Geology 101 Unit 1 Test Review

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Which of the following is not a line of evidence used to support the Theory of Continental Drift? a. Fit of the continents b. Fossil correlations c. Similarities in rock type and structure d. Paleoclimate e. All of the above are lines of evidence used to support Continental Drift.

e. All of the above are lines of evidence used to support Continental Drift.

Hawaiian islands are an example of volcanoes that did not form along a tectonic plate boundary. Instead, they formed in the middle of the Pacific plate directly above a: a. Convection cell b. Mantle plume c. Subduction zone d. Mid-oceanic ridge e. Lava lamp

e. Lava lamp

Why can't scientists retrieve information about the Atlantic Ocean basin that is older than roughly 200 million years? a. The technology is not yet available. b. Sediments of that age are too deeply buried. c. Sediments of that age do not provide much information. d. Seawater has affected the sediments for too long. e. There was no Atlantic Ocean 200 million years ago.

e. There was no Atlantic Ocean 200 million years ago.

Lithosphere is made up of??

strong, rocky rigid outer shell of the solid earth including all of the crust the uppermostt part of the mantle to depth-100km -> forms the plates

While performing a test for hardness on a certain mineral, you discovered that the mineral can easily be scratched by a knife but not a copper penny

Between 3.6 and 5

The difference between covalent and metallic bonds is _____________.

Covalent bonds are when atoms share the same electron9s); metallic bonds are special types of covalent bonds where an electron is shared among several atoms in....?

Which one of the following does not correctly describe a mineral

It can be liquid or solid

Manufactured diamonds are:

Not minerals

The micas muscovite and biotite both exhibit ____directions of cleavage


A silicate mineral contains:


You are attempting to identify a mineral. You determine that it does indeed have cleavage; therefore, your mineral cannot possibly be _____.

Quartz *concoidal fractures

Newly formed magma starts to rise toward? In glass, atoms are arranged in a :

Random orientation

Which of the following best describes the fundamental concept of superposition? Which are the most abundant minerals in Earth's crust and mantle? a. Sulfides b. Uranides c. Native metals d. Silicates

d. Silicates

Why did people not believe Wegener's idea? a. He failed to provide a mechanism. b. He didn't know about earthquake distribution at the time. c. He used ferns and fossil plants as part of his evidence. d. He used the shelves instead of the continent margins themselves.

a. He failed to provide a mechanism.

When a mantle plume rises from the outer core boundary to the Earth's surface, it results in a: a. Hot spot b. Island arc c. Volcanic arc d. Subduction zone e. Suture zone

a. Hot Spot

A(n) ___________ is a tentative or untested explanation for why or how something happens. a. Hypothesis b. Theory *not tested c. Principle d. Law e. Doctrine

a. Hypothesis

What happens at divergent boundaries? a. The seafloor spreads and magma rises up to fill the gap, forming underwater features like oceanic ridges and submarine volcanoes. b. The seafloor rises up and heats up the surrounding water to cause tsunamis. c. A gap is created and sea water rushes in to cool the magma in the trench. d. Huge mountains are formed by the plates colliding.

a. The seafloor spreads and magma rises up to fill the gap, forming underwater features like oceanic ridges and submarine volcanoes.

How do electrons behave in a mineral with metallic bonding?

a. They can move relatively easily from atom to atom inside the mineral

How can the discovery of coal in cold and dry Antarctica be explained? a. It was formed underwater and carried to Antarctica. b. Antarctica was once part of the "supercontinent" Pangaea and was in a warm and humid climate, which allowed the formation of coal. c. Coal was formed in Antarctica together with the ice and glaciers d. It was a remnant of dust falling from meteorites.

b. Antarctica was once part of the "supercontinent" Pangaea and was in a warm and humid climate, which allowed the formation of coal.

