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which slogan is associated with the Bolshevik (Russian) Revolution?

"Peace, Land, and bread!"

What kind government did France, Prussia & Russia all have during the 1600-1700s?

Absolute monarchy

Why did the Europeans control such a small portion of Africa in the 1800s?

Africa had powerful armies ,rivers were hard to navigate , and Europeans were susceptible to disease

Which geography feature presented an obstacle to Simon Bolivar forces?

Andes Mountains

which tow regions were most heavily controlled by imperialist countries ?

Asia and Africa

What caused the U.S. to enter World War Il?

Attack on Pearl Harbor

A meeting at which representative from European Nations agreed upon rules for the European organization of Africa

Berlin Conference

During the ________ foreigners in China were attacked and killed . Eight countries teamed up to stop the violence and china was forced to pay for the damage done

Boxer Rebellion

A comparison of the actions of the Jacobins during the French Revolution and the actions of the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution indicates that the revolution

Bring radicals to power

Why were people of India unhappy with Britain's improvements to their country?

Britain did not respect Indian culture

Which of the following was NOT an effect an effect of slave trade on African society

Brought wealth to ALL African people

which of the following was NOT an effect of the slave trade of African society?

Brought wealth to ALL African people

One way the Incas adapted their environment was by

Building a network of roads through the mountains

The scientific theories developed by Copernicus, Galileo and Newton resulted in

Challenges to the traditional

•Scholars take civil service examinatin for government positions. • Students form Red Guard units to challenqe counterrevolutionaries. •Students demonstrate for democratic reforms in the capital and are killed by government troops These statements describe the changing role of students in which nation?


This 1938 passage criticizes those German people who did not

Condemn the violent acts of Kristallnacht.

Which step did Catherine the Great take that is consistent with Enlightenment ideas?

Considering a low code that would treat all citizens equally

The Treaty of Versailles is famous for

Creating conditions leading to WWII

What Form did British rule take under the Raj?

Direct rule; India was divided into provinces and districts and ruled directly by British officials.

Which geographic factor was most significant in helping the Soviet Union withstand Germanattacks in World War Il?

Distance and harsh winters disrupted German supply lines.

What does communism believe in ?

Economic equality through elimination of private property

Based on the information shown on this map most manufactured goods were


The Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931 and Hitler's rebuilding of the German military in 1935 demonstrate the

Failure of the League of Nations

Which leaders are most directly associated with the Cuban Revolution of 1959?

Fidel Castro and Che Guevara

Which development in the history of Cuba occurred first?

Fidel Castro forcibly took power in Cuba

A comparison of the five-year plans of Joseph Stalin and of the Great Leap Forward of Mao Zedong would show that both leaders

Focused on increasing industrial and agricultural output

What was the impact of the Taiping Rebellion the establishment of spheres of influence, and the Open Door Policy?

Foreigners took control ver parts of china

"Napoleon Seizures Power" which country and revolution is referred to in these headlines ?


Which of the following was NOT an outcome of World War I?

France and Great Britain granted independence to their colonial lands in India and Africa.

...In his classic defense of freedom of speech in, On Liberty, John Stuart Mill wrote that if a view is not "fully, frequently, and fearlessly discussed," it will become "a dead dogma, not a living truth." The existence of the Holocaust should remain a living truth, and those who are skeptical about the enormity of the Nazi atrocities should be confronted with the evidence for it.... — Peter Singer (adapted) Which statement is consistent with the author's point concerning the Holocaust?

Frequent and full discussion of the historical evidence of certain events is desirable.

knowledge about trade wind patterns and ability of sailors to utilize them on the Indian and Atlantic oceans demonstrate that

Geography and technology influence economic activity

Toussaint L'Ouverture is most closely associated with leading the revolution in


Which of the following best explains how the historical circumstances of Kennan's service as a diplomat in the Soviet Union influenced his point of view regarding the "Soviet structure of power" in the first paragraph?

He witnessed how conflict between Germany and the Soviet Union allowed Stalin to further centralize his power and use Russian nationalism to mobilize the population.

What does the term "Final Solution" mean?

Hitler's plan to kill all the Jews in Germany

What significance did WWI have on women's roles in European societies?

It challenged prewar notions of "natural" gender roles.

How was the Treaty of Kanagawa (Japan) similar to the treaties that China signed with various European power?

It granted trade permission to foreigners

how was the treaty of Kanagawa similar to the treaties that China signed with various European powers?

