Geography Final

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Be able to describe the first journey to Earth's lowest place below sea level...when did it happen..what happened...what was learned?

- challenger deep, Mariana Trench - 1960 - 2 men went down to the bottom and found bioluminescent animals - they learned that there are animals/ things that we dont know of and there are things living in the "unlivable"

Know the elements that make the Pacific Ocean/Oceania such an extreme and unique place.

- covers 30% of earths surface - holds the deepest trench (36000ft)-Mariana trench- - holds the longest animal to ever live (blue whale) - big Island (14000 ft above sea level-Mauna kea-)

Super flare

- death to astronauts - complete satellite destruction - no more wireless items - every 100 years

Know the kinds of attractions that draw tourists to Vatican City.

- grave sites - art - museums - historic libraries -Sistine chapel - largest church (st. Peters Basilica)

Know a number of ways coral reefs can "die".

- over fishing - water is too warm - siltation

Khow the exact, PRECISE definition we will use for geography in this class:

"Geography is the study of everything on Earth, from rocks and rainfall to people and places."

Genesis 1:1

"In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth."

Psalm 24:1

"The earth is the LORD's, and all it contains; the world and those who dwell in it."

Psalm 19:1

"The heavens are telling of the glory of God; And their expanse is declaring the work of his hands."

Know the 3 primary spheres of the Earth; know what functions any sub-layers of each main layer may perform.

- Atmosphere ~skies - Lithosphere ~land - Hydrosphere ~water

In what Asian nations are the world's largest populations of:

- Buddhists, China - Hindus, India - Jews, Israel - Muslims, Indonesia

Know the key lines of longitude on the Earth.

- Prime Meridian - International Date Line

Know what elements these micro-states all have in common.

- Roman Catholic - No Military - touriam feeds economy - crazy rich ppl live there

what makes the tropics unique compared with the rest of the Earth and what 2 natural things are found only here.

- receives the most amount of sunlight - provides 25% of our pharmaceuticals - 2/3 of our cancer- fighting medicine comes for the tropics - only 1% of the the plants in the tropics have been studied - " the lung of the planet" bc it produces 25% of the worlds oxygen - stores up 1/2 of earths water supply - 2 natural things are found only there: Rainforest, and Coral Reefs

Know 5 extreme things about the continent of Antarctica, compared with other continents.

- southernmost piece of land - coldest place on earth and can get to -71 degrees F - windiest place on earth and winds can go 199 MPH - there is a lake under an ice sheet - its the worlds largest desert

Mercator Projection ; Why do most people prefer this projection? What is the main problem with this type of projection? Who created this projection?

- straight up and down; and left to right - greenland and antarctica is always exaduated - Gerardus Meractor

Know about how many square miles Europe's land includes. How does this number compare with the other continents?

4 million miles squared 6th largest

About how many million square miles does Antarctica have? How does this number/size compare with other continents?

5+ miles squared 5th largest

How many nations does Africa have?


What percentage of the world's lakes does Canada own? How many lakes are there in Canada?

60% 32000

About how many people live in Greenland?

60,000 ppl

How far does Russia stretch? How many time zones does Russia encompass?

600 miles 9 time zones

Know how many square miles South American land includes? How does this compare with the other continents?

7 miles 4th largest

What percentage of the Earth's surface is covered by rainforests?



8th lost continent

G.o.l.f. (golf)


What makes Africa unique in terms of age?


Dingo Barrier Fence

A 3,500 mile long fence to protect seep from dingos or other outback animals


A bike that hovers in the air and the police force uses it in Singapre


A broad transition zone of the ocean that narrows into a river


A deep hole in the ocean


A flat landscape that is higher than the surrounding landscape

Specifically what and where is found the world's largest living organism of any kind? What is its nickname?

A mushroom fungus in Oregon The humungus fungus

Know how glaciers form. Know how they move? Know the ways they change the landscape. Know some of the nations most impacted by glacial movement.

A river freezes and as it slowly moves it pulls chuncks out of the earth creating Canyons (lochs) Scotland (loch ness area of 22 square mules and 750 ft deep) and Finland


A very wet area of land

Artesian Well

A well drilled into the underground water system and pressure brings water to the surface

Name the degree and name of lines

A- Arctic circle (66.5 north) B- The Tropics of Cancer (23.5 north) C- Equator (0) D- The Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 south) E- Antarctic circle (66.5 south) South Pole

Mother Nature

Aborigines main deity

How does Africa's collective per capita G.D.P. rank compared wih the other continents?

