geo hw 19

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How big can the diameter of a hurricane become?

500 Miles

Why is warm, moist air considered the "fuel" for a hurricane?

Air cools as it rises. As air cools, water vapor will condense out as liquid water. Condensation releases heat, providing energy to the hurricane.

When cool air rapidly displaces the warmer air along a cold front, which cloud type is produced?


How is Mauritius protecting its biodiversity?

It is growing and replanting seedlings of endangered trees

What happened to the dodo bird?

It was hunted to extinction by European sailors

Forecasters predict the passage of a cold front to occur overnight. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal, but tomorrow is graduation day and the evening ceremony is scheduled to be outside. Based on this information alone, what do you suggest the administration at your school do in response to this forecast?

Let it slide. Cold fronts usually pass through quickly, so it shouldn't be a problem by the time of the graduation ceremony

How are mesocyclones and tornadoes related?

Mesocyclones can turn into funnel clouds. A funnel cloud that touches the ground is called a tornado.

What are midlatitude cyclones?

Migrating low-pressure cells that move in the band of the westerlies

____ and __________ air masses originate at high latitudes.


_____________ and _____________ air masses are cold.


Hurricane storms are ranked on the Saffir-Simpson scale, where a category 5 rating is the most severe and category 1 is the least severe. Examples of category 5 hurricanes in the United States include Andrew, Camille, Katrina, Rita, Felix, and the "Labor Day" hurricane. In early September of 1996, Hurricane Fran hit the eastern coast of the United States. The accompanying maps represent the location of Hurricane Fran at 7:00 AM EST on September 5 and 6. Note that the small, black boxes extending southeast from the storm's center represent the location of the hurricane's eye at 6-hour intervals. The black lines are isobars, or lines of equal pressure, at 7:00 AM EST. A steep pressure gradient is represented by a narrower spacing of isobar lines. This means that the pressure gradient of an area with isobar lines nearer to each other is steeper than an area with isobar lines with more space between them. Use the information provided by these maps to match the correct answers to each of the following questions.

Pressure grad higher of the 5th at 7am eye traveled approx. 400 miles approx 17 mph

How are rain patterns different near warm and cold fronts?

Rain near a cold front occurs over a smaller spatial area and is more intense than near a warm front.

What is the relationship between soil erosion, pollution, and fishermen in Jamaica?

Soil erosion and pollution in the hills flows out to sea, damaging fishing livelihoods.

as a cold front moves into a region, which weather pattern is likely to result?

Thunderstorms, high winds, heavy rains, and hail

A disorganized array of clouds and thunderstorms with little or no rotation is known as a ____________

Tropical disturbance

If winds are between 38 and 74 miles per hour, the condition is called a ________

Tropical storm

What can cause the horizontally rotating air spiral to become the vertical spiral of a tornado?

Updrafts associated with thunderstorm clouds can tilt the horizontal column of spinning air.

What is the best way to conserve natural resources in Jamaica?

Use participatory approaches to bring locals into the conservation process

What is a tropical cyclone?

a low-pressure disturbance that develops over warm, tropical waters

Rank the following air masses from coldest to warmest using the figure below.

a wintertime cP air mass• a wintertime mP air mass• a wintertime mT air mass• a summertime cT air mass

Thunderstorms form from what type of cloud?


. Deserts are often found in areas with constant _____ systems

high pressure

Which of the following names mean "tropical cyclone"?

hurricane cyclone typhoon

Tornadoes most often move TOWARDS what direction?


What poses the greatest threat to native wildlife in Mauritius?


What other natural hazards are associated with tornado formation?


Which one of the following statements is not true of tornadoes?

usually occur along the warm front of a mid-latitude cyclone

An afternoon rain shower is most likely caused by a ________ front.


The eye of a hurricane is ________.

warmer than the rest of the storm

in a _________, wind speeds are below 38 miles per hour

Tropical depression

The storm is given a name once it reaches the ___________ stage

Tropical storm

half or more of _______(s) eventually become hurricanes

Tropical storm

Which of the following statements provides a possible logical explanation for the increased number of tornadoes during the 1990s and 2000s compared to the 1950s and 1960s?

Using Doppler radar more effectively allows scientists to detect more tornadoes than was previously possible .- Population increases mean that more people could report tornadoes in more areas.

If the ambient temperature is the same it will feel more humid when the dew point temperature is ,____________ than when the dew point temperature is .____________

70F 20F

Why does air spiral parallel to Earth's surface during initial stages of tornado formation?

Because of friction, surface winds move more slowly than winds higher in the air column.

