GEO 111 midterm

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What is the prime meridian?

0 degrees longitude

Describe the three main methods used to portray scale on a map.

1. A graphic scale uses a line marked off in graduated distances. The distance between two points is measured and compared with the graph scale on the map. 2. A fractional scale compares map distance with ground distance by proportional numbers expressed as a fraction or a ratio called a representative fraction, i.e. 1:1 000 means that 1 unit on the map equals 1 000 units on the ground. 3. A verbal scale states in words the ratio of the map scale length to the actual distance on the earth's surface, such as "six centimeters to eight kilometers" or "an inch to five miles."

What are the four basic characteristics of isolines?

1. Isolines are always closed lines and they have no ends; in most maps you cannot see this because the lines extend beyond the edge of the map. 2. Isolines do not touch or cross each other except under special circumstances. 3. The numerical difference between one isoline and the next is called the interval. Isolines maintain constant interval throughout the map.. 4. Isolines represent graduations in quantity. Isolines close together indicate a rapid change; isolines far apart indicate a gentle gradient.

Using the latitude and longitude system (degrees, minutes, seconds), 20 minutes is equal to what?

1/3 degree

One hour of time equals how many degrees of Earth's rotation?


what is the international date line?

180 degrees longitude

You need to find the scale of a map you have been given for a class project. In order to do so, you decide to measure a distance between two real world features and relate that to the distance shown on the map. You find that the distance between two buildings is 400 feet. On the map that same distance is 3 inches. What is the scale of the map?


The world is divided into how many theoretical time zones?

24, each 15 degrees.

You need to find the contour interval on a topographic map. You see one line labeled 8,500 feet; counting six lines upslope, the sixth line is labeled 10,000 feet. What is the contour interval?

300 ft

Which of the following is NOT a property of minerals? Question options: A)They can be man-made. B)They can be totally inorganic. C)A given mineral always has the same composition. D)Each mineral has a regular pattern of atoms. E)They are all composed of crystals.

A)They can be man-made.

The Sun's rays are directly overhead at the _______ on or about December 21. A)Tropic of Capricorn B)Tropic of Cancer C)Arctic Circle D)Antarctica Circle E)North Pole

A)Tropic of Capricorn

Which of the following is generally not associated with soil creep? A)blocks of weathered rock slide downhill on a layer of clay B)over many years, fence posts and telephone poles begin to tilt downhill C)the freeze-thaw cycle slowly moves particles downhill D)very slow downslope movement of the top layer of soil

A)blocks of weathered rock slide downhill on a layer of clay

Quartz is a member of the A)silicates B)oxides C)sulfides D)carbonates E)halides


Name the four processes that deepen and age soils.

Addition - water as precipitation, condensation, and runoff. Oxygen and carbon dioxide from atmosphere. Nitrogen, chlorine, and sulfur from atmosphere and precipitation. Organic matter. Sediments. Energy from Sun Translocation - Clay and organic matter carried by water. Nutrients circulated by plants. Soluble salts carried in water. Soil carried by animals. Loss - Water by evapotranspiration. Water and material in solution or suspension. Nitrogen by denitrification. Carbon as carbon dioxide from oxidation of organic matter. Soil by erosion. Energy by radiation. Transformation - Organic matter converted to humus. Patricles made smaller by weathering. Structure and concretion formation. Minerals transformed by weathering. Clay and organic matter reactions

An equinox has the property of A)the Sun at the same angle at all latitudes B)12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night at all latitudes C)the vertical rays of the Sun at the Tropic of Cancer D)total darkness north of the Arctic Circle E)24 hours of darkness at the Equator

B)12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of night at all latitudes

Which of the following statements is correct? A)The measure of a soil's capacity to hold water and air is called permeability. B)Distinctly alkaline diagnostic horizons, thin profiles, lack of organic material, and dominance of sandy materials are features most closely associated with aridisols. C)Laterization is one of the five important soil-forming factors. D)The E horizon is typically found above the O horizon. E)Andisols are found only in tropical regions and have very poor fertility.

B)Distinctly alkaline diagnostic horizons, thin profiles, lack of organic material, and dominance of sandy materials are features most closely associated with aridisols.

Which of the following sensing systems is considered an active system? A)Landsat B)RADAR C)CERES D)Photogrammetry E)GOES


Which of the following statements is CORRECT? A)Mechanical weathering is the decomposition of rock by chemical alteration of its minerals. B)The variety of surface features on Earth results from tectonic activity, gravity, weathering, and erosion. C)The most important chemical substance needed for the weathering process is nitrogen. D)The carving of the Grand Canyon is due primarily to weathering.

