General Part 2

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1282 (Refer to figure 54 point 3) What is the significance of the NOTICE next to circle 3? A) There is restricted airspace in the area B) All aircraft should stay above 800 feet AGL when flying over the magenta circle C) All aircraft must be at 800 feet AGL or higher prior to entering class B airspace

B) All aircraft should stay above 800 feet AGL when flying over the magenta circle

1137 While planning a cross-country flight, you see a thin black shaded line (MTR) labeled VR1007. To what altitude does the MTR extend? A) All of the route is above 1500 feet B) All of the route is below 1500 feet C) The route is above and below 1500 feet

B) All of the route is below 1500 feet

1249 You are south of the airfield and ATC tells you to enter midfield for a left downwind for runway 24. What will the magnetic heading be (no wind) when you are established on the downwind? A) 060° B) 240° C) 030°

A) 060°

1166 (Refer to figure 52 point 8) What is the minimum surface visibility for a VFR flight to takeoff from Auburn airport (AUN)? A) 1 statute mile B) 3 statute miles C) 5 statute miles

A) 1 statute mile

1159 One segment of your flight path takes you within 4 NM and 2500 feet AGL of a primary airport in Class C airspace. Your maximum indicated airspeed should be A) 200 knots B) 250 knots C) 150 knots

A) 200 knots

1081 (Refer to figure 53, point 3) The floor of the controlled airpsace over Firebaugh Airport (F34) is A) 700 feet AGL B) 1200 feet AGL C) 1600 feet AGL

A) 700 feet AGL

1095 (Refer to figure 53 point 1) You are planning to depart on a day VFR flight from Madera (MAE) airport. The floor of controlled airspace over the airport is A) 700 feet AGL B) 1200 feet AGL C) 1500 feet AGL

A) 700 feet AGL

1010 When operating VFR at night, what is the first indication of flying into restricted visibility conditions? A) A gradual disappearance of lights on the ground B) Ground lights begin to take on an appearance of being surrounded by a halo or glow C) Cockpit lights begin to tkae on an appearance of a halo or glow around them

A) A gradual disappearance of lights on the ground

1094 Why is a fatigued pilot a hazard? A) A pilot or copilot may not realize they are too tired to fly until serious errors are made B) Fatigue errors are usually gross errors of aeronautical knowledge C) Pilots exceed the limitations of aircraft in one other way

A) A pilot or copilot may not realize they are too tired to fly until serious errors are made

1289 If there is a malfunction with the air data computer on an electronic flight display, which instrument is affected? A) Airspeed B) ADSB-out C) Attitude

A) Airspeed

1091 What are your responsibilities as a pilot when entering and/or traversing an Alert Area? A) An alert area is to inform non-participating pilots of areas that may contain a high volume of pilot training or an unusual type of aerial activity. Pilot should exercise caution in alert areas B) Pilots in an Alert Area are assured separation from other aircraft C) Pilots may enter and fly in an Alert Area if they follow the waiver issued by the Administrator

A) An alert area is to inform non-participating pilots of areas that may contain a high volume of pilot training or an unusual type of aerial activity. Pilot should exercise caution in alert areas

1292 Under what conditions may a commercial pilot use BasicMed for compensation or hire? A) BasicMed may not be used for compensation or hire B) BasicMed may only be used if the pilot is not the designated PIC C) Only when acting as a designated SIC

A) BasicMed may not be used for compensation or hire

1136 (Refer to figure 53 point 2) You are planning to preflight your aircraft at Fresno Chandler Executive (FCH) when a fog bank rolls in from the northwest. How can you receive a weather update without leaving the aircraft? A) Contact Rancho Murieta radio on VHF 122.2 or call (800) 992-7433 from your cell phone B) Contact Rancho Murieta UNICOM on 112.9 and ask if there are any updates C) Listen to Sierra Sky Park (E79) ATIS on VHF 122.9

A) Contact Rancho Murieta radio on VHF 122.2 or call (800) 992-7433 from your cell phone

