GEOG 107

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CH 1. When you geotag a photo using computer software, or your smart phone, what are you doing?

Assigning an absolute location to the photo.

Bagpipes are musical instruments that are not particularly popular in the United States where many people from Scotland and Ireland moved, even though the music in those locations (especially Appalachia) is heavily influenced by Scottish and Irish folk traditions. What might have prevented their diffusion?

Bagpipes were harder to carry into the mountainous areas than violins (fiddles) so they lost favor

CH2-27 In which California city did the hybridization of Mexican folk music and White (hillbilly?) folk music result in a popular new genre of country music?


CH 5.1-15. Why are Spanish, Italian and French called "Romance" languages?

Because they are descendants of Latin, used by the Romans

CH 5.1-33. Why did the Oakland School Board cause controversy in the mid-1990s?

Because they tried to get money to train teachers to help students who spoke "Ebonics", by treating it like a "second language".

Ch 4. Why did the US government fear soldiers would bring malaria "back" to the US following World War II?

Because those who got it while in the war could bring it back in their blood

Where is ice cream more likely to be produced in the US?

Burlington, Vermont

CH 5.1-13. More people speak _________ as their native language than any other, but within this language, there are many dialects that border on mutual unintelligibility.


CH 1. Some geographers focus almost entirely on the how knowledge is manufactured, changed or maintained. They are probably best called:

Critical Geographers

If you drove into a town called "Roxbury Center", after having just passed through "West Roxbury", you are almost certainly in what part of the United States?

New England

CH 2-25. Which of the following folk house types is most commonly found in Vermont and Maine?

New England Large

Which of these American states would you find a great tradition of basketball, but not much of a tradition for football (especially high school and college)?

New York

CH 5.1-29. According to the text, which of the following cities has a dialect heavily influenced by immigrants from Italy and Ireland?

New York City

CH4-39 The term "mugging" as used by the British Press incited fear because the word was associated with which of the following place:

New York City

CH 5.1-38. A mall called "The Shoppes at Fox Hunter Crossing" is probably trying to appeal to:

People who value expensive items.

CH 2-32. Why are pianos not regularly a part of the music of Appalachia (bluegrass music)

Pianos were too heavy to transport to mountainous regions.

CH 5.1-36. Which of the following American cities were probably settled by German people?


The fact that you can find more entire rows of Pork Cracklins (or Chicarones or Pork Rinds) snack food at a 7-11 in Georgia, but probably none in Napa, California is an indication that what notion is probably not yet true?


CH 4.1-35. Which of these factors was cited in the text as the main reason for infant deaths in the United States?

Poor health care for infants during their first year of life.

CH 2-38. What is an example of the ecological fallacy:

Surfing is a popular sport in California, so it is a popular sport in San Francisco.

CH 1. What is the statistic, Moran's I used to measure?

The clustering of POINTS on a point map, the degree of spatial autocorrelation among polygons regions on a map, and the correlation between an X and Y variable.

CH 5.1-12. Which of the following places do not speak an Indo-European language?


CH 2-27. Which of the following is NOT a feature that is associated with a folk house?

It is built to conform to building standards established by the state government.

Which of the following is NOT a feature that is associated with a folk house?

It is built to conform to building standards established by the state government.

CH 2-24. Which of the following folk house types is most commonly found in Tennessee and Kentucky?


E1P544. If you were to visit your grandma who spoke "Appalachian English" she would be most likely to live in which of the following house types?


CH 3 -30. Which of these states is a most associated with wheat production? (Oregon, Kansas, Indiana, Georgia)

Kansas --> close to the wheat belt that starts in Texas and travels up to the Dakotas

CH 2-9. If you bought an old house and while remodeling it found mud in most of the walls, you could assume a person of this ethnic group built the house:


Ch 5. which of the following is NOT a Germanic language


E1P217. One way to recognize a house is by its roof style. The bell-cast (shaped) roof is associated with this ethnicity:


Suffix '-ville'


Which of the following was NOT discussed in lecture as a component of Ebonic (African American Dialect): Pulpit (church), sports, hispani-bonics, musical


CH 2-7. According to the text, adobe houses did NOT feature this environmental adaptation:

Large windows to help breezes blow through the house on hot days.

