geog final

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8) What type of rock is derived from the bits and pieces of former rocks? A) Sedimentary B) Hydrothermal C) Metamorphic D) Igneous


1) At which of the following locations does subduction occur? A) Along collision zones between two continents B) Along collision zones between continental and oceanic plates C) Above mantle hot spots D) At sea floor spreading zones


1) Which of the following plays a role in the shaping of Earth's surface? A) The action of wind, water, and ice B) The radioactive decay of atoms C) Gravity D) Gravity, wind, water, and ice, and radioactive decay E) Gravity and wind, water, and ice only


10) Maximum velocity in a straight channel is found A) at the center and near the surface, corresponding with the deepest parts of the stream channel. B) near the bottom. C) near the inside of a meander. D) at the center and near the surface, corresponding with the shallowest parts of the stream channel.


10) Periglacial environments are likely to occur in which of the following climate types? A) Humid continental B) Desert C) Mesothermal D) Tundra


13) The portion of each meandering curve subject to the slowest water velocity undergoes aggradation. This results in a(n) A) cutback. B) meander scar. C) oxbow. D) point bar.


2) Transform faults along plate boundaries are typically associated with A) sea-floor spreading centers. B) volcanism. C) subduction zones. D) earthquake activity.


3) The uneven transition zone from the outer core to the mantle is known as the ________ discontinuity. A) Mohorovicic B) Lithosphere C) Asthensosphere D) Gutenberg


5) A glacier confined in a bowl-shaped recess is known as a(n) 49) A) tidewater glacier. B) valley glacier. C) piedmont glacier. D) cirque glacier.


6) A slow persistent mass movement of surface soil is called A) a soil slide. B) a rockfall. C) a debris avalanche. D) soil creep.


6) An earthquake is best described as A) The point within Earth where seismic waves originate. B) The amount of stress rocks along plate boundaries experience. C) The amount of ground displacement along a fault. D) the sharp release of energy in Earth's crust that creates seismic waves


7) The bent trees, leaning utility posts, and fences in this diagram indicate which type of mass movement? A) rockfall. B) landslide. C) debris avalanche. D) soil creep.


4) Which of the following can lead to the slope failure that causes mass movement? A) Oversteepening of the slope B) Earthquakes C) Volcanic eruptions D) Saturation from rainfall E) Saturation, oversteepening of slopes, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions


5) The talus cones in this photograph are the result of A) mudflows. B) creep. C) planar slides. D) slumps. E) rockfall.


1) All processes that cause reduction and rearrangement of landforms are included in the term A) weathering. B) mass movement. C) erosion. D) denudation


14) A(n) ________ is a meander that becomes isolated from the rest of the river. A) oxbow lake B) cutoff C) point bar D) undercut bank


15) Which of the following tends to occur when an area experiences tectonic uplift in its headwater region? A) The channel will begin to erode downward at a faster rate. B) The stream will begin to deposit more of its load. C) The amount of turbulence will decrease. D) The stream will lose energy.


2) A general term for a mass of perennial ice, resting on land or floating in the sea attached to a landmass is A) a glacier. B) a moraine. C) an iceberg. D) the snowline


2) In most river basins in humid regions, discharge is highest A) downstream. B) midstream. C) at the headwaters. D) upstream.


4) The downstream portion of a river A) generally is of higher velocity, although it is masked by reduced turbulence. B) has lower discharges than do upstream portions. C) generally becomes more sluggish. D) features greater hydraulic action than do upstream portions.


5) ________ streams are not connected to groundwater systems and only flow after precipitation events. A) Ephemeral B) Temporary C) Perennial D) Intermittent


6) ________ streams have some groundwater input, but only flow for certain periods during a year. 18) A) Intermittent B) Ephemeral C) Temporary D) Perennial


7) The Patagonia region of Chile and Argentina features a large, elongated glacier approximately 90 km (56 mi) wide and 360 km (224 mi) long. This is an example of a(n) A) ice field. B) alpine glacier. C) ice sheet. D) ice cap.


8) Human-induced mass movements produce a category of processes known as A) scarification. B) translational slides. C) debris flows. D) denudation.


