General Info & Git

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An HTML table is defined with a ____ tag. Table rows are defined with ____ tags. Table headers are defined with ____ tags. (bold and centered by default). Table cells (data) are defined with ____ tags.

1. <table> 2. <tr> 3. <th> 4. <td>

What are the 4 JSON Syntax Rules?TERM

1. Data is in name/value pairs 2. Data is separated by commas 3. Curly braces hold objects 4. Square brackets hold arrays

How do you use CSS Icons?

1. add a link to the icon library the <head> section of your HTML page. 2. To insert an icon, add the name of the icon class to any inline HTML element like <i> or <span>.

npm can manage dependencies. npm can (in one command line) install all the dependencies of a project. 1. Dependencies are also defined in ____? 2. How do you Publishing a Package?

1. package.json. 2. (Using the CLI) check if you have npm, login, then publish your projectDEFINITION What is GitHub?

HTML links are defined with ___

<a href="">This is a link</a>

What is the root element of an HTML page?


Define a Github BranchTERM

A GitHub branch is used to work with different versions of a repository at the same time. By default a repository has a master branch (a production branch). Any other branch is a copy of the master branch (as it was at a point in time). New Branches are for bug fixes and feature work separate from the master branch. When changes are ready, they can be merged into the master branch. If you make changes to the master branch while working on a new branch, these updates can be pulled in

What is a Commit on Github?TERM

A commit is any changes you make to the code. Each commit (change) has a description explaining why a change was made.

The XHR Object is the underlying concept of ____ and ____:


What is AJAX?

AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript And XML. AJAX just uses a combination of: - A browser built-in XMLHttpRequest object (to request data from a web server) - JavaScript and HTML DOM (to display or use the data) AJAX applications might use XML to transport data, but it is equally common to transport data as plain text or JSON text.

What is Command Line Interface (CLI)?TERM

CLI is a command line program that accepts text input to execute operating system functions. In the 1960s, using only computer terminals, this was the only way to interact with computers. Today, with graphical user interfaces (GUI), most users never use command-line interfaces (CLI). However, CLI is still used by software developers and system administrators to configure computers, install software, and access features that are not available in the graphical interface.DEFINITION What do programmers use the CLI for?

How do you convert a JSON Text to a JavaScript Object ? (3 steps)

First, create a JavaScript string containing JSON syntax: Then, use the JavaScript built-in function JSON.parse() to convert the string into a JavaScript object: Finally, use the new JavaScript object in your page:

Define a Github RepositoryTERM

GitHub is a code hosting platform for collaboration and version control.DEFINITION

How is the HTML language structured?

HTML elements are the building blocks of HTML pages HTML elements are represented by <> tags HTML elements can have attributes Attributes provide additional information about the element Attributes come in name/value pairs

HTML stands for what?

Hyper Text Markup Language

JSON objects are written inside ____ ____. JSON arrays are written inside ____ ____.

JSON objects are written inside curly braces. JSON arrays are written inside square brackets

What is JSON?

JSON stands for JavaScript Object Notation JSON is a lightweight format for storing and transporting data JSON is often used when data is sent from a server to a web page

What is npm?

Node Package Manager **you have to install Node.js to get npm installed on your computer. npm is the world's largest Software Library (Registry) npm is also a software Package Manager and Installer Open-source developers use npm to share software. Many organizations also use npm to manage private development

What is React?TERM

React is a JavaScript library created by Facebook React is a User Interface (UI) library React is a tool for building UI components. React uses Babel to convert JSX into JavaScript.

What can AJAX do?

Read data from a web server - after a web page has loaded Update a web page without reloading the page Send data to a web server - in the background

How are images defined? What attributes must they have?

The source file (src), alternative text (alt), width, and height are provided as attributes:

What is a Pull Request?TERM

With a pull request you are proposing that your changes should be merged (pulled in) with the master. Pull requests show content differences, changes, additions, and subtractions in colors (green and red). As soon as you have a commit, you can open a pull request and start a discussion, even before the code is finished.

All browsers have a built-in XMLHttpRequest Object (XHR). What is it and what is it's purpose?

XHR is a JavaScript object that is used to transfer data between a web browser and a web server. XHR is often used to request and receive data for the purpose of modifying a web page

What is XML?

XML stands for eXtensible Markup Language XML plays an important role in many different IT systems XML is often used for distributing data over the Internet. It is important for all web developers to have a good understanding of XML

You can display all available commands with the ____ command?

help For more information on a specific command, type help + command-name

Every HTML element can have attributes. For web development and programming, the most important attributes are ____ and ____

id & class

What is jQuery?

jQuery is a JavaScript library. jQuery greatly simplifies JavaScript programming. jQuery is easy to learn

All npm packages are defined in files called ______ The content of package.json must be written in JSON. At least two fields must be present in the definition file: ____ and ____

package.json. name and version.

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