B)The variety of surface features on Earth results from tectonic activity, gravity, weathering, and erosion

Which of the following soils will have the highest cation exchange capacity (CEC)? A)a soil with a high clay content and low humus content B)a soil with a high clay content and high humus content C)a soil with a high silt content and high clay content D)a soil with a high sand content and high humus content

B)a soil with a high clay content and high humus content

Which factor is the most important in determining soil characteristics? A)the vegetation cover B)climate C)time D)type of bedrock E)topography


Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? A) The study of geography seeks to bridge the gap between the social and physical sciences. B) The second step in the "scientific method" is developing a "hypothesis" based on observed phenomena. C) Science is a faith-based endeavor and therefore only presents opinions of individuals. D) Science is based on evidence.

C) Science is a faith-based endeavor and therefore only presents opinions of individuals.

Select the most correct statement. A)An 8.5" x 11" map of the USA is a large-scale map because it illustrates a large geographical area in great detail. B)An E-size map (44" x 34") of Madison, WI, is a small-scale map because it illustrates a small geographical area in sparse detail. C)A map with a scale of 1:10,000 is a large-scale map because it illustrates a small geographical area in large detail. D)An 8' x 12' map of the world is a large-scale map because it illustrates a large geographical area and is a large map. E)None of the above is a correct answer.

C)A map with a scale of 1:10,000 is a large-scale map because it illustrates a small geographical area in large detail.

Identify the dynamic sphere that is kept in almost constant motion by solar energy and Earth's rotation. A)biosphere B)hydrosphere C)atmosphere D)lithosphere E)none of the above


Solifluction A)consists of pieces of rock falling downslope B)is the rebound shockwave that occurs following large earthquakes C)is gravity-force driven downslope movement of sediment overlying frozen ground D)is viscous, water-saturated sediment that flows rapidly downslope in poorly vegetated environments E)is an ocean tidal wave generated by large earthquakes

C)is gravity-force driven downslope movement of sediment overlying frozen ground

The Appalachian Mountains are famous for their ______ structure. Question options: A)faulted B)volcanic C)ridge and valley D)rift valley E)graben

C)ridge and valley

Marble is related to limestone in the same way Question options: A)basalt is related to andesite. B)gravel is related to conglomerate. C)slate is related to shale. D)sand is related to sandstone. E)granite is related to basalt.

C)slate is related to shale.

Why is chemical weathering more effective in humid climates than in arid climates?

Chemical weathering is the decomposition of rock by the chemical alterations of its minerals. Chemical weathering occurs when rocks, and the minerals within them, are exposed to atmospheric agents. Water and heat speeds up the chemical processes, which causes the rocks to weather rapidly.

The rate at which rocks weather depends upon A)the climate of an area B)the type of rock C)the amount of vegetation in an area D)all of the above E)A. and B. only

D)all of the above

Which of the following types of mass movements is fastest and least dependent upon moist or saturated conditions? A)solifluction B)mudflow C)slide D)rockfall


Which of the following is NOT a category of mass wasting? A)slide B)creep C)fall D)slip E)flow


Select the most correct statement. A)A 23.5° tilt away from the perpendicular is referred to as the inclination of the rotation axis. B)Earth's axis always points toward Polaris, the North Star, no matter where Earth is in its orbit around the sun. C)The combined effect of rotation, revolution, inclination and polarity is such that the angle at which the sun's rays strike Earth changes throughout the year. D)Generally, the more direct the angle at which sunlight strikes the earth, the more effective is the resultant heating. E)all of the above are correct

E) all of the above

Which of the following is integral to the study of landforms (topography)? Question options: A) Structure B) Process C) Slope D) Drainage E) all of the above F) none of the above

E) all of the above

The maximum measure of relief on Earth is A) 14,110 feet B)20,052 feet C)29,035 feet D)36,198 feet E)65,233 feet

E)65,233 feet

Which of the following components would NOT be included on a USGS topographic quadrangle map? A)Title B)Legend C)Date D)Scale E)Population


To compare, overlay, or cross-analyze two maps in a GIS A)both maps must be in digital form B)both maps must be in the same map projection. C)both maps must be at the same equivalent scale. D)both maps must be on the same coordinate system. E)all of the above.

E)all of the above.