It granted trade permission to foreigners

which individual suggested the idea that if a government fails to protect its people's natural rights of life, liberty, and property, the people have the right to overthrow it?

John Locke

Which pair of leaders used political purges, including the killing of opposition groups, as a means of maintaining control of the government?

Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong

which course of action does the theory of laissez faire suggest a government should follow?

Letting natural laws regulate the economy

In May 1915, a German submarine torpedoed without warning a British passenger liner called:


Japan's decision to join the West and begin industrialization was called the

Meiji Restoration

Peter the Great implemented this to make Russia stronger.


With which event are Porfirio Diaz , Francisco "Pancho" Villa, and Emiliano Zapata

Mexican Revolution

_______is a competition between countries to see who can create the most powerful weapons.


Which of following was a political motive?


what influence did the scientific revolution have on the enlightenment have on the Enlightenment in Europe?

Natural laws were used to explain human affairs

Imperialism is

One country is taking over another country

Which set of events in 19th- and 20th-century Chinese history is in the correct chronological order?

Opium Wars → Long March → Great Leap Forward → Four Modernizations

The invasion of France started after an 8 month period of time when there wasn't much fighting in WW2. What is this time period called?

Phony War

. .The right course—and it is the course which the country [Great Britain] will presently insistupon—is to segregate all German residents. There should be no ill-treatment, but they mustbe kept under strict surveillance. An honest man will understand the necessity, and will notcomplain; and it will put an end to the activities of the dishonest. One other thing must be done.The formality of naturalization in this country is very simple, and once an alien is naturalized hepasses to a large extent out of the power of the police. There is reason to believe that it is a certaintype of naturalized German that is most dangerous. Power should be given to cancel temporarilynaturalization certificates, and where necessary to treat naturalized and alien alike.These may seem harsh measures, but war is a harsh business. When our soldiers and sailorsare giving their lives for their country, it would be a scandal if we endangered their work by anysupineness [inaction] at home. . . . — "The Alien Peril," The War: Nelson's Picture Weekly, October 31, 191427 The reasoning presented in this passage could logically lead to German residentsbeing placed in(1) combat forces (3) government positions(2) relocation camps (4) munitions factory jobs 2 . . .The right course—and it is the course which the country [Great Britain] will presently insistupon—is to segregate all German residents. There should be no ill-treatment, but they mustbe kept under strict surveillance. An honest man will understand the necessity, and will notcomplain; and it will put an end to the activities of the dishonest. One other thing must be done.The formality of naturalization in this country is very simple, and once an alien is naturalized hepasses to a large extent out of the power of the police. There is reason to believe that it is a certaintype of naturalized German that is most dangerous. Power should be given to cancel temporarilynaturalization certificates, and where necessary to treat naturalized and alien alike.These may seem harsh measures, but war is a harsh business. When our soldiers and sailorsare giving their lives for their country, it would be a scandal if we endangered their work by anysupineness [inaction] at home. . . . — "The Alien Peril," The War: Nelson's Picture Weekly, October 31, 1914Which statement offers a view that criticizes the author's argument?

Prejudice is being presented in the form of patriotism.

________is information that is used to promote a political cause or a point of view


_______is information that is used to promote a political cause or a point of view.


Many Enlightenment philosophers used reason to

Reveal natural laws

In Europe during the 1920s and 1930s, severe inflation, high unemployment, and fear of communism all contributed to the

Rise of fascist governments in Italy, Germany, and Spain

Heavy military loes in World War 1, food and fuel shortages, and opposition to czar led to the

Russian revolution

What was one similarity between France during the 1790s and Germany during the 1920s?

Severe inflation contributed to the rise of radical political groups.

Who led the Zulu to their independence and helped them fight off the Dutch Boers

Shaka Zulu

why is Catholicism a major religion practiced in latin America ?

Spain conquered and colonized much of Latin America

Peter the Great built a new capital for his Russian Empire on the Baltic coast which he named

St. Petersburg

During the Indian independence movement, the activity shown in this photograph inspired the Indian people to

Stop buying British goods

Which event is depicted in the political cartoon?

The Berlin Conference

What document encouraged Mexico to reconquer three American sates in return for German help?

The Zimmermann Telegram

What document encouraged Mexico to reconquer three American states in return for German Help?

