Global studies quiz 2

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. Which of these three cities (London, Zurich, and Shanghai) uses strict regulations to preserve its historic and cultural heritage while creating vertical districts outside the CBD?

urich, Switzerland: Preservation of Historic and Cultural Heritage: Zurich has a rich history and is known for its well-preserved historic and cultural heritage. The city has implemented strict regulations to protect its architectural and historical assets within the older parts of the city. These regulations ensure that new developments in these areas are in harmony with the existing structures and maintain the city's traditional aesthetic. Vertical Districts Outside the CBD: Zurich has experienced significant vertical development, particularly in districts outside the traditional CBD. For example, the Zurich West district, a former industrial area, has been transformed into a modern and dynamic urban district with high-rise buildings. While there is vertical development in these areas, the city has maintained strict building and design standards to ensure that the new architecture complements the city's overall character.

Which cities in India grew due to colonial rule impact?

Mumbai (formerly Bombay): Mumbai, the capital of the state of Maharashtra, was a major center of British colonial activity and trade. It was the principal port and economic hub of British India. The development of infrastructure, including the construction of the Bombay Port, railways, and industries, significantly contributed to the city's growth. Kolkata (formerly Calcutta): Kolkata was the capital of British India until 1911 and served as a key administrative and trade center. The city's growth was driven by British investment in industries, trade, and transportation, including the construction of the Howrah Bridge and the Calcutta Port.

Increase in dominance of banking and financial services is a key indicator of economic restructuring within Global Cities. _________


The phenomenon of Global City formation is relatively new in Africa or Southeast Asia compared to North America and Europe (true/false).


Who are the "new and powerful" actors in the Global Cities today? a. the city government b. international firms and businessmen c. the Local people

b. international firms and businessmen

In 2023, approximately _______ million people were living outside the country of their birth.


Which global city has experienced urban restructuring influenced by IT sector and homegrown companies?

Bangalore is often referred to as the "Silicon Valley of India" due to its thriving IT and technology industry. The city has seen remarkable urban restructuring driven by the growth of the IT sector and the presence of homegrown tech companies and startups. Some key points to consider: IT Hub: Bangalore is home to numerous IT parks, software companies, and technology firms, both domestic and multinational. Companies like Infosys, Wipro, and Tata Consultancy Services have their headquarters or major operations in the city. Startup Ecosystem: Bangalore has a vibrant startup ecosystem, with countless homegrown tech startups and incubators. The presence of companies like Flipkart, Ola, and Swiggy has contributed to the city's reputation as a hub for entrepreneurship and innovation.

Where is Bangalore located?

Bangalore, also known as Bengaluru, is located in the southern part of India. It is the capital city of the Indian state of Karnataka. Bangalore is situated on the Deccan Plateau in the southeastern part of Karnataka and is known for its pleasant climate, vibrant culture, and thriving technology and IT industry.

Physical restructuring

Changing urban landscape - vertical/horizontal districts

In what year did China reorient its economy from a planned economy or command and control to market-oriented economy?

China reoriented its economy from a planned economy, characterized by a command and control system, to a market-oriented economy starting in the late 1970s. This economic transformation began with a series of reforms initiated by the Chinese government under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping. The most significant turning point in this process was the Third Plenum of the 11th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in December 1978. These reforms marked the beginning of China's transition to a more market-oriented economic system, a process that has continued over the decades.

The top three migrant sending countries in the world include China, India and ________________. Among the three (3) __________ is the top migrant sending country.


Roger Moore's decision to permanently relocate to the United States from UK is an example of _______________ whereas Carlos Rodriguiz, an IT expert's relocation every 6 months or year between LA and Paris is an example of __________________.


How did their growth and activities influence Tokyo global city formation?