CH 1. The people of North Korea are very unlikely to play heavy metal guitar because of the political conditions there. What is preventing the spread of heavy metal music to North Korea?

Impermeable barriers

Ch 4. Which of the following was NOT discussed in the text as a reason for the geographic clustering of cancers in the United States?

Location near the Great Lakes

Which of the following folk architecture types is commonly associated with Scandinavian settlers?

Log Cabins / Log Houses

CH2-29 Which geographic factor was cited in lecture as a key in the development of the Bronx's hip hop music scene in the late 1970s:

They were socially isolated - not geographically isolated from the music industry, and social isolation helped them develop a unique sound.

Which president is associated with township and range?

Thomas Jefferson

CH 5.1-25. Appalachian English is basically the same thing as the ________ dialect

Upland South

Dogtrot House

Upland South. A cabin with an two rooms and two chimneys with a breezeway in the middle

Cabin and Porch

Upland South. A one room cabin with dirt floor. Porched provided protection from the sun and rain.


Upland south. Two pens with a shared fireplace and two front doors. Floor is raised.

CH 5.1-7. Sometimes a group of people mixes together two or more languages to form a completely new language. At least for a while such a language would be called a __________.

a creole language

CH 5.1-4. Which of the following is an example of mutual intelligibility?

another person can understand your speech, and you CAN understand his or her language.

CH 4.1-30. Which of these substances is associated with the lung disease mesothelioma? (CO2, coal, asbestos, lead)


CH 4: Which of the following conditions was identified in the text as a fast-growing medical concern with evident geographical clustering?


CH 4L1-5. According to lecture, the rising price for this crop was partly responsible for a decrease in the rate of malaria in the United States:


What is the key factor separating the corn belt from the wheat belt in the United States

humidity or rain

CH 4.1-25. DDT, a chemical was sprayed on plants and houses to help do what?

kill mosquitoes to prevent malaria.

CH 3 -46. If you are a dairy farmer living within a one-day drive of a big city, most of the milk your cows produce will be sold as ________.

liquid milk

The invention of YouTube help Justin Bieber become famous because it DEMOCRATIZED access to the media. Which of the following technologies was cited as critical in the democratization of music production - helping Elvis Presley get famous in the 1950s?

magnetic tape

E1P14. The connection between soil types and the voting patterns in Alabama is an excellent example which of the following interests of geographers

cultural geography/ecology

CH 4.1-47. According to the text, one way to evaluate the legitimacy of marijuana as a medical, rather than recreational drug was the map marijuana dispensaries alongside:


Ch 4. In order to test John Snow's theory about poisoned water and the cause of cholera, authorities __________ in order to keep people drinking water from one source

removed the handle from the well pump

CH 3b -10. Inga row cropping has been proposed as an alternative to ________ style agriculture.

slash and burn

Which of the following types of agriculture was described as highly efficient in terms of caloric input and output?

slash and burn agriculture

Which of the following developed in the United States but not in Latin America, thanks to different land tenure laws?

small hold farming

E1P218. The ecological fallacy is logical mistake that is similar to:

stereotyping people

CH 3 -41. According to the Von Thunen model, which of these crops should be grown close to the city? (wheat, strawberries, walnuts, hay)

strawberries --> Bc fruit is very perishable

CH 3b -11. Which of the following is NOT a danger of monoculture? (crop failure, malnutrition, market collapse, subsistence farming)

subsistence farming

CH 3 -8. Sugar is produced in California where farmers grow _______ .

sugar beets

CH 4.1-36. Whooping cough is a disease that has spread in recent years in the United States in __________.

wealthy communities where people do not vaccinate children.

CH 3b -13. Which of these is cited in the text as a long standing factor driving Latin American immigration to the United States?

unfair land tenure

Geographer Pierce Lewis called the landscape our __________ because it reveals a great deal about our culture, economics, religion and politics.

unwitting autobiography

8.11.L Suitcase farming is largely associated with which crop?


CH 3 -31. Short grass prairies once occupied a region in the United States that is now dedicated to _______.

wheat and cattle ranching

CH 5.1-3. People who speak the same language, but pronounce words differently and prefer some different terms and expressions are said to _______

use different dialects

8.00.L About what percent of Americans are farmers?