1086 (Refer to figure 52) You are planning on operating a flight in the vicinity of Van Vleck Airport (Area 6). You notice unforecast thunderstorms to the west of the airport. How can you receive a weather update without leaving the aircraft? A) Contact Rancho Murieta radio on VHF 122.2 or call (800)992-7433 from your cell phone B) Contact Rancho Murieta UNICOM on 122.8 and ask if there are any updates C) List6en to Scaramento Executive (SAC) ATIS on VHF 126.5

A) Contact Rancho Murieta radio on VHF 122.2 or call (800)992-7433 from your cell phone

1186 (Refer to figure 53) You are planning a VFR flight westbound departing from Fresno Chandler Executive (FCH), and your flight is passing through Lemoore MOA C and A. What action should you take? A) Exercise extreme caution B) Do not enter the MOA, VFR and IFR flights are prohibited C) Contact aircraft in the MOA on guard frequency 121.5

A) Exercise extreme caution

1278 (Refer to figure 53, point 2) You are over Fresno Chandler Executive (FCH) enroute to Chowchilla airport and your airborne radar is depicting unexpected weather ahead on your planned route. Who should you contact for an update on changing weather conditions? A) Flight service station on 122.2 or 122.55 B) Contact Fresno approach on 119.6 C) Contact Fresno Air Traffic Control tower

A) Flight service station on 122.2 or 122.55

1154 (Refer to figure 57) What is the significance of the dot between the 10 and 21? A) Follow the arrow to get to either RWY 10 or RWY 21 B) Follow the arrow to get to RWY 21, and look for further taxi routing for RWY 10 C) Turn left for RWY 22

A) Follow the arrow to get to either RWY 10 or RWY 21

1258 You are taxiing for departure at night. There is an aircraft on the taxiway ahead of you but you can't see it. You see a white light in the middle of the taxiway, a red light on the right, and green light on the left. What does this tell you about the aircraft ahead of you? A) It is taxiing toward you B) It is taxiing away from you C) It is taxiing across your path

A) It is taxiing toward you

1017 (Refer to figure 64) You see this sign when holding short of the runway. You receive clearance to back taxi on the runway for a full0length runway 26 departure. Which way should you tur when first taxiing on to the runway for takeoff? A) Left B) Right C) Need more information

A) Left

1262 You are on approach to runway 17, and the winds are reported 270 at 15 gust 20. To the west of the runway there are some buildings. What should you take into consideration? A) Low-level turbulence due to the buildings close to the runway B) You should use good crosswind landing technique C) The reported winds could be inaccurate

A) Low-level turbulence due to the buildings close to the runway

1015 After experiencing a powerplant failure at night, what action is a first priority? A) Maintain positive control B) Maneuver to a lighted highway C) Turn off all electrical equipment

A) Maintain positive control

1098 (Refer to figure 51 illustration F) If you were stopped on the airport surface area and the sign in the figure was visible, where are you located? A) On runway 22 B) Holding short of runway 22 C) On a runway with 2200 feet remaining

A) On runway 22

1239 (Refer to figure 58) You are ready to taxi from the west ramp. ATC gives the following instructions, 'CESSNA 123BC, TAXI TO RUNWAY 06 VIA ALPHA, BRAVO, AND HOLD SHORT TUNWAY 06'. Where would you stop your taxiing to comply with the clearance? A) Position 9 B) Position 7 C) Position 10

A) Position 9

1076 Which phase of flight increases your chances of experiencing somatogravic illusion? A) Rapid acceleration on takeoff B) Rapid deceleration on landing C) Emergency descent

A) Rapid acceleration on takeoff

1085 During preflight planning the evening before, you find a VFR waypoint on your sectional chart. How can you find the details about the waypoint? A) Refer to the Airport Facility Directory B) Contact the local avionics shop to update the database C) Look in the GPS during preflight inspection

