Genetics Final Chp 3, 4

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The specification of the anterior−−posterior axis in Drosophila embryos is initially controlled by various gene products that are synthesized and stored in the mature egg following oogenesis. Mutations in these genes result in abnormalities of the axis during embryogenesis, illustrating maternal effect. - How do such mutations vary from those involved in organelle heredity that illustrate extranuclear inheritance?

-Maternal effect genes are often carried from grandparent through carrier (unaffected) mother to offspring unlike organelle genes that affect every generation.

Pattern baldness is a sex-influenced trait, with heterozygous males exhibiting the trait. What would be the probability of the daughters exhibiting the trait from a woman with pattern baldness and a male without pattern baldness?


1. One gene pair separates independently from other gene pairs (different gene pairs on the same homologous pair of chromosomes (if far apart) or on nonhomologous chromosomes will separate independently from each other during meiosis) 2. Alleles segregate from each other during gamete formation (when homologous chromosomes separate from each other at anaphase I, alleles will go to opposite poles of the meiotic apparatus) 3. For autosomal genes, each gene has two alleles (A and a) 4. Some genes have dominant and recessive alleles (A and a)

1. independent assortment 2. segregation 3. unit factors in pairs 4. dominance/recessiveness

Two organisms, AABBCCDDEE and aabbccddee, are mated to produce an F1 that is self-fertilized. If the capital letters represent dominant, independently assorting alleles. What proportion of the F2 genotypes will be recessive for all five loci?


Albinism, lack of pigmentation in humans, results from an autosomal recessive gene. Two parents with normal pigmentation have an albino child. What is the probability that their next two children will be albino?


A deficiency of the enzyme glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is inherited as an X-linked recessive trait in humans. A phenotypically normal woman (whose father had G6PD) is married to a man with normal G6PD function. What fraction of their sons would be expected to have G6PD deficiency?


In the mouse, gene B can produce black pigment from a colorless precursor molecule. A mouse having at least one B allele can produce black pigment, whereas the homozygous recessive mouse (bb) cannot and is albino. The agouti locus (A) can convert the black pigment to brown in the presence of at least one dominant A allele, whereas the homozygous recessive (aa) cannot convert the black pigment to brown. What would be the probability of an albino mouse offspring if the parents were genotypes AaBb and AAbb?


Polydactyly is expressed when an individual has extra fingers and/or toes, and is transmitted via an autosomal dominant allele. Assume that a man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot marries a woman with a normal number of digits. The couple has a son with normal hands and feet, but the couple's second child has extra digits. What is the probability that their next child will have polydactyly?


The autosomal (not X-linked) gene for brachydactyly, short fingers, is dominant to normal finger length. Assume that a female with brachydactyly in the heterozygous condition is married to a man with normal fingers. What is the probability that their first child will have brachydactyly?


The white-eye gene in Drosophila is recessive and sex-linked. Assume that a white-eyed female is mated to a wild-type male. What would be the phenotypes of the offspring?

1/2 wild-type females, 1/2 white-eyed males

What is the probability of rolling a 2 or a 3 on a six-sided die?


The autosomal (not X-linked) gene for brachydactyly, short fingers, is dominant to normal finger length. Assume that a female with brachydactyly in the heterozygous condition is married to a man with normal fingers. What is the probability that their first two children will have brachydactyly?


Albinism, lack of pigmentation in humans, results from an autosomal recessive gene (a). Two parents with normal pigmentation have an albino child. What is the probability that their next three children will be albino?


A couple each with blood type AB and normal pigmentation have a child with AB blood type and albinism. What is the probability that their next child will have the same phenotype as the first child?


Albinism, lack of pigmentation in humans, results from an autosomal recessive gene (a ). Two parents with normal pigmentation have an albino child. What is the probability that their next child will be an albino girl?


Pattern baldness is a sex-influenced trait, with heterozygous males exhibiting the trait. What would be the probability of the sons exhibiting the trait from a woman with pattern baldness and a male without pattern baldness?


Many of the color varieties of summer squash are determined by several interacting loci: AA or Aa gives white, aaBB or aaBb gives yellow, and aabb produces green. Assume that two fully heterozygous plants are crossed. Give the phenotype ratio of the offspring.

12 (white):3 (yellow):1 (green)

Using the branch diagram method, what would be the genotypic ratio of offspring from the following cross AaBBcc x AaBbCC?


