global exam 1 study set

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Trustee Council

-has suspended its operations -was set up after WWII to promote self-governance in colonies

Anti-state nationalism can be considered (select all that apply): - Official nationalism, linking the people with their legitimate government - A driving force of anti-colonialism - The ideology of people who want to overthrow what they see as an illegitimate government - Obsolete since the anti-colonial movements since the 1960s

- A driving force of anti-colonialism - The ideology of people who want to overthrow what they see as an illegitimate government

Nationalism is (select all that apply): - Synonymous with statehood - A force that arises from different sources, such as shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, and history - A shared sense of identity that has a purpose of gaining or keeping control of a group's destiny - Sports fans with a fanatical love of their home team

- A force that arises from different sources, such as shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, and history - A shared sense of identity that has a purpose of gaining or keeping control of a group's destiny

Nationalism and religion (select all that apply): - Almost never overlap, with very exceptions - Sparked tremendous violence during the Quit India movement of Mahatma Gandhi - Are generally considered the only two forces that cna legitimate social violence (as opposed to personal violence) - Can be considered the two most powerful forms of identification in the world today

- Are generally considered the only two forces that cna legitimate social violence (as opposed to personal violence) - Can be considered the two most powerful forms of identification in the world today

Nationalism (select all that apply): - Is always pro-state - Is almost always opposed to the legitimate state - Can be both pro-state and anti-state - Is a powerful tool which can liberate, oppress, or empower a people

- Can be both pro-state and anti-state - Is a powerful tool which can liberate, oppress, or empower a people

Sovereignty (select all that apply): - Can be seen in a positive form when a state fairly and effectively enforces traffic laws - Can be seen in a negative form when a repressive state throws a person in jail for trumped up or fabricated reasons - Is seen when a state deports immigrants who have illegally crossed borders looking for a better life - Is held by all nations on the globe

- Can be seen in a positive form when a state fairly and effectively enforces traffic laws - Can be seen in a negative form when a repressive state throws a person in jail for trumped up or fabricated reasons - Is seen when a state deports immigrants who have illegally crossed borders looking for a better life

The French Revolution (select all that apply): - Greatly strengthened the idea of popular sovereignty - Was an example of how ultra-nationalistic governments are always illegitimate in the eyes of the people - Reinforced French citizens' identities more within religions, guilds, and villages, as opposed to a broader French identity - Was a catalyst for the spread of nationalism throughout Europe and, gradually, the rest of the world

- Greatly strengthened the idea of popular sovereignty -Was a catalyst for the spread of nationalism throughout Europe and, gradually, the rest of the world

What are sources of identity that can contribute to a sense of nationalism (select all that apply)? - Historical memory - Geographic proximity - Feelings of civic community - Religion

- Historical memory - Geographic proximity - Feelings of civic community - Religion

International Governmental Organizations (select all that apply): - Are not made up of countries, but are rather best understood as civil society organizations - Are generally for-profit organizations, like Nike or Toyota, and have gained increasing power in recent decades - Include such organizations as the United Nations and the World Bank - Include celebrities as founding members, so they can raise money and build awareness surrounding global issues

- Include such organizations as the United Nations and the World Bank

Individuals serving as actors on the world stage include (select all the apply): - Industry leaders, such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg - Celebrities such as Beyonce and Angelina Jolie - States, such as Germany and China - Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs), such as the Care and Doctors Without Borders

- Industry leaders, such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg - Celebrities such as Beyonce and Angelina Jolie

Civic nationalism (select all that apply): - Is a more exclusive form of nationalism than ethnic nationalism - United society through such factors as a common language, religion, culture, and historic memory - Has examples such as the Kurds, Pashtuns, and Ibo - Is a more inclusive nationalism than ethnic nationalism

- Is a more inclusive nationalism than ethnic nationalism

A state (select all that apply): - Is synonymous with a nation - Is a product of 19th century realism - Is a political unit that has sovereignty over a geographic area - Is synonymous with a country

- Is a political unit that has sovereignty over a geographic area - Is synonymous with a country

The drawing of state borders on maps during the age of exploration and colonialism (select all that apply): - Led to the enhancement of sovereignty and national identity in world affairs - Paved the way for rulers to exert sovereignty over specific areas, as opposed to the fuzzy boundaries found under feudalism - Strengthened local identities and ties to local nobles during medieval feudalism - Led to permanent international borders, none of which have been changed

- Led to the enhancement of sovereignty and national identity in world affairs - Paved the way for rulers to exert sovereignty over specific areas, as opposed to the fuzzy boundaries found under feudalism

Nationalism can be seen in (select all that apply): - Nazi repression of Jews, Gypsies, and others during WWII - The push by the Kurdish people for self-determination - The fact that all nations are states with sovereignty - The singing of the national anthem at baseball games

- Nazi repression of Jews, Gypsies, and others during WWII - The push by the Kurdish people for self-determination - The singing of the national anthem at baseball games

Rifkin argues that (select all that apply): - The lack of an international response to the earthquake in Chile shows the challenges in building empathy - We may survive as a species because we evolved to nation-states, the highest form of human social organization - Social consciousness is the same today as it was in hunter-forager societies, we just need to harness it - Our social consciousness evolves and we can extend it to the entire biosphere, allowing us to survive as a species

- Our social consciousness evolves and we can extend it to the entire biosphere, allowing us to survive as a species

Which of the following are examples of nationalism as a powerful force (select all that apply): - The creation of the United Nations, in as much as it was meant to restrain the destructive tendencies of nationalism - The sense of shared identity that sparked oppressed peoples to overthrow their colonizers from India - The feelings of national pride and preeminence that spurred European colonization throughout the developing world - The anticolonial movements that helped lead to the increase in the number of states from 57 in 1900 to almost 200 today