CH 3b -17. During the 1980s, many American and Europeans donated to African famine relief, but didn't realize that the main cause of starvation was really:

farm economics in Africa

8.15.L In of these locations are you least likely to find market gardens areas:


CH 1. Which of the following fits the textbook's description of "methodology"

"Taken together, the methods and the epistemology give geographers a series of methodologies, which are essentially a set of rules that govern both the collection of data and the analysis of the data."

Long Lots

A French system that divided land equally down a river bank which gave everyone access to nutrients, water, and transportation via boat

Red dirt and Chickens

- Alabama is no good for crops - Soil is red and leached - Poultry

CH 5.1-18. English is a popular language in much of Asia and Africa. Why?

- Because English speakers have invented many things like airplanes, rock music and the internet. - Because the United States is powerful today. - Because the British Empire was vast and powerful for hundreds of years.

Cattle Ranching

- Favored where agriculture is not possible - Dry flatlands like Texas - Corn used to feed cattle

CH 5.1-20. The Basque language is:

- Found spoken in Central California today -A linguistic isolate -Unrelated to any other language.

Midlands and midwest

- Germans, English, Dutch - Hall and parlor, I-House


- Hickory = East - Oak & Pecan = Texas - Mesquite = West Texas - Coast Live Oak = Spanish/Mexican & Cali - Maple/Apple = New England

Specialty Crops

- Idaho potatoes - Georgia peaches - Washington Apples

Corn Belt

- Iowa - East of the 100th meridian - tallgrass prairies; fertile

Irrigated Drylands

- Irrigated fields in dry lands - CA grow many fruit from irrigated farms

Why do cultures eat spicy food?

- It helps them sweat in hot climates to cool down - Spices preserve the food in poorer cities and make it more bearable to eat


- Most use Kansas City sauce - Sauce in Carolinas - Hot sauce in Louisiana - Dry rub in Memphis and CA


- New England region -New England Large, Cape Cod House, Salt Box House, Temple(Gable)

Folk Housing

- Not massed produced - Built from local materials for the local conditions - Architects have no formal training in design or construction - No "balloon framing"


- Pork in the Appalachia south - Beef in the flatlands - Chicken in the north

Wheat Belt

- Texas - West of the 100th meridian - shortgrass prairies; dry and less productive

CH 5.1-31. The persistence of African American Vernacular English demonstrates:

- the effect of social and residential isolation on language. -the persistence or stubbornness of some cultural elements to change. -the importance of language in establishing identity.

High fructose corn syrup is a cheap replacement for granulated sugar because:

- The US government subsidizes corn production. - The US government restricts imports of cane sugar. - The US government inflates the price for cane sugar.

E1P221. Chuck Berry and Elvis Presley had which of the following in common?

- They both mixed African and European musical forms into an American music. -They were both from river towns in the middle of the United States -They were both responsible for inventing rock n' roll music.

Type of wheat

- Winter wheat= bread rolls Spring wheat= flour Durum wheat= Pasta

CH 5.1-30. Where people speak "Spanglish" there might evolve _______.

- a creole language - a pidgin language -a dialect.

Lowland South

-African and Caribbean influences - Shotgun, Charleston House

Ch 2. What are some features associated with houses built by French settlers in North America?

-Mud Filled walls -Bell Shaped roofs -Ensconced porches

CH4-35 According to lecture, which of the following reasons accounts for the extinction / diminishment of a language?

-People move out of the place where a dying language is spoken -People move in, outnumbering the people speaking the dying language -Another country invades a place, and the invaded country's language dies out.

Upland South

-Scottish/Irish and Germanic influences. (hillbilly south) - Cabin and Porch, Saddle Back, Dog Trot

CH 4L1-6. According to lecture, malaria is difficult to eliminate because:

-The disease is linked to poverty and poverty is hard to erase -Mosquitoes have become pesticide resistant -Animals can sometime be a reservoir of diseased blood

CH2-17 A style of church singing, known as "lining out" remained popular in the Deep South, and among African-American Churches because:

-These areas were culturally conservative, so they didn't like change in their church practices. -These areas had little in-migration from Catholics, etc. -These areas were late to gain full literacy

CH 4.1-43. According to the text, __________ is the maximum transport time considered acceptable for trauma victims.

