Geo Final Student Questions

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Where is most of the freshwater located? A. Groundwater B. Reservoir C. Dams D. Rivers

Correct Answer: A. Page 16. Only one percent is fresh water, the hydrologic resource most needed for agriculture and civilization. A small fraction of this fresh water occupies lakes and rivers; most of it is groundwater contained in rocks beneath the land surface.

Why is it that very little petroleum is found amongst Precambrian aged rocks? A.) Rocks dating from the Precambrian era exist too deep underground for oil deposits to form. B.) The primitive organisms that existed prior to the Cambrian era generated very little organic matter. C.) The Precambrian era lacked large amounts of sedimentary rock for organic matter to be deposited. D.) Precambrian aged rocks are not nearly old enough to contain large oil deposits.

Correct Answer: B, Page 258, Natural Resources: Ages of Petroleum Source Rocks. All fossil fuels, such as oil and natural gas, are created by organic matter that was deposited in sedimentary rock formations in the ancient past. This explains why rock from the Precambrian era, an era that produced relatively less organic matter, contains very little petroleum compared to rock dating back to the Mesozoic era, which produced a much larger amount of organic matter.

Which answer is NOT correct about dip-slip faults and strike-slip faults? A. Dip-slip faults are created due to vertical movements of rock B. Tension can cause dip-slip faulting C. Left-lateral, Right-lateral, and Parallel are types of strike-slip faults D. Shearing forces drive strike-slip faulting

Correct Answer: C C is incorrect because parallel faults are not a type of strike slip fault. A strike slip fault can be left-lateral, right-lateral, or oblique (in specific cases). Answers A, B, and D all correctly describe dip-slip and strike-slip faults. (Pages 217-218)

Which of the following configurations would create the coldest summers (65N lat)? A) more eccentric, less tilt B) less eccentric, less tilt C) more eccentric, more tilt D) less eccentric, more tilt

A) More eccentric, less tilt

Fossils become diverse and abundant in the Geologic Record at the start of this time...... _____________. A) Paleozoic C) Mesozoic B) Precambrian D) Cenezoic

A) Paleozoic

The largest mass extinction in the fossil record occurred at the end of the....... A) Permian B) Precambrian C) Cretaceous D) Ordovician

A) Permian

Ocean sediments can be analyzed to determine Oxygen isotope ratios because they contain...... A) calcareous plankton shells B) glacially dropped rock deposits C) trapped air molecules from ancient air D) decomposed carbon molecules

A) calcareous plankton shells

Dendrochronology can examine past climate by evaluating....? A) tree rings B) polar ice cores C) cave formations D) coral reefs

A) tree rings

_______ rocks are poor in iron and magnesium and rich in minerals that are high in silica. A) Mafic B) Felsic C) Ultramafic D) Intermediate Igneous

ANSWER: B, Chapter 5, page 138 decribes the general characteristics of Felsic rocks

Which of the following principles states that each sedimentary layer is younger than the one below it and older than the one above it? A)Principle of Faunal Successsion B) Principle of superposition C) Principle of original horizontality D) Principle of Lateral Continuity E) Principle of Cross Cutting Relationships

ANSWER: B, Pg. 250 Principle of Superposition. The principle of superposition states that each layer of an undeformed sedimentary sequence is younger than the one beneath it and older than the one above it. A new layer cannot be deposited beneath an existing layer.

What causes an ocean upwelling? A. Hot water coming in contact with cold water in the ocean B. Winds blowing across the ocean causing water to rise up from beneath and replace the displaced water C. Tidal waves controlled by the moon's gravitational pull D. Rising of the ocean floor caused by continental collision

ANSWER: B. Ocean upwellings are created when water is displaced and the water beneath it rises up to fill in the area the water moved from. p. 415.

Describe a sedimentary sequence: a. The method geologists use to categorize sediments by the periods they are from. b. A diagram that shows the sediment that would be visible if vertical slices were made through part of the Earth's crust. c. A sequence of abundant minerals that each form under a limited range of temperatures and pressures. d. A series of beds bounded above and below by unconformities.

ANSWER: D (Chapter 8, Page 253). An unconformity is a surface between two rock layers representing a layer that never formed or was eroded away. Thus, a sedimentary sequence is a series of beds bounded above and below by unconformitites. A sedimentary sequence, like an unconformity, represents the passage of time.

