GEO 101 Final Exam

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*** A dry well will result whenever the base of the well is above the water table. A. true B. false


*** A layer of rock or sediment with exceptionally low permeability is termed a(n) ____________________ in hydrogeologic contexts. A. aquitard B. confined aquifer C. unconfined aquifer D. unsaturated zone


*** Mass movements take place when the ______________ force is greater than the ______________ force. A. downslope, resistance B. downslope, gravity C. upslope, resistance D. upslope, gravity


*** The Sahara of Africa is a desert primarily because it is located ______________ . A. in the subtropics B. within the rain shadow of a mountain range C. near the center of a large continent D. next to a cold ocean current


*** What is the most recent ice age? A. Pleistocene ice age B. Permian ice age C. Late Proterozoic ice age D. Early Proterozoic ice age


A glacier will always ______________ from its source area if the rate of accumulation is greater than the rate of ablation. A. advance B. retreat


A thin strip of land separating abutted cut banks on opposite ends of a meander loop is a(n) . A. meander neck B. cut bank C. point bar D. abandoned meander


A(n) ___________ is a wedge of sand and gravel deposited by the distributary channels that arise when an ephemeral stream reaches a plain at the base of a slope. A. alluvial fan B. ventifact C. wadi D. yarding


All else being equal, water will flow faster in a stream that has a _____________. A. steep stream gradient B. gentle stream gradient


An array of interconnecting streams that together drain an area is called the . A. drainage network B. floodplain C. tributaries D. trunk stream


An array of interconnecting streams that together drain an area is called the _______________. A. drainage network B. floodplains C. tributaries D. trunk stream


An artesian well is one that _____________ . A. induces an upward flow of groundwater without any pumping B. has its intake sited within the saturated zone of an unconfined aquifer C. has its intake sited within the unsaturated zone of an unconfined aquifer D. has its recharge area at an elevation below sea level


Braided streams _______________ . A. consist of interwined channels that are overloaded with sediment B. have flowing water either episodically or during a portion of the year C. have a channel that is highly sinuous (curvy) D. are those that divert flow from streams


Coarser sediment tends to settle out farther __________________, whereas finer grains settle out farther ________. A. upstream, downstream B. downstream, upstream


Cobbles and boulders that have been dropped by a glacier are termed _________ . A. erratics B. loess C. moraines D. varves


Cold water is denser than warm water. A. true B. false


During heavy rainfalls, rates of physical weathering and erosion are greater in deserts than in humid regions. A. true B. false


Extensive pumping of fresh groundwater from a coastal aquifer can induce ____________ . A. saline intrusion B. saline expulsion


Extensive pumping of fresh groundwater from a coastal aquifer can induce ________________ . A. saline intrusion B. saline expulsion


Glaciers can flow over perfectly flat terrain. A. True B. False


Hot springs contain more dissolved minerals than water flowing from cool springs A. true B. false


In most deserts, the scarcity of rainfall means that most of the physical weathering and erosion is accomplished by the wind. A. true B. false


Mass wasting always involves a sudden movement of material downslope. A. true B. false


Ocean waves slow down in shallow water because of friction at the bottom. A. True B. False


Permafrost increases the amount of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere when it melts. A. true B. false


Salty water is denser than fresh water. A. true B. false


Scratches or troughs carved into rock by the sediment embedded in ice at the base of a flowing ice sheet are called ____________ . A. glacial striations B. arêtes C. horns D. U-shaped valleys


The floor of an ephemeral stream lies above the water table. A. true B. false


The principal difference between a slump and a debris slide is . A. the shape of the path taken by the moving mass B. the grain size of the moving mass C. that the former mass contains abundant water whereas the latter is dry D. that the former mass contains pyroclastic debris from a volcanic eruption


The stream slope of most rivers ____________ . A. is steeper near the source than near the mouth B. is steeper near the mouth than near the source C. does not change significantly as the river flows downstream D. is steeper for a meandering stream than for any other type


Unconsolidated sediment typically has greater porosity than the lithified rock that forms from it. A. true B. false


V-shaped stream valleys result from the downcutting of stream erosion and __________ . A. mass wasting on the valley sides B. isostatic rebound C. the "rule of the V's" D. conservation of angular momentum


Water flowing from hot springs _____________ . A. contains more dissolved minerals than water flowing from cool springs B. contains fewer dissolved minerals than water flowing from cool springs C. is never hotter than 40°C, so it is always safe to bathe in D. only occurs in regions of active volcanism