- The creation of the United Nations, in as much as it was meant to restrain the destructive tendencies of nationalism - The sense of shared identity that sparked oppressed peoples to overthrow their colonizers from India - The feelings of national pride and preeminence that spurred European colonization throughout the developing world - The anticolonial movements that helped lead to the increase in the number of states from 57 in 1900 to almost 200 today

State sovereignty is (select all that apply): - The right of states to self-government, with political leaders determining the rules, laws, and processes within their territories - The ability of individuals to opt out of their country's laws if they choose - Only established by a vote of the United Nations General Assembly - Nullified by the Charter of the United Nations, which established world government

- The right of states to self-government, with political leaders determining the rules, laws, and processes within their territories

Which of the following are examples of nationalism as a powerful force (select all that apply)? - The sense of shared identity that sparked oppressed peoples to overthrow their colonizers from India to Africa - The anticolonial movements that helped lead to the increase in the number of states from 57 in 1900 to almost 200 today - The ongoing struggle of the Kurds for autonomy or even their own state - The feelings of national pride and preeminence that spurred European colonization throughout the developing world

- The sense of shared identity that sparked oppressed peoples to overthrow their colonizers from India to Africa - The anticolonial movements that helped lead to the increase in the number of states from 57 in 1900 to almost 200 today - The ongoing struggle of the Kurds for autonomy or even their own state - The feelings of national pride and preeminence that spurred European colonization throughout the developing world

Group the quality of nationalism under either civic or ethnic nationalism

-Ethnic Nationalism • Has the Kurdos, Pashtuns, and Ido as example • Is a more exclusive form of nationalism, with membership limited by the unique elements of the group • Society is united by a common language, religion, culture, and historical memory -Civic Nationalism • A more inclusive nationalism, as anyone could become a member of the nation • Has the U.S. as witnessed by the country's diversity and founding ideals • Society is united by territory, citizenship, and legal rights and codes transmitted to all members of society

International Court of Justice

-Settles legal disputes only between states -Is the United Nation's main judicial organ

Match the types of power with the examples:

-Soft Power • Promotion International Law through diplomacy • Peace Negotiations -Hard Power • Military operations • Economic sanctions

Rifkin argues that:

-Technology helps us "eliminate time and space" and build empathy beyond religious and national ties -Our social consciousness evolves and we can extend it to the entire biosphere, allowing us to survive as a species

Group the following characteristics with their correct UN Organ:

-Trustee Council • Has suspended its operations • Was set up after WWII to promote self-government in colonies -International Court of Justice • Settles legal disputes only between states • Is the United Nation's main judicial organ -Economic and Social Council • Is the central body for coordinating UN economic and social work • Coordinates the FAO, WHO, UNDP and other specialized agencies

Economic and Social Council

-central body for coordinating UN economic and social work -coordinates the FAQ, WHO, UNDP, and other specialized agencies

Iraq has seen tremendous turmoil for decades. The U.S. hoped that its toppling of Saddam Hussein with international partners in the 2000s might lead to better governance in the troubled country, but the radar chart above depicts one of the most poorly governed countries in the world. Recreate the chart and hover above the dots to match the RCII scores out of 1000 for Iraq across each of the "Governance" dimensions.

119 Overall Governance 83 Political Stability and Absence of Violence 185 Government Effectiveness and Regulatory Quality 107 Rule of Law 89 Control of Corruption 215 Voice and Accountability

How many states voted to adopt the 2017 treaty to ban nuclear weapons?


When did WW1 begin?


When did the Holocaust occur?


When did North Korea withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty (NPT)?


When did NK have its first nuclear test?


The "Arab Spring" uprisings seeking more democracy and social justice in the Middle East started in 2010 in Tunisia and spread to several other countries. In Syria, what began as a series of mass protests against the harshly repressive and corrupt government of Bashar al-Assad turned into a highly complex and devastating war that sparked a massive refugee crisis and tremendous international concern. In the recalculated RCII with no missing data threshold, use the charting function to create a longitudinal chart of Syria's scores on "Political Stability and Absence of Violence." Hover over the dots to determine Syria's score in 2009 compared to 2018.

2009 is 494, 2018 is 47

The spread of infectious diseases across borders ties into the social aspects of globalization. What percentage of people in Botswana have HIV? (Hint: one place you can find this answer is within Botswana's country profile on the Country Profile Tab/Tile. Drill into Society and Health).


How many countries make up 75% of the global arms sales?


How many states possess nuclear weapons?


Which event is described by the authors as the catalyst for a return to a more traditional focus on military security?

9/11/2001 attacks

While each of the leaders mentioned in the article has taken steps that concern proponents of democracy, they also generally claim to have:

A pro business agenda

Who was the Pakistani nuclear scientist responsible for supplying the North Korean government with the designs and technology to produce enriched uranium (necessary for its nuclear weapons program)?

A.Q Khan

Which U.S. government department maintains a list of foreign terrorist organizations?

Department of State

An example of "Glocalization" might be:

Adapting a global brand for the needs of local consumers

Which of the following organizations was responsible for the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001?

Al Qaeda

What biological weapons agent was mailed to members of the U.S. government and the press in 2001?


International Governmental Organizations (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Are formed by countries to achieve common goals that they cannot solve on their own Include such organizations as the United Nations and the World Bank

Compared to 1990, views in the U.S. toward the UN:

Are much more partisan, with Democrats having a more favorable view of the UN than Republicans

Who was first truly post Cold War president?

Bill Clinton

Which of the following organizations operates in Nigeria and has become very well-known the world over, particularly due to its mass kidnappings of school-aged girls?