1) Which of the following is NOT true? A) Seasonal snowpacks increases Earth's albedo. B) The cryosphere comprises only a small, but very important component of Earth's freshwater resources. C) Decreases in snow cover may create a positive feedback loop as decreased albedo can lead to more warming. D) Many western states heavily rely on snowmelt for municipal water supplies.


11) Channels with gradual slopes often develop a sinuous form called a ________ pattern. A) straight B) meandering stream C) anabranching D) braided stream


16) This landform results when water exists a constricted channel and loses velocity. A) Meander scar B) Alluvial fan C) Alluvial terrace D) Delta


2) The process that breaks down rock at Earth's surface through disintegration of rocks into mineral particles or dissolving it into water is known as A) mass movement. B) weathering. C) landmass denudation. D) erosion.


3) Alpine glaciers include all of the following EXCEPT A) a piedmont glacier. B) an ice cap. C) a cirque glacier. D) a valley glacier.


3) If a stream originates in a humid region, but subsequently flows through an arid region, discharge is likely highest A) midstream. B) upstream. C) downstream. D) at an estuary or confluence with another stream.


4) The transition zone from the upper mantle to the crust is known as the ________ discontinuity. A) Asthensosphere B) Mohorovicic C) Lithosphere D) Gutenberg


4) Which of the following is CORRECT regarding valley glaciers? A) They occur in an unconfined environmentlike an open plain. B) They may range in length from 100 m (325 ft.) to 100 km (62 mi.). C) They remain stationary and do not move. D) The snowfield sources for these glaciers are usually found right at the snowline.


5) The density of material below the Moho is ________ that above it. A) the same as B) greater than C) less than


6) Vatnajökull is the largest and most voluminous Icelandic glacier. It is roughly circular in shape, overlays several volcanoes, and covers an area of approximately 8,100 km2 (3,100 mi2) with an average thickness of 400 m (1,300 ft). This glacier is an example of a(n) A) alpine glacier. B) ice cap. C) ice field. D) ice sheet.


7) This graph, showing the effects of urbanization on streamflow over time, is an example of a A) hydrological cycle. B) hydrograph. C) climograph. D) water budget.


7) Which rock type makes up approximately 90% of Earth's crust? A) Metamorphic B) Igneous C) Sedimentary


8) The accumulation zone of a glacier ends at the ________, which marks the elevation above which the winter snow and ice remained intact throughout the summer. A) terminal moraine B) firn line C) snow line D) ice field


8) The main process contributing material in solution in sediment load is A) physical weathering. B) chemical weathering. C) erosion. D) biological weathering.


9) A rock transformed from any other rock through extreme heat and or pressure is referred to as A) igneous. B) metamorphic. C) ancient. D) sedimentary.


1) Drainage density refers to A) the arrangement of channels in a given area. B) the number of channels in an area. C) a measure determined by dividing the length of all the the channels by the area of its drainage basin. D) the thickness of the water in the stream.


2) Earth's interior is layered because A) materials became sorted based on electromagnetic fields as Earth solidified. B) centrifugal force separated out the materials based on weight as Earth solidified. C) materials became sorted based on density as Earth solidified.


3) When rock is broken down and disintegrated without any chemical alterations, the process in operation is A) chemical weathering. B) carbonation. C) physical weathering. D) hydrolysis.


3) ________ are sites of upwelling of magma from the mantle independent of plate boundaries. A) Subduction zones B) Mid-ocean ridges C) Hot spots D) Transform faults


6) Of the elements in Earth's crusts, ________ makes up the most of Earth's crust by weight. A) Iron (Fe) B) Aluminum (Al) C) oxygen (O) D) silicon (Si)


9) The sediment load consisting of fine-grained clastic particles held aloft in the stream is the A) bed load. B) dissolved load. C) suspended load. D) flow load.


9) The term periglacial refers to A) regions that are too warm for ground ice. B) areas that are on top of a glacier. C) cold climate processes that shape landscapes, such as those near glaciers. D) process and effects that existed during the last ice age.


the channel bottom via traction and saltation is the A) dissolved load. B) suspended load. C) bed load. D) flow load


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