What two factors speed up rates of chemical reaction and weathering in rocks soils? A) Low temperatures; very dry B) Low temperatures; very moist C) High temperatures; very dry D) Warm temperatures; very moist

ANSWER: D; Two factors that speed up rates of chemical reaction and weathering in rocks soils is Warm temperatures and very moist.

The Basin and Range province, which is centered on the Great Basin of Nevada and Utah, is a great example of what type of continental deformation? (A) Compressive Tectonics (B) Tensional Tectonics (C) Regional Metamorphism (D) Shearing Tectonics

Answer (B). Page 224, 225, and 229. This region, which is almost 800km wide, is stretched and extended in a northwest to southeast direction by a factor of essentially two during the last 15 million years. It's a perfect explanation defined by many adjacent rift valleys. Other well-known examples of rift valleys in areas like East Africa, the Rhine Valley, and the Red Sea provide a great discourse upon tensional tectonics and how tensional forces are pulling a subducted plate away from another, creating large rift valleys bounded by normal faults.

What is the difference between weather and climate? A. Climate is a worldwide condition, while weather is localized in one area. B. Weather can be predicted with complete accuracy, while climate can not. C. Climate is a long lasting state, while weather is a temporary state. D. Weather is affected by solar energy input, while climate is not.

Answer is C: Climate is a long lasting state, while weather is a temporary state. Weather cycles create a climate and while weather can fluctuate wildly, the climate is the medium point for the weather conditions.

Which of the following geologic eons came first, beginning with the formation of the Earth and planets? A) Archean B) Proterozoic C) Phanerozoic D) Hadean

Answer/Explanation: D; Pages 56 and 57 show the geologic time line spanning from the formation of the Earth in the Hadean to the present Phanerozoic eon.

Which of the following is the correct order for the intensity of metamorphism in foliated rocks (in order of lowest to highest grade)? A) Phyllite, Schist, Slate, Gneiss, Migmatite B) Slate, Gneiss, Schist, Migmatite, Phyllite C) Migmatite, Phyllite, Gneiss, Slate, Schist D) Slate, Phyllite, Schist, Gneiss, Migmatite

Answer: (D). The more the metamorphic grade increases, the more textures will alter in foliated rocks. "In this progression, as temperature and pressure increase, a shale may metamorphose first to slate, then to phyllite, then to a schist, then to a gneiss, and finally to a migmatite." -Page 233

Which type of metamorphism is the most widespread? A) Regional metamorphism B) Shock metamorphism C) High-pressure metamorphism D) Contact metamorphism

Answer: A) Regional metamorphism, pg. 230, "Regional metamorphism, the most widespread type, takes place where both high temperatures and high pressures are imposed over large parts of the crust."

What are two of the four lines of evidence regarding Alfred Wegener's continental drift theory? A. Mountain Sequences and rock/fossil evidence B. Catastrophism and plate edges on the ocean floor C. Alternating patterns of magnetic anomalies and divergent plate boundaries D. Dinosaurs and hot spots

Answer: A. Pg 67-69, 79 and 87. The continental drift theory is one that was disposed of, but essentially introduced the idea of moving continents and the widely known concept of Pangaea. In fact, plates moving together created the highest altitude mountains in the world, including the Himalayas and evidence of similar fossil plants and animals were found on widely separated continents.

Which one of the river transportation systems is NOT visible? A. Solution B. Suspension C. Saltation D. Traction

Answer: A. Solution; From today's notes. The answer is solution because it involves dissolved materials in the water, while all other systems are visible.

Which of the following happens during both subduction and continent-continent collision at convergent plate boundries? A. Rocks and sediments are pushed to great depths in Earth's crust. B. Rocks and sediments are subjected to increasing tempuratures. C. Rocks and sediments are subjected to increasing pressures. D. Rocks and sediments are metamorphosed.

Answer: All of the above; pg. 243. "During both subduction and continent-continent collision at convergent plate boundaries, rocks and sediments are pushed to great depths in Earth's crust, where they are subjected to increasing pressures and temperatures that result in metamorphism."

Which of these resources is a nonrenewable resource? A. A forest chopped down for wood B. Burned coal C. Work of oxen, horses, and elephants D. Sunlight green plants use to grow

Answer: B Pg. 5-6 Coal is a "fossilized" energy from ancient sunlight stored by plants. Therefore, it is a nonrenewable resource.