A) Refer to the Airport Facility Directory

1246 Why would an aircraft be equipped with more than one power source for the turn coordinator, attitude indicator, and heading indicator? A) So that at least one gyroscopic instrument continues to operate in case of power failure B) These instruments can only be powered by one power source C) So that at least one pitot-static instrument continues to operate in case of power failure

A) So that at least one gyroscopic instrument continues to operate in case of power failure

1287 While in a flight a helicopter and an airplane are converging at a 90° angle, and the airplane is located to the right of the helicopter. Which aircraft as the right-of-way, and why? A) The airplane, because it is to the right of the helicopter B) The helicopter, because the helicopters have the right-of-way over planes C) The airplane, because airplanes have the right-of-way over helicopters

A) The airplane, because it is to the right of the helicopter

1267 (Refer to figure 52 point 4) You are departing to the west from Lincoln Rgnl / Harder (LHM) and suddenly experience engine roughness. Can you land on Van Dyke airport? A) Yes, this is an emergency B) No, it is a private use airport C) You need a clearance from ATC

A) Yes, this is an emergency

1191 (Refer to figure 59) You are on taxiway A at spot 5. If you were to turn 90 degrees to the right, which taxiway would you be on? A) T B) E C) F

B) E

1153 You are the PIC of a flight that was supposed to have departed earlier in the day, but the passengers are late in arriving. Inclement weather is forecast for your route of flight. What are your alternatives? A) The aircraft is equipped with up-to-date avionics, therefore the flight can proceed as planned B) Evaluate current and forecast weather conditions and determine if the flight can be made safely C) You discuss with passengers the turbulence associated with the flight, then allow them to make the decision.

B) Evaluate current and forecast weather conditions and determine if the flight can be made safely

1220 While flight planning using a sectional chart, you realize your planned route takes you though a shaded blue area labeled P-40. What action must be taken? A) Contact ATC before entering the area B) Remain clear of the area C) Obtain clearance prior to takeoff

B) Remain clear of the area

1004 (Refer to figure 64) You see this sign when holding short of the runway. You receive clearance to back taxi on the runway for a full-length runway 8 departure. Which way should you turn when first taxiing on to the runway for takeoff? A) Left B) Right C) Need more information

B) Right

1299 You are receiving flight following and are approaching a non-towered airport you know nothing about. You request a lower altitude from ATC in order to take a look. ATC advises that there are numerous targets below and to expect lower in 5 miles. You consider the advisory an annoyance and terminate flight following descending directly into the traffic pattern. This behavior A) is acceptable decision-making B) exhibits a hazardous attitude C) is a normal decision to enter the traffic pattern

B) exhibits a hazardous attitude

1097 To avoid landing at the wrong airport or on the wrong runway, a pilot should A) contact Unicom to get the latest field information B) follow the instrument approach chart for the appropriate runway C) contact tower for verification

B) follow the instrument approach chart for the appropriate runway

1279 You are planning a flight at a pressure altitude of 6000 feet and an OAT of 20°C. The density altitude will be A) lower than 6000 feet B) higher than 6000 feet C) equal to 6000 feet

B) higher than 6000 feet

990 The 'taxiway location' sign serves to A) provide general taxiing direction to named runway B) identify taxiway on which an aircraft is located C) denote entrance to runway from a taxiway

B) identify taxiway on which an aircraft is located

1167 Weather reports indicate tht you will have a direct crosswind upon landing. You must A) raise your upwind wing during landing B) keep your longitudinal axis aligned with the runway C) approach the runway at a slower speed than usual

B) keep your longitudinal axis aligned with the runway

1331 What is the main reason why a pilot should perform continuous self-evaluation before and during a flight? To A) monitor aircraft equipment B) monitor pilot fatigue C) evaluate preflight planning

B) monitor pilot fatigue

1351 What techniques can a pilot practice to improve scanning ability? A) Practice scanning over a wide area of less than 30 degrees B) practice using a series of short, regularly spaced eye movements C) Practice scanning by focusing on each area for 5 seconds