Economic Powerhouse: The presence and success of Japanese TNCs, many of which had their headquarters in Tokyo, contributed to the city's economic prominence. Tokyo's status as an economic powerhouse was closely linked to the success of these corporations and their global operations. Financial Center: Tokyo's financial district, particularly the Marunouchi area, grew in significance due to the financial needs of Japanese TNCs. The city became a major global financial center, serving as the headquarters for Japan's leading banks and financial institutions. Real Estate Development: The expansion of Japanese TNCs drove the demand for office spaces and contributed to the development of iconic skyscrapers and modern commercial real estate in Tokyo, such as in the Shinjuku and Minato districts.

urban restructuring

Economic Restructuring in Global Cities is marked by increasing growth in the service-sector economy which replaced the dominance of manufacturing sectors. Within the service sector we also see an increasing dominance of the knowledge based economy.

In what ways is Bangalore's urban restructuring process (economic, social and physical) different from London, Tokyo, Shanghai or Zurich?

Economic Restructuring: Industry Focus: Bangalore's urban restructuring has been heavily influenced by the growth of the IT and technology sector. The city has transitioned from being primarily an industrial and manufacturing center to a global technology and innovation hub. In contrast, cities like London, Tokyo, and Zurich have more diversified economies with strengths in finance, professional services, and manufacturing. Homegrown Tech Companies: Bangalore's development is characterized by the prominence of homegrown tech companies and startups, while the other cities mentioned have a mix of domestic and international corporations.

When was economic liberalization that helped the transformation of Bangalore, India implemented?

Economic liberalization in India, which played a pivotal role in the transformation of Bangalore into a global technology and innovation hub, was implemented in 1991. The economic reforms of 1991, often referred to as the "New Economic Policy" or "LPG" (Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization), involved a series of policy changes that opened up India's economy to foreign investment, reduced trade barriers, and encouraged private sector participation. These reforms had a profound impact on Bangalore and other Indian cities, attracting foreign investment and fostering the growth of the IT and technology sector.

What does the concept economic liberalization mean? Which countries in recent times have undergone this phenomenon?

Economic liberalization refers to the process of reducing government regulations and restrictions in an economy to promote economic growth, increase efficiency, and encourage private sector participation. It involves moving away from a highly regulated or planned economy toward a more market-oriented system. Key elements of economic liberalization often include: ndia: India initiated economic liberalization in 1991, which involved a series of economic reforms to open up the economy, attract foreign investment, and encourage private sector growth. This policy shift led to significant changes in India's economic landscape. China: China has pursued economic liberalization, especially in its coastal provinces and special economic zones, to attract foreign investment and promote export-oriented growth while maintaining a strong state presence in key industries.

What were important characteristics of Japanese trans-national corporations in the 1970s?

Export-Oriented Growth: Japanese TNCs were heavily export-oriented, with a strong focus on selling their products and services in international markets. This was driven by Japan's post-war economic strategy to earn foreign exchange and achieve economic growth through exports. Diversification: Japanese TNCs were involved in a wide range of industries and sectors. They diversified their business activities, including manufacturing, technology, automotive, and electronics, and expanded into various global markets. Investment Abroad: Japanese TNCs started to invest in foreign markets and establish subsidiaries and production facilities overseas. This allowed them to tap into new markets, reduce costs, and establish a global presence.

. Central government role was not important in the urban restructuring or city formation of Tokyo, Japan (True or False).


According to lecture notes and Andrew Marr's video urban restructuring of Shanghai had no negative social impacts since it resulted in new housing for residents (True or False).


Global city formation/urban restructuring is relatively new in core countries compared to semi-periphery countries of East and South Asia (True or False).


Globally, there are more international migrants moving between the global north than the global south and north (true/false).


In the process of physical and economic restructuring London has demolished all its old buildings in favor of modern architectural designs and skyscrapers (true/false).


Migration decisions most realistically reflect only push factors rather than pull factors (true or false)


The cities in the African continent are ahead in competition for attracting HQs global corporations than the cities in Asia (true/false).


This push factor__________ caused the biggest population displacement in Ireland in 1845?


Which economic sector has facilitated global city formation (change/growth) of oldworld cities from industrial sector (manufacturing)?