Which force is the largest driving factor for the hydrologic cycle and how? a. Wind creates water currents in large bodies of water b. Sun evaporates water from the oceans and creates water vapor in the atmosphere c. Gravitational forces cause groundwater flow and surface runoff d. Chemical components aid in evaporation and precipitation of large bodies of water

Answer: B, pg. 356, "The Sun's heat drives the hydrologic cycle, mainly by evaporating water from the oceans and transporting it as water vapor in the atmosphere.

The thin layer of weathered surface material called "Soil" is a large reservoir of... A) nutrients and water B) nutrients and carbon C) water and carbon D) only nutrients

Answer: B-- Page 18 states that "soils are a huge reservoir of carbon" and "soils are the primary reservoir of nutrients for agriculture"

The seafloor spreading hypothesis, that states Earth's new crust is formed by the upwelling of hot molten rock after it separates, was put forward by which two scientists? A. Bruce Heezen and Marie Tharp B. Harry Hess and Robert Dietz C. J. Tuzo Wilson and Doc Ewing D. Edward Suess and Alfred Wegner

Answer: B. Pages 66-67, Chapter 3. Harry Hess and Robert Dietz proposed this hypothesis in 1962 that explained "how the continents could drift apart through the creation of new lithosphere at mid-ocean ridges."

Which of the following pairs of Igneous Rocks would be classified as Mafic? A) Granite and Rhyolite B) Gabbro and Granite C) Gabbro and Basalt D) Peridotite and Rhyolite

Answer: C (Page 138) "Mafic rocks contain large proportions of pyrozenes and olivines. These mineras are relatively poor in silica but rich in magnesium and iron, for which they get their characteristic dark colors."

Who said the memorable line, " The present is key to the past"? A) James Hutton B) Charles Darwin C) Charles Lyell D) Albert Einstein

Answer: C Found on page 43, "In 1830, the British geologist Charles Lyell summarized the concept in a memorable line" Charles Lyell was speaking about the geologic record and how it played a key role in the "Principle of Uniformitarianism".

What is the term for the volcanic rock that is usually rhyolitic in composition and contains numerous vesicles that remain after trapped gas has escaped from solidifying lava? a. Peridotite b. Porphyry c. Pumice d. Obsidian

Answer: C Pumice. Some Pumice has so many vesicles that it is light enough to float on water.

Geologists use radioactivity to identify the age of rocks. Which of the following is true about Radioactive Isotopes? A. Most isotopes are very unstable B. Isotopes all have a set number of neutrons across various elements C. They can decay to form daughter isotopes D. Rubidium is not a useful element for isotropic dating

Answer: C. (pg. 260) Radioactive isotopes can decay at a constant rate to create daughter isotopes, which can be measured by the isotope's half-life.

A mass extinction followed each of the following periods except: a. Permian b. Ordovician c. Silurian d. Devonian

Answer: C; pg. 256 Figure 8.11. There were mass extinctions following the Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous.

In 1963, F. J. Vine and D. H. Matthews came up with a proposal that provided a powerful test of the seafloor spreading hypothesis. What did their proposal explain the origin of? a. Mid-Ocean Ridges b. Oceanic Spreading Centers c. Continental Drift d. Magnetic Seafloor Anomalies e. Ocean Plate Velocities

Answer: D (pg. 78 - Magnetic Anomaly Patterns on the Seafloor); Vine an Matthews used the "new evidence for magnetic reversals" and "they reasoned that the bands of high and low magnetic intensity on the seafloor corresponded to bands of rock that were magnetized during ancient episodes of normal and reversed magnetism... The idea provided a powerful test of the seafloor spreading hypothesis, which states that new seafloor is created along the rift at the crest of a mid-ocean ridge as the plates move apart."

Which of the following is not one of the four main criteria used to classify foliated rocks? A) Grain (crystal) size B) Banding C) Metamorphic grade D) Color

Answer: D, page 233, The four main criteria used to classify foliated rocks are metamorphic grade, grain size, type of foliation, and banding.

In isotopic dating, an older rock will have more of what? A) Parent atoms B) Stable atoms C) Unstable atoms D) Daughter atoms

Answer: D, page 260-261. The parent isotope decays into the daughter isotope, and knowing the half-life of the isotope, one can calculate the time elapsed since the radioactive clock began to tick based on how many daughter isotopes there are.