B) practice using a series of short, regularly spaced eye movements

1011 For night flying operations, the best night vision is achieved when the A) cones in the eyes have become adjusted to the darkness in approximately 5 minutes B) rods in the eyes have become adjusted to the darkness in approximately 30 minutes C) pupils of the eyes have become dilated in approximately 10 minutes

B) rods in the eyes have become adjusted to the darkness in approximately 30 minutes

1323 One of the hazards of using a hand-held GPS unit is that A) pilots may not notice the alert that notifies them anytime there is a loss of RAIM B) some hand-held units may not be equipped with RAIM alerting capability C) a cross-check of other navigation devices would not identify a system failure

B) some hand-held units may not be equipped with RAIM alerting capability

1168 (Refer to figure 52, point 4) The terrain elevation at the obstruction located approximately 3.5 NM south of the Lincoln Airport (LHM) is A) 285 feet higher than the airport elevation B) 175 feet higher than the airport elevation C) 11 feet lower than the airport elevation

C) 11 feet lower than the airport elevation

1092 Pilots should be cautious about flying too soon after drinking because considerable amounts of alcohol can remain in the body for over A) 48 hours B) 32 hours C) 16 hours

C) 16 hours

1084 (Refer to figure 52, point 3) What is the height of the terrain at the obstruction located 1 NM northwest of Robbins? A) 1 foot B) 14 feet C) 26 feet

C) 26 feet

1088 How long does it take for the body to rid itself of 1 oz of alcohol after consumption? A) 45 minutes B) 2 hours C) 3 hours

C) 3 hours

1157 (Refer to figure 904) You are landing on RWY 03. During the ground roll, you notice this sign. You know that you have A) 300 meters of runway available B) consumed 3000 feet of runway C) 3000 feet of runway remaining

C) 3000 feet of runway remaining

1162 (Refer to figure 52 area 7) What is the length of the longest runway at Sacramento International (SMF) airport? A) 2700 feet B) Not enough information to determine C) 8600 feet

C) 8600 feet

1041 (Refer to figure 61) According to this sign, you are on taxiway A) Echo B) Tango C) Alpha

C) Alpha

1020 What is the purpose of a Runway Threshold Bar? A) Indicates the maximum length of runway that may be used for taxi after landing B) Indicates the maximum length of runway that may be used for taxi after landing C) Indicates the beginning of a runway with a displaced threshold

C) Indicates the beginning of a runway with a displaced threshold

1045 (Refer to figure 56) The ground controller instructs you to taxi to and hold short of runway 22. Upon reaching the holding area, which sign will you see? A) 1 B) 2 C) Neither

C) Neither

1019 (Refer to figure 901) This sign can be found on A) both sides of the taxiway B) the right side of the taxiway C) either side of the taxiway

C) either side of the taxiway

1057 A pilot flying in a fatigued state is a hazard because A) the pilot will hurry through checklists and neglect items B) pilot will exceed aircraft limitations to complete the flight C) flying fatigued is flying impaired

C) flying fatigued is flying impaired

1060 Statistics show that 75% of accidents occur due to A) visual flight into instrument weather conditions B) unapproved maintenance C) improper human performance

C) improper human performance

1071 Your charter flight customers want to take a flight that will land at Reagan International (DCA). You A) may make this flight like any other flight B) may not make this flight C) must undergo special awareness training and receive a certificate of completion before making the flight

C) must undergo special awareness training and receive a certificate of completion before making the flight

1006 Light beacons producing red flashes indicate A) the end of runway warning at departure end B) a pilot should remain clear of an airport traffic pattern and continue circling C) obstructions or areas considered hazardous to aerial navigation

C) obstructions or areas considered hazardous to aerial navigation

1113 The 'No Entry' sign identifies A) the exit boundary for the runway protected area B) an area that does not continue beyond intersection C) paved area where aircraft entry is prohibited

