GERI 2 test

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To communicate with a patient with a hearing loss

the nurse should lower the tone of the voice.

Peripheral neuropathy is

the presence of abnormal sensation and it distorts tactile sensation

To help prevent falls related to muscle weakness, what type of exercises should be selected for the aging patient?

weaght - bearing

A geriatric nurse is teaching the client's family about the possible cause of delirium. Which statement by the nurse is most accurate?

"Taking multiple medications may lead to adverse interactions or toxicity.

A client diagnosed recently with AD is prescribed donepezil (Aricept). The client's spouse inquires, "How does this work? Will this cure him?" Which is the appropriate nursing response?

"This medication delays the destruction of acetylcholine, a chemical in the brain necessary for memory processes. Although most effective in the early stages, it serves to delay, but not stop, the progression of the disease."

Which of the following medications that have been known to precipitate delirium? (Select all that apply.)

1. Antineoplastic agents 2. H2-receptor antagonists 3. Antihypertensives 4. Corticosteroids

Which of the following conditions have been known to precipitate delirium in some individuals? (Select all that apply.)

1. Febrile illness 2. Seizures 3. Migraine headaches

A nursing home resident has a diagnosis of dysthymic disorder. When planning care for this client, which of the following symptoms should a nurse expect the client to exhibit? (Select all that apply.)

1. Sad mood on most days,Sad mood for the past 3 years after spouse's death

melancholia (melancholic)

A mental state characterized by very severe depression.

After one week of continuous mental confusion, an older African American client is admitted with a preliminary diagnosis of AD. What should cause the nurse to question this diagnosis?

AD does not develop suddenly.

A client diagnosed with AD has impairments of memory and judgment and is incapable of performing activities of daily living. Which nursing intervention should take priority?

Assist with bathing and toileting

What is the best test to identify the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women?

Bone density scan

What is the rationale for a nurse to perform a full physical health assessment on a client admitted with a diagnosis of major depressive episode?

Depression can generate somatic symptoms that can mask actual physical disorders.

A change of aging related to the circulatory system includes decreased blood vessel elasticity. For what should the nurse assess?



Known as the common cold. Has symptoms such as unhappiness, lack of energy and lack of a sense of humor. Usually last two weeks or less, and goes away without any medical.

The nurse recognizes that an older adult patient with COPD has a higher incidence of developing which age-related skeletal change that will alter the ability to exchange air effectively?


A client diagnosed with major NCD is exhibiting behavioral problems on a daily basis. At change of shift, the client's behavior escalates from pacing to screaming and flailing. Which action should be a nursing priority?

Medicate the client with prn antianxiety medications

Which symptom of diabetes distorts tactile sensation?

Peripheral neuropathy

A client diagnosed with major depressive episode hears voices commanding self-harm. Which should be the nurse's priority intervention at this time?

Placing the client on one-to-one observation while continuing to monitor suicidal ideations

A client is diagnosed in stage 7 of AD. To address the client's symptoms, which nursing intervention should take priority?

Promote dignity by providing comfort, safety, and self-care measures.

What should be suggested to a patient to aid with the pain of claudication?


A client diagnosed with AD exhibits progressive memory loss, diminished cognitive functioning, and verbal aggression upon experiencing frustration. Which nursing intervention is most appropriate?

Schedule structured daily routines.

An older client has recently moved to a nursing home. The client has trouble concentrating and socially isolates. A physician believes the client would benefit from medication therapy. Which medication should the nurse expect the physician to prescribe?

Sertraline (Zoloft)

A client is diagnosed with major depressive episode. Which nursing diagnosis should a nurse assign to this client, to address a behavioral symptom of this disorder?

Social isolation R/T poor self-esteem AEB secluding self in room

A client diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease (AD) can no longer ambulate, does not recognize family members, and communicates with agitated behaviors and incoherent verbalizations. The nurse recognizes these symptoms as indicative of which stage of the illness?

Stage 7: Severe Cognitive Decline

When planning care for a depressed client, which correctly written outcome should be a nurse's first priority?

The client will remain safe during hospital stay.

A nurse admits an older client with memory loss, confused thinking, and apathy. A psychiatrist suspects a depressive disorder. What is the rationale for performing a mini-mental status exam?

To rule out neurocognitive disorder

A client with a history of cerebrovascular accident is brought to an emergency department experiencing memory problems, confusion, and disorientation. Based on this client's assessment data, which diagnosis would the nurse expect the physician to assign?

Vascular neurocognitive disorder

An older adult is having difficulty swallowing. What position should the nurse recommend to aid in swallowing?

chin down

Which areas are affected only minimally by age ?


he older adult patient complains to the nurse about nocturia. This problem is most likely related to:

decrease in bladder capacity.

What is the most common mental illness in older adults and is often misdiagnosed as a neurocognitive disorder.


When the nurse discusses prevention of cardiac disease, falls, and depression with a group of older adults, the benefits of what are important to stress?


At mealtime, the older adult seems to be eating less food than would be adequate. Compared to the younger adult, what is a requirement for the older adult?

fewer calories

A term that refers to brown-pigmented lesions on the skin of the older person who has spent a great deal of time in the sun. These macules are also called "age spots."


When bathing an 80-year-old woman who lives on a farm, the nurse assesses brown macules on the patient's hands and forearms. The nurse recognizes these as


he older patient informs the nurse that food has no taste and therefore the patient has no appetite. What is this most likely caused by

loss of taste buds

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