Global Awareness

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Columbus' landing in the Americas Cortes' conquering of the Aztecs Pizarro's conquering of the Incas Creation of the viceroyalites

1 2 3 4

How much of the worlds oil reserves does Iran possess?


Which set of the population has the highest infection rate of HIV/AIDS?

15 - 35 years old

In what year did the United Nations denounce the Apartheid?


What year was Nelson Mandela released from Prison?


The Maastric treaty was signed in


How many regions make up Turkey?


Which of these diseases is devastating Zimbabwe and other sub-Saharan African countries?


Which organization stood for the rights of black South Africans


Which individual can be claimed as the "father" of both Israelis AND Palestinians?

Abram (Abraham)

Which of the following did The Church have most most influence over?

Absolutist mindset

Who took charge of Muhammed during his youth?

Abu Talib

Which BEST EXPLAINS the reasons behind the declining death rates of stage 2?

Advancement of medical technology

Which organization is responsible for caring for the refugees of Darfur?

African-Union United Nations Mission to Darfur (UNAMID)

Which BEST DESCRIBES the relationship between native Africans and European colonizers in Africa?

Africans were treated as second-class citizens as Europeans controlled the power and resources

Which action has been taken to slow Iran's nuclear program?

Air strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities

Which is the MOST DIRECT result of the Columbian Exchange?

Allowed trading of unique items

Which geographic feature covers most of Brazil?

Amazon Rainforest

Which BEST DESCRIBES a nuclear fission reaction?

An atom is shot into another breaking the nucleus

Which has MOST CONTRIBUTED to the large amounts of diamonds in Africa?

Ancient volcanic pipes

Which region has the most earthquakes?

Appalachian Mountains

Which BEST DESCRIBES the relationship Arab peoples had with the Silk Road?

Arabs helped to establish and maintain the Silk Road

Which agreement removed Palestine as a country?

Armistice Agreement

Australian Schools have started to encourage what type of foreign languages?


The rain shadow effect has created in this region one of the world's driest deserts, the ______


Which type of geographic feature is part of most of Micronesia's islands?


Which American civilization constructed its capital on a lake?


Which ancient African people were responsible for the spreading of tribes across the sub- Saharan region?


Which is the MOST APPLICABLE benefit to the real world from studying history?

Being able to detect patterns and predict future behavior

Which is true about Brazil and the rest of Latin America?

Brazil's official language is different than the rest of Latin America

Which is true about the majority of Brazil's population?

Brazil's population is incredibly diverse

New Zealand is the birthplace of.......

Bunjee Jumping

Based on Confucianism, which of the following is true?

Children show extreme respect for ancestors

Which of these countries is located in the Andes mountains?


The Yangtze river is located in which East Asian country?


Which event from Chinese history is MOST ASSOCIATED with explosive population growth?

Chinese Communist Revolution in 1949

Which event MOST CONTRIBUTES to Russia's current population situation?

Collapse of the Russian economy after the fall of the USSR

Which MOST SPECIFICALLY describes why the Middle East region is so dry?

Consistent air flowing from the Asia landmass

Which city development is MOST ASSOCIATED with use of automobiles by most of the city's population?

Construction of super-highways around the city

Which BEST EXPLAINS why rain would only drop on the left side of this mountain?

Cooler air condenses and falls before making it over the mountain

Which is true about the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians?

Countries around the world support either Israel OR Palestine

Which is a strategy Israel is using to stop terrorist attacks?

Creation of Jewish settlements in the West Bank

Which BEST DESCRIBES President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?

Critic of United States policies

Which BEST DESCRIBES the tossed salad theory?

Cultures are kept separate from each other

Which BEST DESCRIBES the Shahadah?

Declaration of belief in Ala

Which BEST EXPLAINS the pattern of human development in Australia?

Development in few areas along the coast due to physical features and climate

Which government type BEST DESCRIBES most Middle Eastern countries

Dictatorship, one person controls the country

Which was a reason for Spanish and Portuguese explorers to come to the "New World?"

Discovery and sale of gold

" I rarely meet people from Uzbekistan because it is an isolated country far away from the United States."

Distance decay

Which BEST DESCRIBES the trend for population in the world today?

Dramatic growth

Climate of Somalia

Dry with little rain

Which choice would MOST directly apply to human-environmental interaction in North America?

Due to technology and high quality land, American farmers are the world's most productive in producing food.

Which is a description of North America's location

Due to technology and high quality land, American farmers are the world's most productive in producing food.

Which BEST DESCRIBES the location of the Caribbean region?