Boko Haram

Which of the following countries voluntary gave up their nuclear weapons programs (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Brazil South Africa Ukraine

How did President Truman convince a reluctant Congress to appropriate hundreds of millions of dollars to aid Europe?

By scaring Americans about communist threat which in turn put pressure on Congress to act

Rifkin argues families, schools, governments, and businesses:

Can both repress and foster the core empathetic nature in humans

-General Assembly

Can discuss and matter, except disputes being considered by the Sec. Council • Is the main deliberative organ; all member states are represented

Five countries are identified in the histogram below as having the lowest scores in "Control of Corruption". Which country ranks as the absolute worst (hint: recreate the histogram in the Rank By Variable tile/tab and use the table next to the histogram)?


Which is not a conventional weapon?

Chemical agents

Five permanent members of the UN Security Council

China, France, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States

What 1996 treaty sought to halt all nuclear test explosions?

Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

Which of the following came about because of proliferation concerns (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Confrontation with North Korea, Iraq War (2003), and Successful UN Security Council negotiations with Iran (2015)

What strategy was associated with the U.S. foreign policy during the entire period of the Cold War?


Which of the following organizations is NOT an International Governmental Organization (IGO)?

Doctors Without Borders

Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs),

Doctors without borders, amnesty international, greenpeace, care

What is a common critique of Multinational Corporations (MNCs, sometimes called TNCs) as global actors?

Due to their economic strength and global networks, they exercise too much power

Rifkin concludes that:

If we can't imagine our empathy extending to a planetary scale, we won't be able to save ourselves or possibly the planet

All countries have customs procedures to control the goods crossing their borders. What's the definition of "Customs Logistics" (definitions are found on the Maps, Country Profile, and Rank by Variable tabs by clicking on the variable name)?

Efficiency in the clearance process (i.e., speed, simplicity, and predictability of formalities) by customs and other border control agencies

Latin America has the seven lowest ranking countries when it comes to "Organized Crime". Order the countries in the bar chart below from the country with the most "Organized Crime" to the country with the least (according to RCII score; remember, the higher the score the better the country ranks on "Organized Crime", meaning less crime).

El Salvador, Guatemala/Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras

According to Jeremy Rifkin's video, humans are driven by many motivations, but the "first drive" is:


Which state has the world's 4th highest Aggregate GDP as seen below (use the Rank By Variable tile or tab to recreate this histogram)?


Nations are best defined as (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Groups connected by a unique mix of shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, history, and/or sense of civic community

Which US president authorized the dropping of atomic bombs at the end of WWII?

Harry S. Truman

Beth Macy, the author of the book being discussed:

Has been to Indonesia and seen the positive impact of jobs moved overseas

PUSH Ministries is an NGO that:

Has people who have been laid and can't pay their bills enter its doors everyday

John Bassett (select all that apply there are one to four possible correct answers):

Has tried to adapt to globalization by changing the production techniques at his furniture factories in Virginia

On which two Japanese cities was the atomic bomb dropped on in August of 1945?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Researchers across different fields have found that:

Humans are "soft wired" to show empathy

Tariffs are taxes which are often used to protect a country's businesses from global competition. For example, in 2018 President Trump raised U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum, angering key U.S. allies and businesses that use these materials, but helping steel and aluminum producers. Which of the following countries has the world's highest "Trade Tariffs" (hint: use the Rank by Variable Tab):


Which country was engaged in intense negotiations with the UN Security Council and the EU that led to a 2015 agreement limiting its ability to enrich uranium while reducing sanctions that had been placed on it?


MNCs and other organizations face significant security challenges as they undertake operations in parts of the Middle East. Order the following countries by rank on "Terrorism Incidence" (the path to get to this variable is: OVERALL RCII/OPERATIONS/Operational Landscape/Enabling Environment/Institutions/Security/Terrorism Incidence). Note, even with a recalculated RCII, there are several Middle Eastern countries with missing data on this variable.

Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Yemen

A state (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Is synonymous with a country Has roots in the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648

Usage of the internet (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Is undertaken by a significant majority of the populations in Europe and North America Is rapidly increasing in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East Is almost half in Asia as a percentage of worldwide internet use (because such a large percentage of the world's population lives in Asia)

Cultural Imperialism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Is where dominant groups (primarily in wealthier countries) press their culture on others Is one reason cited for the animosity of some Arabs towards the United States Has led some countries, such as France, to adopt policies to regulate foreign influences

Which of the following organizations has been responsible for holding territory in both Iraq and Syria and has inspired attacks in the United States and Europe?

Islamic State

The Middle East has many of the most unstable countries in the world. Order the following countries according to their "Political Stability and Absence of Violence" score (from highest score to lowest score). Note, this is easily done using the RCII's Rankings tab (or Rank by Variable tab).

Israel, Iran, Libya, Syria, Lemen

The Cold War was "cold" because (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

It never led to an outright war between the superpowers in Europe, and it never led to a military confrontation involving the actual territory of the two superpowers

Which leader has used an executive order to give his government far-reaching and restrictive powers over non-governmental organizations, pulled his country out of a U.N. migration pact, made disparaging comments about women, and placed a significant number of military leaders in key government positions?

Jair Bolsonaro

According to the video, why did the furniture industry in southern Virginia and North Carolina decline?

Jobs shifted to Asia, with its cheaper labor force

Which US president negotiated a Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty with the Soviet Union?

John F. Kennedy

The video speaks to building an empathic civilization based on:

The recognition that life is fragile and the human inclination to show solidarity

The superpowers used the conflicts in or between other countries (such as ______________ and _____________) as a way to increase their influence in the world.

Korea, Vietnam

What was "Operation Desert Storm"?