1 hour

CH 4. Herd immunity describes a condition in which about __________ percent of a population is immune to a disease through vaccination


CH 4L1-16. According to lecture, which is the critical percentage needed for a school or business to reach herd immunity levels?


Which of the following features is NOT associated with houses built by French settlers in North America?

A central breezeway

If you pass a tobacco barn, then you may be able to assume which of the following about the local economy based on what you learned reading the text?

A few people are rich and most are poor.

Ch 2. Most common definition of culture:

A learned way of life

Township and Range

A public land survey system that divided the land into equal rectangles of a grid that sped up settlement on the frontier. However, this encouraged farmers to plant in rows which led to water loss and soil erosion

Which of the following is NOT a type of mentifact?

A sign

E1P16. According to the text, one of the following was NOT among the special way geographers work? (methodologies, epistemologies, teleology, cartography)

A unique understanding of cause and effect - teleology

Which of the following folk culture regions affects Indiana and Illinois?


Ch 2. What factors are among the reasons why African-Americans dominate professional basketball in the U.S

African American tend to live in urban areas. They have role models that are playing professional basketballs. Basketball appeals to poor African Amer. because it doesn't cost much.

CH 2-39. According to the text, which of these factors is NOT among the reasons African-Americans dominate professional basketball in the US?

African-Americans are better athletes than other ethnicities.

E1P539. Which of the following is a dialect of English? (All of these, Irish English, Australian English, American English)

All --- Irish English, Australian English. American English

CH 2-11. If you were a prosperous farmer in Indiana in 1830, and you built a house, it would have been which of the following?

An I house

CH 4.1-16. Chronic diseases kill the greatest percentage of people in which of the following countries:


CH 3 -39. What specialty crop is associated with the state of Washington?


CH4-31 According to lecture, which of the following is NOT a reason for the popularity of English as a world language? (Business, Arts, Political, Technology)


E1P332. The incidence of autism in the United States is clustered. Why do geographers think this is so?

Because diagnoses are clustered rather than the disorder itself.

CH 2-5. Why does the author of the text suggest that cultural determinism is a troublesome perspective?

Because it assumes that culture has more power over individuals than it really does.

Wisconsin is famous for cheese. Why?

Because it is in a good location for profitable cheese making.

CH 5.1-37. Which of the following American cities were probably settled by English people?


E1P110. Which of the following is a vernacular region? Canada, California, New England, Mojave Desert

New England

E1P214. These folks live in South Louisiana and often speak a dialect of French:


Ch 5. Which of the following is a toponym?


Latin America suffers from an over concentration of land in the hands of too few landowners. In which state in the United States can you find evidence of this problem?


CH 4.1-21. Which of these government agencies is responsible for tracking diseases in the United States?

Center for Disease Control

Climate and Wheat

Climate change decreases wheat production

CH 1. Environmental determinists sought to show how:

Climate, topography and soil directly affected culture

CH4-36 Among people who speak a Southern Dialect, what term would folks there use for a soft drink?


Which of the crops is identified in the text as the largest recipient of government subsidies?


Ch 2. Which folk architecture type is commonly associated with French settlers?

Creole Cottages


Crossroads home of rock n roll because of there was exposure from all different types of music there

CH 3 -10. Which of the following countries would be a major supplier of American sugar, if not for political constraints? (Iran, Russia, Cuba, Israel)


CH 4.1-34. Which countries has a better infant mortality rate than the United States?

Cuba, Japan, Finnland

CH 5.1-22. Today, Russia seems to be using violence to annex or "take" parts of its neighbor Ukraine because Russian speakers live in Ukraine. This is similar to World War II when the Germany annexed parts of _________ where German speakers lived.


CH 1. If you understand how you "know what you know" then you have some understanding of your:


CH 5.1-17. Which of these languages is spoken by more people in the world, even though it is not the native tongue of many who speak it?