Which of the following is NOT a type of physical weathering in rocks? A. Freezing B. Thawing C. Oxidation D. Wedging of tree roots

Answer: Oxidation. "Physical weathering takes place when solid rock is fragmented by mechanical processes, such as freezing and thawing or wedging by tree roots" (page 178).

What can the fault mechanism tell us about an earthquake's behavior? A)The intensity and magnitude of the earthquake B) The orientation of the fault rupture and the direction of slipping C) The epicenter and the focus of the earthquake D) The number of foreshocks and aftershocks that the earthquake has

Answer: page 439, B. The fault mechanism, or the orientation of the fault rupture and the direction of slipping, reveals whether the earthquake was on a normal, reverse, or strike-slip fault.

Which is older? (pic not included) A) #2 B) #4 C) #6 D) #3

B) 4

A desert formed by the "rain shadow" effect would be caused by.... A) constant atmospheric low pressure B) air descending from mountains C) convection of hot dry air D) constant offshore winds

B) Air descending from the mountains

The Geologic Time Scale was constructed in the 1800's using what type of data. A) isotopic data B) fossil data C) tectonic data D) mineral data

B) Fossil Data

What units would be appropriate for the measure of river's discharge? A) square feet per mile B) cubic feet per second C) miles per hour D) pounds per square foot

B) cubic feet per second

Understanding flood frequency can be furthered by graphing the ______ of a river over time? A) velocity B) discharge C) bedload D) viscosity

B) discharge

What is NOT true about the ice ages? A) the planet was about 8 degrees C colder than our modern interglacial age B) sea level was 400 feet higher than our modern interglacial age C) the continental shelves were formed by changing sea levels D) ice grew a mile or more thick over what is today called Canada

B) sea level was 400 feet higher than our modern interglacial age

Along the Cretaceous Tertiary boundary there is evidence of a global atmospheric fallout due to an extraterrestrial impact. This layer is characterized by fine grained material containing a rare-Earth element called...... A) Bimodium B) Dilithium C) Iridium D) Eblastium

C) Iridium

If a student wanted to study folds, faults and crustal deformation they would study....... A) Paleontology B) Stratigraphy C) Structural Geology D) Sedimentology

C) Structural Geology

Which of the following characteristics would NOT be true of a meandering river? A) it would likely flow at a higher velocity than the braided channels upstream B) it would likely have a more laminar water flow C) it would naturally develop a stable and unchanging river channel D) it would likely have the lowest river gradient of the entire drainage

C) it would naturally develop a stable and unchanging river channel

Which one of these following statements is false.... A) Wave Energy in Pacific Ocean is increasing B) There are warmer temperatures near the surface of air and the ocean C) The Polar Front has greater atmospheric contrasts D) Strength is decreased with warmer oceans during a hurricane

COREECT ANSWER: D, Strength is decreased with warmer oceans during a hurricane... Strength is actually increased with the warmer oceans and water vapor in a hurricane.

The process when crystals, formed in a magma chamber, separate from the remaining liquid to the chamber's floor, is known as? A) Magmatic differentiation B) Fractional Crystallization C) Crystal Dropping D) Magma Intrusion

CORRECT ANSWER B: page 142, Igneous Processes and Volcanism: Fractional Crystallization is when the crystals formed from cooling magma segregate from the rest of the liquid in different ways. The main one being "Bowen's Reaction Series", where the crystals settle to floor and the magma migrates onward.

Which of the following characterize the texture of an igneous rock? Choose all that apply. A) Depth of crystallization B) Cooling rate C) Size of crystals D) Color of crystals

CORRECT ANSWER: A, B, C, Page 142. Depth of crystallization, cooling rate, and size of crystals all characterize the texture of an igneous rock, but color of crystals does not.

When accumulation > ablation, what happens to the ice front? A. Ice front advances B. Ice front recedes C. Ice front shrinks D. Ice front remains in the same position

CORRECT ANSWER: A, Page 336, GLACIAL BUDGET. Accumulation>ablation. Ice front advances.

Which type of production causes rocks to be rare at the Earth's surfaces because it happens at great depths and it takes a very long time for these rocks to be resurfaced? A. Metamorphic rocks formed by high pressure metamorphism and ultra-high pressure metamorphism B. Metamorphic rocks formed by burial metamorphism in the crust C. Rocks formed by contact metamorphism in places of high temperatures D. Rocks produced by regional metamorphism near volcanic mountains

CORRECT ANSWER: A, page 231, Metamorphic rocks formed by high pressure metamorphism and ultra-high pressure metamorphism are rarely exposed at the Earth's surface because they form at such great depths that it takes a very long time for them to be recycled to the surface.