Assume that a dihybrid cross for two different traits (AaBb × AaBb) is made in which the gene loci are autosomal, independently assorting, and both incompletely dominant. What phenotypic ratio would you expect from such a cross?


How many different types of gametes can be formed by individuals of the genotype aaBbaaBb?


4 36 In cattle, coats may be solid white, solid black, or black-and-white spotted. When true-breeding solid whites are mated with true-breeding solid blacks, the F1F1 generation consists of all solid white individuals. After many F1×F1F1×F1 matings, the following ratio was observed in the F2F2 generation: 12/16 solid white3/16 black-and-white spotted1/16 solid black How many gene pairs are involved in the inheritance of cattle coat color? What type of inheritance mode governs coat color?

2 dominant epistasis

4 13 Mice have a set of multiple alleles of a gene for coat color. Four of those alleles are as follows:C = full color (wild)cch = chinchillacd = dilutionc = albinoGiven that the gene locus is not sex-linked and that each allele is dominant to those lower in the list, what would be the phenotypic ratio of a cross between a mouse of full color (heterozygous for dilution) and a mouse with the chinchilla coat color (heterozygous for albino)?

2 full color:1 chinchilla:1 dilution

What is the ratio expected for offspring of a cross between two yellow mice?

2 yellow: 1 agouti

Tightly curled or wooly hair is caused by a dominant gene in humans. If a heterozygous curly-haired person marries a person with straight hair, what percentage of their offspring would be expected to have straight hair?


How many different types of gametes can be formed by individuals of the genotype AaBB? How many different types of gametes can be formed by individuals of the genotype AabbCc? How many different types of gametes can be formed by individuals of the genotype AaBBcc? How many different types of gametes can be formed by individuals of the genotype AaBbcc? How many different types of gametes can be formed by individuals of the genotype AabbCCDdEe?

2, 4, 2, 4, 8

Set I 30 talll 5 short What is the χ2χ2 value for Set I?


4 16 In foxes, two alleles of a single gene, P and p, may result in lethality (PP), platinum coat (Pp), or silver coat (pp). What ratio is obtained when platinum foxes are interbred? Is the P allele behaving dominantly or recessively in causing lethality? Is the P allele behaving dominantly or recessively in causing platinum coat color?

2/3 platinum, 1/3 silver recessively dominantly

If one is testing a goodness of fit to a 9:3:3:1 ratio, how many degrees of freedom would be associated with the Chi-square analysis?


4 30 The following F2 results occur from a typical dihybrid cross: purple:A_B_9/16white:aaB_3/16white:A_bb3/16white:aabb1/1 If a double heterozygote (AaBb) is crossed with a fully recessive organism (aabb), what phenotypic ratio is expected in the offspring?

3 (white): 1 (purple)

A couple in which one parent is blood type A and the other is blood type B, and both have normal pigmentation, have a child that is blood type O and has albinism. What is the probability that their next child will have normal pigmentation and blood type A?


Albinism, lack of pigmentation in humans, results from an autosomal recessive gene. Two parents with normal pigmentation have an albino child. What is the probability that their next child will be wild type?


In tomato plants smooth texture (P) is dominant to peach (p), red color (R) is dominant to yellow (r), and normal leaf (B) is dominant to broad leaf (b). In the cross PpRrbb × Pprrbb what percent of the offspring will be smooth, yellow and broad?


Assuming a typical monohybrid cross in which one allele is completely dominant to the other, what phenotypic ratio is expected if the F1s are crossed?


Using the branch diagram method, what would be the phenotypic ratio of offspring from the following cross AaBBcc × AaBbCC (assuming dominance/recessive at each locus and independent assortment)?


Two organisms, AABBCCDDEE and aabbccddee, are mated to produce an F1 that is self-fertilized. The capital letters represent dominant, independently assorting alleles. How many different genotypes will occur in the F2?

3^5 = 243

A recessive allele in dogs causes white spots. If two solid colored dogs are mated and produce a spotted offspring, what is the percentage chance their next puppy would be solid colored?


For an organism in which the diploid number of chromosomes equals 6, how many possible gamete combinations can be formed as a result of independent assortment (excluding the impact of crossing over)?


How many different kinds of gametes can be produced by an individual with the genotype AABbCCddEeFf?


How many different possible gametes can be obtained from an organism with the following genotype AaBbCc?


Which phenotypic ratio is likely to occur in crosses of two completely dominant, independently segregating gene pairs when both parents are fully heterozygous?


Which of the following statements is always true when mutations occur in genes whose products are essential to an organism's survival?