Waterfalls eventually disappear because of headward erosion. A. true B. false


Wave crest _________________ . A. refract (bend) so as to impact the shore in a nearly parallel manner B. refract so as to impact the shore nearly perpendicular to the shoreline C. reflect directly backward from the angle at which they approached the shoreline D. are reflected off the shoreline, but never refract


Well-sorted sediments typically have _________________ porosity compared to poorly sorted sediments. A. greater B. less C. approximately the same


Which is NOT a depositional structure formed by a stream? A. U-shaped valley B. Alluvial fans C. Floodplains D. Deltas


Which of the following types of mass movement always travels down a curved surface? A. Slump B. Creep C. Rock slide D. Mudflow


Which of the following types of mass movement always travels down a curved surface? A. slump B. creep C. rock slide D. mudflow


Which type of continental coastline has a much broader continental shelf? A. passive continental margins B. active continental margins


____________ are flat-topped hills that can be found in Monument Valley, Arizona. A. Buttes B. Pediments C. Bajadas D. Dunes


______________ is a wedge-shaped pile of rock fragments that accumulates at the base of a cliff. A. Talus B. Rockfall C. Debris fall D. Avalanche


*** Ephemeral streams . A. consist of a series of interwined channels that are overloaded with sediment B. have flowing water either episodically or during a portion of the year C. have a channel that is highly sinuous (curvy) D. are those that divert flow from streams


*** In groundwater, ____________________________ . A. dissolved ions are rarely, if ever, found B. calcite (in limestone) is more soluble than quartz (in sandstone) C. minerals may be dissolved but will never precipitate out of solution D. precipitation may take place only if the mineral is undersaturated


*** Rock or sediment with water-filled pores, wherein upward flow is blocked by an overlying, impermeable layer, is termed a(n) ________________ . A. aquitard B. confined aquifer C. unconfined aquifer D. unsaturated zone


*** The definition of a desert depends on a region's temperature. A. True B. False


*** The deserts found in the western United States form primarily due to being located ________________ . A. in the subtropics B. within the rain shadow of one or more mountain ranges C. near the center of a large continent D. next to a cold ocean current


*** The flat-lying area surrounding a river channel is termed the . A. base level B. floodplain C. stream gradient D. thalweg


*** The immediate cause of incidents of mass movement is . A. electromagnetic attraction B. gravitation C. magnetism D. friction


*** The most expansive hot deserts on Earth occur __________________ . A. in the tropics, at or near the equator B. in the subtropics, between 20° and 30° north or south of the equator C. in the temperate zone, between 30° and 50° north or south of the equator


*** The most prominent force inducing tides on Earth is the ___________________ . A. Sun's gravitational pull B. Moon's gravitational pull C. electromagnetic attraction between Earth and the Sun D. gravitational attraction between ocean waters and the continents on Earth


*** The outer edge of a meander, where material is being eroded, is a(n) . A. meander neck B. cut bank C. point bar D. abandoned meander


*** The periodic changes in Earth's orbital eccentricity, Earth's axial tilt and direction (precession) that cause ice ages was first proposed by ____________ . A. Richter B. Milankovitch C. Mohorovicic D. Agassiz


*** To qualify as a desert, a region must be ____________ . A. hot, with a mean annual temperature greater than 25°C (77°F) B. arid, with less than 15% of the ground surface vegetated C. both hot and arid D. either hot or arid


*** Today, continental glaciers are limited to Antarctica and _______________ . A. Alaska B. Greenland C. Canada D. Siberia


*** What percentage of seawater, on average, consists of dissolved salt ions? A. 1.5% B. 3.5% C. 5.5% D. 6.5%


A glacier will _______________ if the rate of ablation (removal of ice) is greater than the rate of accumulation. A. advance B. retreat


A highland or ridge that separates one watershed from another is called the . A. drainage network B. drainage divide C. drainage basin D. drainage system


A periodic explosive eruption of steam and water from within the ground up through the surface is termed a _______________ . A. flowing artesian well B. geyser C. spring D. recharge area


A rock abraded by windborne particles on multiple faces, forming a sharp edge in between, is termed a(n) ____________ . A. blowout B. ventifact C. wadi D. yarding


All else being equal, a deep, narrow stream will flow ___________________ a shallow, broad stream. A. more slowly than B. more rapidly than C. at the same rate as


All else being equal, water will flow faster in a stream with . A. well-developed meanders B. a straight channel


All flooding events occur so rapidly that there is no time to alert people in harm's way. A. true B. false