Suffix '-ton'


8.10.L. The Columbian coffee industry (Juan Valdez) serves a cautionary tale about export monocropping because:

Export monocropping is vulnerable to wild price swings and international competition.


External costs. (i.e. sugar prices go up so candy prices also go up)

The untold story of the African famine of the mid-1980s associated with Live Aid and Michael Jacksons song "We are the World" is:

Fields in that part of Africa were planted in export crops not food

CH 4L1-19. According to lecture, this state became well known for corrupt doctors and pharmacists that sold addictive pills purposefully to drug addicts or their suppliers:


CH 2-28. Which of the following was mentioned by the text as a reason to study folk culture?

Folk culture elements are present in many modern practices.

CH 1. According to the text, one of the reasons why libraries have such small geography sections is:

Geography is a discipline, and libraries shelve books by subject. Therefore, books written by geographers are scattered throughout the library.

Suffix '-burg'


CH 3b -34. Which of the following ethnic groups is famous for their really large barns and commitment to land conservation?


Log Cabin

Germanic cabin made of horizontal wood logs

German Forebay Barn

Germanic large barn made for long term farming. Built on hills so farmers can walk into the second floor. Large overhanging forebays.

CH4-40 If you were driving through a town called "Chambersburg", you could assume that many of the early residents of that town were from:


CH2-22 Place Product packaging allows one who is travelling to:

Have expectations of that place

CH 3 -7. Which of these states has the ideal climate for the production of cane sugar? (Ohio, Georgia, California, Hawaii)


CH 4L1-13. According to lecture, this state has the best life expectancy in the United States:


Which of the following was cited in lecture as reason why some parts of the world like spicy food?

Hot food makes you sweat, which is useful in warm climates

CH 4. Mapping the way doctors treat an illness, like stomach ulcers, helps medical geographers identify:

How doctors learn to treat illnesses, instances in which treatment strategies diffuse contagiously, and difference in regional patterns of care

CH 2-40. Which of these factors is NOT among the reasons mentioned in the text explaining the intense support for local college football teams?

Intense poverty, which keeps fans from being able to attend games or afford cable TV where many college ball games are televised.

Spanish Architecture

Iron wrought bars and above ground burials credited to French but were actually Spanish inventions

The text argues that Mission Revival architecture is popular in California because:

It evokes romantic notions of California's past, and wealthy neighborhoods in various parts of the state.

CH 2-4. The text argues that the concept of culture is reified. What does that mean?

It means that people treat culture as if it were something more than an abstraction.

CH 4L1-10. According to lecture, Cancer Alley is not a cancer cluster because:

Its cancer rate is not significantly higher than other nearby areas.

Oldest music

Lining out / line singing

CH 5.1-9. The Cajun French people are found in which US state?


Farms that are long and skinny are most likely to be found in what state?


CH 5.1-35. Which of the following American cities were probably settled by French people?


CH 2-10. If you bought an old house and while remodeling it found that its floor was raised off the ground by huge stones, you could assume that the original builder of the house could be from which folk region:

Lowland South

Charleston House

Lowland South. A coastal house meant for catching the breeze with a side porch.

Shotgun House

Lowland South. A narrow, rectangular house with few rooms found in African American neighborhoods.

Camelback Shotgun

Lowland South. A shotgun house with an additional room added to the back on top. Building up helped people get around property taxes.

E1P330. Asbestos, is associated with a disease of which of the following organs?


CH 3 -5. What is the proper name for the plant Americans call corn?


CH 2-8. If you bought an old house and while remodeling it found evidence it once had a massive chimney in the center of the house, you could assume that the first family that lived in it was from:


Ch 4. Where in the United States did malaria affect people most often?



Mid Atlantic and Midwest. A middle class farm house prominently in states that start with the letter I

Hall and Parlor

Mid Atlantic and Midwest. A small house for small families with a normal roof and chimney to the side

E1P333. In which of the following types of neighborhoods would you be MOST likely to find all the children vaccinated against whooping cough?

Middle class neighborhood

CH 5.1-24. The ______ dialect is spoken by most people on television in the United States.


CH 1. When spatial autocorrelation is observed on a choropleth map, which of the following spatial statistics could you use to measure it?