Affrica- $1576 vs poorest Malawi- $227


All islands of the pacific region

Troposphere- affects and benefits to life on earth

All of earths weather: hurricanes (Atlantic), typhoons (Pacific), water spouts, and wind.

What is the name of the world's wettest place?


Know what an atoll is...and how one forms.

An atoll is a coral reef surrounded by water on the inside (bikini-us tested atomic bombs there bc its lagoon could take the blast, Kwajalein-airbase for the us-) 100% of atolls are in the Pacific ocean 1. Sea mount grows from the sea floor 2.when it rises above the surface is becomes an island 3. The island forms a coral reef around the island 4. The mountain collapses into the ocean creating a bowl shaped lagoon with the coral reef still around the rim


An interconnected colony of genetically idential trees


An organism that can produce its own light, normally found at the bottom of ocean

Which mountain range separates Earth's wettest place from its driest place?


What is the name of the world's longest mountain range above sea-level?

Andes 4500 miles long

What is meant by the term, "Great Circle" and what kínd of occupation is most interested in understanding this concept?

Any two lines of longitude that perfectly divide the Earth into two equal halves/hemispheres.... and a plane flyer


Anything that receives less than 10 inches of rain a year




Arab kingdom

Know the key contrast between the Arctic and the Antarctic Zones.

Arctic- Polar bears; ice by continents Antarctic- Penguins; continents by oceans


Raw aluminum

Know what causes fjords to fjorm. Know the nations that are most famous for their fjords.

Receding glaciers create troughts that are loosly connected to the ocean Norway (15000miles long coastline) iceland, New Zealand, South America (Cape Horn)

Specifically where in the USA is the world's tallest forest? What is its name? How tall do the trees grow here?

Redwood forest Hyperion 400ft

What 2 continents does Russia span? On which continent do most Russians live? What is the name of the mountain range that separates the 2 parts of Russia? What is the name given to Russia's Asian side?

Russia Ural Mountain Range Eastern Europe

Which Asian nation is the world's most expensive place to live?


Know the other title the king of the Vatican possesses.

Singular head of the house

Know 5 specific reasons why Africa has remained so poor for so long.

Slavery Civil war Disease Overpopulation Unstable government


Small island

the main attraction that draws tourists to Lichtenstein.

Snow sking slopes, and resorts

Which economic system(s) has/have been least suçcessful in Europe? Which section of Europe has the most closely embraced this/these systems?

Socialism and communism Eastern Europe

Know what causes auroras to happen.

Solar winds blow gasses from the sun and cemicals around to make a light in the sky that is seen in th northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere due to the magnetic poles.




South American Cowboy

Be able to GIVE A STRONG EXPLANATION for how winds and mountains affect the formation of wetlands and deserts. Know the chart below:

As wind approaches a mountain range it increases its speed rapidly to raise. This then causes dramatic cooling and condensing that forms rain clouds. This casues one side of the range to get drenched and the other not because the wind dries as it reaches the peak. With no rain getting to the other side it casues a rainforest on one side and a desert on the other side

What 2 continents does Russia span?

Asia and Europe

What is the name of the world's driest place? When is the last time this desert had any meaningful precipitation?

Atacama 1570 A.D.

Bikini Atoll

Atoll that America Tested there bomb on

Thermosphere-affects and benefits to life on earth



Bowl shaped indent

What is the name of the world's longest continuous forest?

Breal forest


Bribery to gain unfair advantage

Know the name of the world's tallest building. How tall is it?

Burj Kahlifa

What city has been called the world's most livable place? What kinds of categories have gone into this calculation?

Calgary - disease reports - cost of living - quality of life - employment - crime rate -cleanliness - air quality

Know the lines of latitude that have become famous in American history because of wars.

Cancer - North and South Korea Capricorn - North and South Vietnam

What world extreme is "hiding" beneath Greenland's enormous ice pack?


Which economic system(s) has/have been most successful in Europe? Which section of Europe has most closely embraced this/these systems?

Capitalism Western Europe

Know the 4 major economic systems that were created in Europe.

Capitalism Socialism Communism Feudalism

What is the name of the world's largest lake?

