Global Sociology Final Exam

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How does macro issues such as an historical event affect individuals' lives?

A historical event such as a war may disrupt individuals' normal lives.

Which of the following is NOT true?

A strong dollar makes it easy for American companies to export their products.

Which of the following is a feature of corporate capitalism?

An emphasis on free market and few restrictions on corporate power.

Which of the following is true?

Countries that resist neoliberalism are often vilified as socialist or communist when in fact they recognize that the state should have a role in redistribute the wealth.

Which of the following is a necessary consequence of the US dollar as the dominant reserve currency for all countries in the world?

Countries that wish to hold US dollars must export more than they import.

Which of the following is NOT consistent to the Golden Straightjacket?

Economic policies that reflect a strong government control of a country's economy and the market.

Which of the following does the European Union NOT have?

European military forces under the control of the European Union

Internationalization involves the dispersion of objects and experiences to all parts of the earth, whereas globalization involves the growth of transactions between two countries.


The transformationalist perspective is completely different from the sceptics' ideas about power, inequality and the nation-state.


Which of the following is not or less of a globalization issue that affects individual lives?

Gender inequality can be found overwhelming everywhere in the world.

Which of the following is consistent to the definition of winning according to the prisoner's dilemma game?

Get as many points as possible even if you do not get as many as the other player.

Which of the following is NOT a principle for successful decisions based on the outcomes of the tournament?

Hide your intention about what you would do from the other player.

Which of the following is NOT disussed in the Introduction?

How Turkey gets into financial difficulties.

Which of the following runs against to Parsons and Smelser, two sociologists influential in developing structural-functionalism?

Individuals have freedom in exercising their free will. It is a mistake to argue that individual behavior is facilitated or constrained by social institutions.

Which of the following is NOT true about the World Trade Organization?

It has removed all trade barriers among its member nations.

Which of the following is true about the World Trade Organization?

It stimulates free trade and expands global trade.

Which of the following describes the prisoner's dilemma?

It uses the dilemma faced by two hypothetical prisoners to illustrate rational strategies for real people in the real world.

Which of the following reflects the correct relationship between public issue and private trouble?

Many private troubles such as losing a job can be traced to macro public issues such as new technologies replacing labor.

Which of the following correctly reflects the appropriate understanding of the debate between Marxists and Weberans?

Marxists argue that the production relation has a profound impact on philosophy, religion and other cultural aspects.

Which of the following is UNTRUE?

Member states of the European Union are divided, unable to use one voice in the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.

Which of the following reflects the symbolic interactionist perspective?

Peoples in different countries and groups of people in the same country may interpret the meanings of globalization in very different ways.

Which of the following is NOT true about US Treasury bonds?

Selling US Treasury bonds is a losing business for the United States because the government has to pay high interest to the bond-holding countries when the bonds they hold are mature.

Which of the following is NOT true?

Singapore achieved economic success because it followed the neoliberal economic policies by keeping the government at the minimal control of its economy.

Which of the following is NOT true about tariffs?

Tariffs are pid by the exporter of the foreign country to the government that levies them. For example, the US government makes a Chinese company to pay tariffs to the US government on the goods or service it sells to the United States.

The combined meaning of the two characters that formulate the Chinese character of martial arts is

Terminate the use of weapons or fighting.

Which of the following is consistent to Kishor Mahbubani's points?

The Trump administration may succeed in making America a dispensable nation, presenting a geopolitical gift to China.

Which of the following is true about Iran according to the videos?

The United Kingdom tried desperately to maintain its control of Iranian oil resources.

Which of the following is UNTRUE about the relationship between the United States and Iran?

The United States has always been firmly against any nuclear program in Iran.

Which of the following is true?

The economies of the countries that caught up with those of developed countries had strong governments that were able to implement some policies in protection of their industries.

Which open letter provides assessments of outcomes and ramifications of different US policy options toward China?

The first letter.

Which of the following is NOT a condition of the prisoner's dilemma game?

The game allows either player to make enforceable threats to the other or make a commitment to convince the other of what strategy he/she intends to take.

Which of the following is UNTRUE according to Kishore Mahbobani?

The key goal of the Chinese Communist Party is to revive communism and spread it all over the world.

Which of the following is a characteristic of cooperative capitalism?

The powerful unions are able to gain government support for social protection programs for the working people.

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of capitalism?

The purpose of production is to meet the needs of the society.

According to Mahbubani's understanding of the wise American thinkers, what should be the primary goal of the new American administration in contrast to what China is doing?

To once again improve the well-being of the American people.

Sceptics stress power, inequality and the importance of the nation-state.


Neoliberalism is the ideology or belief that

anything related to the economy should be handled by the free market, not the government.

According to The Art of War, during war time, it is much better to

capture as many cherriots from the enemy army as possible for one's own use.

