Global Test 3

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Approximately how long will it take for the remaining 50% to be completely removed from the atmosphere?

100,000 years

According to the IPCC, what is the range of temperature increase associated with the doubling of carbon dioxide, and what is the "best estimate" for the actual temperature increase?

2-4.5 degrees Celsius is the range of temperature increase associated with a doubling of carbon dioxide. The best estimate for the actual temperature is 3 degrees Celsius over the next few decades.

How much higher were greenhouse gas emissions in 2012 than emissions levels in the 1990s?

58 percent higher

What is the difference between the A1, A2, B1, and B2 scenarios and why is B1 expected to lead to a reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions?

A1 = Rapid economic growth. The gap between the rich and the poor shrinks A2 = High economic growth. But the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. B1 = Slower economic growth. Evenly distributed between the rich and poor. B2 = Slower economic growth. But the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. B1 is expected to lead to a reduction in global carbon dioxide emissions because the emphasis would be on service, information, and clean energy.

What does additionality mean?

Additionality means that the offsetting action would not have taken place without the addition value given to the offsetting action by the carbon emissions regime.

Why do aerosols have a negative radiative forcing value and why is their effect considered short-term relative to greenhouse gases?

Aerosols have a negative radiative forcing value because they combine with sulfur making sulfate aerosols. Sulfate aerosols are highly reflective and reflect incoming solar radiation back into space (they actually cool the climate). They have a negative radiative forcing.

What is an offset?

An offset is an action taken to remove carbon emissions from the atmosphere. Companies that produce 100 tons of carbon per year want to plant trees that absorb 100 tons of carbon per year so they can avoid paying a carbon tax. They claim it will cancel out the greenhouse gases they emit.

According to Dessler, why will warming or cooling of the climate result in overall negative outcomes for human society?

Because we rely on a stable climate. If it got messed up, we would lose things like food and fresh water. It would completely mess up our standard of living.

Explain how Cap-and-Trade works

Cap-and-trade is a market-based tool to limit GHG. The carbon market trades emissions under cap-and-trade schemes or with credits that pay for or offset GHG reductions. Cap-and-trade schemes are the most popular way to regulate carbon dioxide (CO2) and other emissions. The scheme's governing body begins by setting a cap on allowable emissions. It then distributes or auctions off emissions allowances that total the cap. Member firms that do not have enough allowances to cover their emissions must either make reductions or buy another firm's spare credits. Members with extra allowances can sell them or bank them for future use. Cap-and-trade schemes can be either mandatory or voluntary.

Explain how Carbon Tax works

Carbon tax is a form of pollution tax. It levies a fee on the production, distribution or use of fossil fuels based on how much carbon their combustion emits. The government sets a price per ton on carbon, then translates it into a tax on electricity, natural gas or oil. Because the tax makes using dirty fuels more expensive, it encourages utilities, businesses and individuals to reduce consumption and increase energy efficiency. Carbon tax also makes alternative energy more cost-competitive with cheaper, polluting fuels like coal, natural gas and oil.

Why will land warm more than ocean?

Land will warm more than oceans because oceans have very large heat capacities.

How does the United States compare with China in terms of total yearly/annual greenhouse emissions

China's year/annual greenhouse emissions is: Produces 28% of the world greenhouse gas emission per year. United States's year/annual greenhouse emissions is: Produces 16% of the world greenhouse gas emission per year.

Why is there more warming in high latitudes than tropics?

Cimate Contrast! Temperatures are going to rise in high latitude places more than tropical areas because of ice-albedo feedback. The warming causes loss of ice, and the loss of ice exposes dark ocean, which absorbs more sunlight and leads to further warming.

Explain how climate change affects our national security

Climate change may destabilize national security. There will be disruptions with economic activity, food production, and water availability. People will all rush to where there is better living (United States). These disruptions could lead to social destabilization, failed states, and war.

Why don't fossil fuels contain any detectable amount of carbon 14?

Fossil fuels are derived from plants that originally contained carbon-14, but the fuels are millions of years old and no longer contain any carbon-14

According to Nibley, why did God give man dominion over nature?

God gave man dominion over nature because he wanted to give man the responsibility to be a benefactor and care for those under his dominion. Man is not to be "a predator, a manipulator, or an exploiter of other creatures but one who cooperates with nature as a diligent husbandman"... someone who takes care of nature.

Who is Hugh Nibley and what is his area of expertise?

Hugh Nibley is an extremely famous professor from BYU. He is an expert in history, philosophy, and theology. However, he has a very strong opinion on environmental conservation and that is what Terry B. Ball talks about.