Large scale air and ground operation to liberate Kuwait in 1991

Created after the First World War, the __________ was an attempt by states to create a collective security organization:

League of Nations

Which individual actor led Liberian women in non-violent protests against the violence in Liberia, winning the Nobel Peace Prize?

Leymah Gbowee

Which individual actor was shot in the face because of her work promoting the rights of women and girls in Pakistan, winning the Nobel Peace Prize?

Malala Yousafzai

When did the US Invasion of Iraq (Operation of Iraqi Freedom) start?

March 2003

In what region are three of the U.S.' top five arms customers?

Middle East

What event is seen as the "beginning of the end of the Cold War"?

Mikhail Gorbachev's ascension to power in 1985

Three essential components (types) of power identified by Nye include:

Military Power, Economic Power, Attraction (Soft) Power

What is an advantage of cultural globalization?

More opportunities to learn about other cultures

How many people have been displaced (internally and across state borders) by the Syrian Civil War (2011-present)?

More than 9 million

Group the organizations into the broad organization type: Recall OPEC stands for the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries

Multinational Corporations • (MNCs, also sometimes referred to as Transnational Corporations or TNCs): • Wells Fargo, Facebook • Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs): • Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, Greenpeace • International Governmental Organizations: • UNICEF, OPEC

Which of the following is NOT true about Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and their impact on international affairs?

NGOs are solely responsible for inter-state cooperation

Which leader has pursued laws that hurt his country's minority Muslim population and curbed the operations of NGOs, such as the Ford Foundation, Amnesty International, and Greenpeace?

Narendra Modi

Multinational Corporations (MNCs, sometimes called TNCs) are:

Non-state (non-governmental) actors, focused on profit

Order the following regions of the world from highest internet usage per capita to lowest:

North America Europe, Oceania, and Australia Latin America and the Caribbean Middle East Asia Africa

Which of the following countries has been described as a "high risk proliferator" in the 21st century?

North Korea

Which treaty in 1968 sought to limit the spread of nuclear weapons?

Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) has been the focus of increasing worldwide attention because of its:

Nuclear weapons development programs

Pro-state nationalism can also be considered:

Official nationalism, linking the people with their legitimate government

Soft Power:

Often comes from civil society (such as NGOs, universities, cultural institutions)

Soft power:

Often comes from civil society (such as NGOs, universities, cultural institutions)

Vertical proliferation of conventional weapons is (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Oldest form of proliferation A way for states to modernize their military capabilities.

Individuals serving as actors on the world stage include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Political leaders, such as Donald Trump and Xi Jinping, Social activists such as Leymah Gbowee and Malala Yousafzai, Celebrities such as George Clooney, Angelina Jolie, and Beyoncé, Industry leaders, such as Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg

The case study on the rise of ISIS in Iraq and Syria offers an example of globalization because (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

Poorly equipped refugee camps have raised the fear of the spread of diseases Different countries have become heavily involved, backing different sides in the conflict Refugee flows have led to significant financial costs in host countries, as well as a rise in anti-Islamic feelings in some (particularly in the U.S. and Europe)

What's the United States' rank in "Greenhouse Gas Emissions," and what does the U.S. score out of a possible 1000 points? Hint: one way to find this data is to drill into Society and then Environmental Sustainability on the Country Profile Tile or Tab.

Rank 131, Score 184

Nation-states (one nation within one state):

Rarely exist in the strictest sense of the term, if national identity is based on ethnicity

At the height of the Cold War, the U.S. and the Soviet Union had nuclear weapon stockpiles:

Reaching close to 30,000 bombs and warheads each

Which leader has crushed dissent, jailed journalists, and sparked concern he is taking his country toward Sharia law?

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

Which US president negotiated the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty?

Richard Nixon

Which leader has pushed anti-drug policies that have led to thousands of deaths (mostly of the innocent poor, according to human rights groups), uses profanities with abandon, and has compared himself to Hitler?

Rodrigo Duterte

Match country with company who's market value is same as country's aggregate GDP

Romania-Nike Egypt- Cisco Indonesia- Apple Ireland- Exon Vietnam- Home Depot Chile- Walmart Netherlands- Amazon Poland- Facebook Finland- Samsung Greece- Wells Fargo

Who were leaders of US and Soviet Union that ushered in the eventual end of the Cold War?

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev

Which of the following countries possess nuclear weapons (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

Russia US China UK

Biggest customer of US weapons?

Saudi Arabia

What are the reasons why states build weapons of mass destruction?

Security Prestige

Samuel Huntington's (1998) "Clash of Civilizations":

Sees globalization as leading to "clashes" between the many different world "civilizations", including Islam and the West

Nye points to the 2003 invasion of Iraq as possibly undermining the United States':

Soft power

Using the attractiveness of a state's reputation to encourage international cooperation is an example of:

Soft power

Syria, devastated by war, ranks 195 (score 31) of 197 in "Governance" across all ranked countries in the recalculated RCII with no missing data threshold, making it one of the reddest states on the map above. Use the RCII to determine which country ranked the worst (197).


According to the Pew survey, people in _____________ had the highest (most percentage positive) opinion of the UN, while people in ______________ had the lowest (least percentage positive) opinion of the UN

Sweden, India

What is the key UN document that formulated the idea of human security?

The 1994 Human Development Report

What is the name of the newest treaty designed in 2017 to limit WMDs?

The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

All of the following are Non-Governmental Organizations (or NGOs) except:

The UN

The Secretary General of the UN is:

The UN's chief bureaucrat, with some standing and diplomatic soft power

he Secretary General of the UN is:

The UN's chief bureaucrat, with some standing and diplomatic soft power

Which of the following is NOT an example of "hard" power?