All the water in rivers and streams arrives directly from rainfall runoff. A. true B. false


As compared to humid climates, rates of chemical weathering in deserts are _____________ . A. much faster B. much slower C. very similar


As waves approach shore in shallow water, their speed ______________ . A. increases B. decreases


Because glacial flow is driven by gravity, it is impossible for glaciers to flow over perfectly flat terrain. A. true B. false


Because of wave refraction, erosion along an irregular coastline is _____________________________ . A. even along the length of the coast B. greatest in headlands (points of land projected out toward the sea) C. greatest in bays


Bioremediation of contaminated groundwater involves __________________ . A. introducing laboratory-cultured viruses that can dissolve groundwater B. pumping oxygen and nutrients into a contaminant groundwater to help local bacteria metabolize the contaminants C. pumping out the contaminated groundwater and using it to irrigate genetically modified crops


Channels form where the stream flow is ____________ or the substrate is ______________ . A. slow, weak B. fast, weak C. slow, strong D. fast, strong


Compared to continental lithosphere, oceanic lithosphere is . A. thicker B. thinner C. approximately the same thickness


Desert climate associated with a rain shadow is found _______________ . A. on the windward (shoreward) side of coastal mountain ranges B. on the leeward (inward) side of coastal mountain ranges C. in the middle of flat plains D. along continental coastlines


Desert climate associated with a rain shadow is found _________________ . A. on the windward (shoreward) side of coastal mountain ranges B. on the leeward (inward) side of coastal mountain ranges C. in the middle of flat plains D. along continental coastlines


Deserts in coastal regions are most likely to be found where the currents are ____________ . A. warm B. cold C. headed toward the east D. headed toward the west


During ____________ , water in a stream rises very fast and become very dangerous in narrow valleys or canyons. A. seasonal floods B. flash floods


During heavy rainstorms, rates of physical weathering and erosion are _________________ . A. greater in humid climates than in deserts, because dry desert soils can soak up all of the available moisture B. greater in deserts than in humid climates, where vegetation tends to hold soil together C. greater in humid climates than in deserts, because vegetation in humid climates tends to break up the soil D. about equally as fast in deserts or in humid climates


How many high tides usually occur during a day? A. 1 B. 2 C. 4 D. 8


In unfractured rock and sediment, water molecules usually take a ________________ . A. straight path B. wandering path C. circular path


Land subsidence is likely whenever ___________ . A. groundwater is used nonrenewably from aquifers composed of rock B. groundwater is used nonrenewably from aquifers composed of sediment C. groundwater is used renewably from aquifers composed of rock D. groundwater is used renewably from aquifers composed of sediment


Most regions that are now deserts have __________________ . A. been deserts throughout the geologic past B. experienced other climates in the geologic past


Rip currents flow ____________________ . A. directly toward the shoreline B. directly away from the shoreline C. parallel to the shoreline


Saltation of sand involves ________________ . A. spherical grains rolling along the surface of dunes B. grains bouncing into the air, traveling for a short distance, and returning to the ground C. grains being carried long distances (up to tens of km) by strong wind D. the mixture of quartz sand with salt formed from evaporation of rainwater


The definition of a desert depends on a region's temperature. A. true B. false


The density of seawater increases with ________ . A. increasing temperature and increasing salinity B. decreasing temperature and increasing salinity C. increasing temperature and decreasing salinity D. decreasing temperature and decreasing salinity


The distinction between a valley and a canyon is _______________. A. nonexistent; the two terms are synonymous. B. the sides of a canyon are steeper than those of a valley. C. the sides of a valley are steeper than those of a canyon. D. valleys are often cut by streams; canyons are eroded out by the wind.


The floor of a permanent stream lies above the water table. A. true B. false


The form and topography (depth profile) of the ocean floor is termed . A. orogeny B. bathymetry C. allocthony D. aquitopography


The principal difference between a debris flow and a mudflow is . A. the shape of the path taken by the moving mass B. the grain size of the moving mass C. that the former mass contains abundant water whereas the latter is dry D. that the former mass contains pyroclastic debris from a volcanic eruption


The sediment load of a stream consists of only those grains that are fine enough to stay in suspension. A. true B. false


The surface of the sea never freezes. A. true B. false


Topography with depressions formed by the collapse of caves is termed _________________. A. valley and ridge B. karst C. horst and graben


When a glacier retreats, ice flows upslope. A. True B. False


When high tide occurs at any single shoreline, that means it is also high tide at all other coasts throughout the world. A. true B. false


When ocean waves propagate in an open ocean, water molecules (or particles) also propagate to the direction of the waves. A. true B. false


Which of the following causes shorelines to move landward? A. Sediment is supplied more than eroded. B. Sediment is supplied less than eroded. C. Land rises. D. Sea level drops.