The Zimmermann Telegram

The event that sparked the beginning of WWI was

The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand

The Soviet structure of power is committed to the perfection of the dictatorship and to maintaining the concept that Russia is in a state of siege, with an enemy that lies just beyond the walls. This mentality has profound implications for Russia's international conduct. Moscow assumes that the aims of the capitalist world are antagonistic to the Soviet regime. However, the Kremlin is under no compulsion to accomplish its goal of spreading its influence in a hurry. If it finds unassailable barriers in its path, it accepts them and accommodates itself to them. There is no trace of any feeling in Soviet psychology that that goal must be reached at any given time. In these circumstances it is clear that the main element of any United States policy toward the Soviet Union must be that of patient and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies. Soviet economic development, while it can list certain formidable achievements, has been precariously spotty and uneven. It is difficult to see how the deficiencies of the Soviet economic system can be corrected by a tired and dispirited population working largely under the shadow of fear and compulsion. And as long as they are not overcome, Russia will remain an economically vulnerable and impotent nation, capable of exporting its ideological enthusiasm but unable to export real evidence of material power and prosperity. Indeed, it is the strong belief of this writer that Soviet power bears within it the seeds of its own decay, and that the sprouting of these seeds is well advanced." George F. Kennan, United States diplomat to the Soviet Union from 1944 to 1946, article submitted anonymously to an academic journal devoted to the conduct of foreign policy, published in Washington, D.C., 1947 10. The recommendation provided in the second paragraph is best explained in the context of which of the following historical situations in the aftermath of the Second World War?

The attempts by Soviet officials to establish ideological ties with newly independent states

what development led to an intensification of the Portuguese involvement in the African slave trade?

The development of sugar plantations in the New World.

In which way did the ideas of the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

The divine right theory of kings was challenged

Which statement about the worldwide Depression of the 1930s is a fact rather than an opinion?

The economic upheaval of the Depression had major political effects.

Which statement about ghettos is not correct?

The residents of the ghetto were free to come and go as they pleased.

The key-stone of the Fascist doctrine is its conception of the State, of its essence, its functions, and its aims. For Fascism the State is absolute, individuals and groups relative.Individuals and groups are admissible in so far as they come within the State. Instead of directing the game and guiding the material and moral progress of the community, the liberal State restricts its activities to recording results. The Fascist State is wide awake and has a will of its own. For this reason it can be described as 'ethical' Benito Mussolini, Fascism:Doctrine and Institutions, Howard Fertig, 1932 Which statement expresses the main idea of the passage?

The state is more important than the individuals within it.

Which statement about the impact of geography on the culture and history of the Middle East region in the 20th century is most accurate?

The uneven distribution of resources has led to conflict.

The new technology used during WWI led to.

The use of atomic weapons

How did women's roles change during WWI?

They were more involved in labor industries and politics

Which of the following best explains the purpose of the arguments expressed in the passage?

To influence United States government officials to adopt policies designed to avoid a major war

Which sequence of events is in the correct chronological order?

Treaty of Versailles → rise of Nazism → German invasion of the Soviet Union

What German policy called for the sinking of any and all vessels bound for Britain

Unrestricted submarine warfare

The Soviet Union's response to the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was to create the

Warsaw Pact

Which statement best describes a relationship between World War I and the Bolshevik Revolution?

World War I created conditions in Russia that helped trigger a revolution.

What did Jewish people in Nazi controlled areas have to wear to identify them as Jews?

Yellow Star of David

Which set of problems most directly contributed to the situation shown in this 1991 cartoon featuring Mikhail Gorbachev?

a deteriorating Soviet economy and secessionist republics desiring independence

which statement best describes a consequence of Napoleon 's failure to understand Russian geography ?

a harsh winter cut off his army from needed supplies

One of the major causes of the Russian Revolution of 1917 was the

abuse of political power by Czar Nicholas II

A primary source about the French Revolution is

an eyewitnesses account from a prisoner at the Bastille

Which event is considered the immediate cause of World War 1

assassination of Archduke Francis

Oliver Cromwell led the Purtian Reveloution in England in response of the

autocratic rule of the king

the term divine right is best defined as a

belief that a ruler's authority comes from God

which phrase best illustrates the theory of laissez faire capitalism ?

businesses operating with little government

What was a key characteristic of an absolute monarchy in the 16th and 17th centuries?