Which of the following is considered a "renewable energy resource" because it can be quickly replenished by the Earth? A) Natural Gas B) Ethanol C) Oil D) Coal

CORRECT ANSWER: B) Ethanol. The answer and explanation is found on page 8. "The use of renewable energy resources, especially of biofuels such as ethanol (made from sugarcane and corn), is increasing, but the total U.S. energy production from all renewable resources was just under 7 percent in 2007."

Which type of metamorphic rocks mainly consist of crystals that grow in cubes and spheres? A) Foliated B) Granoblastic C )Porphyroblastic D) Schists and Gneisses

CORRECT ANSWER: B) Granoblastic. Ch.7, pg. 234: "Granoblastic rocks are nonfoliated metamorphic rocks composed of mainly crystals that grow in equant (equidimensional) shapes, such as cubes and spheres, rather than in platy or elongate shapes."

Dendritic drainage: A) Develops on a strongly jointed rocky terrain, tends to follow the joint pattern B) Is characterized by branches similar to the limbs of a tree C) Develops in valley and ridge terrain, where rocks of varying resistance to erosion are folded into anticlines and synclines D) Patterns developed on a single large peak, such as a large dormant volcano

CORRECT ANSWER: B), page 401. Dendritic drainage is characterized by branches similar to the limbs of a tree

Regional metamorphism.. A) Results from the heat and shock waves of a meteorite impact, transforming rock at the impact site B) Takes place at convergent plate boundaries at moderate to deep levels under moderate to ultra-high pressures and high temperatures C) Transforms sedimentary rocks at progressively increasing temperature and pressure D) Occurs along linear belts of volcanic arcs, produced by continent-continent collisions, under high pressures

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 230-231, REGIONAL METAMORPHISM. "Regional metamorphism, the most widespread type, takes place where both high temperatures and high pressures are imposed over large areas of the crust. It is characteristic of convergent plate boundaries."

What do unconformities indicate? A) indicates fossil records that have been hidden within the layers B) indicates a gap in time between layers in stratigraphic succession C) indicates a reordering of geologic time D) indicates scattered deposits of sediments

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 253. Unconformities indicate a gap in time between layers in stratigraphic succession and are classified according to the relationships between the layers above and below.

Which of the following is NOT an epoch from the Neogene period? A) Miocene B) Paleocene C) Pliocene D) Pleistocene

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 255. Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene are all periods that have been further subdivided into epochs from the Neogene period. Paleocene is NOT one of these epochs.

The expression "global change" entered our vocabulary when it became clear that: A.) New discoveries about our planet were starting to alter the way that we treated our planet B.) Emissions from fossil-fuel burning was beginning to alter the chemistry of the atmosphere C.) Our planet was changing in a variety of ways that we could not explain D.) Our planet would one day run out of resources

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 29-30, The Human Factor. The expression of global change entered the world's vocabulary when it became clear that emissions from fossil-fuel burning and other human activities were beginning to alter the chemistry of the atmosphere.

What two mountain ranges in the continental United States funnel runoff into the countries largest drainage network? A) Cascade & Sierra Nevada B) Appalachian & Rocky Mountains C) Cascade & Appalachian D) Adirondack & Rocky Mountains

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 362-363, Appalachian & Rocky Mountains. Runoff from the Appalachian mountain range on the east coast and the runoff from the Rocky Mountains on the west coast funnel water through a system of rivers that lead to the Mississippi River. The Mississippi River deposits this runoff through Louisiana to the Gulf of Mexico.

What is the name of the boundary that separates the low-density silicates of the crust from the high-density silicates of the mantle? A) biosphere B) moho C) lithosphere D) magnetic field

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 48, moho. This boundary, named the Mohorovicic discontinuity (Moho for short) after its discoverer, separates a crust composed of low-density silicates, which are rich in aluminum and potassium, from the higher-density silicates of the mantle, which contain more magnesium and iron.