Soils produced by laterization A)are heavily leached B)are located primarily in the tropics and subtropics C)are poor agricultural soils D)contain little humus E)are all of the above

E)are all of the above

Deforestation is occurring in many countries and it is therefore difficult to detect ongoing damage. Which of the following types of remote sensing would be best suited for locating deforestation? A)thermal infrared B)microwave C)radar D)sonar E)color infrared

E)color infrared

Granite, gabbro, and diorite are all ______ rocks. Question options: A)extrusive igneous B)clastic sedimentary C)foliated metamorphic D)intrusive igneous E)none of the above

E)none of the above

Which of the following describes the location along the soil moisture continuum beyond which soil water is unavailable for plants? A)field capacity B)eluviation C)soil-texture change D)hygroscopic water E)wilting point

E)wilting point

Explain earthquakes, including the FOCUS, P-WAVES, S-WAVES, and MAGNITUDE.

Earthquakes are a vibration in the Earth caused by fault movement due to stresses, and possibly due to the movement of magma. The waves of an earthquake originate from the focus or center of the fault movement and spread outward in circles like ripples in water. P waves are the primary waves that are the fastest moving waves that compress and relax the body of Earth as they travel. S waves are the slower moving waves that move side to side and up and down. The magnitude of an earthquake is the amount of energy that is released by an earthquake and is measured on a logarithmic scale; a magnitude of 3 and less being the smaller scale earthquakes and 7 and greater being larger earthquakes

Name at least three reasons why earth worms are so beneficial to humans.

Earthworms are important to humans because they help form soil and make it fertile. Aeration and drainage are increased by the worms' tunnels, and better mixing of the soil occurs as worms carry plant litter underground. The worms also carry particles of bedrock to the surface for weathering. The soil gains nutrients from the worm's excrement as well.

Explain "external processes" - location, energy source, events that occur in the process.

External processes include weathering, mass wasting and erosion. External processes operate at the base of the atmosphere and draw their energy from sources above the lithosphere: either in the atmosphere, or the ocean. External processes are predictable and can be influenced by the shape and nature of the surface materials. A limestone will weather more quickly than granite for example, and a sandstone in a moist, humid climate will weather more quickly than a sandstone in an arid climate. External processes may be thought of generally as wearing-down or destructive processes, which destroy the topographic irregularities and decrease the relief of Earth's surface.

Which of the following is a result of Earth's rotation on its axis? A)the Coriolis Effect B)Tidal action C)Diurnal effecy D)Tropical year E)all of the above F)a., b., and c.

F)a., b., and c.

Describe "folding" and the resulting landforms.

Folding is the bending of crustal rocks, normally sedimentary rocks, due to incredible pressures and forces being placed on the rocks as colliding plate boundaries compressing the rock. Folding can take many shapes depending on the pressures exerted. Monoclines, anticline (symmetrical upfold), or syncline (simple downfold) folds can occur. As these folds bend the Earth's surface, ridges and valleys are formed as the upfolded anticlines create ridges and the downfolding synclines become valleys. The ridge and valley section of the Appalachian Mountains are an example of this landform. Fold mountains include the Himalayas, Alps and the Andes, created by compressional folding. Many landforms are possible from folding as much depends on surface exposure and source rock type.

Explain what "frost wedging" is and why it is so important to the weathering process.

Frost wedging is a form of mechanical weathering. It takes place when water penetrates openings in rock surfaces. When the water freezes, it expands and fractures the rock. When the ice melts, the water falls further into the cracks, freezes, and continues the process all over again. Eventually the rock material is dislodged and will erode.

How was GPS used to greatly simplify an enormous task associated with a disaster in this country?

GPS was used by workers to catalog items found in the enormous heaps of rubble as Ground Zero following the World Trade Center disaster of 9/11/01. FEMA uses GPS to assess damage after natural disasters such as floods and hurricanes. It has been used to predict volcanic and earthquake activity.

Which of the following describes the OUTER PLANETS? A)more massive but less dense than inner planets B)composed of gases C)composed of igneous rock Incorrect Response D)more oblate than inner planets E)rotate more slowly than inner planets F)all of the above G)a. and b. only H)a., b., and d.

H)a., b., and d.

Explain "internal processes" - location, energy source, events that occur in the process.

Internal processes combine with external processes to reshape the Earth. As their name implies, internal processes take place within the Earth using great internal temperatures as an energy source. Internal processes are typically uplifting processes such as vulcanism, diastrophism ( deformation of the earth's crust), or massive crustal rearrangement. Internal processes are constructive and uplifting that tend to increase the relief of the Earth's surface.

The maximum distance between Earth and Sun occurs on _______ and is called the __________.

July 4 aphelion

How are the "angle of repose" and "mass wasting" related?

