Geography Exam 1

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What is a hegemon?

"Leader of world trade in the world"

What is a toponym?

"a place name"

What is sustainable development?

"economic development that does not undermine the long term health of an environment" a type of economic development that does not do anything to hurt an environment, for example not diminishing natural resources

What is colonization?

"taking over a country and physically controlling its government and economy" the action of settling where there is already people and forcing them to listen to your rule

What is a cultural hearth?

"where civilization first began" A cultural hearth is a place where a concept or innovation begins or comes from

In 2014, scientists estimated that what percentage of the air pollution in Los Angeles, California, actually originated in China?

12 to 24 percent

Following World War II, many formerly colonized countries became independent states. Where was the greatest concentration of these countries?

Africa and Asia

The influence of human behavior on earth since the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s is so significant that is constitutes a new geological era called the:


The influence of human behavior on earth since the Industrial Revolution in the late 1700s is so significant that it constitutes a new geological era called the:


During the Age of Exploration, stretching from the 1400s to the 1900s, which of the following regions was the focal point for global trade and exchange of culture?


Most developed countries are located in the Northern Hemisphere. Which of the following are notable exceptions?

Australia and New Zealand

Geographers often describe the nature of economies in terms of primary, secondary, and tertiary economic activities. Which of the following is not part of primary activities?

Automotive manufacturing

Geographers ofter describe the nature of economies in terms of primary, secondary, and tertiary economic activities. Which of the following is not part of primary activities?

Automotive manufacturing

Culture consists of a people's -

Beliefs, religion, and language.

The divide between the Global North (developed countries) and the Global South (developing countries) is a ____________ categorization between wealthy and poorer countries.

Both socioeconomic and political

Which European country colonized roughly 25% of the world?

British or if not that, then England

_____________ is the subdiscipline of geography concerned with the construction of maps.


Which of the following could a physical geographer study?

Climate and landforms

What is the leading fair trade product?


One way geographers have thought about scale is by using ____________ circles to represent the finest resolution of scale, from the individual at the center out to the global scale.

Concentric (like a bulls-eye)

The visible imprint of people on the surface of the earth is seen in the ________ landscape.


The terraced rice fields of Ifugao Province in the Philippines is an example of:

Cultural landscape

How people learn to live within their society is known as -


Which of the following refers to situations in which two areas are in relationship with one another (through trade, for example), and one area is developing at the expense of the other?


As a result of environmental scrutiny from nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), what does the World Bank require for World Bank-sponsored projects?

Environmental Impact Statements

Geographers went through their own period where they used environmental differences to explain everything from intelligence to wealth. What is this set of theories called?

Environmental determinism

What does the term Scramble to Africa refer to?

European powers arbitrarily divided the world's second-largest continent among themselves

The map of the world religions demonstrates the role of ________________ diffusion of ideas.


The map of world religions demonstrates the role of _______________ diffusion of ideas.


While wealthier economies may appear to be cleaner, much of this gain may be the result of ________ dirty industries to other countries (hence, there is no net gain for the global environment).


While wealthier economies may appear to be cleaner, much of this gain may be the result of __________ dirty industries to other countries (hence, there is no net gain for the global environment).


T or F By informal agreement, the president of the World Bank is always a European and the president of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is always an American.


T or F Economic growth always leads to broad-based improvements in the human condition.


T or F Social, political, or intellectual context often has no bearing on the theories and ideas that are popular at a certain time.


T or F The new institutions and development programs after World War I set the tone for how we have thought about development since.


T or F The vast majority of foreign aid provided by countries tends to go to the countries most in need of assistance.


T or F 30% of the earth is covered by land. All of this land is considered to be good agricultural land.

False - i think

T or F World trade begins because merchants want to control politics.

False - i think

Geographers often describe the nature of economies in terms of primary, secondary, and tertiary economic activities. Which of the following is not part of tertiary activities?


A climate region of the world is a ____________ region.


What is an area of lan distinguished by either cultural or physical traits or criteria?

Formal region

What is an area of land distinguished by either cultural or physical traits or criteria?

Formal region

A public school district in the United States is a ___________ region.


Which of the following describes the process of heightening interactions, increasing interdependence, and deepening relations across country boundaries?


The process of a company adapting its product to meet the demands of local culture is known as:


The origin or place that a new good or service is initially produced is referred to as the:


Which of the following is a term often used by geographers to describe the dominance of one state on the global stage?