About 90% of Earth consists of only 4 elements. These 4 elements are: A) hydrogen, magnesium, oxygen, and nitrogen B) iron, oxygen, silicon, and magnesium C) iron, carbon, silicon, and magnesium D) iron, oxygen, hydrogen, and silicon

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 50, CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF EARTH'S MAJOR LAYERS. "About 90 percent of Earth consists of only 4 elements: iron, oxygen, silicon, and magnesium." Iron and oxygen are the most abundant and make up about a third of Earth's overall mass. Iron is concentrated in the core while oxygen is concentrated more in the crust and mantle. Silicon is low-density and "is more abundant in the crust than in the mantle, and it is nearly absent in the core".

Which of the following is included in both The Climate System, and The Plate Tectonic System?... A) Atmosphere B) Lithosphere C) Asthenosphere D) Hydrosphere

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 52. The Climate System involves interactions among the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, and lithosphere. The Plate Tectonic System involves interactions among the lithosphere, asthenosphere, and deep mantle. Therefore lithosphere is the one that overlaps between both systems.

What happens at convergent boundaries? a. The plates slide horizontally past each other and the plate area does not change b. The plates come together and one plate is recycled into the mantle and the plate area decreases c. The plates move apart and new lithosphere is created and the plate area increases d. The plates move vertically past each other and the plate area does not change

CORRECT ANSWER: B, page 71. "At convergent boundaries, plates come together and one plate is recycled into the mantle (plate area decreases).

Thrust faulting is the most common type of faulting within.... A) continents undergoing a rift valley B) continents undergoing tectonic compression C) continents undergoing shearing deformation D) rocks that are subjected to significant changes in temperature or pressure

CORRECT ANSWER: B, pages 225-226. In subduction zones, oceanic lithosphere slips beneath an overriding plate along a huge thrust fault, or megathrust. Thrust faulting is also the most common type of faulting within continents undergoing tectonic compression.

What important concept explains how the geological record tells us that the processes we see in action on Earth today worked in the same way in the geological past? A) Principle of Geology B) Principle of Uniformitarianism C) Geological Record D) Rock Formations and Strations

CORRECT ANSWER: B-Principle of Uniformitarianism (page 42-43, Geology as a Science) As geologist Charles Lyell summarized the concept in a memorable line: "The present is the key to the past." This principle does not mean that every single geologic event happened at the same pace. Some things were very instant like an earthquake or volcanic rupture, but rather some of the most important processes happened at a very gradual pace. Geology is the study of etreme events as well as any sort of gradual change.

What is true about contact metamorphism? A. Contact metamorphism along linear belts of volcanic arcs, produced by continent-continent collision, occurs at high pressures. B. Contact metamorphism affects a thin zone of country rock around an igneous intrusion. C. Contact metamorphism transforms sedimentary rocks at progressively increasing temperature and pressure. D. Contact metamorphism at convergent plate boundaries occurs at moderate to deep levels under moderate to ultra-high pressures and high temperatures.

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Contact metamorphism affects a thin zone of country rock around an igneous intrusion (Pg. 230).

What are foliated rocks and how are they classified? A. Foliated rocks are all metamorphic rocks and are classified by hardness. B. Foliated rocks are created by the alignment of platy minerals under direct pressure and are classified by metamorphic grade, grain size, type of foliation, and banding. C. Foliated rocks are all created by magma and are classified by banding and hardness. D. Foliated rocks are rocks such as marble and quartzite and are classified by grain size, banding, and metamorphic grade.

CORRECT ANSWER: B. Page 233; This section states that "Foliation is created by the alignment of platy minerals under directed pressure" and "foliated rocks are classified by metamorphic grade, grain size, type of foliation, and banding".

Which type of tectonic force pushes two sides of a rock formation in opposite directions, which is dominate at transform fault boundaries. A) Tensional Forces B) Shearing Forces C) Compressive Forces D) Horizontal Forces

CORRECT ANSWER: B. page 217, Tectonic Forces Determine Types of Deformation Structures. "Shearing forces, which push two sides of a rock formation in opposite directions, dominate at transform-fault boundaries, where plates slide past each other."

The moho layer of the Earth (or the depth to the mantle) is shallower beneath... A) Divergent Faults B) The Ocean C) Subduction Zones D) Volcanoes

CORRECT ANSWER: B; page 48, The Ocean. The moho is the a global feature beneath the Earth that was discovered to be substantially shallower beneath the oceans than continents. On average the crust thickness beneath oceans is 7 km, while beneath continents it is 40 km.

