GEOG1113L exam 1

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ANSWER: 1; why? 1 kilometer equals 100,000 centimeters, so 1 centimeter on the map = 100,000 cm actual distance, SO 1 cm = 1 km

Express a fractional scale of 1: 100,000 as a verbal scale: One centimeters represents how many kilometers?

from 13.5 degrees East in 1972 to 10.3 degrees East in 2014; a change of about 3.2 degrees

How did the magnetic declination change from 1972 to 2014?

1. how many inches are in a mile= 63,360 2. 63,360 x 5 miles = 316,800 inches 3. 316,800 inches / 10 inches = 31,680 4. So, answer is 1: 31,680

If a measured distance of 10 inches on a map represents an actual distance of 5 miles, what is the fractional scale of the map?

1. measure the distance between with a ruler = 2.3 inches 2. 2.3 inches x 250,000 inches / 63,360 inches= 9 miles 3. 2.3 inches x 250,000 inches / 39370 inches = 14 kilometers

Map T-1 shows part of the island of Hawaii at a scale of 1: 250,000. Using the appropriate graphic scale on M T-1, determine the distance from the "Patrol Cabin" to the "Rest House" in miles and kilometers:

4.5 x 250,000 / 63,360 = 17.4 miles

On a map with a scale of 1: 250,000, a measured distance of 4.5 inches represents an actual distance of what in miles?

24,000 in/ 12 inches (in a foot) = 2,000 feet

On a map with a scale of 1:24,000, a measured distance of 1 inch represents an actual distance of what in feet?

4.5 in x 62,500 in / 63,360 in (in a mile) = 4.4 miles

On a map with a scale of 1:62,500, a measured distance of 4.5 inches represents an actual distance of what in miles?

graticule of latitude and longitude

any locations on earth can be described using what?

function of water

the ability to dissolve, transport, and deliver nutrients to the plants roots is known as what function of soil?

the slope of the land

what also affects the soil formation?


what are isobars used to show patterns of?


what are isotherms used to show patterns of?

burrowing activity of animals decomposing effects of microorganisms

what are the biological factors in soil development?


what is the reference point from which elevations are measured?

loam soils have both moderately high porosity to hold water, and moderate permeability that prevents them from drying out too quickly.

In terms of porosity and permeability, why is loam often considered the ideal soil texture for agriculture?

light color suggests that eluviation has taken place

In the diagram of the soil horizons, what suggests that eluviation has taken place within the middle horizon?

1. 3.2 inches (measured by ruler) x 24,000 / 12 =6,400 feet 2. 3.2 inches x 24,000 / 63,360 = 1.2 miles 3. 3.2 x 24,000 / 39370 = 1.95 kilometers

Map T-9 shows an area near Par City, Kentucky, at a scale of 1: 24,000. Using the appropriate graphic scale, determine the distance from the "Fairview Church" to the "X" marked by "BM 585" along the Louisville and Nashville railway in feet, miles, and kilometers:

vertical exaggeration

What is used to emphasize differences in elevation in order to make the pattern of relief more obvious?

high low no because the high clay content prevents water from infiltrating quickly from the surface

Will a soil compromised of a combination of sand 10%, silt 20%, and clay 70% tend to have high or low porosity? Will this soil tend to have high or low permeability? Is such a soil likely to allow the rapid infiltration of water from the surface? Why?

high high yes because water percolates through sandy soils quickly

Will soil comprised of a combination of sand 90%, silt 5%, and clay 5% tend to have high or low porosity? Will this soil tend to have high or low permeability? Is such a soil likely to dry out quickly? Why?

yes, they were enlarged the same amount as the map. Only assuming that the scales were enlarged with the map.

Will the graphic scales still be usable? Why?

yes, the size of the map relative to the Earth changes.

a fractional scale of 1: 50,000 : if the graphic scale is enlarged along the scales, will the fractional scale of the map change? Why?

because it is easier to read fractions of miles

a fractional scale of 1: 50,000 : why isn't "0" at the far left of the scales?

22 cm x 50,000 = 1,100,000 1,100,000 cm / 100 = 11,000 meters 1,100,000 cm / 1000 = 11 kilometers 198,000 inches / 12 = 16,500 feet 198,000 inches / 63,360 = 3.1 miles

if we have a map with a scale of 1/50,000, a measured distance of 22 centimeters on the map represents an actual distance of 1,100,000 cm to calculate the actual distance in meters and kilometers: if we have a map with a scale of 1/24,000, a measured distance of 8.25 inches on the map represents an actual distance of 198,000 inches (8.25 x 24,000=198,000) SO:

40,000 / 360 = 111.1 m/degree = 1111 km

if you start at the equator and travel to 10 degrees N, approximately how many kilometers north of the equator will you be? take the circumference of earth to be 40,000 kilometers.

meridians converge at the poles and so they are closer together at 60 degrees than at 0 degrees

if you travel west through 10 degrees of longitude along the equator, the distance traveled will be very different from the distance traveled through 10 degrees of longitude at 60 degrees N. Why?

no fairly flat area deep soil development; lack of visible C or R horizon

is unaltered parent material (the R horizon) visible in the soil profile? Is this soil more likely to have developed in a fairly flat area or on a steep slope? How do you know?


latitude describes what location?


lines of latitude on a map or globe is known as what?


lines of longitude are known as what?


longitude describes what location?


occurs in arid or semiarid climates, including the drier grasslands and prairies of the midlatitudes, as well as in some areas of steppe and desert climate in subtropics?


occurs in cool but fairly humid areas, especially in regions with long, cold winters and short, cool summers?


occurs in cool or cold, wet, waterlogged regions and tends to produce slowly decomposing, acidic soils?


occurs in hot, arid areas- especially in dry, enclosed valleys and basins where drainage is poor or the groundwater level is high?