Which of the following causes shorelines to move landward? A. Sediments are supplied more than eroded. B. Sediments are supplied less than eroded. C. The land rises. D. Sea level drops.


Which of the following is LESS efficient in erosion? A. A large volume of water B. Clear water C. Sandy water D. Fast moving water


Which of the following is NOT an environmental issue due to dam construction? A. Destruction of wild rivers B. Decrease in irrigation water C. Decrease in nutrient supply to downstream D. Barriers to migrating fishes


Which of the following types of mass movement takes place most gradually? A. Slump B. Creep C. Rock slide D. Mudflow


Which of the following types of mass movement takes place most gradually? A. slump B. creep C. rock slide D. mudflow


Which type of mass movement includes a large proportion of ash derived from a volcanic eruption? A. stromboli B. lahar C. debris flow D. wadi


Within a meander, where is sediment most likely to be deposited? A. On the outer banks of the meander B. On the inner banks of the meander C. Uniformly to either side of the meander


*** A body of permeable rock or sediment that possesses a water table is termed a(n) _________________ . A. aquitard B. confined aquifer C. unconfined aquifer D. unsaturated zone


*** A meander that is cut off to become completely isolated from the main channel and filled with water is a(n) . A. meander neck B. cut bank C. oxbow lake D. abandoned meander


*** Approximately what percentage of Earth's surface is covered with water? A. 30% B. 50% C. 70% D. 85%


*** At the present, glaciers cover about ________ of the surface of the continents. A. 1% B. 5% C. 10% D. 20%


*** The elevation of the water table ____________ . A. is a constant for a given area so long as the topography remains the same B. may rise during times of drought and sink during rainy periods C. may rise during rainy periods and sink during droughts


*** The inner edge of a meander, where sediment is deposited, is a(n) . A. meander neck B. cut bank C. point bar D. abandoned meander


*** To the geologist, _____________________. A. landslides and mass movements are the same thing B. all mass movements are landslides, but not all landslides are mass movements C. all landslides are mass movements, but not all mass movements are landslides D. mass movements differ from landslides in that a greater mass of material moves during a mass movement than during a landslide


*** Which of the following is NOT involved in the Milankovitch cycle? A. Periodic changes in Earth's orbital eccentricity B. Periodic changes in the tilt of Earth's rotational axis C. Periodic changes in the number of sunspots D. Precession E. None of the above


A dry wash (an arroyo) is a steep-sided valley produced by ___________________ . A. normal faulting B. wind erosion C. scouring erosion by water and sediment during flash floods D. cliff retreat


A meander that is cut off to become completely isolated from the main channel and filled with water is a(n) _______________. A. meander neck B. cut bank C. oxbow lake D. abandoned meander


An angular peak surrounded by three or more bowl-shaped depression formed by a mountain glacier is termed a(n) ____________ . A. arete B. cirque C. horn D. tarn


An important long-term factor determining whether glacial ice will form on the continents has likely been the proportion of which gas in the atmosphere? A. oxygen B. nitrogen C. carbon dioxide D. carbon monoxide


Any place where groundwater naturally flows outward at the surface is termed a(n) __________ . A. artesian well B. geyser C. spring D. recharge area


Any place where groundwater naturally flows outward at the surface of Earth is termed a _______________ . A. flowing artesian well B. geyser C. spring D. recharge area


If a material is porous, it _______________ . A. will be permeable as well B. will be impermeable C. may be permeable or impermeable


In a humid climate, the topography of the water table _______________ . A. is unaffected by local surface topography B. precisely mimics the topography of the ground surface C. is a smooth (less steeply sloping) mimic of surface topography D. is an exaggerated (more steeply sloping) mimic of surface topography


Longshore currents flow ___________________ . A. directly toward the shoreline B. directly away from the shoreline C. parallel to the shoreline


Material through which water readily flows is termed _______________ . A. fluent B. porous C. permeable


Meandering streams _________________________ . A. consist of interwined channels that are overloaded with sediment B. have flowing water either episodically or during a portion of the year C. have a channel that is highly sinuous (curvy) D. are those that divert flow from streams


Playas are places where you would expect to find abundant ______________ exposed on a dried lakebed. A. Coal B. igneous rock C. evaporites (salts) D. limestone