A homozygote for a recessive lethal allele will not survive.

Which of the following statements is an example of independent assortment?

A tall pea plant is no more or less likely to have round seeds than a dwarf pea plant.

3. 56 Purebred dogs are susceptible to many genetic disorders. Cocker spaniels, in particular, are prone to a disorder called canine phosphofructokinase (PFK) deficiency, an autosomal recessive condition in which glucose is unable to be metabolized into available energy. Because the PFK enzyme is important for energy metabolism in red blood cells and skeletal muscle during exercise, a deficiency in the enzyme results in exercise intolerance and muscle disease.Use the pedigree below, which shows the inheritance of PFK deficiency in cocker spaniels, to answer the questions. If A represents the allele for wild type PFK, what is Hank's genotype? What is the probability that Hank and Hazel's male offspring will be a carrier of PFK deficiency? Hazel's breeder has confirmed that she is not a carrier of PFK deficiency. What is the probability that an unaffected female offspring of Howey and Hailey will be a carrier of PFK deficiency? You are interested in becoming a cocker spaniel breeder. You are considering breeding the male dog from Hazel and Hank's litter (e) with one of the unaffected female dogs from Hailey and Howey's litter (h). Hazel's breeder has confirmed that she is not a carrier of the gene for PFK deficiency. What is the probability that their offspring will be affected with PFK deficiency? Use the information from parts A, B and C to help formulate your answer. You are now considering breeding a female from litter f with the male from litter h. What is the probability that their offspring will be affected with PFK deficiency?

Aa 50% 67% 1/12 1/9

4 27 The following genotypes of two independently assorting autosomal genes determine coat color in rats: A_B_A_B_ (gray) A_bbA_bb (yellow) aaB_aaB_ (black) aabbaabb (cream) A third gene pair on a separate autosome determines whether any color will be produced. The CCCC and CcCc genotypes allow color according to the expression of the AA and BB alleles. However, the cccc genotype results in albino rats regardless of the AA and BB alleles present. -What are the genotype(s) and phenotype(s) of the parents who produced the following F1F1 offspring? F1:F1: 9/16 gray: 3/16 yellow: 3/16 black: 1/16 cream -What are the genotype(s) and phenotype(s) of the parents who produced the following F1F1 offspring? F1:F1: 9/16 gray: 3/16 yellow: 4/16 albino -What are the genotype(s) and phenotype(s) of the parents who produced the following F1F1 offspring? F1:F1: 27/64 gray: 16/64 albino: 9/64 yellow: 9/64 black: 3/64 cream

AaBbCC (gray) AaBbCc (gray) AaBbCc (gray) AABbCc (gray) AaBbCc (gray)

4 34 Croaking in frogs is inherited by one gene with a pair of alleles −− dominant uttering (RR) and recessive muttering (rr). Eye color is inherited by epistatic interaction of two genes with the following possible phenotypes: A_B_A_B_ −− blue eyes; A_bb−A_bb− purple eyes and aaB_aaB_ or aabb−aabb− green eyes. The frog geneticist mated two purple utterers with the following results: 9/16 purple, utterers3/16 purple, mutterers3/16 green, utterers1/16 green, mutterers What were the genotypes of the parents?


Albinism in humans is inherited as a simple recessive trait. Determine the genotypes of the parents for the following families. Two parents without albinism have five children, four without albinism and one with albinism. What are the genotypes of the parents? A male without albinism and a female with albinism have six children, all without albinism. What are the genotypes of the parents? Select the two genotypes.

Aa×Aa male Aa; female aa male AA; female aa

4. 10 An individual test his blood type by placing drops of blood in anti-A sera and anti-B sera with the results as follows:


How do we know whether an organism expressing a dominant trait is homozygous or heterozygous?

By conducting a testcross, one readily tests whether an organism is homozygous or heterozygous for a given trait.

What is independent assortment?

During gamete formation, a pair of unit factors segregates randomly from another pair of unit factors.

What is segregation?`

During gamete formation, allele pairs are separated to form haploid gametes.

All EXCEPT which one of the following factors were crucial to the success of Gregor Mendel's experiments?

He always allowed all pea plants to self-fertilize, avoiding contamination from other individuals.

Which two genotypes in an individual would be expressed as the same phenotype in a diploid organism?

Homozygous dominant and heterozygous.

What is the difference between incomplete dominance and codominance?

