GEO Final Exam Review

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How long ago did the ancestors of Australia's aboriginal population make their way to Australia?

40,000 years ago

What landform is described as a combination of sandy islands, barrier coral reefs, and shallow central lagoons?


What is the Outback?

Australia's huge, dry interior

What country of South Asia has been one of the most successful in the region in reducing its fertility rate?


What group of people is at the top of the Hindu Caste System?

Brahmins (priestly class)

What caused the dramatic decline in Guam's native bird species?

Brown Tree Snakes

What religion dominates in Bhutan?


South Asia is likely to experience which effects of climate change?

Flooding and Sea level rise

What was the main purpose of the Native Title Bill, which became law in Australia in 1993?

Gave Aborigines greater control over sacred land

What role does the Grameen Bank play in Bangladesh?

Gives micro-loans to women

What is the greatest potential environmental threat to Oceania?

Global Warming; rising sea levels

What is the most spoken language in South Asia?


Where do most of the people in South Asia live?

In compact rural villages

Which country of South Asia has the largest population in the region?


What religion dominates in Pakistan and Bangladesh?


Sikhism is a blend of what two religions?

Islam and Hinduism

What territory in South Asia is claimed by both India and Pakistan?


Tuvalu, Kiribati, and the Marshall Islands are already experiencing disastrous flooding related to global climate change. What has been the response of the people on these islands?

Leave and migrate to other places, like New Zealand

Who is the father figure of Indian Independence?

Mohandas Gandhi

What climatic factor dominates South Asia?


In which country are Maoris the indigenous people?

New Zealand

What behavior does the South Asian religion of Jainism emphasize over all others?


Why have residents of the Marshall Islands been displaced over the past few decades?

Nuclear Testing

Where do Australian cities tend to be located?

On the Coast

What part of Australia/Oceania is most susceptible to tsunami hazards?

Papua New Guinea

Why does the population of Nauru cluster together in quasi-urban settings?

Phosphate mining

In the early days of its colonization, Britain used Australia as a...?

Prison Colony

During the period of British Colonization in South Asia, why did the British allow the tribal Pahtun-speaking areas of what is now northwest Pakistan to retain their independence?

Provided a buffer

Which Region of India is considered to be its breadbasket?


Which exotic animal, introduced in Australia, reached plague proportions, and was finally brought under control only after the purposeful introduction of a disease that affected only this particularly introduced species?


Where did Australia's Aborigine population originate?

Southeast Asia

Which country of South Asia has the region's overall highest level of social development, in terms of favorable social indicators?

Sri Lanka

What are Bustees?

sprawling squatter settlements that exist in and around urban areas

The Hawaiian Islands were formed by what process?

Volcanic Activity

What are the Tamil Tigers?

a rebel force in Sri Lanka

Where is Pakistan's population concentrated?

Along the Indus River

What are Hutments?

Crude shelters built on formerly busy sidewalks in India

Which Country in South Asia is only 6 ft above sea level at its highest point, and therefore is most threatened by rising sea levels predicted to accompany climate change?

The Maldives

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