Moran's I

Which of these popular American sports is closely associated with production of illegal corn liquor?

NASCAR (Stock Car Racing)

CH4-37 The dialect of people in California most closely resembles, or sounds like, the dialect spoken in which of these states: (Washington, New York, Louisiana, Nebraska)


CH4-33 According to lecture, the Basque language is in what language family?

None -it's in a family by itself

Speakers of this language would NOT be included in the Germanic language family:


CH 4: According to the lecture, one of the great ironies of the Affordable Care Act is that:

Politicians in states most benefiting from it are the most against it

8.06.L All of the following are Mediterranean crops, EXCEPT:


Which of these crops is grown successfully in the Delta Region of California near Sacramento? (Corn, soybeans, rice, wheat)


CH 4.1-6. What part of the United States suffers from the highest rate of disability?

Rural Appalachia

CH 2-31. Which of these houses is likely to have a really steep roof to help keep snow from collapsing the roof in winter?

Saltbox House

Ch 2. Which of there houses is likely to have a really steep roof to help snow from collapsing roof in winter?

Saltbox house

Seattle Grunge Rock

Seattle's isolation allowed them to make grunge rock which was more serious in lyrics and deeper in octave

E1P213. If you lived in this house in 1815, you were most likely to get malaria:


CH 2-14. Which of the following folk architecture types is commonly associated with African-American settlers?

Shotgun House

CH 2-23. Which of the following folk house types is most commonly found in southern Georgia and Mississippi?

Shotgun House

CH2-26 Elvis Presley was born in a _____________ which provides clues to the type of music he played.

Shotgun House

CH 2-30. Which of these folk houses is long and narrow?

Shotgun house

Ch 2. Which of the following Folk architecture types is commonly associated with African-American Settlers?

Shotgun house

Which of these folk houses is long and narrow?

Shotgun house

__________ is the stalks and leaves of corn plants used to feed cattle.


CH 4. _____________ was a book that detailed how insecticides also killed birds

Silent Spring

Which of these is the best example of land extensive agriculture?

Slash and Burn in Brazil

Where in the United States is Pork BBQ tradition most popular?

South Carolina

First European settlers?


Who owned the land now occupied by the California State University, Northridge during the Spanish colonial period?

The Catholic Church (mission)

CH 1, Which of the following is a good example of a formal region?

The Corn Belt

Which of the following is an example of a vernacular region?

The Midwest

This area of the country is well known for its prowess in College Basketball:

The Ohio River Valley

During the 1960's, geographers began to embrace statistical analysis. This era was called:

The Quantitative Revolution

CH 2-13. The peculiar architecture of New Orleans' French Quarter reflects the influence of which of the following ethnic groups:

The Spanish

CH 4. What is the name of the famous influenza that killed millions during World War I?

The Spanish Flu

Nearest neighbor analysis is a spatial statistic that geographer use to measure what?

The degree of clustering of points on a map

CH 4.1-1. Which of the following is the most accurate explanation of the "life expectancy" statistic presented in the text?

The expected life span of an infant born at the time the statistic was created.

Ch 2. Give reasons for the intense support for local college football teams?

The lack of a nearby professional football. A traditional of winning among the local college football teams. A significant level of interest in another sport by local fans, especially basketball

CH4-32 In Quebec, the stop signs have the word "Arete" on them, which means stop - but in Paris, stop signs have the word "Stop" on them. Why?

The people of Quebec using the sign as a political-cultural rebellion against the English speaking Canadians

CH 2-20. Which of the following folk culture regions affects Tennessee and Kentucky?

Upland South

Why is BBQ popular in the south?

The warm climate and poverty aided in food spoilage. To prevent important proteins from becoming rancid, the southerners smoked, pickled, and preserved their meat through BBQ

CH 5.1-39. The text suggests the natural or physical environment in which a language is spoken may effect all EXCEPT the following:

The word for north or south.

CH 2-12. In the South, there are fewer types of folk housing. The text points to which of the following as a probable reason:

There was a very small middle class, only a few wealthy and a large underclass

Free-range cattle, hogs or chickens are characterized by this:

They forage for themselves


Thick adobe walls to insulate heat at night and coolness during the day. Flat roofs to catch rain. Small windows. Not usually made of wood.