C) paved area where aircraft entry is prohibited

1264 You are flying in day VFR and begin having mechanical problems with your aircraft. You should aviate, navigate, and then A) attempt to troubleshoot the mechanical problem B) identify checkpoints for the nearest airport and land C) request assistance and declare an emergency

C) request assistance and declare an emergency

1009 When planning for an emergency landing at night, one of the primary considerations should include A) turning off all electrical switches to save battery power for the landing B) landing without flaps to ensure a nose-high landing attitude at touchdown C) selecting a landing area close to public access if possible

C) selecting a landing area close to public access if possible

1177 A placard inside your aircraft reads, "Use of the air conditioner may cause the compass to read incorrectly." The magnetic compass is A) showing the effects of magnetic variation B) slaved to the heading indicator C) showing the effects of magnetic deviation

C) showing the effects of magnetic deviation

1018 (Refer to figure 900) This sign confirms your position on A) runway 22 B) routing to runway 22 C) taxiway to runway 22

C) taxiway to runway 22

1109 200 knots indicated is the maximum airspeed in A) Class G airspace B) Class airspace C) the airspace underlying Class B airspace

C) the airspace underlying Class B airspace

1302 You encounter a stressful situation during your flight. You notice your breathing becoming more rapid. This could lead to A) not enough oxygen B) not enough carbon monoxide leaving the blood C) too much carbon dioxide leaving the blood

C) too much carbon dioxide leaving the blood

1027 The term Airport means an area of land or water that is A) scheduled for use as an airport B) used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, and includes taxiways and other ground movement areas C) used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, and includes its buildings and facilities, if any

C) used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft, and includes its buildings and facilities, if any

1225 Under what conditions would a pilot make right turns in a traffic pattern at an airport in Class G airspace without an operating control tower? A) All turns in a traffic pattern are made to the left at a non-towered controlled airport B) The airport has visual markings indicating that turns should be made to the right C) Turns in a traffic pattern are made to the right at a non-towered controlled airport in an airplane with other aircraft in the area

B) The airport has visual markings indicating that turns should be made to the right

1242 You will be using an avionics package that you have never used before. The day of the flight, your weather brief forecasts a ceiling of 300 feet overcast and 1 SM visibility at your destination. What is the best action? A) Proceed with the flight and plan to receive updated weather enroute B) The risks are too high, so you delay the flight and wait for conditions to improve C) The morning before the flight, you spend a few minutes reviewing the POH

B) The risks are too high, so you delay the flight and wait for conditions to improve

1024 (Refer to figure 64) You receive the clearance, "Cessna 123AB, fly runway heading, climb and maintain 3000 feet, cleared for takeoff runway 26", and you see this sign. Which way do you turn? A) To the left B) To the right C) No turn is required

B) To the right

1255 (Refer to figure 61) You received an ATC clearance, "Cessna 123AB, taxi to runway 17 via taxiway alpha, tango" A) You are on taxiway E. You must take a 90 degree right turn onto taxiway A for taxiway T B) You are on taxiway A. You must take a 45 degree right turn for a taxiway T C) You must request further taxi instructions

B) You are on taxiway A. You must take a 45 degree right turn for a taxiway T

1161 The sectional chart indicates that your flight will take you to an airport depicted within a blue segmented circle. What is the minimum required visibility to enter this airspace under VFR? A) You will need 1 statute mile visibility for special use airspace B) You will need 3 statute miles visibility to enter Class D airspace C) You will need 2 statute miles visibility to enter Class B airspace

B) You will need 3 statute miles visibility to enter Class D airspace

1342 During flight below overcast clouds, you see lighting flashes ahead of your aircraft. You should A) climb above the clouds B) alter your route to avoid traffic C) remain on your route because it is below the clouds

B) alter your route to avoid traffic

1127 Automated navigation systems can create A) an increase in situational awareness B) both an increase and decrease in situational awareness C) a decrease in situational awareness

B) both an increase and decrease in situational awareness

1212 You will be more susceptible to hypoxia if you A) decrease altitude B) conduct a flight after donating blood C) increase oxygen supply