East of Central America and southeast of the United States

Which region is home to most of Australia's human population?

Eastern plains

Which belief pushed Europe towards cooperation?

Economic wellbeing

Which of these strategies has proven effective in slowing the spread of HIV/AIDS?


Which country's military switched sides and forced the president from power?


What style of government is Australia modeled after?


Turkey is located on the border of what two continents?

Europe and Asia

Which organization is oldest?

European Coal & Steel Community

Which event MOST SPECIFICALLY led to the creation of OPEC?

Exploitation by European and American companies

Which was a purpose of Spanish and Portuguese colonies in the "New World?"

Exploitation of natural resources

Which of the following modern-day Latin American trends is MOST SIMILAR to the Spanish and Portuguese colonies?

Exportation of natural resources

Which is a requirement of the Salat?

Facing towards Mecca during the prayer

Which was an incentive for European explorers after the Dark Ages?

Faster trade routes to the far east

Which is a reason for Africa's plentiful precious resources?

Few large African civilizations developed to exploit the resources from the earth

"As glaciers move over land they cut into rock. This cutting creates cliffs and bluffs. When glaciers cut land near the sea, it creates a specific inlet for the sea to come inot the land. As with glacial cutting on land, this inlet has steep walls of exposed rock."


Which BEST DESCRIBES the location of the Ural mountains?

Forms the Eastern border of Europe, located in Russia

What are ranchers called in the Southern Cone region?


Which of these statistics is used to measure poverty by the United Nations?

Gini Index

Which BEST DESCRIBEs the purpose of a case study?

Gives a specific example that relates to a general topic

Which climate type covers most of sub-Saharan Africa?


"When more people are gathered in one City it creates more of a draw for new immigrants"

Gravity model

The fact that New York City will draw more immigrants than Charlotte is an example of which migration model?

Gravity model

" Located west of the Eastern Highlands, this low-lying area is home to enourmous amounts of fresh water. Many of Australia's river flow to this region near to center of the continent."

Great Artesian Basin

Which European country was in charge of Palestine after World War 1?

Great Britain

"This region is located north of the Rio Grande and extends north until reaching the Arctic Circle. It is located to the east of the Rocky Mountains and west of the Appalachian Mountains."

Great Plain

Which geographic feature is located inside of sub-Saharan Africa?

Great Rift Valley

Which is a guarantee both sides agreed to in the Camp David Accords?

Guarantee to stop violent attacks on one another

Which BEST DESCRIBES a difference between the guest workers and illegal immigrants?

Guest workers adapted to European culture, illegal immigrantsrefuse to adapt

Which is a reason for immigrants to move from Latin America to the United States?

High crime and poverty in Latin America

Which of the following is a reason the pushes Latin Americans to more developed countries?

High rates of poverty in Latin American countries

Which ethnic group is a majority of the population in Rwanda?


Which thesis would this text BEST support?

Immigrants contribute more to government in taxes than they take in services

Which event was MOST RESPONSIBLE for the White Australia policy?

Immigration of large numbers of Asians to Australia

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Immigration will reduce the paychecks of American workers

Which civilization lived in the Andes mountains?


Which of the following civilizations was not located in Central America?


According to the text, which is a consequence of the decline of central cities?

Increase in crime

Which is a reason why North Americans have moved to urban areas?

Increased opportunities

Which BEST describes pull factors?

Increased standard of living, higher wages and peace

Which is MOST responsible for cities becoming larger and larger in terms of area?

Increasing development of transportation

Which opinion would this text support?

Increasing growth of cities has negative effects on human's health

According to research, which statistic can help people live longer?

Increasing national income

Based on the text, what events led black South Africans to push for the destruction of apartheid?

Independence of neighboring African countries

Which organization was created to alleviate poverty

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Which was a contributing factor is helping Spain conquer the Aztecs and Incas?

Introduction of European diseases (small pox)

Which events involves selling weapons to Iran?

Iran-Contra Scandal

Which event caused Iranian leaders to discontinue Iran's nuclear program?

Islamic Revolution

Which BEST PREDICTS the future of Japan's population?

It will decline

Which BEST PREDICTS the population's future in the United States?

It will remain stable

Which group was formed by the government of Sudan to fight the rebels?


Which event MOST CONTRIBUTED to Indonesian independence from the Dutch?

Japanese invasion of Indonesia

Which Island is home to the government of Indonesia?


Based on the text, which is MOST SPECIFICALLY a reason for OPEC members wanting to keep prices the same?

Keep consumers from producing alternative forms of energy

In recent years, where have the majority of immigrants to North America come from?


