Geography (North, Central, and South America)

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The independence for Mexico and Central America was in the


How many islands are in the Caribbean?


What emerged as the foundation of the North American Core?

American manufacturing belt

In North America, what relies on other areas for water?

Arid Southwest and Great Plains

What model best describes the pre-automoble pattern of North American cities, but is still useful today in older parts of towns?

Burgess model

What model, also known as the concentric zone theory, shows that a city grows outward in rings, has a single centre known as the CBD, and has an area of older industry and beyond that residential areas around the business centre?

Burgess model

In a multiple nuclei model, what no longer has a monopoly on retail and commercial activities?


What country has critical labor shortages and a policy that is balanced according to employment and demographic needs in various regions?


What country is even more affected by immigration?


What area was fought over by Spain, Britain, France, and the Netherlands?


Some islands gained independence in the 1960s in what area?

Caribbean basin

In North America, what climates are suitable for large-scale farming?

Cf and Df

What is the dominant religion in the US?


Central states in Central America have a lower


Mexico's connection with the US and Panama's global canal has a higher


The two great drainage systems between the Rockies and Appalachians that have been modified by human engineering are the

Great Lakes and St. Lawrence River into the northern Atlantic and Mississippi-Missouri Rivers into a delta on the Gulf of Mexico

In the Caribbean, the four larger islands are called the

Greater Antilles

Where is Mexico's petroleum center?

Gulf Coast

When it comes to tropical deforestation, which country is more likely to do it? Haiti or the Dominican Republic?


The westward pathway across the Caribbean Basin is known as

Hurricane Alley

What religion is a contemporary exception in the US?


Hurricane season last from

June to December, peaks in August and September

In the Caribbean, the remaining smaller islands are called the

Lesser Antilles

In Central America, what had Euro-Amerindian dominance and mestizo and a hacienda system?


The core area in Mexico is anchored by

Mexico City

The 1898 Spanish-American war, Panama Canal construction, and banana plantations in central america were influence by what two things?

Monroe Doctrine and US

In Mexico, what is economically dynamic?


Spain's focus was on what three areas?

Panama, Pacific Central America, and Mexico

In Central America, what had a fusion of European and African influences and plantation land tenure?


The world's leading center for computer research and development is the

Silicon Valley

Who defeated the Aztecs and enslaved Amerindians and brought disease that wiped out millions?


What included towns for administration and cultural propagation and had a layout around a central plaza with streets in a grid pattern?

Spanish settlement style

The center of gravity of US population moved southward towards what, aided by air conditioning?


What zone is from sea level to 2500 ft and produces bananas, sugarcane, rice, and other tropical crops?

Tierra Caliente

What zone is from 6000-12000 ft and produces potatoes, barley, wheat, and dairy?

Tierra Fria

What zone is from 12000-15000 ft and produces livestock and grazing?

Tierra Helada

What zone is from 2500-6000 ft and produces coffee, corn, wheat, and vegetables?

Tierra Templada

What country has a higher growth rate due to natural increase and immigration?

United States

What country has sufficient immigration numbers allowing the creation of a durable society within the national society and has challenges of undocumented immigration and debates over border security?

United States

Hurricanes, carried by trade winds, are generated from what coast?

West African

In the lowland maya there are cultural achievements in

agriculture and animal domestication, basic industry and trade, and intellectual pursuits in the arts and science

Vertical elevation regions where the climate gets colder as elevation increases are called

altitudinal zones

An island chain is called an


In Mexico, tropical climates are dominated by


During the realm of railroads, rail predominantly was for what?


In Mexico, distribution is densely populated in the

central states and southern highlands

The United States and Canada have a high degree of

cultural pluralism

What were Spanish modifications to the Aztec area?

deforestation and the introduction of livestock, new crops, and equipment

What is known as the loss of manufacturing jobs meaning opportunities were found in suburbia?


In tertiary and quaternary service-based sectors, there was a rise in what?


North America doesn't have enough of what to satisfy demand, so imports are necessary?

fossil fuels

What involves land-use changes and urban neighborhood restoration?


What raises property values and taxes and displaces former low income residents with newer more affluent ones?


Lowland regions in North America include:

great plains, interior lowlands, and various coastal plains

In Mexico, what is slowing due to the drop in fertility?


The first true urban center of the western hemisphere, Teotihuacan, is in the

highland aztecs

What has territorial expansion driven by the need to extract taxes and tribute from other groups?

highland aztecs

What experiences weather extremes due to frigid Arctic and subtropical seasonal air masses?

humid east

An example of extreme weather is a


Warm ocean water that evaporates into rapidly rising moisture can create a


In a multiple nuclei model, what moves to the edge of the city where land is cheaper?


Transportation and communication innovations increased what?

interconnectedness and mobility

After the American Revolution and opening of the West, what was favorable to farming and settlement?

interior lowlands

When cargo moves from ships to trucks to rail it is known as

intermodal cargo

In the highland aztecs there are cultural achievements in

irrigation and terracing and agricultural domestication of a variety of crops

The crests and tops of ocean floor mountain chains that formed out of tectonic plate collisions create


This physical feature links two continents together and is crucial role in diffusion of animals and humans across the planet (ex. Panama's isthmus)

land bridge

The civilization of city-states has dynastic rule alongside a religious hierarchy and a population of 2-3 million where?

lowland maya

The only major culture hearth in a lowland tropic area is the

lowland maya

Mixed ancestry persons are known as


What model developed with the use of automobiles?

multiple nuclei model

What model incorporates outlying shopping malls, industrial areas, and large residential suburbs?

multiple nuclei model

Indigenous North Americans are known as

native americans

Who were displaced from their homelands in North America?

native americans

In North America, one can see that there's a very low population around

natural resources

What is the language of North America?

near-universality of English

In North America, alternative energy sources, such as what, are not well-developed?

nuclear power

The evolution of what made residential suburbia have its own businesses and industries, entertainment, and other amenities, causing a relative decline in the central city?

outer city

High-relief regions in North America include:

pacific, rocky, and appalachian mountains

In North America, elsewhere, boundaries are marked by

physical features

North America's realm has diverse

physiographic regions

What sector in North America is in decline to due mechanization?


In the sector model, the industrial area would lie in the sector along what?

rail lines

What from the western mountains blocks moisture to the Great Plains?

rainshadow effect

What sector in North America is experiencing both growth and decline?


What model recognizes the existence of land use zones, but suggests that there are sectors of land uses in the city?

sector model

Railroads made what decline and what grow?

shipping costs; international trade

For federal state structures each country's subdivisions vary in their


In Mexico, what has luxurious Acapulco and interior Amerindian farms?

southern highlands

In North America, internal political geographies are dominated by

straight-line boundaries

What sector in North America is experiencing expansion?


Abundance mineral reserves are in how many zones?


The clearing and destruction of forests for settlement and economic opportunity is known as

tropical deforestation

What contributes to soil erosion and flooding?

tropical deforestation

Mexico's landmass includes

two peninsulas, an isthmus, and a mountain backbone

North America has what kind of distribution of natural resources across the realm?


Cities specialized in raw materials or manufacturing interconnected by a growing transportation network are an

urban system

The United States and Canada have highly

urbanized populations

The highland aztecs is in the

valley of mexico

Examples of tectonic hazards are

volcanoes and earthquakes

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