7.5 cm x 50,000 cm / 100,000 cm (in a kilo) = 3.8 kilometers

on a map with a scale of 1: 50,000, a measured distance of 7.5 centimeters represents an actual distance of what in kilometers?


soils are composed of a variety of different sizes of particles, known as what?

magnetic north

the "MN" arrow shows the direction of what?

covers an area of 7.5' of latitude by 7.5' of longitude

the latitude of the upper right corner of the map is 35degrees30' N, while the longitude of the lower left corner of the map is 110degrees00' W. why is this called "7.5 minute" topographic map?

the prime meridian

the starting point for measuring longitude is what?

soil horizon

what are the different vertical layers or zones that can develop in a soil?

pedogenic regimes

what are the environmental settings in which certain physical, chemical, and biological processes prevail to produce distinctive soil characteristics?

topographic maps

what are the large-scale maps that use contour lines to portray the elevation and shape of the topography?

contour lines

what are the lines that connect points of equal elevation?

temperature and moisture

what are the two most significant climates for soil?


what described how easily water can move through the soil?

the scale of a map as a fraction or ratio

what does the representative fraction express?

how much earth has been reduces for reproduction on that map

what does the scale of a map indicate?

topographic profile

what is a diagram showing the changes in elevation of the landscape along a line?

soil profile

what is a vertical cross section down through a soil?


what is another key factor in determining soil characteristics?

standard soil texture triangle

what is determined by the relative proportions of sand, silt, and clay particles?

soil structure

what is determined by the way in which soil particles tend to aggregate into clumps?

declination arrow

what is found at the lower left corner of the map?

spaced far apart: gentle slope spaced closely together: steep slope

what is rule eight of contour lines?

a contour line that closes within the limits of the map represents a hill or rise; land within the closed contour is higher than the land outside the closed contour

what is rule eleven of contour lines?

contour lines never cross but may touch at a vertical cliff

what is rule five of contour lines?

elevations on one side of a contour line are higher than on the other side

what is rule four of contour lines?

when crossing a valley, fully, or "draw," a contour line makes a "V" pointing up-hill

what is rule nine of contour lines?

a contour line connects points of equal elevation

what is rule one of contour lines?

uniformly spaced contours indicate a uniform slope

what is rule seven of contour lines?

contour lines have no beginning or end; closes on itself

what is rule six of contour lines?

when crossing a spur or a ridge running down the side of a hill, a contour line makes a "V" pointing downhill

what is rule ten of contour lines?

a small depression is represented by a closed contour line that is hachured on the side leading into the depression; hachured contours are depression contours

what is rule thirteen of contour lines?

usually every fourth or fifth line is wider, dark index contour

what is rule three of the contour lines?

the top of a hill shown with closed contour lines is higher than the uppermost closed contour, but lower then the next highest contour that hasn't been shown

what is rule twelve of contour lines?

contour interval: difference in elevation between two contour lines is

what is rule two of contour lines?


what is the amount of spore space in a soil, typically defined as the volume if voids divided by the total volume?

34 degrees north, 85 degrees west

what is the latitude and longitude of your school?

the texture that results as rock disintegrates also influences the characteristics of soil

what is the parent material?

mathematical manipulations of the fractional scale

what is the verbal map scale?

double dashed black lines

what kind of symbol is used to show these roads on the older topographic map?

differences in surface color; small dry washes not shown on map; areas of vegetation

what kinds of details of the landscape are visible in the imagery that are not visible in the topographic map using contour lines?

cool summers and cold winters; lots of standing water and lakes acidic, poorly drained; water-logged clay layer

what makes the area to most likely be Gleization? what soil characteristics would you expect to see in this area?

Desert climate with irrigated croplands. High salt concentrations on or just below the soil surface

what makes the area to most likely be Salinization? what soil characteristics would you expect to see in this area?

semi-arid region of grassland soils rich in organic material with concentration of calcium carbonate in B horizon

what makes this area most likely be Calcification? What soil characteristics would you expect to see in this area?

warm tropical location with high rainfall highly leached, brick-red soil

what makes this area most likely be Laterization? what soil characteristics would you expect to see in this area?

cool, moderately wet climate in region of coniferous forest gray-colored, acidic, highly eluviated and sandy A horizons

what makes this area most likely be Podzolization? what soil characteristics would you expect to see in this area?


what occurs in hot and humid areas, and is characterized by rapid weathering and the leaching of most minerals?

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