Which of the following is NOT true about an El Niño? (Choose the false answer) A. The effects of an El Niño can kill fish populations. B. An El Niño can trigger abnormal rain and wind patterns. C. The warmer waters travel to the north and south poles during an El Niño. D. Together, El Niño and La Niña are part of an exchange of heat.

CORRECT ANSWER: C Explanation: A is correct because fish populations depend on the upwelling cold currents for their nutrient supply. Therefore an El Niño (warming of surface temps) can be disastrous. B is also correct because an El Niño can have very strong weather effects on a climate. The biggest El Niño was in 1997, where the disruptions of weather may have cost 23,000 lives and $33 billion in damages. Lastly, D is correct because a La Niña is a complementary cooling event compared to an El Niño. Together, they exchange heat between the atmosphere and the tropical Pacific Ocean. C is incorrect because during an El Niño event, the warm waters shift eastward, not towards the north and south poles. The diagram on page 330 can help illustrate this topic. (PAGES 330-331)

Which of the following describes overturned folds? A) Have one limb that disps more steeply than the other. B) Have an axis at an angle to the horizontal. C) Have limbs that dip in the same direction, but one limb has been tilted beyond vertical. D) Have limbs that fold symmetrically from the axial plane.

CORRECT ANSWER: C, Page 221, basic deformation structures. An overturned fold has limbs that dip beyond the vertical in the same direction. Answer "A" describes an asymmetrical fold, while "D" describes a symmetrical fold. Answer "B" describes a plunging fold.

What are naturally occurring minerals or rocks from which a useful substance, such as metal, can be extracted from? Where were the most valuable of these formed? a. Aquifers; high landslide activity areas b. Bolides; volcanic vents leading to ocean c. Ores; regions of volcanic activity d. Strata; lands with rich soil

CORRECT ANSWER: C, page 13. ORES. Ores are "high-grade deposits of minerals from which we can extract metals." Many of the most valuable ores were formed in regions of volcanic activity. This is due to hot circulating groundwater extracting the metal from nearby rocks and depositing them in a concentrated form.

Whether a flow is laminar or turbulent depends on all but one of these factors... A) Its depth B) Its viscosity C) Its weight D) Its velocity (rate of movement)

CORRECT ANSWER: C, page 386, ITS WEIGHT. Whether a flow is laminar or turbulent depends primarily on three factors: its velocity (rate of movement), its depth, and its viscosity.

Most natural hazards can be detected before they happen but not all, which of these are not true about detecting a natural hazard in advance? A) Meteorologists can predict a hurricane, a storm's track and changes in its intensity several days in advance. B) Geologists can predict volcanic eruptions using sensitive instruments that can detect activity within the volcano. C) Geologists can predict before an earthquake happens using the Richter Scale D) Geologists can map out areas where landslides may occur due to steep terrain and weak rock types.

CORRECT ANSWER: C; Geologists can predict before an earthquake happens using the Richter scale. (Page 22) "We can predict where and how frequently earthquakes will occur and how big they will be, but no one has yet figured out how to predict when large earthquakes will occur."

Which of the following is NOT a setting where braided streams are found? A) Broad lowland valleys B) Sediment filled rift valleys C) Adjacent to mountain ranges D) Narrow mountain valleys

CORRECT ANSWER: D, page 398. Braided streams are found in a variety of settings which include broad lowland valleys, sediment filled rift valleys, and adjacent to mountain ranges. However, braided streams are NOT found in areas containing narrow mountain valleys.

A chain of volcanoes, known as an island arc, forms.... A) At boundaries where plates slide past each other B) When continental crust overrides oceanic crust C) Where two continents converge and collide with one another D) Where two oceanic plates converge and one plate is subducted beneath the other

CORRECT ANSWER: D, page 73, CONVERGENT BOUNDARIES. "If the lithosphere of both converging plates is oceanic, one plate descends beneath the other in a process known as subduction. The lithosphere of the subducting plate sinks into the asthenosphere and is eventually recycled by the mantle convection system...As the cold slab of lithosphere descends deeper into Earth's interior, the pressure on it increases. Water trapped in the rocks is squeezed out and rises into the asthenosphere above the slab. This fluid causes the mantel material above it to melt. The resulting magma produces a chain of volcanoes, called an island arc, behind the trench."