centralized government of an absolute monarchy in the 16ht and 17th centuries

"Don't pay your taxes or send your children to an English supported school. Make your own cotton cloth by spinning the thread at home, and don't buy English-made goods. Provide yourselves with homemade salt, and do not buy government-made salt." - Mohandas Gandhi In this statement, Gandhi was expressing his commitment to

civil disobedience

Base your answer to the following question on the excerpt below and on your knowledge of social studies.The White Man's Burden."Take up the White Man's burden-Send forth the best ye breed-Go, bind your sons to exileTo serve your captives' need;To wait, in heavy harness,On fluttered folk and wild-Your new-caught sullen peoples,Half devil and half child. . . ."- Rudyard Kipling, 1899This stanza from Kipling's poem is most closely associated with the belief that it was the duty of Western colonial powers to

civilize the people they controlled

Diligent reader, in this work, which has just been created and published, you have the motions of the fixed stars and planets, as these motions shave been reconstituted [reconstructed] on the basis of ancient as well as recent observations, and have moreover been embellished by new and marvelous hypotheses. You also have the most convenient tables, from which you will be able to compute those motions with the utmost ease or any time whatever. Therefore buy, read, and enjoy. in this passage, Copernicus states that he accompanied his work by

combing old and new observations

The replacement of the bourgeois by the proletarian state is impossible without a violent revolution. The abolition of the proletarian state, i.e., of all states, is only possible through withering away. V.I.Lenin, State and Revolution, 1917 This quotation is associated with the principles of


which scientist is most directly associated with formulating this view of this solar system?


Which issue was a cause of the French Revolution?

demand of the Third Estate for more political power

One way in which the Aztec and Inca civilizations are similar in that they both

developed advanced architectural techniques

one way in which the Aztec and Inca civilizations are similar is that they both

developed advanced architectural techniques

Since 1990, many countries have expressed grave concerns about North Korea and Pakistan because these two countries have

developed nuclear programs

This author is describing the process he used

developing a historial account from primary sources

In the early 18th century the Agricultural Revolution in Great Britain resulted in urbanization because

displaced rural workers migrated to find jobs

In the late 1970s, the Chinese government created the one child policy because its leaders realized that there is a direct relationship between population growth and

economic development

which title best completes the partial outline below ?

elements of Triangular Trade

which action was taken by the bolsheviks under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin?

eliminating political opposition

One way in which the rule of Peter the Great in Russia and the rule of Emperor Meiji in Japan are similar is that both leaders

encouraged modernization

Which action is most closely associated with totalitarian governments?

engaging in censorship and propaganda campaigns

- supported reforms - believed in natural rights and religious toleration - viewed themselves as servants of their state In the 18th century, European leaders that fit these characteristics were best known as:

enlightened despots

this passage discuss ideals most directly associated with the


What was the main goal of Zionism?

establishing a Jewish homeland in the region of Palestine

One effect of the encomienda system in Latin America was that it

exploited indigenous people

One effect of the encomienda system in Latin America was that it

exploited indigenous peoples

the ideas of enlightenment philosophers were based on

faith in human reasons

Which sequence of 20th-century Cold War events is in the correct chronological

fall of the Berlin Wall -> Cuban missile crisis -›adoption of the Marshall Plan

According to Thomas Malthus, the rate of increase of human populations i relation to the rate of increase for food production was a problem . Malthus believed that

famine and war were natural checks on population

in which way did the geographic diversity of latin America affect newly independent

forcing the church to guarantee land reform

During the 19th century , European nations established spheres of influence in China mainly

gain commercial advantages on china

One reason Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, and Fidel Castro rose to power was that these leaders

gained the support of the peasants

which geographic feature aided industrialization in Great Britain

good harbors

which geographic feature aided industrialization in Great Britain ?

good harbors

which facto aided the Russians in defeating Napoleon's Troops?

harsh climatic conditions

What steps did the Meiji Emperor take to modernize Japan ?

he supported Japan industrializing

What steps did the Meiji emperor take to modernize Japan?

he supported Japan industrializing

The term totalitarianism can best be defined as the

idea that all aspects of life are controlled by the state

One similarity between Stalin's five-year plans and Mao Zedong's Great Leap Forward was that both programs attempted

increase industrial production

The result of the Opium War in China is similar to the result of Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan in that both events

increased Western trade and influence in Asia.