The capacity to work within multilateral coalitions and inspire other countries to find avenues for cooperation

The benefits that all International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) offer their members include:

The creation of habits between cooperation and state

While all aspects of globalization are interconnected, examples of "economic globalization", as pointed out in the text, include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

The creation of jobs by Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in poorer countries with cheaper labor The wide variety of choices consumers have when they go to the store

In an era of globalization, the media may lead us to believe that global conflict is increasing, but in reality there is evidence that:

The number of wars and wars death has been decreasing

State sovereignty is (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

The right of states to self-government, with political leaders determining the rules, laws, and processes within their territories

"Political globalization" is best defined as:

The weakened ability of states to control both what crosses their borders and what happens inside them

While all aspects of globalization are interconnected, examples of "economic globalization", as pointed out in the text, include (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

The wide variety of choices consumes have when they go to the store

What did North Korea promise to do in the 1994 Agreed Framework negotiated with the Clinton administration in exchange for normalizing relations with the U.S.?

To freeze and eventually dismantle its nuclear facilities

Match the following terms with the concept of security. Traditional Security Human Security

Traditional Security • Focus on a state's military preparedness ("security through armaments") • Importance of military "hard" power • Protect against external treat Human security • Shared interests and cooperation between states • Multiple causes of insecurities • Focus on interconnected security ("security through sustainable human development") • Basic human needs • Importance of non-state actors

Which was adopted at the UN in July of 2017?

Treaty of Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (banned nuclear weapons)

State sovereignty started to become a cornerstone of international affairs after the signing of which treaty:

Treaty of Westphalia

Which causes highest number of deaths worldwide?


International Governmental Organizations:

UNICEF, European Union, the world bank, united nations

Leading arms selling state in the world?


Two main adversaries in Cold War

US and Soviet Union

Before it carried out the attacks against the US on September 11th, 2001, for which of the following attacks was al Qaeda also responsible?

US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania in August 1998

Some countries in the Middle East score fairly well on overall "Governance," but almost all repress freedom of expression, and popular participation in government is generally very low. Which of the four countries above has the largest discrepancy between their overall "Governance" score and their "Voice and Accountability" score?

United Arab Emirates

"Ease of Hiring Foreign Labour" is defined as "To what extent does labour regulation in your country limit the ability to hire foreign labour? (1 = very much limits hiring foreign labour, 7 = does not limit hiring foreign labour at all)." This variable touches on the globalization of labor in our increasingly integrated world. Order the countries below from the easiest to hardest in hiring foreign labor.

Unites States, China, Ghana, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil

Which leader has weakened the power of the courts, curbed the media, and pledged to make his country a Christian homeland?

Viktor Orban

According to the video:

We all descended from the same ancestors in Africa and we must broaden our identity to one human family

Which of the following is an example of vertical weapons proliferation?

When China increases the number of nuclear bombs and missiles in its stockpiles.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a) Average annual US military expenditures have topped $350 billion over the past two decades b) More of the US military spending goes towards nuclear weapons than towards troops and conventional weapons c) Defense spending by the US in 2014 represented 34% of the world's total military expenditure d) Defense spending by the US in 2014 was three times larger than that of its nearest potential competitor (China) Answer: B

What is a common critique of Multinational Corporations (MNCs, sometimes called TNCs) as global actors? a. Due to their economic strength and global networks, they exercise too much power b. Their lack of focus on profit leads to inefficiency and corruption c. They often place too much attention on the rights of girls to education and employment d. The generally promote human rights too strongly

a. Due to their economic strength and global networks, they exercise too much power

Which of the following is NOT true about Nongovernmental Organizations (NGOs) and their impact on international affairs? a. NGOs are solely responsible for inter-state cooperation b. NGOs allow individuals to come together to deal with common concerns c. NGOs can facilitate communications across state borders d. NGOs help shape international public opinion

a. NGOs are solely responsible for inter-state cooperation

The benefits that all International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) offer their members include: a. The creation of habits of cooperation between states b. The establishment of regulations which limit sovereignty c. The elimination of all disagreements between member states d. Guidance from the United States with its democratic foundations

a. The creation of habits of cooperation between states

According to the video, what are the essentials in the toolbox of diplomacy? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

attraction, payment, and coercion

Rifkin argues families, schools, governments, and businesses: a. Must strongly downplay nationalism b. Can both repress and foster the core empathetic nature in humans c. Do not impact the empathic drive, which is driven by ego and self interest d. Are always at odds with each other when it comes to saving the planet

b. Can both repress and foster the core empathetic nature in humans

The text identifies which type of actors as the most salient (or prominent) global players that we "continually" read about as they try to solve global issues? a. Terrorist organizations such as ISIS b. Countries (states) c. MNCs d. IGOs

b. Countries (states)

Nations are best defined as: a. Products of the Treaty of Versailles in 1648 b. Groups connected by a unique mix of shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, history, and/or sense of civic community c. Synonymous with states D. The same now as they were under medieval feudalism

b. Groups connected by a unique mix of shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, history, and/or sense of civic community

Which individual actor led Liberian women in non-violent protests against the violence in Liberia, winning the Nobel Peace Prize? a. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf b. Leymah Gbowee c. Malala Yousafzai d. Benazir Bhutto

b. Leymah Gbowee

Pro-state nationalism can also be considered: a. Mostly obsolete in the 21st century b. Official nationalism, linking the people with their legitimate government c. The ideology of people who want to overthrow what they see as an illegitimate government d. The type of nationalism that sparked uprisings against governments in the Middle East starting in 2010 (the "Arab Springs")

b. Official nationalism, linking the people with their legitimate government

All of the following are Non-Governmental Organizations (or NGOs) except: a. Care b. The United Nations c. Amnesty International d. Greenspace

b. The United Nations

The video speaks to building an empathic civilization based on: a. Allowing market processes and self-interest to operate unencumbered by burdensome regulation b. The recognition that life is fragile and the human inclination to show solidarity c. New human abilities to build a utopia if they can focus more on soft power d. Ego and asserting one's self-interest into the public sphere

b. The recognition that life is fragile and the human inclination to show solidarity