Mass wasting is the process of weathered material moving downslope as gravitation pulls it downward. The angle of repose is the angle that loose fragments form without falling downwards. The particle size and material determine the angle of repose. Larger, more angular particles will hold a higher angle of repose. Water will also determine the angle, as damp sand can hold a higher angle than loose sand, while saturated sand will become a sloppy mess and not hold an angle at all. Mass wasting occurs when the additional weight from added material or from water upsets the balance of friction, cohesion, and gravity causing the downward movement of material. Mass wasting is related to the angle of repose because at high angles, mass wasting can occur at much greater speed than a low angle.

Does the "plane of the ecliptic" coincide with the "plane of the equator"? Explain your answer.

No. The plane of the equator is an imaginary circle that bisects the earth into two equal halves to the North Pole and to the South Pole. The plane of the ecliptic is the path of the earth, while it orbits around the sun. The plane of the ecliptic does not coincide with the pane of the equator because earth's rotational axis is not perpendicular to the ecliptic plane, it's actually tilted about 23.5 degrees away.

Briefly describe the six possible soil horizons

O horizon - loose and partly decayed organic matter. Typically, soils do not have an O horizon. A Horizon - topsoil, mineral matter mixed with some humus. E horizon - zone of eluviations and leaching. Usually lighter in color than A or B horizons. B horizon -subsoil, accumulation of clay, iron and aluminum from above. C horizon - unconsolidated parent material, lacks inorganic matter R horizon - bedrock, Unweathered parent material

What are the major differences between parallels and meridians?

Parallels represent latitude, which measure location as an angle north or south of the equator. Parallels run east to west and are parallel to each other. Meridians represent longitude, an angular description of east-west location. Meridians run north and south and converge at the poles. Meridians are not parallel to each other, except where they cross the equator. All meridians are great circles, while only the equator is a great circle at 0 degrees latitude .

Describe the sequence of events leading up to the formation of "Quake Lake" and the subsequent remedy for this disaster.

Quake Lake was formed as the result of a 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Yellowstone National Park. Hegben Lake, a seven mile long reservoir, experienced a series of wave surges called seiches, which allowed a wall of water to overtop the Hegben Dam and rush down a narrow valley. This caused a landslide that sent 43 million cubic yards of debris down in Madison canyon. Also, faults were formed near Hebgen Lake, blocking the Madison River and causing the bottom of the lake to drop. These events created a natural dam on the Madison River and formed Quake Lake. The lake is six miles long and over 150 feet deep in some places. To prevent this natural dam from breaching and causing more deaths in the future, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers cut channels in the top of the "dam" in order to maintain the water level.

What is remote sensing? Discuss two major satellites as explained in the text and what they are used for

Remote sensing is any information or measurements taken by some sort of recording of instrument that does not actually come into physical contact with the object in study. NASA launched Terra the first Earth Observing System (EOS) in 1999. The satellite has multiple capabilities including distinguishing types of atmosphere particulates and cloud forms; it's also capable of 3D model images. One other instrument included in this satellite is CERES (Clouds and Earth's Radiant Energy System); this instrument actually monitors Earth's energy balance. The satellite provides images of the entire planet every 1 or 2 days. Aqua is the most recent type of EOS satellite that has been released. The capabilities of this satellite are more specific to monitoring Earth's water cycle. Aqua monitors water vapor, clouds, precipitation, glaciers and soil wetness. In addition to the some of the same capabilities as Terra, Aqua can also make very accurate temperature measurements throughout the atmosphere The satellites are used to gather information to help with communications, global positions, weather data, and other.

Explain the implications of the statement, "No map is totally accurate."

The Earth is a globe and maps must present 3D information on a flat 2D surface. Various projections are used to accomplish this conversion. Each projection creates distortion because it's impossible to accurately project distances and shapes from a sphere to a flat piece of paper. Therefore, either equivalence, or conformity is sacrificed. Distortion varies depending on the scale of the map: distortion is more prevalent on world maps than on a large scale map of a local area. It is difficult to represent altitude or topography.

Describe an example of biological weathering seen during the field trip to Garden of the Gods.

The biological weathering is the intrusion of plant and animal materials into the sedimentary rock. This material is penetrating into the cracks, which breaks down the rock. Sedimentary rock is relatively resistant to erosion but over millions of years the material surrounding the sedimentary rock has weathered, revealing more of the natural formation seen today.

The Mohorovicic discontinuity refers to what?

The change in rock composition and density between the crust and the mantle

List the four parts of Earth's vertical structure, describing the size, attributes, sublayers, and contents of each layer.