One way in which Robespierre and Napoleon are similar is that they both

increased their power during the French Revolution

An economic accomplishment of the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin was

increasing production of heavy industrial machinery

Which of the following major events also occurred during WWI?

influenza pandemic

The rise of fascism in Europe during the 1930s is directly linked to the

instability caused by the worldwide depression

What is one significance of the Colombian Exchange?

it brought many new ways of life to the old and New Worlds

Why was India such an important colony to Great Britain?

it was the location of Britain's capital

During the industrial Revolution which develop meant resulted from the other three??

labor unions were formed

One major reason the League of Nations failed was that it

lacked the support of many of the major world powers during crises

One major reason the League of Nations failed was that it

lacked the support of many of the major world powers during crises

Based on this cartoon which government policy is most likely influencing the situation experienced by the working man?


One way in which Toussaint l overture, Simon bolivar, and Jose de san martin are similar is that they all were

leader of independence movements

The Great Wall of China and the Berlin Wall were both intended to

limit the movement of peoples

the signing of the Magna Carta in 1215 and the Glorious Revolution in 1688 were key events in English history because they resulted in

limiting the power of the monarchy

The Columbian exchange is most closely associated with the beginnings of


During the Industrial Revolution, locating factories near concentrations of natural resources and transportation routes most directly promoted

migration and urbanization

During the industrial revolution locating factories near concentrations of natural resources and transportation routes most directly promoted

migration and urbanization

Base your answer to question 10 on the excerpt below and on your knowledge of social studies. That is some few instances the regular hours of work do not exceed ten, exclusive of the time allowed for meals; sometimes they are eleven, but more commonly twelve; and in great numbers of instances, the employment is continued for fifteen, sixteen, and even eighteen hours consecutively. That is almost every instance the children work as long as the adults; being sometimes kept at work sixteen, and even eighteen hours, without any intermission this type of evidence was used in the argument for

modifying laissez-faire practices

Which statement accurately reflects population changes that occurred as a result of the Age of Exploration ?

most latin American populations became more culturally diverse

Base your answer to the following question on the excerpt below and on your knowledge of social studies.This excerpt is taken from a poem written about World War I."If I should die, think only this of me:That there's some corner of a foreign fieldThat is for ever England. There shall beIn that rich earth a richer dust concealed;A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,A body of England's, breathing English air,Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home. . . ."— Rupert Brooke, "The Soldier"Which idea is expressed in this excerpt from Brooke's poem? (1) pacifism(2) neutrality(3) nationalism(4) anarchy


The unification of Italy and the unification of Germany show that

nationalism could be used to consolidate political interests

Which geographic feature most aided England during the Industrial Revolution

natural harbors

In the early 18th century , Peter the Great conquered Swedish costal territory because he wanted to

obtain a part with ready access to western Europe

. But after a long period of commercial intercourse [trade], there appear among the crowd of barbarians both good persons and bad, unevenly.Consequently there are those who smuggle opium to seduce the Chinese people and so cause the spread of the poison to all provinces. Such persons who only care to profit themselves, and disregard their harm to others, are not tolerated by the laws of heaven and are unanimously hated by human beings. His Majesty the Emperor, upon hearing of this, is in a towering rage. He has especially sent me, his commissioner, to come to Kwangtung [Guangdong Province], and together with the governor-general and governor jointly to investigate and settle this matter. . . ." - "Letter of Advice to Queen Victoria" from Lin Zexu (Lin Tse-Hsü), ChineseCommissioner of Canton, 1839This letter to Queen Victoria relates most directly to the outbreak of the

opium wars

A key idea in te Communist Manifesto by Kari Marx and Friedrich Engles is that workers should support the

overthrow of the capitalist system

which statement best expresses the ideas of the scientific revolution

people should use reason and experimentation to draw scientific conclusions

The 38th parallel in Korea and the 17th parallel in Vietnam were used to mark

political divisions established between communist and noncommunist territories

The Andes Mountains and the Amazon River basin affected Simon Bolivar's efforts to bring about

political unification

One way in which the contributions of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton are similar is that each

practiced observation and experimentation in his work

One reason that Britain and France agreed to appease Hitler at the Munich Conference was to

prevent the start of another world war

One way in which Otto von Bismarck and Camilo Cavour are similar is that both leaders

promoted unification to form a new nation sate

Nazis strived to consolidate their power and create a German "national community" in the mid-1930s. To achieve these ends the Nazis used,


One similarity in the results of the revolutions led by Fidel Castro in Cuba and by the Sandinistas in Nicaragua is that both

protected freedom of the press

What has the end of communism in the Soviet Union caused many countries in Eastern Europe to do?