Which of the following statements about hurricanes is true?

Hurricanes lose energy when moving over land.

Refer to Figure E1 and choose the phrase that correctly completes the following sentence. Over the next couple days, as the midlatitude cyclone continues to move northeast,____________.

North Carolina is likely to experience heavy rain and thunderstorms.

What is occlusion in a midlatitude cyclone?

Occlusion is the process by which a cold front overtakes a warm front.

Where does rain occur in a cold front?

Rain occurs along and behind a cold front.

Where does rain occur in a warm front?

Rain occurs along and in front of a warm front.

When the ground position of a front moves so that warm air occupies territory that was previously held by cold air, what type of front is it?

Warm front

What happens when air masses of different temperatures meet?

Well-defined boundaries form between the air masses.

When do midlatitude cyclones stop producing storms?

When the cold front has completely taken over the warm front

How do Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) bring income into the community?

by encouraging tourism

________is a term referring to dry air masses.


______________ and ____________ air masses are warm and dry.

c T

The air masses that have the greatest influence on weather conditions in the central United States are ________.

cP and mT

Most severe thunderstorms that occur in the middle latitudes form along or ahead of ________ fronts.


On a weather map, ________ fronts are shown by a line with triangular points on one side.


Thunderstorms are often caused by ________ fronts.


A maritime Polar (mP) air mass is ________.

cold and humid

The advance of which type of air mass produces most cold fronts that develop in the United States?

continental polar air mass

What activities are prohibited in the Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) of Samoa?

dynamite fishing

Where is the most severe weather typically located in a midlatitude cyclone?

just south of the center of circulation

When a hurricane moves onto land, it rapidly loses its punch; that is, the storm declines in intensity. Which of the factors listed below contribute to this loss of punch?

lack of warm, moist air to feed latent heat driven convection

Thunder is produced by ________.


Blizzards and hurricanes are associated with ____________ systems.

low pressure

Where are tropical cyclones found?

lower and middle latitudes

_________ air masses originate over water.


_________ and ____________ air masses are warm and humid.

m T

An air mass from the Gulf of Mexico is labeled ________.


What are the criteria for Green Globe certification?

operation of a facility under environmentally and socially friendly guidelines

Continental tropical air masses are most prominent in what part of North America?

the Southwestern United States and northern Mexico

What is a front?

the boundary between two air masses of different temperatures

Which of the following should have the steepest pressure gradient?


What determines whether a front is called a cold front or a warm front?

The type of front is determined by which air mass is moving

TV meteorologists often point at things labeled L on a map and describe them as low pressure centers. What are they?

midlatitude cyclones

In the Gulf Coast region of the United States cold fronts intense spring floods are often associated with a phenomenon known locally as "training" where thunderstorms form along a line and follow the same line for hours. This is a classic example of severe weather along a ________.

stationary front

The greatest loss of life during a natural disaster occurred during ________.

the 1900 Galveston hurricane

You will transfer the knowledge you have acquired on understanding weather symbols to identify symbols on a real weather map. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Note that not all labels will be used.

1. First symbol in the top is showing the presence of a Stationary Front 2. Second Box on top right is for Cold Front with a blue line and triangles on it. 3. Third symbol for Chicago which is a line attached to a circle in the center is showing the Wind Direction and Speed. 4. Fourth symbol for Memphis points towards a central circle which depicts Cloud Cover conditions. 5. Fifth symbol for New Orleans with three parallel bars depicts Precipitation Type which is Fog. 6. The sixth one for Forth Worth is showing Temperature.

The months of ________ (in the Northern Hemisphere) are the period of greatest tornado frequency.


Damage from hurricanes is primarily the result of three factors: Storm surge—The storm surge is a dome of water that sweeps ashore with the hurricane. The waves and water from the storm surge can cause incredible amounts of damage along coastlines. Wind—Wind damage affects a much larger area than the storm surge. The strong winds associated with a hurricane can ruin mobile homes and can produce multiple tornadoes. Rain—Winds usually die out within 124 miles of the coast, but rain can continue inland beyond that. Rainstorms can be intense and can cause severe flooding. Hurricanes weaken as they move inland. Therefore, hazards differ by location. Accurate hurricane prediction is extremely important for warning people of any threatening hurricane activity. Imagine that it is late September, and a category 5 storm, Hurricane Gaston, is projected to make landfall along the path shown on the accompanying map. If the storm nears the Dallas-Fort Worth area, what poses the biggest threat to life and property?