The four parts of Earth's vertical structure are the crust, mantle, inner core, and outer core. The crust is made up of a mixture of rocks and is between 7 kilometers thick at the ocean floor and 70 kilometers thick beneath landforms. It makes up only 1% of Earth's volume. At the base of the crust, just above the mantle is the Mohorovicic discontinuity where there is a significant change in mineral composition. The mantle has a depth of approximately 2900 kilometers and makes up 84% of Earth's volume. There are three sublayers, the lithosphere, which is thin and rigid and consists of the crust as well; the asthenosphere, in which the rocks are extremely hot and become somewhat like tar; and the lower mantle, where the rocks are again rigid. The outer core is made up of molten and about 5000 kilometers deep. The outer core generates Earth's magnetic field. The inner core is a solid and dense mass thought to be made up of iron/nickel or iron/silicate. The inner core has a radius of approximately 1450 kilometers.

How does the "geologic factor" impact soil development?

The geologic factor impacts soil development as one of the five principal soil-forming factors. The geologic factor is a passive factor, and a dominant factor in early soil development. Parent material weathers and decomposes, thus providing base material for soil. The characteristics of the parent material, whether bedrock or loose sediments, determines the texture and structure of the new soil.

Why do tropical rainforests usually have poor soils?

Tropical rainforests have poor soils because the warm, moist climates create soils that are leached out and energy deficient. Large amounts of rain wash the nutrients right out of the soil. Plants decay quickly because of the high moisture and temperature so humus has no chance to develop. Rainforest trees and organisms are suited to this thin, nutrient deficient soil as the nutrients are cycled quickly and root structures are shallow to take advantage of the leaf cover and decaying organic matter on the ground surface. When trees that have provided the surface cover and cycled the nutrients are removed, the cycle cannot continue and the soil becomes very poor and unable to support crops and vegetation.

An automated system for the capture, storage, retrieval, analysis, and display of spatial data is known as..?


what is batholith?

a massive pluton that cools slowly

If it is 3:00 p.m. Friday in Hong Kong (114° east longitude), what are the time and day in Los Angeles (118° west longitude)?

a. Disregarding Daylight saving time: Hong Kong Standard Time Zone: UTC/GMT +8 hours Los Angeles Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -8 hours. Los Angeles is 16 hours behind Hong Kong. Therefore, it would be 11 pm on Thursday night. 11:00 PM, Thursday b. With Daylight saving time: Hong Kong Standard Time Zone: UTC/GMT +8 hours No Daylight saving time. Los Angeles Standard time zone: UTC/GMT -8 hours Daylight saving time: +1 hour Current time zone offset: UTC/GMT -7 hours. Los Angeles is 15 hours behind Hong Kong. Therefore, it would be 12 am on Friday night.

In folded terrain, a simple symmetrical downfold is termed a(n) ______


what is the most extrusive (volcanic) igneous rock?


Crater Lake, Oregon, is an example of a volcanic _____


Which of the following is NOT an intrusive volcanic landform? Question options: A)caldera B)vein C)dike D)sill E)batholith


Moisture that is held at the surface of soil particles by surface tension is called ________


The term DENUDATION is often used to describe the

combined processes of weathering, mass movements, erosion and the reduction of landscape relief

What type of volcanoes are Mount Fuji, Mount Shasta, and Mount Rainier?

composite volcanoes

A soil with a dark brown or black color is indicative of what?

considerable organic matter content

The process of downward migration of soil ions, colloids, and other particles in soil profiles is known as ________


Extrusive (volcanic) igneous rocks have smaller mineral crystals than intrusive (plutonic) igneous rocks because..?

extrusive rocks cool faster

In pedogemic regimes, when analyzing the physical-chemical-biological processes that produce soils, which of the following regimes is predominant where temperatures are low and precipitation high?


A crustal block which is downthrown with a steep fault scarp on either side is a _______


Metamorphic rocks are formed by what?

heat and pressure

Lines connecting points of equal air temperature are known as..?


The solid, inorganic portion of the earth's system is known as what?


Are parallels longitude or latitude?

longitude - North to South

In Hawaii, the direction of movement of the Pacific plate over the "hot spot" means that the _________are/is the oldest part of the island chain.

northwestern islands

The totality of materials ejected from a volcano, including liquid material, ashes and dust is termed _____

pyroclastic material

These acidic soils are found in northern evergreen forests. Iron and aluminum oxides in the B horizon produce a strong red color.


The geographer's concern with the earth's interior is restricted primarily to its infuence on _______.


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