In codominance, both phenotypes are expressed in heterozygotes. In incomplete dominance, the heterozygote shows a phenotype that is intermediate between the two homozygotes.

________ occurs when the offspring's phenotype is under the control of the mother's nuclear gene products that are present in the egg.

Maternal effect

What information can be obtained from a human pedigree?

Pedigree analysis can help determine how a trait is inherited.

The phenotype of vestigial (short) wings (vg) in Drosophila melanogaster is caused by a recessive mutant gene that independently assorts with a recessive gene for hairy (h) body. Assume that a cross is made between a fly the is homozygous for normal wings with a hairy body and a fly with vestigial wings that is homozygous for normal body hair. The wild-type F1 flies were crossed among each other to produce 1024 offspring. Which phenotypes would you expect among the 1024 offspring, and how many of each phenotype would you expect?

Phenotypes: wild, vestigial, hairy, and vestigial hairy; Numbers expected: wild (576), vestigial (192), hairy (192), and vestigial hairy (64).

Which term describes the individual in a pedigree whose phenotype was first brought to the attention of a medical researcher?


3. 58 The following pedigree follows the inheritance of myopia (nearsightedness) in humans. Use it to answer the following questions. What is the most likely mode of inheritance for this disease? Why?

Recessive, because unaffected parents can produce affected children.

How was Mendel able to derive postulates concerning the behavior of "unit factors" during gamete formation, when he could not directly observe them?

Results of various crosses provided the basis for knowing that factors can remain hidden in some circumstances, thereby implying two participating elements, one dominating the other. Predictable ratios in crosses supported the hypothesis of two hereditary elements involved in the expression of a given trait. By noting that traits passed unaltered from parental to subsequent generations, Mendel not only postulated the unit or particulate nature of hereditary elements, but also described their behavior.

Comb shape in chickens represents one of the classic examples of gene interaction. Two gene pairs interact to influence the shape of the comb. The genes for rose comb (R) and pea comb (P) together produce walnut comb. The fully homozygous recessive condition (rrpp) produces the single comb. Assume that a rose-comb chicken is crossed with a walnut-comb chicken and the following offspring are produced: 17 walnut, 16 rose, 7 pea, 6 single. What are the probable genotypes of the parents?

Rrpp × RrPp

4 18 In Dexter and Kerry cattle, animals may be polled (hornless) or horned. The Dexter animals have short legs, whereas the Kerry animals have long legs. When many offspring were obtained from matings between polled Kerrys and horned Dexters, half were found to be polled Dexters and half polled Kerrys. When these two types of F1F1 cattle were mated to one another, the following F2F2 data were obtained:3/83/8 polled Dexters3/83/8 polled Kerrys1/81/8 horned Dexters1/81/8 horned KerrysA geneticist was puzzled by these data and interviewed farmers who had bred these cattle for decades. She learned that Kerrys were true breeding. Dexters, on the other hand, were not true breeding and never produced as many offspring as Kerrys. Provide a genetic explanation for these observations.

The Kerry breed is homozygous recessive. The Dexter breed is heterozygous. Polled is caused by an independently assorting dominant allele, whereas horned is caused by the recessive allele to polled. The homozygous dominant type is lethal. Submit

A researcher crossed two plants, and informed an assistant researcher to determine the genotypes and phenotypes of the plants that were crossed by analyzing the offspring. The assistant counted 30 plants with green pods and 10 plants with yellow pods. Which of the following conclusions can accurately be made by the assistant?

The researcher had crossed two heterozygous plants

In a pedigree analysis a male child with a particular trait has two parents that do not exhibit the that trait. Which of the following represents the most likely scenario?

The trait is inherited as an autosomal recessive and the genotypes of the child and his parents can be determined.

4. 11 Based on the following pedigree, with blood types provided (and ignoring the Bombay phenotype), what conclusions about paternity can be drawn?

This can be the father of the daughter but not the son.

For what purpose should the product law be applied?

To calculate the probability of two or more independent events occurring simultaneously. Submit

Albinism in humans is inherited as a simple recessive trait. Consider two families. In one family, two parents without albinism have five children, four without albinism and one with albinism. In the other one, a male without albinism and a female with albinism have six children, all without albinism. Which of Mendel's postulates do these families demonstrate? Select all that apply.

Unit factors separate from each other during gamete formation. Unit factors have dominance or recessiveness. Unit factors exist in pairs.

Why do multiple and lethal alleles often result in modifications of the classic Mendelian monohybrid and dihybrid ratios?