The spread of Christianity from its hearth in Jerusalem to people and lands along the northern Mediterranean Sea is a good example of -

Hierarchical diffusion

We can seen places that were tied together and places that were not, by studying:

Historical spatial interaction

What tool assesses life expectancy, literacy, years of schooling, and per capita GDP?

Human Development Index (HDI)

Research in a new regional geography sees regions as:

Human constructs

A study of migrant workers from Indonesia going to Saudi Arabia is a study of:

Human geography

The 2 major fields of study within geography are physical geography and _____________.

Human geography

What fueled the second wave of colonization in the second half of the nineteenth century?


Suburbs, large roads, limited sidewalks, and a near lack of public transportation characterize the United State. These aspects are largely the result of:

Inexpensive oil prices

What is the significance of the Brundtland Commission Report of 1987?

It defined and popularized sustainable development

What is the significance of the Brundtland Commission report of 1987?

It defined and popularized sustainable development

Colonizers focused on gaining lands to establish large-scale agricultural production in the Americas and to establish trading posts for the Atlantic slave trade in Africa and ports for the spice trade in Asia. What best describes this trading system?

It had a global reach

Globalization included colonial empires such as the Ottoman in Southwest Asia, the French in the Maghreb, and the _______________ in the Pacific.


The effects of global climate change will be distributed unevenly across the planet. Which of the following is not a factor contributing to the vulnerability of a group of people?

Level of education

A number of social scientists suggest that we should measure more than wealth in our assessment of development. What else should we access?

Literacy, Life Expectancy and Infant Mortality (ALL)

Geographers recognize the power of the content of national policies or the behavior of multinational companies to influence events and a wide range of global issues. What are these influencers called?

Local actors

One method of finding absolute location on a map is by using:

Longitude and latitude

In recent years, many governments have adopted a more free-market approach toward their economies. List and explain several things that a city or local government could offer a corporation as incentives to locate their community

Low rated business loans tax breaks

Which of the following pairs are two of the wealthiest countries in the world that are also landlocked?

Luxembourg and Switzerland

Identify the correct trade flow in the triangular trading system amongst Europe -> Africa -> the Americas -> Europe, which ultimately helped establish the foundations of the capitalizes world economy.

Manufactured goods, slaves, commodities (cotton, tobacco, rice, etc.)

Because spatial distribution is important to Geographers, _____ are used to show such phenomena on the earth.


What was Mesopotamia?

Mesopotamia is the oldest cultural hearth of North America

What does MAUP stand for?

Modifiable areal unit problem

_________ (or per person) basis allows comparisons between countries regardless of population size.

Per capita

_________(or per person) basis allows comparisons between countries regardless of population size.

Per capita

A region that people may imagine to exist, such as "Dixie," is a:


Interpreting the impact of tectonic activity on the landforms of East Africa would probably be the work of a ___________ geographer.


Interpreting the impact of tectonic activity on the landforms of East Africa would probably be the work of a ______________ geographer.


Where is the volcano closest to Bryan/College Station?

Pilot Knob Volcano - in Austin

The uniqueness of a location and its shaping refers to:


Using physical geography to define world regions, a geographer may use:


A transportation network that favors movement to and from a central point or location, such as a capital city to a residential area, is known as what type of network?


A transportation network that favors movement to and from a central point or location, such as capital to a residential area, is known as what type of network?


There are 2 basic types if maps: thematic maps and _________________ maps.


An area that displays uniformity in in terms of a selected characteristic is known as a -


Development ideas that emphasize structure, or the global framework under which countries operate, say that the ________ between countries are as or more important than internal policies for determining the future development of a country.


Collecting data for research or mapping by using instruments that are far from the area of study is called:

Remote sensing

The emergence of modern Europe after the Dark Ages is known as the -


The first large empire spanning most of Western Europe was the _________ Empire.


Multiple regions exist within a large area such as Africa (West Africa, East Asia, etc.). This is an example of the importance of ________________ in the study of regions.


Local factors have a significant influence on a place: two geographic terms that describe these local factors are:

Site and situation

Geography is the study of the people, place, environment, and:


What do abstract connections and constructs of time, distance, and relations refer to?


The first wave of colonialism was sparked by these European colonial powers.