Which is currently the biggest complaint Israelis have regarding the Palestinians?

Lack of assurances to control terrorist groups like Hamas

According to the text, what does this author claim is the biggest problem about urban sprawl?

Lack of planning by local governments

Which is an example of movement relating to New Zealand?

Large numbers of Asia immigrants moving the the North Island

Which is a problem resulting from less developed countries accepting money from the IMF and/or World Bank?

Less developed countries were unable to pay back the loans

Which factor MOST PREVENTS efforts to stop trafficking?

Little cooperation between countries, especially those with trafffickers

Which can be answered using this map of Argentina?

Location of Chile's & Argentina's mountains

Which occurence in MOST RELATED to globalization?

Making the world a "fairer" place

According the recorded history, which group colonized New Zealand first?


Merchant from Italy who traveled to Asia and marked the first time a European explorer traveled to Asia to open up trade.

Marco Polo

"Located directly north of Australia and east of Indonesia. The Equator runs through this area."


Which fact BEST SUPPORTS this idea that Mongolia is in stage three of the Demographic Transition Model?

Mongolia has low death rates and declining birth rates

What controls the climate of India?

Monsoon Cycle

This image demonstrates which group's influence on Spain and Portugal?


Which is true about Brazil?

Most of Brazil's population is located on the east coast of the country

Which factor MOST CONTRIBUTES to the rain shadow effect?


Which BEST DESCRIBES Muhammed's biological family?

Muhammed's parents died while Muhammed was young

How did Muhammed become famous around the Arabian peninsula?

Muslim's ability to survive attacks by the Meccans

2.6 Based on this image, which message did conquistadores wish to convey about Native Americans to their leaders in Europe?

Native Americans need to be conquered

According to record, which is a personality characteristic of Muhammed?

Negotiation and charisma

Which geographic feature is located in Sudan?

Nile River

Which BEST DESCRIBES the location of Indonesia?

Northwest of Australia and southeast of Asia

Which statistic MOST LIKELY reflects the poverty situation in Zimbabwe?

One doctor for 10,000 citizens


Organization for the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Which four countries for the "Southern Cone" of Latin America?

Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile

Which is the BEST EXAMPLE of place in Oceania?

Part of the Ring of Ffire region

Which of these regions is located in the Southern Cone?


In a feudal society, which class is MOST numerous?

Peasant/serf class

The majority of Iran is what ethnicity?


Which BEST DESCRIBES the Hajj?

Pilgramage to Mecca

Which geographic feature covers most of Iran?


Which is a region within Oceania?


Which of these regions features rich soils filled with volcanic material?


Which group of people is MOST LIKELY to work in the diamond mines?

Poor civilians

"Even if a government is able to drop the total fertility rate from 5 to 1, the population will continue to grow for at least one more generation."

Population momentum

What current issue does Zimbabwe exemplify


Which is an export of Zimbabwe?

Precious minerals

Which is the MOST LIKELY effect of inflation?

Prices of goods and services will increase

Which model is BEST DESCRIBED by this young immigrant's comments?

Pull Factors

Which BEST DESCRIBES the role of President Ahmadinejad in Iran's nuclear program?

Pushed Iran's nuclear program to greater progress

How would you define the term "refugee?"

Refugee is a person who leaves their country because of a situation that threatens their safety.

Which event MOST CLOSELY preceded the first battle between the nation of Israel and the descendants of Ishmael?

Return of the nation of Israel from Egypt

Which of these groups used teenage soldiers to maintain control of diamond mines?

Revolutionary United Front (RUF)

Which situation has MOST CONTRIBUTED to Somalia's violence and lack of law and order for the past twenty years?

Rival clans

Which of these locations would MOST LIKELY belong to the "Highest Places on the Continent Region" in North America?

Rocky Mountain area

Where did the name "Palestinian" come from?

Romans renamed the land of Canaan Palestina after the Diaspora of the Jews

Which civilization started Europe's colonizing tradition?


Which is an original member of the Organization for the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?

Saudi Arabia

Which MOST CONTRIBUTED to the rapid spread of Islam across the Middle East?

Sharing of Muslim faith by caravans around the Middle East

What is the major religion of Japan?


Which of these choices is MOST ASSOCIATED with the Chinese cultural desire to have boys?

Shortage of brides

Which of these countries is an example of using blood diamonds?

Sierra Leone

Which is partly responsible for the destruction of BOTH the Inca and Aztec civilizations?

Small pox from Europe

Which of these countries exports more gold than any othher country?

South Africa

Which BEST DESCRIBES the location of New Zealand?

