Geography Ch. 3 Study Guide

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Ch. 3 Homework: Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis - North America - Diversity and Migration Part F

- States located nearer to Mexico have a higher percentage of Hispanic population, while states located on a coast have a higher percentage of the U.S.'s Asian population. -California has a multicultural population

Which geographic term explains how increasing interconnectedness has helped baseball spread across the globe, affecting the culture of sports in many other countries?


The cultural region of Acadiana is found in where of these states?


Which of these physical features is lowest elevation?

The Piedmont

Which of the following is an example of the influence or incorporation of a foreign culture into US society?

The combination of English and Spanish, known and Spanglish, is broken by many Hispanic Americans

Which of these states is not included in the Hispanic Borderlands? (Texas, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico)


What will be the status of future water availability in the United States if water consumption trends continues as they have been?

Water availability may become a crisis as the demand for water is greater than the supply. (two largest water-consuming activities are irrigation agriculture and power generation

Which of the following cities lies between 200 and 500 meters in elevation?


Which of these is the predominant type of agriculture practiced in northern Texas, western Oklahoma, and southwestern Kansas?

irrigated agriculture

San Antonio, Texas, is right on the border between which two economic activities?

livestock ranching and specialty crop or livestock farming

Ch. 3 Homework: Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis - North America - Diversity and Migration Part G

-Among the states with the 10 smallest populations, none has a notable percentage of Asian population -California's West Coast location and its shared border with Mexico contribute to its large percentage of Hispanic and Asian population -The states with the five largest populations have a higher percentage of Hispanic population than the other states with smaller populations - The three largest states in the U.S. based on population, are home to almost 50% of the country's Asian and Hispanic population

Ch.3 Map Quiz: Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis - North America - Physical Features Part E

-Rivers that start on the east side of the Rocky Mountains in the US flow toward the east until they meet the Mississippi River. -New Orleans was especially susceptible to the devastating effect of Hurricane Katrina in 2005 because it lies at a low elevation. -North America's lowest elevation levels are on its east coast, and the region rises in elevation steadily to the west coast

Rank from highest to lowest volume of in-migration. (See Ch.3 GeoTutor: Migration - U.S. Migration Patterns part A)

1. South 2. West 3. Midwest 4. Northeast

How many state identified by name share a border with Mexico?

4 (California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas)

How many states identified by name in this chart have a coastline on the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans or on the Gulf of Mexico? (See Ch. 3 Thinking Spatially and Data Analysis - North America - Diversity and Migration part E)

9 Atlantic: Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia Gulf Coast: Florida, Texas Pacific: Washington, California, Hawaii

Why do advocates of Sharia law in Ontario feel that there is precedent to allow for Sharia courts?

An Arbitration Act in Ontario allows for religions to arbitrate family and business matters such as divorce and inheritance disputes.

Which of the following is an example of US culture that has been modified by another culture?

At one time, Hollywood was the largest concentration of the film industry in the world, but it has been eclipsed by film industries in India, China, and Nigeria.

To which of these Christian denominations do the majority of Black Belt inhabitants belong? (Lutheran, Methodist, Mennonite, Baptist, Catholic)


Which state has the highest percentage of the U.S.'s Asian population?

California (33.3%)

Which of the following is a necessary condition of a democracy?

Citizens in a democracy are given equal opportunity to express their opinions.

Which of these cultural regions was the last to be settled by Europeans? (Acadiana, Black Belt, French-Canadian Quebec, Cuban South Florida, Hispanic Borderlands)

Cuban South Florida

Which of the following best describes a mixed farming operation?

Farmers from corn and soybeans to feed livestock, which provide major source of income.

Which inland body of water lies at the highest elevation?

Great Salt Lake

Which of the following products is an example of a genetically modified organism?

Higher levels of protein content are injected into cattle feed crops, such a sorghum, by injecting genes from fish into the crop's DNA

Which of the following is an example of a contentious issue between the United States and Canada today?

In 2009, the requirement of passports to travel back and forth between the United States and Canada has been expected by Canadians to negatively impact tourism

Which of the following descriptions of the plantation systems in the US South is accurate?

Indentured and slave labor worked the large plots of cash crops or export, receiving no pay

Which of the following is an example of a consequence of economic growth in North America?

Industrial agriculture, clear-cutting forests, and hillside developments have increased soil erosion

Which of the following best explains why the Industrial Revolution got its start in southeastern New England and the Mid-Atlantic?

Investors from the shipping and lumber industries in these regions provided needed capital to build infrastructure.

Which of the following statements about the War on Terror is true?

It was a global war declared on terrorists first, and identified specific countries later.

Which of the following location factors best explains why manufacturing in North America has shifted from the traditional manufacturing core to the US South?