Caspian sea

What is the most dominant religion to be found in South America? Know which nation has the world's largest number of followers of this system. Know which nation was the birthplace of the current pope. What is this pope's name?

Catholics Brazil Argentine Pope Francis


Central standard time

Know 5 of the cultures that have immigrated to the USA in great numbers.

Chicago - greatest mexican-born ppl outside of mexico Liberians, cubans, Koreans, thailand, chinese San Jose, california- Vietnamese New York, and chicago- polish New york city- puerto rican

What is the name of the world's deepest river?


Trans-Eurasian Belt Development (TEBD)

Connection london to new york Its an superhighspped system


Connects Britain to France

Stratosphere- affects and benefits to life on earth

Contains the ozone layer - the ozone layer protects us from harmful UV(ultra violet) rays. If there was no ozone layer we could get skin cancer. All all I've rays get reflexed but the ones that do get through allows us to have solar power, gives us vitamin D, can prevent illnesses, and can give us positive moods.


Contries that frfused to give up their land so now are tiny kingdoms

Know the name of the world's most biker-friendly city.

Copenhagen Denmark


Coral reefed islands





Know what is meant by "French Riviera".

Southern cost of France with beautiful beaches/ harbor


Special Administrative Region

Know about the Svalbard Seed Vault. What is it? Where is it? Why does it exist?

Stores seeds and dna of plants Svalbard,Norway It exists to keep plants from extinction

Know the Aussies' favorite sport/pastime.


Know the most populated city in Australia - and the icons that make that city so special.

Sydney, - the Sydney opera house - the Sydney Harbor Bridge



Whats the name of the greatest barrior reed system

The Great Barrior Reef near Australia

What is the name of the world's longest river?

The Nile River

where the windiest places on our planet are located?

The North and South Pole

Know about the Amazon River's incredible fresh-water discharge, relative to other rivers and the fresh-water needs of New York City.

The amount of fresh water the Amazon River discharges in one day is the same amount of water NYC uses in 10 years

Mariana Trench

The deepest trench in the world


The discharge of silt and mud from inland


The flow of water


The government is in complete control

What is Canada's greatest agricultural product?

The great lakes Superior Huron Ontario Michigan Erie

Red Center

The hottest place on earth (150F)

Know about the name, location and depth of the world's deepest bore hole.

The kola super-deep barehole 7.5 miles deep Norway and Russia

Know the history and modern purposes for the USGS.

The purpose of the United States Geological Survey was to map out the unknown western areas in 1879


The result of a hot spring that boils underground like a cauldron

Know the name of the world's largest savannah. Which African nations does this savannah cross into?

The serengeti plain Kenya and tanzania

Know why people say coral reefs are "alive".

The surounding animal life

Blue Hole

Deepest sinkhole

Deep Sea Trench

Depression of the sea floor




Desert walks aboringines take to hear from mother nature

Know the 4 kinds of distortions that cartographers have to cope with when creating flat maps.

Direction Area Distance Shape



Azimuthal Projections (below) - What is the main disadvantage of the projection?

Edges are distorted



Know the impact of Skype and where it was invented.

Estonia brought video chat to the world; changed history

What is the name of the African nation with the world's fastest-growing G.D.P.?


Know about the general plan to connect Europe to the United States by road. What is it called? What does the overall idea involve? Beyond the road itself, what dramatic structure would need to be built to make this perhaps far-fetched dream a reality?

Eurail; fast undergroup transportation allowing people to go from Europe to the US 13000 miles long

What is the name of the "super-continent" that many cartographers would like to create on maps?


Quebec City reminds people of cities on what other continent?



European and Native American


Farmable land

Know the reasons why feudalism was such a failure in Scandinavia. In what 2 different ways did the Scandinavians solve their frustrations with feudalism?

Feudalism has to do with power coming from the ownership of land. Scandinavia didnt have land so it lead to the viking stealing and raiding for power and wealth . Another way they did this was found new land and settle in it.

Know the names of the Scandinavian nations. Know what their flags all share in common and why.

Finland Iceland Norway Denmark Sweden Crosses sideways

Know some of the extreme negatives/restrictions one will face when visiting Dubai.

Foreign workers dont get paid enough to live in singapre, so the workers live in poor conditions

Know how specific European cultures have contributed to Western Civilization throughout history...Greeks.Macedonians.Phoenicians.Italians/Romans.