E1P15. The First Law of Geography states that:

Things that are nearer are more related than those that are distant.

CH2-21 Which of the following locations would NOT be an example of "placelessness"?

Tito's Tacos

Metes and Bounds

Unfair distribution of land where choice parcels were bought up by the wealthy and the poor got expensive poor quality land

E1P337. Which of following countries has the least government involvement in the health care system?

United States

Appalachian English is basically the same thing as the ________ dialect.

Upland South

CH 4. According to the lecture, which of these states' cultural practices helped lower their cancer rate dramatically?


Ch 3. Which of these agricultural activities is most likely to be found nearest a big city like Los Angeles or New York City?

Vegetable farming

McDonald's spread first to big cities and then only later to smaller cities. What other large American company spread in the opposite function?


Ch 4. In Los Angeles, riots in _____________ led to the establishment of the controversial King-Drew medical center


CH 1. According to the essay, an epistemology is a:

Way or style of acquiring knowledge and understanding problems

CH 1. Which of the following is an example of relocation diffusion?

When an original idea or practice is brought by a person to a new location.

CH 2-35. Broomball, a sport that is a hybrid of soccer and field hockey that is played on ice, should, according to the logic presented in the text, should be most popular in which of the following US state?


CH 2-21. Which of the following folk culture regions affects Vermont and Maine?


Up in Vermont, they speak English with a __________ dialect.


Salt Box House

Yankee. A house with an asymmetrical, steeply sloped roof that defines the gable and looks like an old salt box. The roof is slanted so snow falls off of it.

Cape Cod House

Yankee. A small house with a few rooms around a central chimney

New England Large

Yankee. Two story cape cod house with a central chimney

Ch 5. a proto language was compared in the textbook to

a grandparent

CH 4.1-31. What did the text cite as the main reason for the emergence of "Cancer Alley" in Louisiana?

a poor understanding of statistics

Suburbs sprang up in the United States most quickly

after the interstate highway system arrived

E1P212. According to the text structures are like rules that sometimes can be changed by ________ .


CH 4.1-32. The Love Canal disaster of the 1970s was caused by _____________.

buried chemicals

CH 4. John Snow was a medical doctor that helped advance modern medical science by mapping _____ in London.


E1P12. Geographers look for cause and effect in the world. Which of the following patterns on the landscape is favored by geographers seeking to understand causality?


Which of the following crops would be least likely to be grown in a subsistence farming system?


Ch 5. Countries like China, Korea, and Japan use a orthography that makes using ____________ more difficult

computer keyboard

CH 1. Fill in the blank. When an idea or practice spreads from person to person, with the nearest persons adopting an idea or practice first and far away people adopting later, this is an example of ______ diffusion.


CH 4L1-2. According to lecture, infectious diseases primarily have which of the following diffusion patterns?


Climate change has made the growing season longer in the upper Midwest, encouraging farmers to in the Dakotas to grow more:


Economies of scale help the United States farmer sell ______ to Latin American consumers


CH 3b -22. Thomas Jefferson thought ________ could work better if each farm was roughly the same size and shape.


CH 1. When ideas or behaviors are adopted by others, particularly those in another location, that process is called ________.


CH 4: A medical desert is a location in which:

doctors and hospitals are far away

8.13.L Dairy farms located perhaps in a sparsely populated state, like Wyoming, probably are LEAST likely producing milk for:


CH 4. Indigent patients those who cannot pay for doctors tend to receive expensive health care because (according to the text) tend to seek care at

emergency rooms

CH 3 -36. What are the places called where hogs or cattle are round up to be fattened before they are slaughtered?

feed lots

Ch 4. Most of the developed countries of Europe have the following type of health care system

government sponsored health care system

CH 3 -1. Which of the following is NOT a staple crop? (potatoes, grapes, wheat, rice)


E1P17. Pro football was invented, more or less, in Canton Ohio. Therefore Canton is the __________ of football.


CH 4. spatial autocorrelation is a statistical tool that might help ____________

identify disease clusters

CH 3 -34. Spring wheat is planted ________

in the spring and harvested in the late summer / early fall.