Porous rocks and sediments are filled with water up to the ______________ . A. ground surface B. low-porosity level C. water table D. sea level


Pressure in groundwater is the weight of all the overlying water from that point up to the water table. Which point has the A. h1 B. h2 C. p1 D. p2


Sand groins ____________________________ . A. have solved the problem of beach drift B. increase erosion rates in the region upcurrent from the groin C. increase erosion rates in the region downcurrent from the groin D. increase depositional rates in the region downcurrent from the groin


Sediments deposited directly by glaciers as they melt are characterized by ____________ . A. uniformly coarse grain size B. uniformly fine grain size C. an absence of sorting D. graded bedding


Sediments deposited directly by glaciers as they melt are characterized by ______________ . A. uniformly coarse grain size B. uniformly fine grain size C. an absence of sorting D. graded bedding


Sinkholes are a concern primarily for residents whose dwellings are constructed atop ___________ . A. sandstone B. shale C. limestone D. granite


The Gobi of Mongolia is a desert primarily because it is located _______________ . A. in the subtropics B. near the geographic South Pole C. near the center of a large continent D. next to a cold ocean current


The highest recorded temperature in the United States was in . A. Diablo Valley B. Long Valley C. Death Valley D. Imperial Valley


The majority of Earth's liquid freshwater exists in _________________ . A. lakes B. rivers and streams C. pores within rock and sediment D. atmospheric clouds


The principal difference between a debris flow and a debris slide is . A. the shape of the path taken by the moving mass B. the grain size of the moving mass C. that the former mass contains abundant water whereas the latter is dry D. that the former mass contains pyroclastic debris from a volcanic eruption


The shallowest portion of the ocean is found along the margins of continents in regions termed . A. abyssal plains B. continental rises C. continental shelves D. continental slopes


What is the main energy source of a hurricane? A. Strong wind B. Tidal forces C. Water vapor D. Thermohaline circulation


When sea level rises, causing the ocean to fill a glacially carved valley, a ____________ forms. A. smorgasbord B. tarn C. fjord D. ford


Which of the following is NOT a coastal landform? A. Beach B. Tidal flat C. Continental shelf D. Coastal wetland E. Coralreef


Which of the following is NOT a coastal landform? A. beach B. tidal flat C. continental shelf D. coastal wetland E. coral reef


Which of the following is NOT involved in the Milankovich cycle? A. Periodic changes in Earth's orbital shape B. Periodic changes in the tilt of Earth's rotational axis C. Periodic changes in the number of sunspots D. Precession of Earth's axis E. Noneoftheabove


Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Materials at the Earth's surface are weakened by fracturing and weathering. B. Gravity pulls material to a lower elevation. C. Fractured rock holds together by chemical bonds. D. Intact rock holds together by chemical bonds.


Which statement about recharge areas is INCORRECT? A. They are typically elevated with respect to neighboring areas. B. They are regions of relatively high precipitation. C. They are the same as discharge areas. D. They are areas where water infiltrates the sediment from above.


_______________ is a turbulent cloud of debris (rock and/or snow) mixed with air that rushes down a steep hill slope at high velocity. A. Slump B. Lahar C. Avalanche D. Solifluction


_____________________ are places where you would expect to find abundant evaporates (salts) exposed at the surface. A. Alluvial fans B. Dry washes C. Playas D. Desert pavements


*** About __________ of an iceberg lies below the surface of the sea. A. 20% B. 40% C. 60% D. 80%


*** Desertification can accelerate due to ______________ . A. overpopulation B. careless agriculture C. excessive groundwater pumping D. all of the above


*** Sediments deposited directly by glaciers as they melt are termed ____________ . A. firn B. loess C. outwash D. till


*** Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Materials at the Earth's surface are weakened by fracturing and weathering. B. Gravity pulls material to a lower elevation. C. Fractured rock holds together by friction. D. Intact rock holds together by friction.


A(n) ___________ is a gently sloping apron of sediment dropped by an ephemeral stream at the base of a mountain in arid or semi-arid regions. A. Talus apron B. Flood plain C. Debris flow D. Alluvial fan


Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and Long Island, New York, are both examples of Pleistocene glacial __________ that have been further built up by wave-deposited sands. A. drumlins B. kettles C. eskers D. end moraines


Global circulation of ocean water is influenced by _____________________ . A. surface winds B. coastal upwelling and downwelling C. sinking of cold and saline water D. All of the above.