Greek: Democracy Debate, geography, Philosphy, Trigonometry, History Macedonians: Alphabet, Bible (aka New Testament Language) became basic language Italians: Roman Catholics, Sewer Systems, Delivery, Republic, Latin Language

What percentage of the world's ice is found on Greenland? What percentage of the world's ice is found on Antarctica?

Greenland: 9% Antarctica: 88%


Greenwhich mean time

Which European nation has the strongest economy?


G.D.P./Per capita G.D.P.

Gross Domestic Product

What is the name of the time zone found at Prime Meridian?

Gweenwhich mean time



Mauna Kea

Hawaii's highest peak (34000)

Know who Alfred Nobel was, what he invented, how he wanted his invention to be used, how he was disappointed by its use, and what legacy he created with his patent money.

He invented Dynamite, and only wanted it to be used for construction purposes. When the idea of it getting used for war dissapointed him. He then creater to Nobel Peace Prize to furthur world peace. They get rewarded a cash prize

Know the names of 5 of the world's most dangerous choke points.

Hellespont, Bosporus, Straght of Gibraiter, Hormuz, & mallaca

What is the name of the world's largest mountain range?

Himalaya Mt. Range

Ring of Fire

Holds 75% of worlds vocanos 90% of those are active and source of most earthquakes and tsunamis (alaska has most active volcanos, Indonisia most extreme nation of Ring of Fire)


Hunting tool

Know about the early history of European settlement in Australia.and how European colonization has shaped the modern nation.

In 1776 Britain's were looking for a place to send prisoners. And the early settlement started as European prisoners. Today it is a European culture with English as the language


India and China's nearby islands


Indias verson of Hollywood

Know the name of the world's largest archipelago.



Instrument that uses circular breathing

What is the name of the line of longitude found 180-degrees from the Prime Meridian.

Interantional Date Line


International date line


Investing money in opportunities to make more money (build wealth)

Know how Australia compares in size with other important world nations.

It close to the same size as the USA, china

Be able to identify the many ways Australia is a uniquely menacing place to live.

It has most frequent lightning stricks, terrible wildfires, crocodiles, great white and bull sharks, box jellyfish, 10 most venomous sea and land snakes, dingoes, and the world most deadly spiders. These things scare ppl away and make ppl think it is the most dangerous place on earth

Know the location and importance of the St. Lawrence Seaway- past (a negative aspect) and present (at least 2 positive aspects).

It is a back way into the US in the older days when the US was just on the eastern coast. 2 possitives are trade and transportation

Know the kinds of elements that make Australia so unique and extreme compared to the other continents.

It is the flattest continent Only continent with a singular nations It is the hottest continent Least populated inhabited continent The driest continent

what is unique about Lichtenstein's per capita GDP.

It is the richest in the world of 135000

What makes the island of Greenland a world extreme?

It is the worlds largest island and is mostly covered by an ice sheet

Know about the ethnic history of Australia (how it began, how it has changed, and how it is still changing).

It use to only be aborigines but now it is majority whites and Britain's, but more recently it started to contain Asian refugees too

Know about the Antarctic Treaty.

It was established in 1961 that 30 nations split up Antarctica and use it for studies and no harm can be done to the envirnment or wildlife.

Know what European nation San Marino is most closely linked to.


Know what European nation Vatican City is most closely linked to.


Know what makes the Bay of Fundy so unique.

The tides vary, so at one point of the day there could be no water at Bay of Fundy but at another time there can be watch 50ft deep

Know what is unique about San Marino's people-to-cars ratio.

There are 33000 people and 42000 cars

Know what makes the population of Monaco so unique.

There are no income taxes and it is home to billanaries

Why are the seas near Antarctica so rough? What are the names of the 2 capes that are treacherous to try to sail around?

There was nothing to block the winds 40 degrees south so it would be the wildest and choppiest winds - Cape Horn -Good Hope

Know what all the state capitals of Australia have in common. Why is this the case? How has the proximity to the coastline affected the culture of Australia?

They are all coastal and everyone is all 1/2 hour away from the beach It caused them to be a strong marine continent and because the middle is mostly outback/desert

Know Australia's military history..and the most important branch of its military.