Spring wheat is planted ________

in the spring and harvested in the late summer / early fall.

Ch 4. H1N1 is a reference identifier for what disease that occasionally kills millions of people?


CH 2-6. According to the text, a spatial way to define folk culture relies on ________.


CH 5.1-2. People who study languages are studying:


Down in Louisiana and up in Quebec Canada, they have _________ cadastral patterns on the landscape.

long lots

CH 4: Which of the following diseases is least likely to exhibit contagious diffusion?

lung cancer

8.14.L What type of farming is mostly going on in Ventura County?


CH 4.1-9. This disease was declared eliminated in the United States in the 1990s, only to reappear a decade later:


Ch 4. Which of the following is an example of a communicable disease?


Ch 4. Germ theory replaces the earlier notion that ________ caused a host of diseases like cholera


Ch 5. Which of the following helped establish Omaha, Nebraska as a leading city for the telecommunications industry?

military activities

8.12.L If you drive past some black-and-white cows just past the suburbs of a large city, those cows are likely used to produce:


CH 5.1-1. A language is a system of communication that at the minimum must have the following characteristic:

mutual intelligibility

People who speak the language Kuuk Thaayore do not use the terms right or left, so in order to tell you to "my right hand hurts" they might say instead:

my north hand hurts

CH 4. Which of the following items would be included in a health index?

number of since days per month, infant mortality rate, life expectancy

Which of the following was identified in the text as an external cost of tax breaks for corn farmers?

obesity and poor health

A small group of people who own most of the land and wealth in a country is called the _________.


Ch 5. Linguistic isolates are LEAST likely to be found

on the coast

CH 4. This drug was discussed in the text as an example of a prescription drug that is widely abused thanks to unscrupulous doctors and pharmacists:


CH 2-1. According to the text, "agency" functions in a cultural system like ___________-

people in a game

CH 4. The free rider problem applied to disease prevention refers to ________________________

people who are not vaccinated and stay healthy because everyone else is vaccinated

Ch 5. If you were in a Los Angeles neighbourhood where many Chinese immigrants did business with Mexican immigrants , and they came up with a simplified half Chinese, half Spanish language so they could buy and sell goods and services, this language would be an example of

pidgin language

CH 3 -16. Government officials, in an suspect effort to help specific sectors of the farm economy declared what food to be a "vegetable" on school lunches?


If you see "Golden Arches" and you know that you can go inside and get a "Big Mac", then you've been conditioned by what corporate strategy?

place product packaging

Ch 4. Medicare and Medicaid are designed to help provide health care to

poor and elderly

CH 4. The "welfare queen" stereotype paints an unfair image of ___________ in the news media

poor urban African Americans

CH 4.1-50. According to the text, the Affordable Health Care Act, or Obamacare probably should help this group of people most:

poorer residents in states where they do not want "Obamacare"

North Carolina has strong preference for this type of meat because it is a well-forested state:


E1P223. The text explains the propensity of African-Americans to excel in basketball by pointing to __________ .


E1P545. According to the textbook, African-Americans are more likely to speak with a ethnic dialect than other ethnic Americans because:

spatial reasons

CH 4. According to the lecture, nearby Woolsey Canyon is an environmental disaster area because:

the presence of leftover chemicals from the space program

CH 5.1-32. Ebonics is term that is used by some to characterize:

the speech patterns of some African-Americans

CH 3b -9. Which of these vegetables is NOT among the three sisters? (bean, squash, tomatoes, beans)


Which of the following cadastral patterns is found in most of the middle of the United States?

township and range

CH 3b -25. The gini coefficient is a measure of wealth distribution that is lowest in the parts of the United States where land was divided using ___________.

township and range --> Jefferson's grid system

Sugar cane production in the United States is promoted through __________.

trade protections

Ch 4. Which of these techniques was NOT among the actions taken by the US government to reduce the number of people with malaria?

vaccinating people against malaria

CH 1. Which type of region exists only in people's imagination or perception?


If you were to say you live in "So Cal', then you would be expressing your inclusion in a:

vernacular region

CH1-7 The expressions "Dixie" and "Midwest" and "Big Sky Country" are all examples of:

vernacular regions

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