Nation-states (one nation within one state): a. Have a clear example in the Kurds spread across Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq b. Are undesirable, because they almost always lead to extremism and war c. Rarely exist in the strictest sense of the term, if national identity is based on ethnicity d. Are exactly the same as countries, with all countries considered nation-states when national identity is based on ethnicity

c. Rarely exist in the strictest sense of the term, if national identity is based on ethnicity

State sovereignty started to become a cornerstone of international affairs after the signing of which treaty? a. The Napoleonic Treaty b. The Declaration of Independence c. The Treaty of Westphalia d. The Paris Accords

c. The Treaty of Westphalia

Multinational Corporations (MNCs, also sometimes referred to as Transnational Corporations or TNCs),

coke, facebook, wells fargo, toyota, ikea

Main goal of the Truman Doctrine

containment of communism

The text identifies which type of actors as the most salient (or prominent) global players that we "continually" read about as they try to solve global issues?

countries (states)

Which of the following organizations is NOT an International Governmental Organization (IGO)? a. European Union (EU) b. UNICEF c. United Nations d. Doctors Without Borders

d. Doctors Without Borders

Which individual actor was shot in the face because of her work promoting the rights of women and girls in Pakistan, winning the Nobel Peace Prize? a. Melania Bush b. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf c. Leymah Gbowee d. Malala Yousafzai

d. Malala Yousafzai

Multinational Corporations (MNCs, sometimes called TNCs) are: a. International Governmental Organizations (IGOs) b. Non-profit organizations c. Illegitimate actors on the world stage d. Non-state (non-governmental) actors, focused on profit

d. Non-state (non-governmental) actors, focused on profit

According to Rifkin, people are "soft-wired" for: a. Nationalism and religion b. Idealistic notions c. Aggression, violence, self-interest d. Sociability, attachment, affection, companionship

d. Sociability, attachment, affection, companionship

According to the video: a. Blood ties no longer exist because of the intermingling of peoples and globalization b. We will lose the part of our identities tied to nation-states c. Religious identities are the most destructive d. We all descended from the same ancestors in Africa and we must broaden our identity to one human family

d. We all descended from the same ancestors in Africa and we must broaden our identity to one human family

Hard power:

economic sanctions and military operations

Soft Power:

promoting international law through diplomacy and peace negotiations

Which of the following was a policy advocated by the post 9/11 Bush administration?

• A call to move away from nuclear deterrence based on mutually assured destruction in favor of preemption

What are some contemporary challenges to UN peacekeeping (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• A concern to protect civilians from armed groups • The asymmetric nature of conflict • Conflicts are increasingly complex and volatile

Anti-State nationalism can be considered: (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

• A driving force of anti-colonialism • The type of nationalism that sparked uprisings against governments in the Middle East starting in 2010 (the "Arab Spring") • The ideology of people who want to overthrow what they see as an illegitimate government

How does a virus get onto a computer (select all that apply, there are one to four correct answers)?

• A software already on your computer has a vulnerability that allows an attacker entry to spread a virus • A user can be lured to install a fake program that releases a virus (e.g. a prompt to install a fake security update)

Nationalism and Religion (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

• Are generally considered the only two forces that can legitimate social violence (as opposed to personal violence) • Can be considered the two most powerful forms of identification in the world today

Which of the following are examples of how vertical proliferation can challenge security (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Arms buildups provide more weapons for governments and groups to engage in conflicts • While more weapons might make one state feel more secure, it can decrease other states' sense of security • Spending money on stockpiling weapons can divert divert funds from social programs

Which of the following are reasons for why weapons proliferation is a concern (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• As arms build-ups occur, chances of accidental use increase • When states spend money on weapons and armies, they may be diverting resources from needed social programs • When states decide to use weapons in conflict, both soldiers and citizens are in danger

Which of the following are necessary components of a modern definition of terrorism? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers).

• Attacks are concentrated against civilians and/or noncombatants • Attacks are intended to influence an audience • The violence is premeditated and political

Why has Iran, in 2019, threatened to abandon some of its obligations under the Iran Deal, thus increasing regional proliferation concerns?

• Because the U.S. had withdrawn from the agreement and the Europeans hadn't found a solution to renewed economic stresses put on Iran

Sovereignty (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

• Can be seen in a negative form when a repressive state throws a person in jail for trumped up or fabricated reasons • Can be seen in a positive form when a state fairly and effectively enforces traffic laws • Is seen when a state deports immigrants who have illegally crossed borders fleeing violence or looking for a better life

Match the characteristics to the weapon: Chemical Weapons Biological Weapons Nuclear Weapons

• Chemical weapons- Mustard gas, Sarin gas, chlorine gas, used in both WWI and Syrian Civil War • Biological weapons- Bacteria, viruses, fungi, Anthrax, ricin, botulinum toxin • Nuclear weapons- Fission or fusion lead to tremendous explosive power, roots in the secret Manhattan, Project research program, Used only twice

Why would a civil war in one country be important to the security of other states (select all that apply, there are one to four correct answers)?