They are allied with Great Britain, Canada, and the USA There most important branch is marine and it patrols 10% of the ocean

what and how coral reefs are built?

They are made by coral polyps dying on top of eachother stacking up to make a coral reef.

Know about Aboriginal life, culture, and history.

They are not only one tribe, they are like Americas Native Americans, but they believe in Mother Nature. They are known for using boomerangs and going on walkabouts

Why are coral reefs important to protect

They can provide food, medicine, attrack tourism

Know how Europe shaped the modern world by creating nation-states. Also, know the problems that Europe created for the world with their "invention" of the nation-state.

They couldnt get along with each other so war started

Know the reason why Dubai began rushing to complete their entertainment empire a couple of decades ago. Know how the Emir has gone about How accomplishing this goal.

They wanted to build the biggest and the best in everything Spent a fortune on an airline

In what controversial region is the world's highest plateau found? What nation controls this region today? What major Asian rivers begin on this plateau?

Tiberian Plateau (The root of the World) Asia Yellow, Yangtze, mekong, Irrawaddy, Ganges, Indus

Know the impact of tourism- and the names of the most visited nation in Europe by tourist.

Tourism boosts the economy and france (Europe has 6 out of the top 10 tourist places to visit)

Be able to identify the products that drive Australia's economy. What interesting technology is found in the Outback? Know why Australia's per capita GDP is often rated fairly low - even though the continent has a high standard-of-living.

Tourism, wool, medals (gold,opal,aluminum,brown coal) Space signals IT's GPD is calculated with the poor islands in Oceania


Transport boots


Treeless, shrubby shrubs , support small plants

The name of each specific layer of Earth's atmosphere.

Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere Magnetosphere

The range of distances that this layer of atmosphere extends above the earth

Troposphere ~ sea level- 6 miles Stratosphere ~ 6 miles- 35 miles Mesosphere ~ 35 miles- 120miles Thermosphere ~ 120 miles- 310 miles Exosphere ~ 310 miles- 435 miles Magnetosphere ~ 36,000 miles into space


Underwater thing that police use in singapore


Underwater topograph


United States Geological Survey

Specifically what and where is found the world's heaviest single plant? How large is it?

Utah 6600 metric tons; 47,000 trees that reproduce each year

Mesosphere- affects and benefits to life on earth

Vaporizes meteoroids daily with gasses Gets to -150 degrees fahrenheit

Swiss Guard

Vaticans Militay Force

Know about Angel Falls: Where is it? How high is it? What happens to much of the water as it falls such a far distance?

Venezula 2500ft It evaporates


Video chart

Lock (as in a canal) -

Water lowwers and raises to allow ships to go from on body of water to another



What is Canada's greatest export crop?


Know what it means to be double-landlocked. Besides Lichtenstein, what other world nation is double-landlocked?

When a contry is 2 contries away from ocean access Uzbekistan

Circular Breathing

When someone breathes in their nose and out through their mouth at the same time

The Furious 50s & The Roaring 40s

Wildest & windest waters



Know the most unique economic niche San Marino has carved out for itself.

Wine Cheese electronics Collectable stamps and coins

St. Peter's Basilica

Worlds largest church in Vatican city

Know where on the x-y axis latitude runs. In citations, which comes first - latitude or longitude?

X- Latitude Y- Longitute Order is (X,Y)

Know key facts about the worlds system of supervolcanos, and the USA's

Yellowstone 34 miles long by 45 miles wide 20 spread arounf the US If errupted there woudl be a kill zone and a double ash zone and the skies whould be black/grey

Know the different world sports that were created in the USA.

Lacrosse Volleyabll Football Baseball Basketball

What are the names of Africa's most populated nation and 5 most populated city-propers?

Lagos, Nigeria Kinshaha, DRC Cirro, Egypt Alexandria, Egypt Casablanca, Morocco

Know the name of the world's highest navigable lake.

Lake Titicaca (12500ft above sea level and between Peru and Bolivia)

Know the kinds of attractions found all around the world's tallest building.

Lakes Parks Shopping 30000 homes Hotells




Land chain


Land= wealth


Large Hadron Collider


Largely unhabitatted dessert

Kwajalein Atoll

Largest atoll and where america keeps a airbase ground there

Mid-Atlantic Ridge

Largest mountain range (30000 miles long)

Ayer's Rock

Largest rock in the world (6 miles round, 1100ft high)

Mount Tambora

Largest vocanic erruption in 1815. It effected the weather everywhere and uses 18 months of winter

Know the synonym for "latitude."

