Geography Exam 1

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A large region of earths surface characterized by particular plant and animal types is a(n). A. biome B. ecosystem C. biosphere D. biomass


A small scale map might ______ . A. have a scale of 1:5,000,000 B. be a large wall map of a small town C. have a scale of 1/5,000 D. show more detail than a large-scale map


All map projections _______ . A. Distort one or more properties of the map B. are equally accurate no matter the area of earth depicted C. provide means for grouping data D. show latitude and longitude with straight lines


During the vernal equinox, ________ receives the greatest amount of isolation. A. Equator B. Tropic of Cancer C. Tropic of Capricorn D. North Pole


In Koppen climate system, Humid Tropical type is designated as ________ . A. A B. B C. H D. HT


Lines of longitude are also known as ______ . A. Meridians B. Parallels C. Poles D. Equators


Most of the worlds tropical rainforests lie within ______ . A. 10*N and 10*S B. 30*N and 60*N C. 30*S and 60*S D. 60*S and 80*S


Which of the following statements about longitude is incorrect? A. The north pole is located at 180 degrees north latitude. B. Lines of latitude are also known as parallels C. lines of latitude are not all the same length D. The equator is a line of latitude


________ are not results of post glaciation. A. V-shaped valleys B. new lakes and streams C. Sharp-edged mountain ridges D. U-shaped valleys


__________ climate is influenced by ITCZ ( equatorial low pressure) most of the year. A. Humid Tropical B. Desert C. Polar D. Marine West-Coast


A "large-scale map" shows _______. A. a large area B. a small area C. only water area D. only land area


An interrelated collection of plants and animals and the physical environment with which they react us a(n) _______. A. biome B. ecosystem C. biomass D. biosphere


Atmospheric _________ is absorbed by the biosphere during photosynthesis, stored in living organisms and in the soil, and released through respiration. A. water B. carbon C. nitrogen D. hydrogen


During the 20th century, the earths atmospheric temperature increased by about _____ degrees Celsius. A. 0.3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3


Geography as a discipline links the _____ with the ______ . A. city; rural B. physical sciences; social sciences C. biology; sociology D. people; governement


Most of the worlds deserts occur in the _________ zone. A. Intertropical Convergence B. Subtropical High Pressure C. Mid-Latitude Low Pressure D. Polar High Pressure


On _______, Bowling Green, OH (about 41* N) receives the largest amount of daylight of the year. A. March 21 B. June 21 C. September 22 D. December 21


Shields, which usually contain rich concentrations of minerals are located ________ of large continents such as Africa, Asia, and North America. A. along the coast B. in the core C. along fault scraps D. none of the above


Terrestrial biomes reflect these two especially visible features: _______. A. soil and vegetation type B. climate and vegetation type C. terrain and climate type D. none of the above


The axis of rotation of the earth is inclined ________ degrees away from being perpendicular to the suns rays. A. 0 B. 23.5 C. 66.5 D. 90


The ratio of distance on a map to actual ground distance is known as ________ . A. map legend B. map scale C. map symbol D. map projection


Which highly diverse biome is dominated by tall, broad-leafed trees that retain their leaves all year? A. mid-latitude broadleaf deciduous forest B. tropical rainforests C. needle leaf forest D. temperate rainforests


Which of the following map projection is good for educational uses? A. Mercator B. Robinson C. Clinton D. Zhou


Zero degrees of longitude is also referred to as _______ . A. The international date line B. The Prime Meridian C. The tropic of cancer D. The equator


________ rocks result when rocks eroded from higher elevations ( mountains, hills, plains) accumulate at lower elevations (such as swamps and oceans bottoms). A. Metamorphic B. Sedimentary C. igneous D. Sima


________ studies the shape of the Earths surface and the processes that modify it. A. Demography B. Geomorphology C. GIS D. Seismography


At the tropic of cancer the sun is directly overhead at noon on the ________ . A. autumnal equinox B. December Solstice C. June Solstice D. Vernal equinox


Central to the study of geography are the questions ______ and ______. A. Who; when B. why;how C. Where; why D. how many; why


Earthquakes are most likely to occur near _______ . A. continental shields B. areas of volcanic activity in the interior of continents C. areas where two tectonic plates meet D. heavily populated areas


GIS, one of the most rapidly growing industries in the US, stands for ______ . A. Geography is Swell B. General information system C. Geographic Information System D. Global information system


Geographic Skills ______ . A. once included field-observation skills, but the internet makes them useless now. B. are out of place in a computerized world C. can lead to employment in varied fields such as cartography, resource management, planning, intelligence, industrial development, and etc. D. are no "skills" at all


If you are told you are in a BW climate, your location might be in ________ . A. Angola B. Congo C. Libya D. Nigeria


In _______, potential evapotranspiration exceeds precipitation. A. central Europe B. Eastern Russian C. Northern Africa D. Western Europe


In drier areas, such as central Asia, the biome called short-grass prairie is also known as _______ . A. tundra B. savanna C. steppe D. boreal


Seafloor spreading _______ . A. ended with the breakup of Pangaea B. is the result of subduction C. can occur at divergent plate boundaries D. none of the above


Taiga forests are associated with ________ climate. A. artic B. Mediterranean C. subarctic D. none of the above


The eastern US falls under this terrestrial biomes: _______. A. midlattitude grasslands B. temperate rain forests C. mid-latitude broadleaf and mixed forest D. needle leaf forest


The growing interconnectedness of people and places through converging processes of economic, political, and cultural change is called _______ . A. global diversity B. global colonialism C. globalization D. world geography


Transferring a globe to a flat map creates distortions. Distortions affect ________ (properties) of a map. A. landscape, distance, shape, area B. distance, absolute location, area, longitude C. shape, direction, distance, area D. direction, area, latitude, longitude


Which of the following does not describe endogenic processes? A. moves portions of Earths surface horizontally and vertically. B. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and formation of mountain ranges C. shapes earths surface externally D. includes the force of plate tectonics


Which of the following is a "systematic" subfield of geography? A. Geology B. Geography of Ohio C. Urban Geography D. Sociology


Cartographers solve the problem of showing 3D Earth one a flat paper by using ________ . A. degrees, minutes, seconds B. globes C. lines of latitude D. projection


Geography studies the relationships between people, places, and environments in a ________ context . A. Contemporary B. Human C. Environmental D. Spatial


Permafrost occurs in ________ climate areas. A. Aw B. BW C. Cs D. ET


The fuel driving the atmosphere is _______ . A. earth fusion B. Gravity C. Inertia of motion D. Solar Energy


Which of the following is NOT an aspect of geographical analysis? A. Spatial analysis B. Analysis at multiple scales C. Cartography D. Lithography


Which of the following sphere is the least dynamic? A. atmosphere B. biosphere C. hydrosphere D. lithosphere


Which of the following statements about map scale is incorrect? A. A RF of 1:1,000,000 means 1 inch on the map equals 1,000,000 inches on the ground. B. To show a large area on a small map, a small scale is used. C. Larger scale maps show greater detail of places. D. The map scale 1:100,000,000 is a larger scale than one of 1:2,000,000


Alpine glaciers are _______ . A. thick layers of ice extending 3 kilometers in thickness B. formed near the peaks of individual mountains. C. rivers of ice that flow from colder places to warmer places D. both A and C E. both B and C


Geographers study _______ . A. Location B. Place C. Human-environment interactions D. Region E. All of the Above


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