Mills says that the limits of human nature is

frighteningly broad.

According to Kishore Mahbubani, the Trump Administration has helped China because

its aggressive foreign policies has diminished global respect for the United States and opened more geopolitical space for China.

A trade deficit is the amount by which

the cost of a country's imports exceed the cost of its exports.

The first open letter authored by members of the scholarly, foreign policy, military and business communities argues that

China is not an economic enemy or an existential national security threat that must be confronted in every sphere, and that the views and behaviors of Chinese leaders may depend on US policies toward them.

The second open letter authored by a retired naval intelligence and information officer argues that

China's rulers openly proclaim and insist on a new set of rules to which other nations must conform, and that the United States must counter the Chinese efforts.

Which of the following countries fits the characteristics of state capitalism?


Which of the following is a good strategy for the United States?

Keep a slightly growing trade deficit and increase savings.

Which of the following is UNTRUE about the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)?

NATO is a military organization under the control of the European Union.

Which of the following is NOT true according to the "real history of globalization"?

Western developed countries became rich through the free-market economy, so third-world counties can only catch up following the same route.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three sorts of questions asked by social analysts who are imaginatively aware of the promise of their work?

What are the psychological conditions of the leaders of the society?

Which of the following is true about the prisoner's dilemma game?

When Player 1 shows C and Player 2 shows D, Player 1 gets 0 point and Player 2 gets 5 points.

Which of the following is true about the coup d'etat in Iran in 1953?

Winston Churchill failed to persuade President Truman but succeeded in persuading President Eisenhower into orchestrating the coup.

Which of the following contradicts the "official history" of globalization?

World economic powers all used non-market strategies such as tariffs to protect their economic advantages.

Supreme excellence in the art of war consists in

breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting.

Schengen area

comprises over 20 European countries that have officially abolished all visa requirements and other types of border control at their mutual borders.

The "model student of IMF" refers to

countries, in a sarcastic way, such as Argentina that embrace the free-market economy recommended by the IMF.

Antitrust laws in the United States

have never been effectively enforced and corporate mergers continue to happen largely unimpeded by government action.

The United States

helped to strengthen the Shah of Iran and provided various supports to his ruthless control of the nation.

Underlying the sense of being trapped are

impersonal inpersonal changes in the structure of continent-wide societies.

The European Union was built

over a few decades using economic cooperation among nations in order to avoid wars.

The 1953 Iranian coup d'etat orchestrated by CIA was an effort to

prevent the oil resources from falling into the hands of Iranians.

The Model refers to

the free market policies of privatization of the economy in Latin America.

The overthrow of Mossadegh

transformed Iran from a constitutional monarchy into a royal dictatorship, marking the beginning of Iranian hostility toward the United States.

The author argues that culture is affected by economic and political factors.


The author argues that the pluralist tends to lose sight of the primary, domination or determination of some factors over others.


The globalist perspective cosiders nation-states as weakened by international organizations such as the United Nations and International Monetary Fund.


Which of the following is a cause rather than an outcome of trade deficit?

It occurs when a country does not produce everything it needs and borrows from foreign states to pay for the imports.

Which of the following is NOT consistent to Sun Tzu's ideas?

The good fighter is not only able to secure himself against defeat, but also makes certain of defeating the enemy as well.

Which of the following is UNTRUE according to George Kennan, one of the most prominant diplomat in the US history?

The long-term outcome of the contest with the then Soviet Union would depend on whether the United States can deal a destructive blow to the Soviet Union.

Which of the following is a correct description of the Moral Law?

The ruler holds himself up to such high moral standards that the people will be in complete accord with the ruler, to the extent that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

Which open letter displays a strong political and ideological propensity rather than a realistic evaluation of policy options?

The second letter.

Which open letter's assessment of the situation displays static relationship rather than a dynamic relationship in which the action of one side may affect the decision by the other as reflected in the prisoner's dilemma game?

The second letter.

Which of the following is UNTRUE about the sociological theoretical perspectives?

The sociological theoretical perspective can be boiled down to different opinions that perceive social lives differently.

Which of the following is true about the U.S, government using the U.S. dollar as the major world reserve currency?

The status of the major reserve currency enables the United States to borrow from other countries, but the United States tends to spend the borrowed money rather than making wise investment with it.

Which of the following does NOT correctly reflect the conflict perspective?

There is conflict of interest betwee workers who acquire jobs in developing countries and workers who lose jobs in industrialized countries as a result of outsourcing.

Which of the following is NOT true about free trade agreements such as TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership)?

They hurt the overall economies of advanced countries.

Globalization as a discourse poses a danger in an appropriate comprehension of the process of globalization, because epistemologically it is problematic to argue that societies are shaped by ideas.


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