Latitude is flatitude



Know 4 kinds of goods produced by animals that graze on grasslands.

Leather, wool, meat, dairy

Know the names of the world's 4 smallest nations. Know how and why these European Micro- states formed.

Leichtenstein, San Marino, Monaco, Vactican City - they were places in the older days and never wanted to give up their pawer so they became micro states




Life and the life of flourishing beings

Know the unique forms of South American wildlife

Llamas, alpacas, vicunas= wool Jaguar= top of food chain Anaconda Anteater Sloth Pink porpoise

What is so extreme about Canada's coastline?

Longest Coastline and 152,000 Miles

Challenger Deep

Lowest point of the marina trench


Mammals with pouches

Exosphere- affects and benefits to life on earth

Man made satellites and probes


Manmade shortcuts accross narrow land


Many islands



Also be able to identify/name Australia's other unique birds and creatures. Know what a marsupial is...and be able to identify/name the unique marsupials of Australia.

Marsupials= mammals with pouches - Kangaroo - Platypus - Koala Unique birds - Emu - Cassowary - Kookaburra

Know where the world's tallest mountain is located- and what it is called.

Mauna Kea 34000ft high and Hawaii

What is the other name for any line of longitude?


Know the names of North America's 5 most populated cities proper.

Mexico City, Mexico New York City, USA Las Vagas, USA Chicago, USA Toranto, Canada

Know the names of the Europeans who are arguably history's greatest artist. writer, children's writer, composer, and band. Be able to identify their greatest works

Michelangelo- painting the sistine chapel, sculpting David and Pieta William Shakespeare- Hamlet, Macbeth Hans Christian Anderson- The Emperors New Clothes, The little Mermaid, The Ugly Duckling, Thumbelina Mozart- The marriage od Figara, Water Music

Be able to describe the world's longest mountain range. What is it? Where is it? How long is it?

Mid-Atlantic ridge 30000miles long South of the Pacific Ocean





Which Asian nation has the world's least densely-packed population? What is its density?

Mongolia; 1.25 ppl per square mile

Know the name of Monaco's most famous landmark (a casino).

Monte Carlo Casino

Dragon Hole

Most recent bluehole to be discovered

Know about the Great Rift Valley. It stretches from what nation in the south to what nation in the north? How long is it? What is it doing to Africa? What kinds of places has it created?

Mozambique to Labanon 3700 miles The chain of Great lakes

What is the name of the world's tallest mountain above sea level?

Mt. Everest Nepal 29,029 miles high

What are some general characteristics of Central America's human geography? Negatives? Positives?

N- The government is corrupt and has turmoil and revolution causing poverty P-harvesting seafood and agriculture products is the monastery


Nagative to


Narrow water way between land


National Oceanic and atmosphereic administration

Polynesian Triangle

New zealand, Hawaii, easter island

Be able to generally describe the Arctic and Antarctic Zones of the Earth: plant and animal life, climate, terrain, etc.

No plants, life, or animals


No ruler and everything is shared in the community




North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Know what NATO is, why it was formed, what it is an acronym for, and where it is headquartered.

North Atlantic Treaty Organiızaion Brussels, Beiglum Prevent an other world war and communism

Know the 3 other continents that have been primarily shaped by Europe's influence.

North and South America and Australia


North men


Northern Europe

Know the 2 main hemispheres of the Earth- and how they contrast.

Northern and Southern Hemisphere

Types of things in the Northern and Southern Hemisphere

Northern- mostly land Southern - mostly water

What has traditionally been Russia's greatest political/military problem? What are the names of the 2 choke points found in the Black Sea?

Ocean access and transport Hellespont and Bosporus

Know the sports created and/or popularized in Europe.

Olympic Games (greeks) Golf (scotland) Formula one racing (France) Tennis (france/Britian) Rugby (Britian) Cricket (china) Soccer (china)

Know about the Dingo Barrier Fence - and what it was built to protect.