Heavy rainstorms may hit Dallas-Fort Worth. Flooding as a result of heavy rains from the storm

In order to be considered a __________ , wind speeds must be in excess of 74 miles per hour.


Where do hurricanes that hit the East Coast of the United States form? In which direction do they travel?

Hurricanes form in the Atlantic Ocean north of the equator and move in a northwest direction.

The satellite image below shows a midlatitude cyclone in the occluded stage centered on the upper Midwest of the United States. Identify the warm front and cold front,represented by the black dotted lines and the warm and cold air masses. Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets. Note that some labels may be used more than once.

Left: Cold Air Mass Right (Top to Bottom): Occluded Front Cold Air Mass Warm Front Warm Air mass Cold Front

Figure C1: Left: Common weather station symbols and the station weather plot. Right: February weather map. Drag the appropriate items into their respective bins.

New Orleans: Pack an umbrella, current conditions are foggy, but rain is likely as warm air is rising above a colder air mass. Chicago: Expect light winds from the Southeast today. Snowfall may increase later as the passage of cold front will likely bring snow showers. Kansas City: Drive carefully and be prepared for freezing rain as the liquid precipitation is likely going to freeze on a colder surface. Memphis: An occluded front brings grey skies and occasional rain as the cold front overrides the warm front resulting in the formation of rain-bearing clouds. Fort Worth: You have a high pressure to thank for today's clear skies and calm winds as the cold front has passed through the location. Miami: A warm front moving through means chance of rain, but no need for a heavy jacket as there is an occurrence of drizzle today.

Fronts are the boundaries that separate different air masses that often possess contrasting densities. A warm front is an air mass that has moved into territory previously occupied by cooler air. As this warm air rises because it is less dense, adiabatic cooling produces clouds and generally results in light-to-moderate precipitation (as shown in the figure below). Because warm fronts have low slopes and move slowly, they generally produce precipitation for a longer period of time. Cold air encroaching on a region occupied by warmer air is called a cold front. These fronts tend to be steeper than warm fronts and move more rapidly because the colder, denser air squeezes underneath the warm air (as shown in the figure below). Because they move quickly, they generally produce precipitation for only a short time. As a result of these differences, precipitation from cold fronts tends to be more intense and shorter in duration than warm fronts. Review the illustrations, and then read the weather proverb below: Rain long foretold, long last;Short notice, soon past. Using your knowledge of fronts and their corresponding weather patterns, which of the following statements explains this proverb? Select all that apply.

Rainstorms are generally shorter when a cold air front comes in quickly and collides with a warm air front. When warm air collides with a cold air front, its slow journey up the slope of the cold air front causes longer rains. Because it moves slowly, its rain is long foretold and long to last.

Why does rain occur near a cold front?

Rising warm air cools, resulting in cloud formation and rain.

Why does rain occur near a warm front?

Rising warm air cools, resulting in cloud formation and rain.

Why is heavy rain associated with hurricane formation?

Rising, moist air cools. As air cools, water condenses and eventually falls.

During which month are hurricanes most likely to occur on the east coast of the United States?


Which of the following statements about movement in midlatitude cyclones are accurate?

Surface winds move counterclockwise. The entire cyclone moves from west to east. The cold front advances faster than the center of the storm, and the warm front advances more slowly than the center.

Where is Mauritius located?

The Indian Ocean

As you have learned, there are six stages in the development of a middle-latitude cyclone. The cross-sectional images below depict each of the six stages in the development of a middle-latitude cyclone. Apply your knowledge of how air masses and fronts interact to create a cyclone by matching the image with its corresponding description of the stage in the life cycle that image represents. Apply the "yes" or "no" answers to the questions in the orange boxes.

Well, we will go from left to right. The top three boxes pointing towards the map will be 1, 2 and 3 respectively. The bottom two boxes pointing upwards will be 4 and 5. The top box asking in YES OR NO will be 6. The bottom boxes asking in YES OR NO will be 7 and 8. Now, 1 - Front develops 2 - Wave develops 3 - Cyclonic circulation established 4 - Occlusion begins 5 - Occluded front developed 6 - No 7 - Yes 8 - No Explanation- 1 to 5 are general stages. For 6 we dont need to hurry because cyclone development may take a long time. For 7, immediate shelter is mandatory orelse fatal. For 8, the cyclone has already dissipated, so no more risk.

Which of the following describes the movement of air in a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere?

air moves up from the surface in a counterclockwise direction.

What is one effect of Green Globe or Blue Flag certification?

an increase in tourism revenue

When an active cold front overtakes a warm front, ________.

an occluded front forms

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