Lower labor costs than the traditional core

Which of the following statements about minorities in the United States are true?

Many cities in the United States have become more African-American than white.

Which of the following is an accurate description of agriculture in the US and Canada?

Production in extensive with approximately 5 acres of land to feed each person and high levels of mechanization

Which of the following scenarios presents a challenge to the power of either American States and/or Canadian Provinces?

Provincial votes in Quebec in 1980 and 1995 narrowly rejected the idea of leaving Canada to become its own French-speaking country.

Which of the following is an example of creative destruction in the US and Canada?

Steel mills in the old manufacturing core declined and lost competitiveness to factories in other parts of the world; investment shifted to high-tech manufacturing in the Sun Belt

The decision of Sharia courts in Ontario would be based on what text?

The Quran

Which of the following is an example of economic integration in North America?

The United States and Canada are each other's largest trading partners with massive amounts of goods going between the two countries

How does the average daily water consumption per person in the United States compare to other countries?

The United States is the leading per person consumer of water in the world

In what way is an attempt to introduce Sharia law in Canada influenced by the terror attack of September 11, 2001?

The attempt to introduce Sharia law can be misinterpreted by those who fear a rise in Islamic fundamentalism. (There are people who equate religious law with fundamentalism and fundamentalism with terrorism)

Which of the following is an accurate description of one of the cultural homelands of North America?

The borderlands of the United States and Mexico are characterized by dense settlements of Hispanic people, Catholic churches, and historic Spanish structures

Which of the following examples depicts a way that connectivity positively contributed to the US economy?

The construction of the interstate highway system in the US during the 1950s has shifted transportation towards trucks, which replaced trains as the dominant mode of overland shipping.

How do advocates of Sharia law see it being implemented in Ontario?

The establishment of Sharia courts to settle civil disputes

Which of the following is true of the poor in the US and Canada

The majority of poor people live in cities, concentrated in low-cost areas of the central city.

Which of these do you think is the most likely reason why this economic activity occurs in the northeastern United States?

The product is highly perishable and needs to be produced close to the the highest concentration of population.

Which of these do you think is the most likely reason why livestock ranching occurs in this climate type?

The soils are too poor and the vegetation is too sparse to support other activities.

How have issues related to water availability affected management of water in the Great Lakes?

The states containing the lakes have banned the export of water outside the region, even to other U.S. states.

Which of the following best describes the cultural diversity of Canada?

There is broad ethnic diversity, with one of the largest percentages of foreign-born residents in the developed world

What concerns are there within the Canadian Muslim community for implementation of Sharia law?

There is concern that women would be discriminated against in Sharia court decisions. (Concern that women would not be able to file for divorce and would receive less favorable treatment than men)

What was the first indicator of problems in the US economy that signaled the 2008 global financial crisis?

There was a rapid increase in mortgage defaults, which compromised the stability of banks that held them.

Which of the following areas is home to almost 75 percent of all Mormons in the US?

Utah and surrounding states

Which of these states contains a county that possesses a large percentage (greater than 20%) of Hispanic Americans? (Washington, Ohio, Missouri, Pennsylvania, North Dakota)


Which of these environmental issues is most closely correlated with this agricultural activity?

groundwater depletion

Which state has the highest percentage of the U.S.'s Hispanic households?

California (27.7%)

What would be the consequence of Lake Mead's water level dropping to a surface elevation of below 1,050 ft?

Hoover Dam would no longer be able to produce hydroelectric power

How does the situation for immigrants differ between the US and Canada?

Immigrants coming into the United States are encouraged to assimilate and adopt American culture, whereas Canadian policy embraces multiculturalism

Why did the city of Las Vegas, Nevada, introduce aggressive water conservative programs?

Most of the water for the city comes from Lake Mead, and its capacity has dropped to less than half of what it had in 1998

Sort the items appropriately based on the consequences of positive net migrations, negative net migration, and zero net migration. (See Ch.3 GeoTutor: Migration - U.S. Migration Patterns part C)

Postive net migration: revitalization, burden of infrastructure Negative net migration: economic downturn, loss of political clout Zero net migration: social stagnation

Until recently, which sector has dominated Canada's economy?

Primary extractive industries such as mining, agriculture, and timber

If a Black Belt inhabitant were traveling and stopped in Minneapolis to order a soft drink, the traveler would most likely ask for a ____, when he or she should really ask for a ___.

coke, pop

The major economic activities in Alberta, Canada are ___.

commercial wheat and other small grain farming and general farming

The majority of mixed farming occurs in which of these climate types?

continental midlatitude

The northeast United States is dominated by which of these types of agriculture?

dairy farming

Most of the livestock ranching occurs in which climate type?


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