Protect sheep/livestock and is 3500 miles long

Magnetosphere- affects and benefits to life on earth

Protects us from sun's radiation and gasses.


a city's legal boundary


a deep open crack, especially one in a glacier.


a mass killing with a Purpose













Which Asian place has the world's most densely-packed population? Whats its density

macau; 13000 people per square mile


massive vents sitting atop massive pools of magma.

Know the names of Europe's 5 most populated cities.

moscow, Russia London, Uk St. perersburg, Russia Berlin, Germany Madrid, spain

Global Conveyor

moving of cool & warm water

Humongous Fungus

nickname to te largest oganism of any kind

Know the kinds of complexions and cultures one could expect to traditionally find in Europe. Know how and why this is changing.

normally Roman Catholics but now Islamic when Muslims migrated

Little Dragons

refers to four countries in the Asian Free Trade Market; Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan


rice field

Know about the mission of the World Court and where it is headquartered.

the Hague, the Netherlands Recolve major cases, define international law, settle disputes


the discovery of unknown things


the practice of inserting fine needles through the skin at specific points to cure disease or relieve pain


the spread of a desert like the Sahara spreading from winds each year

Know what causes the Earth to have seasons.

the tilt

Water Spout

tornado on water


transportation automobile

Know what characterizes (in terms of location, climate, plants and animal life) the land called tundra, Know how much of the Earth is covered by tundra.

treeless with shrubby shrubs 1/5 th of the earth is covered with Tundra



Solar wind

winds in the Exosphere & magnetosphere

The Amazon's widest point reaches how many miles across?


Road Train

3 truck simis that travel 2000miles through the outback

Know how Australia ranks in size compared to the other continents.

3.7 square miles aka smallest

Know the ways coral reefs can be protected and brought back to life again.

-Animals come back -Water cools - stop over fishing

Solar max

-Earth cant handle suns gasses and intense heat -every 11 years sun reverses its poles and creates solar storms on earth -places everything in orbit in jeporady... so we would lose conection to things in orbit.

Conic Projections (below)- What are the advantages/disadvantages of the projection? How can you visually tell which hemisphere a conic map is projecting?

-Good with little details but bad bc the south is flipped - top will be shrunk and south will be stretched

Know about the Ring of Fire. What is it? Where is it located? Why is it significant? What historic events have resulted from its volatility?

-It is the most active volcano and earthquake zone -It is located along the coasts near the Pacific ocean -It is significant because it holds 75% of earths volcanos and 90% of the worlds active volcanos -in Indonesia at my. Tambora in 1815 it effected the weather for 3 years and caused an 18 month winter. It was so cold ppl didnt want to go outside

Landlocked: Double-landlocked:

-Surounded by land on all sides ( so have to go through that country/land for water access) - being surounded by 2 countries on all sides

Know 5 unique facts about Africa's tallest mountain.

-highest mt. Above sea level - closest place to the equator - top tourist destination - anyone in shape can climb - it goes from rainforsest to snow

What kinds of things make the USA the world's greatest immigration magnet?

-opportunity (jobs or work) - stable government (stable fro 230+ years vs 19) - freedom (constitution gives freedom)

Know the 2 main branches of geography... and generally be able to explain each

1. Human Geography - the study of diverse people groups and the way they live their lives 2. Physical Geography - the study of the naturally created earth itself

explain what causes the wind to blow?

1. The sun produces heat. 2. The heat warms up the earth, also causing a pocket of low pressure. 3. The warmed up earth produces warmed up air just above it. 4. The warmed up air begins to rise. 5. The cool air from above falls to the earth, then sweeps sideways when it "hits" the earth. 6. The movement of alI this air is called wind.

Know the 3 ways people can learn about geography.

1. Through expirience 2. Through study 3. Through meditation and prayer

How many square miles does North American land include? How does this compare with the other continents?

10. Million 3rd larget

Know about Africa's plan to combat desertification. o How many nations are involved? How long in miles is this project? What is the name of the project? What will be planted if this plan goes forward?

11 5000 miles long and 9 miles wide The great green wall of Africa Trees

How does Africa's population size compare with that of Asia?

11 billion

How many square miles does African land include?

12 square miles

In what nation is the world's lowest point below sea level? What is the name of this place?

1400ft Dead sea

There is a new time zone every how many degrees?

15 degrees

How many square miles does Asian land include?

18 miles squared

Know how Africa rates overall in world population.


Know the angle at which the Earth tilts.


Know the true circumference of the Earth.