Southeast of Australia

Which BEST DESCRIBES the location of the Middle East?

Southwest Asia, southeast of Europe

Where is the Iberian Peninsula located?

Southwestern Europe, containing Spain and Portugal

According to the lesson presentation, which language is the most popular in the Caribbean?


Which BEST describes how the Reconquista affected Spanish Culture?

Spanish culture became distrustful of different people

Which is a characteristic of the Partition Plan?

Splitting the land into two countries, with Jerusalem under the control of the UN

Which phase of the demographic transition model contains high birth and death rates?

Stage 1

Which MOST SPECIFICALLY describes the purpose of demographics?

Study current population statistics to predict future population growth

From research conduced in the course, where did HIV/AIDS originate?

Sub-Saharan Africa

The Darfur region is located in which country?


Which statistic MOST SPECIFICALLY measures the average amount of children a woman will have in her lifetime?


"This island country is located to the southeast of China. The South China Sea is located to the southwest and the East China Sea is located to the northeast."


Which of these conflicts does NOT belong?

Tet offensive during the Vitenam war

Which of the following elements played proved to be a major factor when it came to ethnic groups?

The Clan System.

Which belongs in the region of Polynesia?

The Faulkner Islands

Which event led to the creation of Israel?

The Holocaust

Which political party gained power in South Africa in 1948?

The National Party

3.7 Which MOST INFLUENCED the culture of the Iberian peninsula?

The Spanish and Portuguese adopted this culture to re-conquer their land

Which would be an example of the place of East Asia?

The eastern part of East Asia forms a portion of the Ring of Fire

Which MOST CONTRIBUTED to the current situation in Somalia?

The fall of Mohamed Barre's government

Which of these statistics would help prove that Angola is less developed than the United States?

The life expectancy in Angola is nearly 55 years while the life expectancy in the United States is almost 79 years

Which BEST DESCRIBES the difference between North Sudan and South Sudan?

The majority of North Sudan's population is Muslim, while South Sudan is Christian

Which is a difference between Iran and the rest of the Middle East?

The majority of the population in Iran is a different race

"Because of its size and location, the North American realm has an enormous variety of geographical features: extensive coastlines, imposing mountains, prairies, rolling hills, tundra, deserts, canyons, subtropical forests, and wetlands."

The place of North America

CBR - 55 CDR - 52 TFR - 2.1 Suppose the above statistics were population figures for County Z. Which statement BEST PREDICTS future population patterns in Country Z?

The population will gradually rise

Which is will MOST LIKELY happen if the supply of oil is cut?

The price of oil will increase

Describe two ways the world has tried to get rid of poverty in Africa.

The world has tried to get rid of poverty in Africa through organizations such as the IMF and World Bank. They provide loans to African countries to help them develop. Other efforts include micro loans. Micro loans are small loans given to individuals.

Which MOST CLOSELY matches a proper description of a thesis statment?

Thesis statement always need facts

Which is true about the people of Papua New Guinea?

They are a unique race of people

What held the British empire together after military force?


What treaty settled conflict between the Maori and the English?

Treaty of Waitangi

Mongolia is located between Russia and China.


Which country's president was removed from power as a direct result of Bouazizi's protest?


Which group were targeted during the Rwandan Genocide of 1994?


Which organization seeks to help and organize refugees around the world?

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Which event led to the first installment of the Shah as leader of Iran?

Unwillingness of the former Shah to release German citizens

Which shape would MOST SPECIFICALLY describe Japan's current population pyramid?

Upside-down triangle

Which is a characteristics many islands throughout Micronesia, Polynesia and Melanesia share?

Volcanic islands

Which BEST DESCRIBES the place of New Zealand?

Volcanic islands with fertile soils and a moderate climate

Which BEST DESCRIBES the place of Indonesia?

Volcanic islands, with fertile soils

Which BEST DESCRIBES the location of Israel/Palestine?

West of Jordan and east of the Mediteranean Sea

Historically, where has Australia been grouped?

Western Europe

Where is the sub-Saharan Africa region located?

Where is the sub-Saharan Africa region located?

Which MOST DIRECTLY lead to the development of nuclear weapons?

World War 1

Which is the MOST important aspect of an opinion?

You have researched facts to support your opinion

Which of these pillars of Islam MOST RELATES to giving help to the poor?


Which BEST describes how lines of latitude and longitude are measured?


Which does NOT describe a way to logically organize facts and main points?

random listing

Which BEST describes how to find absolute location on Earth

the location where latitude and longitude cross each other

Which event caused a labor shortage in Europe?


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