Mass movement along coastal cliffs in southern California is so common because ____________ . A. the region is along an active margin with frequent earthquakes B. the region is dry and the slopes support little or no vegetation C. much of the rock in southern California is fractured D. All of the above are correct.


The Atacama of Chile is a desert primarily because it is located _______________ . A. in the subtropics B. near the geographic South Pole C. near the center of a large continent D. next to a cold ocean current


The deepest segments of the ocean floor are found . A. long mid-ocean ridges B. in the geographic centers of abyssal plains C. in trenches associated with passive margins D. in trenches associated with subduction zones


The geometry of sand dunes is strongly influenced by . A. the strength of the wind B. the consistency of wind direction C. the abundance of sand D. all of the above


The geometry of sand dunes is strongly influenced by _______________ . A. the strength of the wind B. the consistency of wind direction C. the abundance of sand D. all of the above


The principal difference between a lahar and a mudflow is . A. the shape of the path taken by the moving mass B. the grain size of the moving mass C. that the former mass contains abundant water whereas the latter is dry D. that the former mass contains pyroclastic debris from a volcanic eruption


The rate of groundwater flow through a body of rock or sediment depends ___________________ . A. only on the slope of the water table locally B. only on the porosity of the rock or sediment C. on the slope of the water table and the porosity of the rock or sediment D. on the slope of the water table and the permeability of the rock or sediment


Two mountain glaciers merge their flows in a glacial valley. Prior to their merger, each possessed two lateral moraines and no medial moraines. As a result of a merger, the new larger glacier in the valley will possess _________________ . A. four lateral moraines and no medial moraines B. three lateral moraines and no medial moraines C. two lateral moraines and two medial moraines D. two lateral moraines and one medial moraine


Valleys carved by glaciers tend to be shaped like the letter , whereas valleys carved by water tend to be shaped like the letter _____ . A. V, U B. V,W C. U,V D. U, W


When continental ice sheets melt away, the surface of the underlying continent gradually rises back up. This process is called ___________ . A. ice loading B. glaciation C. interglaciation D. glacial rebound


When continental ice sheets melt away, the surface of the underlying continent gradually rises back up. This process is called ____________ . A. ice loading B. glaciation C. interglaciation D. glacial rebound


When wind blows away finer sediment in a desert, the land surface ________________, leaving behind ________________ . A. rises, playas B. sinks, playas C. rises, lag deposits D. sinks, lag deposits


Which of the following does NOT control floods? A. Dams B. Artificial levees C. Concrete floodwalls D. Waterfalls E. Wetlands


Which of the following factors DECREASES the risk of mass movement? A. nearby earthquakes B. excavation into the base of a hill C. adding weight to the top of a hill D. adding vegetation to the side of a hill


Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of mass movements? A. Shocks/vibrations B. Heavy rain C. Undercutting D. Vegetation


Which of the following is NOT a possible cause of mass movements? A. Shocks/vibrations B. Heavy rain C. Undercutting D. Vegetation


Which of the following is NOT a way of preventing mass movements? A. Revegetation B. Regrading C. Constructing safety structures D. Increasing water level E. Controlled blasting of unstable slopes


Which of the following is NOT a way of preventing mass movements? A. Revegetation B. Regrading C. Constructing safety structure D. Undercutting slopes E. Controlled blasting of unstable slopes


Which of the following is NOT true? A. Ice is naturally occurring. B. Ice is an inorganic solid. C. Ice has a definite chemical composition (H2O) D. Ice has irregular crystal structure.


Which of the following statements is NOT correct? A. Groundwater moves much more slowly than surface water. B. Groundwater moves faster in a straight path than a curved path. C. Groundwater moves faster in more permeable rocks than in less permeable rocks. D. Groundwater moves faster where the water table has a gentle slope than where the water table has a steep slope.


Which of the following types of mass movement is most like a liquid? A. slump B. creep C. rock slide D. mudflow


When do floods possibly happen? A. during abrupt, heavy rains B. after a long period of continuous rain C. when heavy snows from the previous winter melt rapidly D. when an artificial or natural dam suddenly collapses E. all of the above


Which of the following can become a weak subsurface? A. Wet clay layers B. Wet, unconsolidated sand layers C. Surface-parallel joints D. Metamorphic foliation planes E. All of the above


Which of the following factors is a likely cause of ice ages in a relatively long period of time? A. Solar variability B. Changing albedo C. Changing ocean current D. Biological processes E. Plate tectonics


Which factor is the most important factor for the definition of deserts?


Where is the majority of fresh water on Earth?


Which current is the MOST dangerous?

rip current

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