Financial Services: Many old-world cities, such as London, New York City, and Zurich, have evolved into global financial centers. The growth of the financial services sector, including banking, insurance, and investment, has been instrumental in their transformation. These cities attract financial institutions, multinational corporations, and skilled professionals, becoming hubs for global finance and commerce. Technology and Innovation: The rise of the technology sector, including software development, IT services, and startups, has played a crucial role in the transformation of old-world cities like San Francisco and Boston. The presence of renowned universities, research institutions, and technology companies has attracted talent and investment, fostering innovation and creating tech hubs. Professional Services: The service economy includes a wide range of professional services such as law, consulting, advertising, and design. Old-world cities with strong service sectors have become

Theories behind Global City Formation or Makeover

Formation of Contemporary Global Cities - their extent of integration with the global economy, international corporate activities, concentration of MNCs, TNCs and global capital

Examples of pull and push factors that cause migration include: __________________________________________________________________.


Physical restructuring within Global Cities can happen in one of these, or combination of both ways: Vertical expansion and ________________


. According to Andrew Marr's Mega cities documentary which of the following "megacities" is considered dangerous and violent? (Mexico City, London, Shanghai, Dhaka, and Tokyo).

In Andrew Marr's documentary series "Megacities," the city referred to as being "dangerous and violent" is Mexico City. Mexico City has faced significant challenges related to crime and violence, including issues with drug cartels, organized crime, and social unrest. While it's important to note that safety and security conditions can change over time and vary within different parts of a city, Mexico City has been portrayed as facing particular challenges in this regard in the context of the documentary.

Economic restructuring

Increasing jobs and activities in banking, finance, management, legal, and other service and knowledge-based economic sectors

Which country's economy is the best beneficiary of outsourcing of services today?

India is one of the leading countries benefiting the most from the outsourcing of services. India has long been a global outsourcing hub, particularly in the information technology (IT) and business process outsourcing (BPO) sectors. Indian cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad, and Chennai have established themselves as major outsourcing destinations, attracting a substantial share of outsourcing work from around the world. India's advantages for outsourcing include a large pool of skilled and English-speaking professionals, cost-effective labor, a robust IT infrastructure, and a well-developed outsourcing industry. It has become a preferred destination for services outsourcing across various domains, including IT services, customer support, finance, human resources, healthcare, and more.

Social restructuring

Influx of population - the wealthy class, and the poor

What were the key strategies adopted by the London Docklands Development Corporation in the restructuring of London in 1981?

Infrastructure Development: The LDDC focused on upgrading and expanding the area's infrastructure. This included the development of new roads, bridges, public transportation links, and utilities to improve accessibility and connectivity with the rest of London. Zoning and Land Use Planning: The LDDC introduced new land-use plans and zoning regulations that encouraged a mix of commercial, residential, and recreational development. This flexible approach aimed to diversify the functions of the Docklands and make it a more attractive place for businesses and residents. Financial Incentives: To attract private investment, the LDDC provided financial incentives such as grants and tax breaks to businesses and developers willing to invest in the Docklands. These incentives played a crucial role in luring companies to the area.

. ________ and ______ cities experienced major cholera outbreaks between 1848 and 1855.


Which global cities in the top tier (Alpha ++ level) have been melting pots of immigrants or benefited from immigrant diverse populations, and which have not or maintained a homogenous culture?

New York City (USA): New York City is one of the most diverse and immigrant-rich cities in the world. It has a long history of immigration and is often referred to as a "melting pot" of cultures. The city's identity and economic vitality are deeply intertwined with its immigrant populations. London (United Kingdom): London is another global city with a rich history of immigration. It is known for its cultural diversity, and over a third of its population was born outside of the UK. The city's global significance is enhanced by its immigrant communities. Toronto (Canada): Toronto is a top-tier global city that has embraced multiculturalism and immigration. It is one of the most diverse cities globally, with a substantial immigrant population. The city's multiculturalism policy has contributed to social cohesion and economic growth.

Initially, in the top five preferred destination for international migrants, ________________ has been experiencing massive out-migration since 2022.


Dr. John Snow is credited with ____________________________ whereas Dr. Joseph Lister made significant contributions in ___________________________.


Which global city discussed in class has aggressively applied "urban renewal/demolition" methods to get rid of the old urban fabric and urban neighborhoods to accommodate new skyscraper/glass urban physical form to accommodate commercial and real estate development?