Why can't Natural conditions in Earth's crust be reproduced exactly within laboratories? A. We do not have the correct machinery necessary B. Tectonic forces are applied over millions of years C. Tectonic forces are applied from over a few hours to a few weeks D. We can reproduce natural conditions in Earth's crust within laboratorys

CORRECT ANSWER:B, page 216 Tectonic forces are applied over millions of years, whereas laboratory experiments are rarely conducted for more than a few hours or at most a few weeks.

Which of the following rock types has the highest porosity and permeability? A) Fine-grained sand and silt B) Sandstone C) Gravel D) Shale

Correct Answer: C, page 366; The table shows that gravel has the highest porosity and permeability out of all the rocks listed, as it can hold large amounts of water which can pass through the rock easily.

Which of the following is not true about volcanoes? A) Calderas are formed when a great volume of magma is violently discharged. B) Magma with a higher viscosity will erupt more violently. C) Shield volcanoes do not get very tall. D) Upon eruption basaltic lavas flow quickly, due to their high temperature and low silica content.

Correct Answer: C. Page 161, Central Eruptions "Mauna Loa, on the island of Hawaii is the classic example of a shield volcano. Although it rises only 4km above sea level, it is actually the world's tallest mountain: measured from its base on the seafloor, Mauna Loa is 10 km high, higher than Mount Everest!"

Shear forces along a fault line will... A) Create a syncline and valley B) is considered a reverse fault C) result in a dip-slip fault D) Push two rock structures in opposite directions along a transform boundary

Correct Answer: D (pg. 217) "Shearing forces, which push two sides of a rock formation in opposite directions, dominate at transform-fault boundaries, where plates slide past each other."

Why did the United States vote against the Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982? a) would allow companies to destroy sea habitat b) wanted to protect sea life c) would unfairly limit commercialization of sea floor resources d) would raise taxes for US citizens

Correct answer is C, it states on page 12 that out the 4 countries that voted against the agreement, the United States was one of them and their reason was that it would limit commercialization.

Tensional deformation of the lithosphere produces rift valleys bounded by what type of faults? A) Reverse faults B) Thrust faults C) Normal faults D) Strike-slip faults

Correct answer: C) Normal faults. Page 224. "Tensional deformation of the lithosphere produces rift valleys bounded by normal faults"

Which type of metamorphism takes place where both high temperatures and high pressures are imposed over large parts of the crust? A) high-pressure metamorphism B) contact metamorphism C) regional metamorphism D) shock metamorphism E) burial metamorphism

Correct answer: C, pg. 230-21, chapter 7. Regional metamorphism occurs at moderate to deep levels under moderate to ultra-high pressures and high temperatures. This is a characteristic of convergent plate boundaries. It is the most widespread type.

Which element gives earth its magnetic field, and where is the majority of this element located? A. Oxygen, Crust B. Iron, Mantle C. Magnesium, Core D. Iron, Core

Correct answer: D, Iron gives earth its magnetic field due to the constant stirring of the liquid iron, which in turn produces electric current. The majority of earth's iron is located in the core of the earth. Page 50 and page 55, chapter 2.

Deflation of a desert surface might result in this forming? A) sand dune B) loess pile C) alluvial fan D) desert pavement

D) Desert Pavement

The geologic time of the ice ages is called the ........ A) Eocene B) Miocene C) Pliocene D) Pleistocene

D) Pleistocene

All the following could result in the deposition of river bedload....EXCEPT.....? A) a decrease in river gradient B) a decrease in channel confinement C) a decrease in velocity D) a decrease in the size of sediment being transported

D) a decrease in the size of sediment being transported

Which of the following is not part of a river system? A) collection system B) tributary system C) distribution system D) communication system

D) communication system

Which of the following is NOT necessarily associated with underground caverns? A) limestone or marble B) surface sinkholes C) groundwater erosion D) volcanic fluids

D) volcanic fluids

How did the oxygen of earth's atmosphere come about, and when did it originate? A. From tree's photosynthesis, during the Holocene B. From Cyanobacteria around 2.7 billion years ago C. From Iron oxidization, around 2.7 billion years ago D. From Eukaryotic Algae, 450 million years ago

The correct answer is B, found on Pg 303. The earth's oxygenated atmosphere atmosphere is theorized to have began to form from the ocean's then new cyanobacteria. It is meant as a trick question as the eukaryotic algae does most of the production of oxygen, but it does not start out that way.

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