An Island can be found in the following type of plate tectonic setting: a. Divergent b. Convergent (O-O type) c. Convergent (O-C type) d. Convergent (C-C type) e. Transform

b. Convergent (O-O type)

Which of the following layers inside the earth has the highest density a. Crust b. Inner core c. Mantle d. Asthenosphere e. Lithosphere

b. Inner core *As you go deeper, increasing pressures, so high density at the center of the earth

The difference between ionic and covalent bonds is__________. a. Ionic bonds are when atoms are attracted electrostatically due to like charges; covalent bonds are when atoms share the same nucleus b. Ionic bonds are when atoms are attracted electrostatically due to positive and negative charges; covalent bonds are when atoms share the same electron(s)

b. Ionic bonds are when atoms are attracted electrostatically due to positive and negative charges; covalent bonds are when atoms share the same electron(s)

Which one of the following most accurately describes the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands? a. Stratovolcanoes associated with subduction and a convergent plate boundary b. Shield volcanoes fed by a long-lived hot spot below the Pacific lithospheric plate c. Shield volcanoes associated with a mid-Pacific ridge and spreading center d. Stratovolcanoes associated with a mid-Pacific transform fault

b. Shield volcanoes fed by a long-lived hot spot below the Pacific lithospheric plate

The modern day Red Sea is explained by plate tectonics theory because it is _______________. a. A tiny remnant of a once immense ocean that was closed as Africa moved Asia b. The site of a transform fault along which Arabia is moving away from Africa c. A rift zone that may eventually open into a major ocean if Arabia and Africa continue to separate d. A rare example of a two continent subduction zone where the African continental plate is sinking under the Arabian continental plate

c. A rift zone that may eventually open into a major ocean if Arabia and Africa continue to separate

Which of the following best defines a mineral and a rock? a. A rock has an orderly, repetitive, geometrical, internal arrangement of minerals; a mineral is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of rocks. b. A mineral consists of a constituent atoms arranged in a geometrically repetitive structure; in a rock, the atoms are randomly.... c. In a mineral the constituent atoms are bonded in a regular, repetitive, internal structure; a rock is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of different mineral grains. d. A rock consists of atoms bonded in a regular, geometrically predictable arrangement; a mineral is a consolidated aggregate of different rock particles.

c. In a mineral the constituent atoms are bonded in a regular, repetitive, internal structure; a rock is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of different mineral grains.

The belief that Earth and the other planets formed at essentially the same time from the same primordial matter as the sun is known as the: a. Big Bang theory *refers to whole universe not earth b. Theory of catastrophism *processes c. Nebular hypothesis d. Theory of uniformitarianism *processes e. Solar genesis theory *formation of the sun

c. Nebular hypothesis

What happens when two continental plates collide? a. The plate moving with lesser force subducts under the one moving with greater force. b. The two plates will both subduct under each other. c. One of the plates may be forced under the other slightly, but no subduction takes place. d. Both plates subduct under each other, forming deep valleys

c. One of the plates may be forced under the other slightly, but no subduction takes place. *Mountains form

Which of the following best describes Hess' hypothesis of seafloor spreading? a. Rising material in the seafloor and ocean basin causes the seafloor to spread laterally away from continents b. Sinking material in the mantle causes the seafloor to diverge at the edges of continents. c. Rising material in the mantle spreads laterally, carrying the seafloor away from seafloor ridges in the center of the ocean basin d. Sinking material in the mantle spreads laterally, forcing the seafloor into continents at the edges of ocean basins

c. Rising material in the mantle spreads laterally, carrying the seafloor away from seafloor ridges in the center of the ocean basin

Which of the following is not a type of convergent plate boundary? a. Oceanic-Oceanic b. Continental-Continental c. Subduction-transform d. Oceanic-Continental

c. Subduction-transform

Rocks are __________ a. Materials that always contain fossils b. Static in their nature meaning once they become igneous, they will be igneious c. Always lain down horizontally and with the oldest on the bottom d. Aggregates of one or more minerals e. Materials that always behave in a brittle manner

d. Aggregates of one or more minerals

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