Several global cities have applied aggressive urban renewal and demolition methods to make way for new skyscraper-dominated urban landscapes. One of the notable examples often discussed in this context is Shanghai, China. Shanghai has undergone a remarkable transformation over the past few decades, with extensive urban renewal and redevelopment efforts. The city's authorities have implemented large-scale demolition of old neighborhoods, historical buildings, and urban fabric to accommodate the construction of modern skyscrapers, commercial developments, and real estate projects. The iconic Pudong district, across the Huangpu River from the historic Bund area, is a prime example of this aggressive urban renewal strategy, featuring a forest of modern high-rise buildings and financial centers.

Which global city examined in class values a strong cultural presence and heritage in its core or CBD?

Several global cities place a strong emphasis on preserving and promoting their cultural presence and heritage in their central business districts (CBDs). One city often examined for its commitment to cultural heritage in the CBD is Paris, France. Paris is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and the preservation of its historical and architectural treasures. In the central part of the city, especially within the first and fourth arrondissements, you'll find numerous iconic landmarks, museums, and historic sites, such as the Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral, the Marais district, and the Île de la Cité. The CBD of Paris is not just a hub of business and commerce but also a testament to the city's cultural and artistic legacy.

London, New York City, Zurich, and Tokyo are all major global cities, but in what ways are their experiences with global city formation or urban restructuring similar or different?

Similarities: Economic Centers: All four cities are major economic and financial hubs. They host the headquarters of numerous multinational corporations and have well-developed financial districts (e.g., City of London, Wall Street, Zurich's Bahnhofstrasse, Tokyo's Marunouchi). Cultural and Educational Institutions: These cities are home to world-renowned cultural institutions, universities, and research centers. They attract talent from around the globe, making them intellectual and cultural centers. Differences: Historical Background: London and New York City have longer histories as global cities, with roots in colonial trade and finance. Zurich and Tokyo became significant global cities in the 20th century. Tokyo's rise was particularly pronounced after World War II. Cultural Diversity: New York City is known for its exceptional cultural diversity, attracting immigrants from around the world. While London, Zurich, and Tokyo are diverse as well, they may not match the sheer scale of

What is the competitive advantage of Bangalore today?

Skilled Workforce: Bangalore boasts a highly skilled and educated workforce with expertise in information technology (IT), software development, data science, engineering, and management. The presence of numerous top educational institutions, including Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), contributes to a strong talent pipeline. Thriving Startup Ecosystem: The city has a vibrant and supportive startup ecosystem, attracting entrepreneurs, innovators, and venture capital firms. Bangalore is home to numerous tech startups across various domains, making it an ideal place for entrepreneurs to develop and scale their businesses.

Compared to Zurich urban restructuring in Shanghai is dominated by both vertical and horizontal growth of the old city center (true/false).


. What global city is labeled a "headquarter economy"?

The term "headquarter economy" typically refers to a global city that serves as a major hub for the headquarters of multinational corporations, financial institutions, and organizations. In this context, New York City is often labeled as a "headquarter economy." New York City is home to a vast number of corporate headquarters, including those of many Fortune 500 companies, major financial institutions on Wall Street, and numerous international organizations and non-profits. It plays a central role in the global economy and serves as a key location for the leadership and decision-making of many global businesses and organizations.

What are some of the factors that are attracting global capital or foreign direct investment (FDI) to Bangalore to rapidly transform into a global city?

Thriving IT and Tech Ecosystem: Bangalore is home to a vibrant ecosystem of information technology (IT) and tech companies. The presence of established tech giants like Infosys, Wipro, and Tata Consultancy Services, as well as numerous startups, has attracted FDI and global capital. Skilled Workforce: Bangalore benefits from a large pool of highly skilled and educated professionals in fields such as engineering, computer science, and management. The availability of a talented workforce is a significant draw for global companies looking to set up operations in the city.

What best defines the economic outlook of Bangalore today?

