GEO chapter 12

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In what year did the British withdraw from India?


When did Bangladesh achieve independence?


What group of people is at the top of the Hindu caste system?


What is the most widely spoken language in South Asia?


What language has been suggested as a unifying national language in India?


Which of the following best describes the geography of religion in India?

Hindu nationalism with impeding Islamists

Sikhism is a blend of what two religions?

Hinduism and Islam

Where is Pakistan's population concentrated?

In the drainage basin of the Indus

What country of South Asia has been one of the most successful in the region in reducing its fertility rate?


Which country of South Asia has the largest population in the region?


In which country of South Asia is Hinduism the majority religion?

India and Nepal

What South Asian country is building the Quadrilateral Highway? Why?

India; to connect four major cities

What name is sometimes given to the region of South Asia?

Indian Subcontinent

What is the longest river in South Asia?

Indus River

What religion dominates in Pakistan and Bangladesh?


Why is Bhopal, India known?

It was the site of a 1984 gas leak at a fertilizer factory that killed over 2,500 people.

In 2007, India signed an agreement with another country that could improve its energy and environmental outlook. What country was it?


What territory in South Asia is claimed by both India and Pakistan?


What is the cause of urban unrest in Karachi, Pakistan?

Main conflict with Sindis, native inhabitants and Muhajairs the Muslim refugees from India

Of the countries of South Asia, which has the smallest population?


Which country in South Asia is only 6 feet above sea level at its highest point, and therefore is most threatened by rising sea levels predicted to accompany climate change?


Who is the father-figure of Indian independence?

Mohandas Gandhi

What climatic factor dominates South Asia?


What is the largest city in South Asia (based on population)?


Which country of South Asia has the region's lowest level of economic development?


What country was Bangladesh part of?


Which region of India is considered to be its breadbasket?


What is the main crop in the Ganges Valley of South Asia?

Rice and Wheat

Who was the "Buddha" and where was he from? What was he reacting against?

Siddhartha Gautama was reacting against the life of power and wealth

What work are Sikh men noted for?

Soldiers and bodyguards

In what part of India are Dravidian languages most likely to be spoken?

Southern India and Northern Sri Lanka

What is the Tata Nano?

World's least expensive and smallest car; sells for around $1,200.

How would Hinduism be described as a religion?

a complicated faith without a single, uniformly accepted system of belief

What are the Tamil Tigers?

a rebel force in Sri Lanka "Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam"

What phrase best describes the outcome of the Green Revolution?

agricultural techniques based on hybrid crops, heavy use of industrial fertilizers and chemical pesticides

What are the causes of deforestation in South Asia?

agriculture, urban, and industrial expansion

Where do most people in South Asia live?

in zones of fertile soil and reliable water supply in compact rural villages

What trend is threatening the survival of the Zoroastrian community?

intermarriage and low fertility

Why is Bangladesh internationally competitive in textile and clothing manufacture?

it has earned them the most

What physical feature is needed for orographic precipitation to occur?

mountains are needed

What behavior does the South Asian religion of Jainism emphasize over all others?


What factor was the basis for the creation of the states in India?

political an historical considerations

What are the problems facing Calcutta?

poverty, pollution, congestion, and homelessness

India's economy is most advanced in what economic activity?

software development

What are bustees?

sprawling squatter settlements in South Asia

What role does the Grameen Bank play in Bangladesh?

supplies low-interest loans to its women

What is the rain-shadow effect?

the area of low rainfall found on the leeward (downwind) side of a mountain range

During the period of British colonialism in South Asia, why did the British allow the tribal Pashtun-speaking areas of what is now northwest Pakistan to retain their independence?

the tribes formed a buffer between them and the Russians

What makes the Himalayan Mountains of South Asia distinctive?

they are the highest mountains in the world

Why did the people of Bangladesh fight for independence?

they felt they were being treated as second-class citizens

After the partitioning of India in the late 1940s and the subsequent formation of Bangladesh in 1971, what was Pakistan's policy toward the Pashtun tribes in the country?

they let them keep their lawless independence

About what percentage of people in South Asia live in cities?


In which country of South Asia are tourists required by law to spend a considerable amount of money and come as part of an official group?


What religion dominates in Bhutan?

Tibetan Buddhism

Who brought Islam to South Asia?

Turkic Muslims

Why are floods so devastating in Bangladesh?

because it has one of the highest settlement densities in the world

How were the Himalayas formed?

by the collision of peninsular India with the Asian landmass

What is the main reason why urbanization is increasing in South Asia?

conditions in the countryside and farming failure due to mechanization

What are "hutments"?

crude shelters built on formerly busy sidewalks

List the environmental problems in South Asia?

flooding, deforestation, water pollution, and air pollution

What are the possible effects of climate change in this region?

flooding, intense summer monsoons, rivers could be gone, thawing glaciers, high temperature threatens crops

Which of the following is one of the main reasons that Pakistan has had a difficult time achieving economic growth?

high inflation with slow growth

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