• Civil wars can include regional spill-over that has mass civilian causalities (e.g. Rwandan genocide) • Civil wars can lead to a refugee crisis in a neighboring state • Civil wars show that security is interconnected, because civil wars can disrupt trade or lead to an increase in the spread of disease across borders

In addition to millions of other people, how many Jews were murdered by Nazi Germany and its collaborators (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Close to 6 million Jews were murdered (out of the estimated 9 million in Europe) • Close to two out of every three Jews in Europe were murdered

Match weapon to categories: Conventional weapons WMDs

• Conventional weapons- Handgun, Machine gun, Aircraft carrier, Tank • WMDs- Mustard gas, Sarin gas, Atomic bombs, Anthrax and other biological toxins

What do we know about cybercriminals (select all that apply, there are one to four correct answers)?

• Cybercriminals can be international terrorists, drug traffickers, or teenagers competing for bragging rights • There is no single profile or motivation

Match the following key points to the time period

• Decline of French and British empires- World War II • Beginning of the Holocaust- Inter-war years (period between the wars) • Pearl Harbor- World War II • Trench warfare- World War I • End of Austro-Hungarian Empire- World War I • Rise of Nazi Party in Germany- Inter-war years (period between the wars) • Use of mustard gas- World War I • Japanese invasion of China- World War II • Collapse of Ottoman empire- world War I

Why is cyber-activity so attractive to criminals and terrorists (select all that apply, there are one to four correct answers)?

• Even when security experts close one website, new ones can be set up very quickly as can be seen by the fact that the number of websites and Dark Web online activities linked to these groups have grown dramatically in recent years • The Internet provides a measure of anonymity and makes secret communications possible • The internet can be used for many activities that can keep an illegal or terrorist organization going (e.g. fundraising, communication, training, etc.)

What were some of the earliest reasons why North Korea wanted nuclear weapons (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Fear of an American nuclear attack (in 1950 President Truman stated that there had been "active consideration" to use an atomic bomb against North Korea) • The conviction that the only way for them to survive was to develop the most powerful weapon in the world

Match the country in the right hand column with the corporation on the left whose "market value" is the closest to the country's "Aggregate GDP." You will need to use the "Aggregate GDP" raw data, which is easily found on the Rank by Variable tab in the RCII, as well as elsewhere in the tool.

• Finland- Samsung ($272.4 billion) • Netherlands- Amazon ($916.1 billion) • Vietnam- Home Depot ($226.8 billion) • Indonesia- Apple ($961.3 billion) • Ireland- ExxonMobile ($343.4 billion) • Poland- Facebook ($512 Billion) • Egypt- Cisco System ($248.3 billion) • Chile- Walmart ($296.1 billion) • Greece- Wells Fargo ($214.7 billion) • Romaina- Nike ($224.3 billion)

What are sources of identity that can contribute to a sense of nationalism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Geographic proximity • Historical memory • Ethnicity • Language • Religion • Feelings of civic community • Geographic proximity

What was the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union by the time the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 (select all that apply)?

• German forces had advanced deep into Soviet territory • The Germans and other Axis Powers had invaded the Soviet Union

Group the following characteristics with their correct UN Organ: Secretariat:

• Has am international staff that takes orders from the Secretary General • Administers the programs and policies of UN organs

What is the difference between horizontal and vertical weapons proliferation (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Horizontal proliferation is when one state buys weapons from another state • Horizontal proliferation is the spread of weapons and weapons technology across state borders • Vertical proliferation is when a state's military develops its own nuclear weapons program • Vertical proliferation is when a state modernizes its weapons stockpile

Which of the following are examples of the social costs of military spending (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• In 2010, the U.S. ranked first in military spending and only twenty-seventh in life expectancy • In recent years, some countries have spent a larger percentage on military spending than on social programs • As some developing countries' military spending increases, their rate of economic growth can decline and their public debt increase • While the U.S. spends three times as much on defense than its nearest competitor, it is ranked only thirty-first for providing adequate food and shelter

Which of the following are part of the timeline showing Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. presidential election (select all that apply, there are one to four correct answers)?

• In November 2016, the Obama administration expelled 35 Russian nationals from the U.S. and imposed sanctions on Russia because it had been linked to the theft (and subsequent leaking) of Clinton campaign emails • In February 2018, special prosecutor Robert Mueller indicted 13 Russian nationals and 3 Russian companies for seeking to interfere in the U.S. political system • In the fall of 2016, U.S. intelligence officials brief Congress that Russia was trying to meddle in the U.S. election • In September 2016, President Obama warned Russian president Vladimir Putin at the G-20 meeting to stop interfering in the U.S. election process

Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) seem to strengthen deterrence because they:

• Increase the damage that can be inflicted on an attacker

What did the change from UNOSOM I to UNOSOM II say about how leaders think about security? (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

• It indicates that rather than only thinking in military terms, world leaders wanted to see security as about both ending civil war and ending starvation. • It illustrates that security requires both military and non-military approaches

What were the significant milestones North Korea reached in 2017 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• It test-fired its first intercontinental ballistic missiles, capable of reaching Alaska • It had its most powerful nuclear test (estimated at 250 kilotons)

Which of the following were consequences of the U.S. war in Iraq (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Large number of civilians caught in crossfire • Decade of conflict • Increasing Sunni-Shia sectarian violence in Iraq with spill-over across borders • Overthrow of Saddam Hussein's regime

What is the traditional understanding of UN peacekeeping (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Lightly armed and neutral UN "Blue Helmets" are stabilizing regional conflicts through the separation of conflict parties • The UN's efforts to monitor conflict parties who already agreed to a ceasefire

-Security Council

• May impose economic sanctions or embargoes • Has the main responsibility to keep peace and security in the world • Includes the ability to veto resolutions • Has five permanent members and ten nonpermanent members

Under the traditional concept of security (select all that apply, there are one to four correct answers):

• Military preparedness is seen as the main ingredient of security • War is a possible outcome of policies to promote security • Policymakers focus on protecting the state from foreign military attacks

