eukaryotes have in common? A. presence of a nuclear envelope B. presence of peptidoglycan in the cell wall C. sensitivity to streptomycin D. presence of introns

D. presence of introns

The largest group of eukaryotic organisms is the A. vertebrates. B. animals. C. plants. D. protists. E. fungi.

D. protists.

Which group is correctly paired with its description? A. diatoms-important consumers in aquatic communities B. diplomonads-protists with modified mitochondria C. apicomplexans-producers with intricate life cycles D. red algae-acquired plastids by secondary endosymbiosis

D. red algae-acquired plastids by secondary endosymbiosis

Plastids that are surrounded by more than two membranes are evidence of ________. A. evolution from mitochondria B. fusion of plastids C. origin of the plastids from archaea D. secondary endosymbiosis

D. secondary endosymbiosis

Which of the following describes a bacterium that lives in the human intestine and causes disease? A. commensalist B. decomposer C. gut mutualist D. symbiotic pathogen

D. symbiotic pathogen

Many chlorophytes are unicellular, but others are larger and more complex. What does this indicate regarding the evolutionary history of chlorophytes? A. the chlorophyte group is not monophyletic B. the chlorophyte group is monophyletic C. the chlorophyte group is the protist group most closely related to plants D. the chlorophyte group contained extensive genetic variability

D. the chlorophyte group contained extensive genetic variability

Which is least associated with prokaryotes? A. nitrogen fixation B. botulism C. methane production D. total global photosynthesis

D. total global photosynthesis

Which of the following processes leads to genetic recombination by the introduction of viral DNA into a bacterium? A. horizontal gene transfer B. conjugation C. transformation D. transduction

D. transduction

Which of the following statements correctly describes F-cells and F+cells? A. Both types of cells can donate F plasmids to other cells B. Neither types of cells can donate F plasmids to other cells C. F+cells function as DNA donors during conjugation and F-cells function as DNA recipients during conjugation D. F+cells function as DNA recipients during conjugation and F-cells function as DNA donors during conjugation

C. F+cells function as DNA donors during conjugation and F-cells function as DNA recipients during conjugation

The thermoacidophile Sulfolobus acidocaldarius is an archaean organism that can tolerate environments that are high in temperature and low in pH. It lacks peptidoglycan, but still possesses a cell wall. Which of the following statements is likely to be an accurate description of this species? A. It is a bacterium. B. The optimal pH of its enzymes will lie above pH 7. C. It could inhabit hydrothermal springs. D. It could inhabit alkaline hot springs.

C. It could inhabit hydrothermal springs.

An individual mixotroph loses its plastids, yet continues to survive. Which of the following statements best explains this organism's continued survival? A. It relies on photosystems that float freely in its cytosol. B. It must have gained extra mitochondria when it lost its plastids. C. It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption. D. It has an endospore.

C. It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption.

From question 11, which of the following statements best describe the cell wall of this bacterium? A. Its innermost layer is composed of a phospholipid bilayer. B. After it has been subjected to Gram staining, the cell should remain purple. C. It has an outer membrane of lipopolysaccharide. D. It is mostly composed of a complex, cross-linked polysaccharide.

C. It has an outer membrane of lipopolysaccharide.

Which of the following statements compares the mitosomes of diplomonads and mitochondria of other types of eukaryotes? A. The mitosomes in diplomonads and other eukaryotes are identical. B. Mitosomes in diplomonads have a functional electron transport chain and other eukaryotes do not. C. Mitosomes in diplomonads lack a functional electron transport chain and other eukaryotes possess one. D. Mitosomes in diplomonads use oxygen for cellular respiration and other eukaryotes do not.

C. Mitosomes in diplomonads lack a functional electron transport chain and other eukaryotes possess one.

Why did the researchers choose only one plant (wheat) to include in the comparison matrix, which mostly has bacteria? A. A comparison matrix with more than six species is too unwieldy. B. Wheat is the plant that is most closely related to bacteria. C. Only one source of mitochondrial rRNA was needed to represent all mitochondria. D. Wheat is the only plant with mitochondrial rRNA genes.

C. Only one source of mitochondrial rRNA was needed to represent all mitochondria.

Which of the following statements best describes most bacteria? A. They are generally harmful. B. They are limited to living in a few habitats. C. They are very common in the environment. D. They are responsible for the "common cold."

C. They are very common in the environment.

Which of the following extremophiles is the best model for the earliest organisms on Earth? A. a prokaryote found near hydrothermal vents B. an archaean capable of surviving in the polar ice caps C. an anaerobic archaean species D. a bacterium that thrives in a highly acidic environment

C. an anaerobic archaean species

A bacterium that lives in the human intestine derives its nutrition by digesting the contents of the intestine. Which mode of nutrition best describes this bacterium? A. aerobic chemoheterotroph B. aerobic chemoautotroph C. anaerobic chemoheterotroph D. anaerobic chemoautotroph

C. anaerobic chemoheterotroph

Which of the following types of pathogenic prokaryotes cause cholera? A. archaea that release an exotoxin B. archaea that release an endotoxin C. bacteria that release an exotoxin D. bacteria that release an endotoxin

C. bacteria that release an exotoxin

Which of the following types of pathogenic prokaryotes cause cholera? A. archaea that release an exotoxin B. archaea that release an endotoxin C. bacteria that release an exotoxin D. bacteria that release an endotoxin

C. bacteria that release an exotoxin

A seaweed that grows in shallow, cold water and undergoes heteromorphic alternation of generations is most probably what type of alga? A. red B. green C. brown D. yellow

C. brown

Which statement about slime molds is correct? A. Cellular slime molds have haploid zygotes. B. Cytoplasmic streaming helps distribute nutrients and oxygen in cellular slime molds. C. In plasmodial slime molds, the haploid condition is the dominant part of the life cycle. D. Cellular slime molds have fruiting bodies that function in sexual reproduction. E. Cellular slime molds form masses when food is scarce, but their cells remain separated.