pursue free market economic policies

One of the most important motives for the European "Scramble for Africa" in the late 1800s was that Africa provided a source of

raw materials used in industry

The "one-child" policy in China, established during the late 1970s, was an attempt to

reduce the population growth rate

One way in which the Chinese Revolution (1945-1949) and the Cuban Revolution (1956-1959) are similar is that the leaders of both revolutions

relied on support from the peasants

At the Congress of Vienna , one of the main goals was to

restore monarchs to pre napoleonic status

In Europe during the 1920s and 1930s, severe inflation, high unemployment, and fear of communism all contributed to the

rise of Fascist governments in Italy, Germany, and Spain

The Magna Carta the petition of Rights and the English bill of rights led the english government

rulers were responsible to the people

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the heliocentric theory became the centerpiece for debate between

science and religion

what internal problems did china face prior to the Taiping Rebellion ?

shrinking population and poor harvests

which concept is best illustrated by this diagram?

social hierarchy

The right course—and it is the course which the country [Great Britain] will presently insist upon—is to segregate all German residents. There should be no ill-treatment, but they must be kept under strict surveillance. An honest man will understand the necessity, and will not complain; and it will put an end to the activities of the dishonest. One other thing must be done.The formality of naturalization in this country is very simple, and once an alien is naturalized he passes to a large extent out of the power of the police. There is reason to believe that it is a certain type of naturalized German that is most dangerous. Power should be given to cancel temporarily naturalization certificates, and where necessary to treat naturalized and alien alike.These may seem harsh measures, but war is a harsh business. When our soldiers and sailorsa re giving their lives for their country, it would be a scandal if we endangered their work by any supineness [inaction] at home. . . . — "The Alien Peril," The War: Nelson's Picture Weekly, October 31, 1914The main idea of this passage is that during times of war

some people's rights should be suspended for the greater good

One way in which Peter the Great, Louis XIV, and Philip 2 are similar is that each

sought to centralize power by limiting the power of nobility

One way in which Peter the Great, Louis XIV, and Philip II are similar is that each

sought to centralize power by limiting the power of the nobility

capitalism is to private ownerships as communism

state control

What happened at Dunkirk?

the British Army was saved by civilians

The military conflicts of World War II ended in August 1945 when:

the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki prompted Japan's unconditional surrender

What does the term genocide mean?

the deliberate killing of a large group of people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.

In which way did the ideas of the Enlightenment influence the French Revolution?

the divine right

what is the definition of socialism?

the idea that the means of production distribution and exchange should be owned and regulated by the community as a whole

- Appointment of Otto von Bismarck as Chancellor - Austro - Prussian War, 1866 -Franco -Prussian War ,1870-1871

the unification of Germany

why didn't Indians untie against the British in the Sepoy Mutiny

there was weak leadership and conflicts between Hindus and Muslims

why was there a demand for slaves in the New world?

there weren't enough europeans to get the work done

Which current global problem was initiated with the development of atomic weapons?

threats to world peace from unrestricted nuclear proliferation

In the Soviet Union, Joseph Stalin governed by means of secret police, censorship, and purges. This type of government is called


How did colonial rule cause a breakdown in traditional African culture?

traditional rulers were replaced with European rulers. Africans had no say in how their lives were lived

A major goal of Joseph Stalin's five-year plans was together

transform the Soviet Union into an industrial power

This type of warfare led to a stalemate (no one wins) on the Western Front during ww One?

trench warfare

in the late 1700s, which situation in France is considered a cause of the other three?

unfair polices of taxation

Mohandas Gandhi is most closely associated with the

use of civil disobedience to gain political freedom

Enlightenment thinkers encouraged the improvement of society through the

use of reason

According to this author accounts used in making statements of facts must be


copernicus heliocentric model of the universe newton's law of gravitation descartes belief in truth through reason

view humankind's place in the universe

One way in which the actions of Ho Chi Minh and of Fidel Castro are similar is that both leaders

were revolutionaries who established communist regimes

Which of the following was a Social Darwinist argument in favor of imperialism ?

westerners thought they had a duty to bring civilization to inferior races

which of the following was a Social Darwinist argument in favor of imperialism?

westerners thought they had a duty to bring civilization to inferior races

Base your answer to the questions 23 and 23 on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies

workers are deprived of their income and suffer hardships

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