B) conduct a flight after donating blood

1234 You are on approach and you realize you are going to undershoot the runway. Suddenly raising the flaps will A) increase indicated airspeed and allow you to make the runway B) decrease lift and cause the aircraft to sink rapidly C) increase lift and get you back to the right altitude

B) decrease lift and cause the aircraft to sink rapidly

1005 Within aircraft movement areas, destination signs identify the A) runway on which an aircraft is located B) direction to take-off runways C) entrance to the runway from a taxiway

B) direction to take-off runways

1151 You are going to fly some friends to a football game in another state. Your weight and balance calculations indicate you are over the maximum gross takeoff weight. What are your alternatives? A) You can reduce fuel or baggage to bring weight within the normal operation performance chart B) If you are over gross by 10% or less, you are safe to takeoff because safety margins are built into the performance charts C) You may use average weights to bring the aircraft within limits

A) You can reduce fuel or baggage to bring weight within the normal operation performance chart

1195 (Refer to figure 60) You have just landed and cleared the runway. Ground control gives you the following instructions. "Cessna 12AB, taxi to the ramp via taxiway A, right turn on taxiway E". You proceed down taxiway A and encounter only sign #1, and no other taxiway signs or taxiways. What has occurred? A) You have passed Echo and are at the end of Alpha B) You should continue on taxiway A until see taxiway E C) You are on taxiway E and have missed taxiway A

A) You have passed Echo and are at the end of Alpha

1056 Information concerning the aircraft registration application or the aircraft bill of sale can be obtained from A) a FSDO B) the state division of aeronautics where the aircraft will be hangared C) the AIM


1140 (Refer to figure 54) Penetrating the airspace labeled R-2531 near area 3 is A) allowed, but may be extremely hazardous B) not allowed anytime C) not allowed, unless a VFR flight plan was activated

A) allowed, but may be extremely hazardous

1014 An idea of the magnitude of the load factor obtained while maneuvering an airplane can be determined by considering the A) degree to which one is pressed down into the seat B) amount of flight control deflection required C) force exerted by the pilot on the flight controls

A) degree to which one is pressed down into the seat

1067 Some advantages of automation systems A) may be offset by inherent limitations B) have proven to be error-free C) are limited by human monitors

A) may be offset by inherent limitations

1178 You think you are experiencing hyperventilation. Some symptoms may include A) muscle spasms and impaired vision B) tingling of fingers and toes and visual acuity C) feeling of euphoria and increased response time

A) muscle spasms and impaired vision

1332 A pilot can mitigate risk on the flight deck by A) pilot self-evaluation B) trying to overcome fatigue C) enduring psychological pressure

A) pilot self-evaluation

1064 Humans are characteristically A) poor monitors of automation B) inclined to appreciate workload imposed by automation C) developed to expect automation to fail often

A) poor monitors of automation

1283 During a crosswind takeoff, aileron controls can be manipulated to gain flight control by A) pressure into the wind B) neutral pressure C) pressure away from the wind

A) pressure into the wind

1227 You are planning a VFR flight. If you are experiencing pilot fatigue, you will minimize the risk by A) rethinking your plans and perhaps postponing the flight B) completing an abbreviated preflight inspection so you can depart sooner C) knowing your experience will help you to overcome signs of fatigue

A) rethinking your plans and perhaps postponing the flight

1083 You are planning a VFR cross-country flight whose route will pass near to, but more than a 60NM radius from, the Washington DC VOR/DME facility. You know that A) the flight may be conducted in accordance with current regulations B) the flight is prohibited unless a Defense Visibility Flight Rules flight plan is filed and activated C) prior to the flight you must complete special awareness training

A) the flight may be conducted in accordance with current regulations

1288 Before starting the engine, you should A) turn on the anti-collision lights B) check updated weather C) set and wind the aircraft clock