E. Cellular slime molds form masses when food is scarce, but their cells remain separated.

Ciliates like Paramecium typically reproduce asexually. Which process in Paramecium results in genetic recombination but no increase in population size? A. budding B. meiotic division C. conjugation D. binary fission

C. conjugation

Which of the following statements correctly describes a process by which bacteria become resistant to antibiotics? A. bacteria reproduce slowly, allowing mutation to become widespread in a population. B. some bacteria produce exotoxins that breakdown antibiotics, rendering them nonfunctional. C. conjugation spreads antibiotic resistance genes rapidly in a population. D. antibiotics cause mutation in bacteria, making them resistant.

C. conjugation spreads antibiotic resistance genes rapidly in a population.

In a recent study, researchers found that carbon dioxide was pumped to the ocean floor after adding a small amount of iron to the water. Which of the following organisms was likely responsible for this result? A. dinoflagellates B. forams C. diatoms D. slime molds

C. diatoms

Which of the following organisms is a producer? A. kinetoplastids B. apicomplexans C. diatoms D. ciliates

C. diatoms

Without prokaryotes, A. much decomposition in soil would stop. B. PCR would be much more difficult to do. C. plants would have fewer soil nutrients to absorb. D. there would be less methane in the world. E. all of the above would occur.

E. all of the above would occur.

While preparing a lab, you remove a culture of prokaryotes from their incubator and place them, still alive, on the bench at 25ºC. All die within 2 hours. The culture probably contained which prokaryotes? A. extreme halophiles B. proteobacteria C. cyanobacteria D. methanogens E. extreme thermophiles

E. extreme thermophiles

Trypanosoma, a kinetoplastid, is the cause of African A. HIV/AIDS. B. malaria. C. giardiasis. D. trichomoniasis. E. sleeping sickness.

E. sleeping sickness.

After studying a particular species of protist, you suspect that it has obtained a chloroplast via secondary endosymbiosis. Which of the following information would confirm your hypothesis? A. have nuclear and cyanobacterial genes B. are exceptionally small C. have three or four membranes D. have only a single pigment

C. have three or four membranes

Which of the following traits do archaeans and bacteria have in common? A. composition of the cell wall B. composition of the cell wall and lack of a nuclear envelope C. lack of a nuclear envelope and presence of circular chromosome D. presence of plasma membrane and composition of the cell wall

C. lack of a nuclear envelope and presence of circular chromosome

Which of the following structures provides motility in species of paramecium? A. pseudopods B. a single flagellum C. many cilia D. contractile vacuoles

C. many cilia

Which gets its energy from sunlight and its carbon from ingesting other organisms? A. photoautotroph B. chemoautotroph C. photoheterotroph D. chemoheterotroph

C. photoheterotroph

You have discovered a photosynthetic protist that lives in fairly deep water (for example, 250 m deep).To which of the following groups should this organism be classified? A. diatoms B. green algae C. red algae D. cercozoan

C. red algae

Anabaena is a cyanobacterium with two types of cells. One type of cell can carry out photosynthesis and the other type can carry out nitrogen fixation. However, the oxygen produced by photosynthesis inhibits the enzymes for nitrogen fixation. Which structural characteristic allows the nitrogen-fixing cells to continue to function? A. modified plasma membranes that are impermeable to both oxygen and nitrogen B. cell walls that are impermeable to both oxygen and nitrogen C. specialized cells called heterocysts, which have cell walls that restrict the entry of oxygen D. plasma membranes that are impermeable to nitrogen

C. specialized cells called heterocysts, which have cell walls that restrict the entry of oxygen

You are examining a sample of a newly discovered protist and see hairy flagella. You are looking at a A. red alga. B. foram. C. stramenopile. D. ciliate. E. parabasalid.

C. stramenopile.

Which of the following characteristics describe most existing bacteria? A. pathogenic, omnipresent, morphologically diverse B. extremophiles, tiny, abundant C. tiny, ubiquitous, metabolically diverse D. morphologically diverse, metabolically diverse, extremophiles

C. tiny, ubiquitous, metabolically diverse

In what type of environment would you find extreme halophiles? A. ice B. hot springs C. very salty water D. anoxic swamps E. a rain forest

C. very salty water

Which statement about biofilms is NOT true? A. Growth is due to signaling molecules recruiting cells. B. Cells secrete sticky proteins and polysaccharides. C. Damage to industrial equipment costs billions. D. Nutrients and wastes travel through channels. E. They are uncommon in nature.

They are uncommon in nature.

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