24,901.55 miles

How much of the world's oxygen is produced in the rainforests?


Know what percentage of sea life relies on coral reefs for their existence.


What percentage of modern pharmaceuticals have their source in the rainforests the world?


What is unique about Brazil's black population? How does Brazil compare in this regard with Africa?

2nd in the world To nigeria, they count themselves as native americans

Montreal world ranking as a french speaking city

2nd to paris

Why was the Prime Meridian chosen to be where it is?

Bc it is centered, and Rome is dominante

French Riviera

Beautiful harbor in Monaco

Know the 4th sphere that overlaps with the primary spheres



Black island


Formed by glaciers normally along coasts

Know what European nation Monaco is most closely linked to.



Frozen rivers


Frozen soil

What is the longest-living animal on Earth? How long does this creature live? Where does it live? What nation owns these islands?

Galapagos tortoise live 150+ years Galapogos Island Equador

khow the full names of the 4 Europeans who are arguably the most iconic scientists in history.

Galileo Galillei Leonardo. da Vinci Albert Einstein Nikola Tesia



Know what the Large Hadron Collider is, where it is located, how big it is, and what it does. Also know how it has made history in computing.

Geneva Switzerland 600ft deep by 17 mile circumfrance Subatomic particles crashing into eahother at high speeds Its the largest comunication grid that connects 170 facilties in 41 nations

Lichenstein"s Language


Know what other Euro nations Lichtenstein most closely aligns with culturally.



Get stuck in the middle of currents; there is no wind or waves, so you are just stuck

Nobel Peace Prize

Getting a cash award of a million dollars to promote world peace and reducd war


Glacial Lake


Global Positioning System


Grazzing animals on grassland

Know the specific birthplace of the Industrial Revolution.

Great Britian


Great Rift Valley

Know about Eratosthenes and his amazing accomplishments..Be able to give a STRONG description of how he was able to determine that the world was round AND predict its circumference 3 centuries before the time of Christ.

On June 21st, Eratosthenes traveled 528 miles south to Aswan. There he did an expiriment and noticed there was no shadow casted from an obelisk. A year later he did it in his home town of Alexandria and noticed there was a shadow casting from his straight stick. This helped him relaize that the earth was round, and useing the distince between Aswan and Alexandria, he made some calculations and figured out the circumfrance of the earth.

Great Artesian Basin

Only source of water in dessert areas and its an underground water resivoir


Our version of a Native American Native person from the country

Be able to identify and describe key features of the Outback, including its Red Center, Ayer's Rock, and the Great Artesian Basin.

Outback- Australia's dessert Red Center- hottest part of the outback (150F) Ayers Rock- largest rock in the world (6 miles around by 1100ft high) Great Artesian Basin- underground water supple that gives water to places in the outback by drilling a well into the ground and the internal pressure pushes up the water and provides water in the outback s




Pacific Huricane

Central America has the world's largest isthmus? What is it called?

Panama (480 miles)


Papa: single head of all branches

Choke point

Passage through a sea


People who believe that a particular religion should be its own nation

Know the name of the world's most isolated major city...and the ways it stays in touch economically with the outside world.

Perth And 2000 miles away from other civilization, it mainly uses road trains aka giant simis

Where is the nearest N.O.A.A. Doppler radar center is to Lee's Summit?

Pleasant Hill


Policy of Segregation or descrimination towards a race

Know what makes Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia unique (in terms of physical od geography and human culture).

Polynesia (many islands) - has the Polynesian Triangle (Hawaii, Easter island, New Zealand) and Mauna Kea (biggest island) Melanesia (black Island)- Aborigines have a DNA link to ppl there Micronesia (small islands)-atolls (bikini, Kwajalein-airbase for the us-), sink holes (blue hole/dragon hole 400ft wide 1000 ft deep)

What is the name of the world's largest sandy desert?


Know the names of the 5 most populated cities proper in South America.

Sau Paulo, Brazil Lima, Peru Bogota, Columbia Rio de Joniero, Brazil Santiago, Chile


Separation like a state, but cant override the government

World Court

Settles disputes amoung states an gives advice on legal issues

Which 4 Asian cities-proper have the world's largest population? population?

Shanghai, China Karachi, Pakistan Beijing, China Delhi, India


Shrubby shrubs and isolated trees in a grassland

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