A) turn on the anti-collision lights

1196 (Refer to figure 64) You have received clearance to land on runway 18 and hold short of runway 26-8. After you land, you rollout past this sign. This indicates that A) you did not comply with the clearance and have passed runway 26-8 B) you complied with the clearance and should stop at runway 26-8 C) you should continue taxiing past runway 26-8

A) you did not comply with the clearance and have passed runway 26-8

1022 (Refer to figure 58) Where would you see this sign? A) 3 and 5 B) 10 and 11 C) 9 and 12

B) 10 and 11

1063 (Refer to figure 53, point 4) The floor of the Class E airspace of Johnston Airport (M90) is A) 700 feet AGL B) 1200 feet AGL C) the surface

B) 1200 feet AGL

1124 (Refer to figure 53 point 4) What is the required flight visibility if you are VFR northeast bound on V230-585 at 5500 feet MSL passing north of the Johnston (M90) airport? A) 1 SM B) 3 SM C) 5 SM

B) 3 SM

1080 (Refer to figure 53, point 4) You are on V230 heading southwest at 3500 feet and you are 2 NM north of Johnston Airport (M90). What is your minimum visibility and could clearance? A) 1 miles visibility; clear of clouds B) 3 miles visibility; 1000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2000 feet horizontal C) 5 miles visibility; 1000 feet above, 1000 feet below, and 1 miles horizontal

B) 3 miles visibility; 1000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2000 feet horizontal

1210 With a calm wind approach speed of 70 knots, what speed should be used when gusts are 15 knots, if not specified in the AFM/POH? A) 70 knots B) 77 knots C) 85 knots

B) 77 knots

1119 (Refer to figure 52 point 6) You depart from RIU (Ranch Murieta) VFR direct to SMF (Sacramento International). Your route of flight takes you directly through the MHR (Sacramento Mather) Class D airspace. Is hearing your callsign read by SMF air controllers sufficient to enter the MHR airspace? A) No, you must hear the controllers say "radar contact" before you may enter the MHR airspace B) Yes, since you contacted SMF approach control, you can fly through MHR airspace C) No, you still need to get permission from MHR tower controllers

C) No, you still need to get permission from MHR tower controllers

1258 Which is true when using a portable hand-held GPS for VFR flight? A) RAIM will be maintained during the entire flight B) Waypoints will remain accurate even if the database is not current C) Position accuracy degrades without notification

C) Position accuracy degrades without notification

1139 (Refer to figure 903) While taxiing for takeoff, the controller gives you instructions to hold short of the runway 15 approach area and you see this sign. Following this instruction will ensure protection for A) Runway 15 B) Runway 15 departures or Runway 33 approaches C) Runway 15 approaches or Runway 33 departures

C) Runway 15 approaches or Runway 33 departures

1322 You are on approach to an airport at night near an active military airfield. ATC states "N123AB, advise when you have the airport in sight". In the distance you see a rotating beacon with two quick white flashes and one green flash. This is A) your destination airport B) a heliport C) a military airfield

C) a military airfield

1291 You notice that you are too high during your approach and decide to execute a go-around. The first operational step is to A) raise the flaps B) reduce the angle of attack C) apply full power

C) apply full power

1120 (Refer to figure 54 point 1) You are departing Livermore airport (LVK) VFR enroute to San Francisco (SFO). You must have A) an endorsement in your logbook for SFO B) an instrument rating C) at ATC clearance

C) at ATC clearance

1050 Pilots and/or flight crew members involved in NMAC occurrences are urged to report each incident immediately A) by cell phone to the nearest Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) as this is an emergency B) to local law enforcement C) by radio or telephone to the nearest FAA ATC facility or FSS

C) by radio or telephone to the nearest FAA ATC facility or FSS

1077 You are planning a VFR cross-country flight that will take you within a 60 NM radius of the Washington DC VOR/DME facility. Prior to conducting the flight, you must A) file a special VFR flight plan B) file an IFR flight plan C) complete special awareness training

C) complete special awareness training

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