When an essential gene is mutated, it can result in a lethal phenotype. In this case, classic Mendelian monohybrid and dihybrid ratios will not be observed. Multiple alleles mean that there are more than two alternatives of a gene at a given locus. A diploid organism has two homologous gene loci that may be occupied by different alleles of the same gene. This can result in many different phenotypes for traits, which may not follow typical Mendelian ratios.

Mutations in which the level of expression is based on environmental conditions is an example of ________.

a conditional mutation

A cross between two individuals with different phenotypes that resulted in approximately 50% of each type of offspring would indicate the cross was ________.

a heterozygous dominant crossed to a homozygous recessive

To test Mendel's Law of Segregation, the experimenter needs ________.

a minimum of two contrasting forms of a gene

Assume that a black guinea pig crossed with an albino guinea pig produced 5 black offspring. When the albino was crossed with a second black guinea pig, 4 black and 3 albino offspring were produced. What genetic explanation would apply to these data?

albino = recessive; black = dominant Submit

Which of the following statements was not a contributing factor in the generation of Mendel's first three postulates?

all offspring of the first filial generation demonstrated the same trait

Mendel indicated that traits were made up of unit factors. Today, we call unit factors ________.


In the mouse, gene B can produce black pigment from a colorless precursor molecule. A mouse having at least one B allele can produce black pigment, whereas the homozygous recessive mouse (bb) cannot and is albino. The agouti locus (A) can convert the black pigment to brown in the presence of at least one dominant A allele, whereas the homozygous recessive (aa) cannot convert the black pigment to brown. What color fur would a mouse have with the genotype aaBB?


4.9 In Shorthorn cattle, coat color may be red, white, or roan. Roan is a phenotype expressed as a mixture of both red and white hairs. For this problem, use "A" to indicate the allele that produces red hair and "a" to indicate the allele that produces white hair. The following phenotypic data are obtained from various crosses: Cross 1: red ×× red →→ all redCross 2: white ×× white →→ all whiteCross 3: red ×× white →→ all roanCross 4: roan ×× roan →→ 1/4 red: 1/2 roan: 1/4 white How is coat color inherited? What is the genotype of parents in cross 1? What are the genotypes of offspring in cross 4?

by codominance, because roan coat is a result of expression of two alleles in a heterozygote, each causing a distinct phenotype Aa AA, Aa, aa

Since experimental crosses are not performed in humans, how do we know how traits are inherited?

by pedigree analysis

In analyzing genetic data, what type of analysis can be conducted to determine whether deviation from the expected ratio is due to chance rather than to another, independent factor?

chi-square analysis

Individuals from two separate true-breeding strains of white deer mice are crossed yielding all grey offspring. White is recessive to gray color based on crossing mice from each strain with a grey mouse. Which of the following would best explain this result?


What conditions are likely to apply if the progeny from the cross AaBb × AaBb appear in the 9:3:3:1 ratio?

complete dominance, independent assortment, and no gene interaction

A condition in which one gene pair masks the expression of a nonallelic gene pair is called ________.


Fruit flies homozygous for the eyeless mutation demonstrate various gradations in phenotype. This represents an example of ________.


Mendel utilized the garden pea, Pisum sativum for his studies based on features that include all but ________.

has visible features with a wide spectrum of intermediates

Because of the mechanism of sex determination, males of many species can be neither homozygous nor heterozygous. Such males are said to be ________.


A human disorder resulting from a mitochondrial DNA mutation such as MERFF might show various levels of expression among children of a mother with MERFF. This is most likely the result of ________.


Some genes and mutations vary in their phenotypic expression. What term describes a disorder that is NOT expressed by everyone who carries a mutation?

incomplete penetrance

According to Mendel's model, because of the ________ of chromosomes during meiosis, all possible combinations of gametes will be formed in equal frequency.

independent assortment

Which of Mendel's postulates can only be demonstrated in crosses involving at least two pairs of traits? Define this postulate.

independent assortment Segregation of one pair of genes is not influenced by segregation of any other gene pair.