Thriving Technology and Innovation Hub: Bangalore continues to be a thriving technology and innovation hub not only in India but on the global stage. The city is home to a vast and diverse ecosystem of information technology (IT) and technology companies, startups, and research institutions. It plays a central role in India's digital and tech revolution. Global Business Destination: Bangalore is increasingly recognized as a global business destination. It attracts foreign direct investment (FDI) and global companies, serving as a major offshoring and outsourcing hub for IT and back-office operations. Many international corporations have established their presence in the city

_________is the world's major destination for international immigrants today


The top three countries with the most billionaires are ______________________________?

United States: The United States consistently had the highest number of billionaires, with a significant concentration in technology, finance, and various industries. Cities like New York, San Francisco, and Los Angeles were major hubs for billionaires. China: China had the second-highest number of billionaires, reflecting its rapid economic growth and the emergence of new wealth. Cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen were home to a substantial number of billionaires. India: India was among the countries with a growing number of billionaires. Prominent industrialists and entrepreneurs contributed to the rise in the number of Indian billionaires. Major cities like Mumbai and Delhi had significant billionaire populations.

Which global city discussed in class offers the best quality of life overall today?


Which of the following is an economic restructuring characteristic in a global city formation? a. increase in jobs in financial and legal services b. increase in poor population c. displacement of all manufacturing and service job opportunities d. demolitions of residential properties and increase manufacturing job opportunities

a. increase in jobs in financial and legal services

The urban landscape of contemporary global cities is commonly characterized by _______. a. Vertical / High-rise (skyscraper) districts b. Low property values c. Horizontal districts d. Deficient transportation networks

a. Vertical / High-rise (skyscraper) districts

Which of the following best explains the characteristics of Global cities of recent times? a. Locations of corporate headquarters of international Firms b. Locations from where global capital is controlled and coordinated. c. Locations from where NIDL is controlled and coordinated.

b. Locations from where global capital is controlled and coordinated.

The docklands urban restructuring strategy is associated with the following city? a. Shangai b. London c. Tokyo d. Zurich e. Bangalore

b. London

Inequality in a majority of Mega Cities is visible in the form of high numbers of __________. a. Very young and very old b. Very rich and very poor c. Middle class and low class d. Very old and very young

b. Very rich and very poor

____________ is an example of a knowledge-based service/ job. a. Oilseed and Grain Farming b. Oil and gas Extraction c. Computer programming d. Steel manufacturing

c. Computer programming

The headquarters of multi-national and trans-national companies tend to _________ in a few cities across the world, which are the Global Cities today. a. Disperse b. Separate c. Concentrate d. Diverge

c. Concentrate

This global city _______ has better "quality-of-life" a. Dhaka b. Mexico City c. London d. Bangalore

c. london

____ is considered India's "silicone valley". a. Hyderabad b. Mumbai c. Delhi d. Bangalore

d. Bangalore

Which among the following Global Cities is in South America? a. Sydney b. Cape Town c. Seoul d. Buenos Aires

d. Buenos Aires

Global Cities are increasingly changing their physical (urban) structure so that they can compete with other cities and cater to the demand of _____________. a. Traditional business districts b. Historic neighborhood residents c. Young generation population d. Global elites and businessman

d. Global elites and businessman

Which global cities or places are associated with the following: i. IT Hub ii. Wall Street iii. Innovative bike parking iv. Capsule hotels v. Headquarter economy. vi. Square mile vii. Efficiency culture viii. Ghost cities ix. Infosys x. The Canton xi. Polycentric community

i. IT Hub: Bangalore, India is known as an IT hub, often referred to as the "Silicon Valley of India." ii. Wall Street: New York City, particularly the Financial District in Manhattan, is associated with Wall Street iii. Innovative bike parking: Cities like Amsterdam, Netherlands, and Copenhagen, Denmark, are known for innovative bike parking facilities and have a strong cycling culture. iv. Capsule hotels: Capsule hotels are a concept that originated in Japan, with cities like Tokyo being well-known for these compact accommodations. v. Headquarter economy: New York City is often referred to as a "headquarter economy" due to its prominence as a global hub for the headquarters of multinational corporations, financial institutions, and organizations. vi. Square mile: The "Square Mile" is a reference to the City of London, the historic and financial district of London, United Kingdom.

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