Spain and Portugal

Political scientists outlined four hegemons between 1500 and 2000. Select the correct match of country and century below.

Spain-1500s, the Netherlands-1600s, Great Britain-1700s and 1800s, and the United States-1900s

What is the degree of contact between people and places?

Spatial interaction

______ development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


______________ development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.


Modern colonialism began in fifteenth-century Europe. It was different from the Roman or any other preceding empire because the focus in this modern era was specifically on gaining:


Which empire helped to contribute to Europe's development of World Trade?

The Roman Empire

What is the practical result of the UN Security Council being dominated by only five countries (the United States, France, the United Kingdom, China, and Russia) with permanent seats and veto power?

The Security Council's decisions are some of the most politicized

As a percentage of GNI, which of the following countries contributes the most total dollars in foreign aid?

The United States

What aspect of climate change most concerns scientists connected with the intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change?

The extent to which human activity causes it

In cities, one often sees a radial network of commuter trains that goes out from the central business district (CBD) of a city to residential neighborhoods and suburbs. Why has the growth of businesses within the city suburbs led to massive traffic congestion?

The hub and spoke system favors train travel to the city, but makes train travel from suburb to suburb inconvenient.

Relative location of places are shown on what type of map?


What was the reasoning behind the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs to promote free trade?

There was a belief that trade restrictions had led to the Great Depression.

_____________ means considering and understanding the context of what is going on in the world.

Thinking geographically

______________ means considering and understanding the context of what is going on in the world.

Thinking geographically

Which of the following describes the process that accelerates the experience of time and reduces the significance of distance in information technology networks?

Time-space compression

Ideas and goods diffuse from the hearth first:

To places most connected to the hearth

Which of the following is not one of the leading fair trade products?


The emphasis on participation in participatory development came about in reaction to a history of _______ development projects that left local people with little to no sense of ownership of the projects undertaken by outsiders in their communities.


A name of a place, or place-name is referred to as a:


A name of a place, or place-name, is referred to as:


T or F After hundreds of billions of dollars given in international development aid over the last 20 years, academics, donors, and donor countries are questioning the value of international development assistance.


T or F Another way to consider development is to measure the variability of human well-being (education, health, gender equality) in space.


T or F Fieldwork and field studies are still critical to research by geographers in the 21st century.


T or F Geographers have tended to describe development as a process of change in the composition of an economy of a particular region and the well-being of its inhabitants, relative to other areas.


T or F Geographers use scale conceptually to show the differences across geographic areas.


T or F Geography is the study of the earth.


T or F In the United States, the value of the dollar is no longer tied to the value of gold.


T or F In the developing world, the vast majority of dams were built as development projects in an effort to help launch newly independent countries onto the ladder of development. Today, geographers who study development recognize that this wave of dam development had major negative environmental implications.


T or F Most new economic geographers continue to believe free trade is the best route to development.


T or F Some countries in the textbook appear in more than one region.


T or F The Opium Wars (1839-1842) between Great Britain and China originated when the Chinese banned opium sales in China due to public health concerns. However, Britain's main concern was the huge trade deficit it was not running with China.


T or F The vast majority of development aid tends to favor the most powerful members of a community (namely, men, the wealthy, and other dominant groups) who are better at articulating their wants and capturing new resources.


T or F Through examining mental maps, geographers gain a sense of how people understand their locality and how a particular place functions in the larger context.


T or F Today, geographers no longer espouse environment determinism, seeing it as a vast oversimplification of the world.


T or F Unequal exchange occurs when laborers in one country produce a good receiving low wages and then the good is processed through a commodity chain incorporating shipping and marketing and is solid at a relatively high value.


T or F World systems theorists contend that the same good can be produced with either core or peripheral processes.


T or F The cultural landscape is principally the man-made part of the environment.

True - i think

In 1945, following the world wars, this organization had 51 member countries; in 2015, membership has grown to 193 members.

United Nations (UN)

The relative importance of cities over smaller towns and rural areas is referred to as:

Urban hierarchies

The perception of place refers to a way people construct their ideas about:

What a place is like

What was the cold war?

When 2 superpowers who were the United States and the Soviet Union were politically agains each other, but there was no active fighting, which lasted from WW2 until 1991

The world climate regions as classified and defined by ______________ and modified by Alan Arbogast may be used to denote regions.

Wladimir Koppen

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