4.1 A mutation in a gene that results in a loss of a functional product of that gene best defines what type of mutation?


The Chi-square test involves a statistical comparison between measured (observed) and predicted (expected) values. One generally determines degrees of freedom as ________.

one less than the number of classes being compared

Chi-square analysis can help us to decide whether __________.

our observations of an event differ from our expectations

4 12 The following coat colors are determined by alleles at one locus in horses:palomino = golden coat with lighter mane and tailcremello = almost whitechestnut = brownThe following table gives ratios obtained in matings of the above varieties: CrossParentsOffspring1cremello × cremelloall cremello2chestnut × chestnutall chestnut3cremello × chestnutall palomino4palomino × palomino1/4 = chestnut1/2 = palomino1/4 = cremello Based on this data set, which of the following is the correct statement?

palomino is the incomplete dominant form of chestnut and cremello alleles

90% of children that inherit a mutated retinoblastoma gene develop the disease. This represents an example of ________.


Three gene pairs located on separate autosomes determine flower color and shape as well as plant height. The first pair exhibits incomplete dominance, where color can be red (R1R1), pink (the heterozygote), or white (R2R2). The second pair leads to the dominant personate or recessive peloric flower shape, while the third gene pair produces either the dominant tall trait or the recessive dwarf trait. Homozygous plants that are red, personate, and tall are crossed with those that are white, peloric, and dwarf. Determine the F1F1 phenotype(s). Determine the F1F1 genotype(s). If the F1F1 plants are interbred, what proportion of the offspring will exhibit the same phenotype as the F1F1 plants?

pink, personate, tall R1R2PpDd 18/64

The phenomenon of a gene which has multiple phenotypic effects on an individual is referred to as ________.


The MN blood group is a codominant trait as a result of which of the following?

presence of both M and N cell surface glycoproteins on the same blood cell

In studies of human genetics, usually a single individual brings the condition to the attention of a scientist or physician. When pedigrees are developed to illustrate transmission of the trait, what term does one use to refer to this individual?


4 36 Three autosomal recessive mutations in Drosophila, all with tan eye color (r1r1, r2r2, and r3r3), are independently isolated and subjected to complementation analysis. Of the results shown below, which, if any, are alleles of one another?Cross 1: r1×r2→F1r1×r2→F1: all wild-type eyesCross 2: r1×r3→F1r1×r3→F1: all tan eyes Predict the results of the cross that is not shown-that is, r2×r3r2×r3.

r1 and r3 all wild-type eyes

A gain-of-function mutation __________.

results in an increased quantity of the normal gene product

A gene in which the heterozygous condition is displayed differently in males and females is referred to as __________.


A trait exhibited in one sex but not the other is referred to as ________.


4 43 A cross was made between homozygous wild-type female Drosophila and yellow-bodied male Drosophila. All of the resulting offspring were phenotypically wild type. Offspring of the F2 generation had the following phenotypes: SexPhenotypeNumbermalewild96maleyellow99femalewild197 Which is correct for the mode of inheritance of this gene?

sex-linked recessive

Chp 3. 13 Assume that you have a garden and some pea plants have solid leaves and others have striped leaves. You conduct a series of crosses [(a) through (e)] and obtain the results given in the table. Define gene symbols and give the possible genotypes of the parents of cross e.

solid is dominant to striped SS × ss

The number of possible gametes, each with different chromosome compositions, is 2n, where n equals ________.

the haploid number

In cats, orange coat color is determined by the bb allele, and black coat color is determined by the BB allele. The heterozygous condition results in a coat pattern known as tortoiseshell. This gene is XX-linked. What kinds of offspring would be expected from a cross of a black male and a tortoiseshell female? What are the chances of getting a tortoiseshell female?

tortoise shell female black female orange male 1/4

The investigative approach of genetics attributed to Gregor Mendel is ________.

transmission genetics

Mendel's unit factors in pairs are most accurately known to be __________.

two alleles on homologous chromosomes Submit

In a Chi-square analysis, what general condition causes one to reject (fail to accept) the null hypothesis?

usually when the probability value is less than 0.05

4 58 As this illustration shows, four o'clock plants can have green leaves, white leaves, or variegated leaves (leaves with areas of white and areas of green). The white regions of the leaves lack functioning chloroplasts.The transmission of leaf color in four o'clock plants demonstrates organelle inheritance. In this problem, you will explore this inheritance pattern. -Which of the following crosses between four o'clock plants could produce progeny plants with green leaves?

variegated (female) x white (male) variegated (female) x variegated (male) green (female) x white (male)

Complementation analysis is used to determine __________.

whether two mutations that produce the same phenotype reside in the same or different genes Submit

Mendel crossed two pea plants with round seeds. All seeds of the offspring were round. He then crossed a plant with round seeds to a plant with wrinkled seeds and all offspring had wrinkled seeds. Which of the following is true?

wrinkled is dominant

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