Match the far-right, nationalist leader to his country:

• Narendra Modi- India • Recep Tayyip Erdogan- Turkey • Viktor Orban- Hungary • Jair Bolsonaro- Brazil • Rodrigo Duterte- Phillippines

Nationalism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

• One of the most important forms of human identity • A shared sense of identity that has a purpose of gaining or keeping control of a group's destiny • A force that arises from different sources, such as shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, and history

Which of the following states have not signed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Pakistan • Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea) • United Kingdom • France • China • India • United States of America

The drawing of state borders on maps during the age of exploration and colonialism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

• Paved the way for rulers to exert sovereignty over specific areas, as opposed to the fuzzy boundaries found under feudalism • Led to the enhancement of sovereignty and national identity in world affairs

What influenced the horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons during the Cold War (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• Quest for security and prestige • Regional competition (rivalry between neighbors) • Super Power Rivalry

Which of the following are real-life examples of cyber-attacks (select all that apply, there are one to four correct answers)?

• Russian hackers temporarily shutting down government computers and commercial servers in Estonia in 2007 and in Georgia in 2008 • Chinese army officers suspected of being responsible for thousands of breaches of U.S. government and corporate websites • A cyber-attack in 2017 on Ukraine's infrastructure leading to the state-owned energy provider, most domestic business, and even medical facilities being forced to operate by pen and paper for several days

According to Rifkin, people are "soft wired" for

• Sociability, Attachment, Affection, Companionship

Rifkin argues that (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

• Technology helps us "eliminate time and space" and build empathy beyond religious and national ties • Our social consciousness evolves and we can extend it to the entire biosphere, allowing us to survive as a species

What did the events in Greece and Turkey mean to the U.S.'s understanding of its post-WWII role in the world (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• That the U.S. as the only capable world power needed to resist the inevitable expansion of the Soviet Union and communism • That a crisis in two faraway countries threatened the security of the US • That if the two countries were not helped, the Soviet Union would threaten the rest of Europe

What were some of the earliest reasons why North Korea wanted nuclear weapons (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• The conviction that the only way for them to survive was to develop the most powerful weapon in the world • Fear of an American nuclear attack (in 1950 President Truman stated that there had been "active consideration" to use an atomic bomb against North Korea)

What is "smart power"?

• The hard power of coercion and payment, combined with the soft power of persuasion and attraction

Human security requires recognizing (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

• The importance of nonmilitary threats to security, including human rights abuses, environmental degradation, health issues, migration flows, poverty and more • That in addition to a lack of war, security needs to ensure that basic human needs are met • The fact that some of the main causes of death today are not from wars • That there are multiple and interconnected causes of insecurity

Nationalism can be seen in (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

• The singing of the national anthem at baseball games • The push by the kurdish people for self-determination • Gandhi's drive for independence from great britain before and after wwii • Nazy repression of jews, gypsies, and others during wwii

Which of the following are examples of nationalism as a powerful force (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)

• The strong sense of superiority felt in Nazi Germany, leading to the death of millions • The feelings of national pride and preeminence that spurred European colonization throughout the developing world • The ongoing struggle of the Kurds for autonomy or even their own state • The sense of shared identity that sparked oppressed peoples to overthrow their colonizers from India to Africa • The creation of the United Nations, in as much as it was meant to restrain the destructive tendencies of nationalism • The anticolonial movements that helped lead to the increase in the number of states from 57 in 1900 to almost 200 today

What are proxy wars (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• These are wars within or between smaller states where the conflict parties are supported by (and thus serve the interests of) other powers • These are conflicts, especially during the Cold War, where the superpowers didn't fight each other directly but used other conflicts as stand-ins for their interests • The wars in Korea and Vietnam are examples of proxy wars in the twentieth century

Which of the following are reasons for why cyber-attacks are easier to carry out than traditional military operations (select all that apply, there are one to four correct answers)?

• They can be carried out by many different actors (states, non-state actors, private individuals) • They can be narrowly-targeted to specific applications (parts of military or civilian infrastructure) or applied indiscriminately across many sectors simultaneously

What was the relationship between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union when the German army invaded Poland on September 1, 1939 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• They had signed a non-aggression pact and agreed not to attack each other • They had agreed to divide territories in Poland and Eastern Europe into German and Soviet spheres of influence

Which of the following is incorrect about conventional weapons (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• They have been used less often in conflict than weapons of mass destruction • They are not a threat to international security

What were some of the demands made by the more than 8,000 demonstrators engaged in a silent protest parade down Fifth Avenue in 1917 (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• They protested President Wilson's refusal to call out racist violence against African Americans who were preparing to fight in WWI • They asked that the U.S. be made safe for democracy

What was the purpose behind the Iran Deal (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• To limit Iran's nuclear activities in return for a lifting of some economic sanctions • To stop Iran's ability to produce a nuclear weapon

Which agencies does the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) coordinate (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):


Civic Nationalism (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

• Unites society through such factors as territory, citizenship, and legal rights • Has examples such as the United States and Canada • Is a more inclusive nationalism than ethnic nationalism

Which of the following is an example of horizontal weapons proliferation (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers)?

• When Israel sells American anti-tank missiles to Iran. • When Brazil equips its army with Russian attack helicopters

Nationalism is (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

•A shared sense of identity that has a purpose of gaining or keeping control of a group's destiny •A force that arises from different sources, such as shared ethnicity, language, religion, culture, and history •One of the most important forms of human identity •Can be both pro-state and anti-state •Is a powerful tool which can liberate, oppress, or empower a people

A founding objective of the United Nations is to (select all that apply, there are one to four possible correct answers):

•Promote economic development and human rights, •Maintain peace and security

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