Which modern prophet did Hugh Nibley often quote when discussing environmental issues?

Hugh Nibley often quoted Brigham Young when discussing environmental issues.

How has the carbon-13/carbon-12 ratio changed during the last century? Why has it changed?

In the last century, the carbon-13/carbon-12 ratio has changed so that there is less carbon-13. This has changed because fossil fuels only burn carbon-12, not carbon-13, so the increase in burning of fossil fuels has caused carbon-12 levels to rise and carbon-13 levels to be lower.

How has the carbon-14/carbon-12 ratio changed during the last century? Why has it changed?

In the last century, the carbon-14/carbon-12 ratio has changed so that there is less carbon-14. This has changed because fossil fuels only burn carbon-12 and the carbon of dead plants of thousands and thousands of years ago no longer contain carbon-14. So we are burning this super old carbon to create fuel and putting more carbon-12 into the air, messing up the ratio.

Why will it be easier for the United States and Western Europe to deal with climate change than countries in Africa?

It will be easier for places like the United States and Europe to adapt to climate change because we have a lot more resources to do so. Poor countries do not have the money or supplies to cope with the consequences of climate change.

Explain the Mahan Principle.

Mahan Principle taught by Satan teaches to be directly opposed to what God intended when he gave man dominion over the earth. Mahan's doctrine is a wicked counterfeit for true and righteous dominion. Master Mahans exercise dominion over the earth by exploiting it for wealth and power with no regard for the sanctity of life or the well-being of the environment, while Adamic stewards exercise dominion by nurturing, protecting, and reverencing creation.

How does Nibley interpret Genesis 1:28?

Nibley interprets Genesis 1:28 to mean that we are supposed to take care of the Earth. He explains that the Hebrew terms kivshū and r∂dū, translated respectively as "subdue" and "have dominion" in the KJV, "both have a basic root meaning of exerting pressure—that being, however, merely a point of departure for a whole spectrum of derivatives." He notes that "according to individual taste and temperament," translators of the terms have variously interpreted them to mean to "plow," to "violate," or to "cherish." Nibley felt that a clue to the true intent of the commandment to kivshū and r∂dū could be found in Moses 5:1, "And it came to pass that after I, the Lord God, had driven them out, that Adam began to till the earth, and to have dominion over all the beasts of the field, and to eat his bread by the sweat of his brow" (Moses 5:1).

Why is Nibley so complimentary of the lifestyle of Native Americans?

Nibley is complimentary of the lifestyle of the Native Americans because they have clung to ancient lifestyles and rejected eco-damaging industry and technology. He praised them for their tenacity in preserving ancient customs, rites, traditions, lands, and religion. He extolled their culture that was "completely religious and therefore completely consistent."

Approximately how long does it take for the first 50% of carbon released by human activities to be removed from the atmosphere?

One year

Show the chemical equations for photosynthesis and respiration and identify which reaction releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Photosynthesis: 6CO2 + 6H2O (+ light energy) → C6H12O6 + 6O2 Respiration: C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + H2O + Energy (This reaction releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere)

By how many inches did sea-level rise during the last century and how much is it expected to rise during the next century according to the IPCC?

Sea levels rose 7 inches in the past century, IPCC expects that within the next century it will continue to rise between 7-23 inches.

Why does Stefan Rahmstorf expect the IPCC to be wrong about future sea-level rise projections?

Stefan Rahmstorf expects the IPCC to be wrong about future sea-level rise projections because he thinks the levels will be higher. He said that IPCC are far from being alarmists and in fact in some cases rather underestimates possible risks.

Why do temperatures contrast? (night vs day) decrease in a warmer climate?

Temperature contrasts decrease in warmer climates because temperature variations in our climate are generally caused by variations in the distribution of sunlight (high latitudes, nighttime, and winter are all colder because they receive less sunlight than the tropics, daytime, and summer). The atmosphere also heats the surface but because greenhouse gases tend to be well mixed on our atmosphere, the heating from greenhouse gases occurs evenly over the entire surface of the planet, and is is the same at night as during the day and same in the winder as it is in the summer. As the abundance of greenhouse gases increases, heating of the surface from greenhouse gases becomes stronger while heating from the sunlight remains the same.

In 2008, humans released ~10 billion tons of carbon into the atmosphere. During that same time, the biosphere released 100 billion tons and the surface oceans also released 100 billion tons. Why is it that we are worried primarily about the human emissions and not the ocean or biosphere emissions.

The 10 billion tons released by the surface ocean is part of the carbon cycle. It simply rotates and just as much carbon dioxide that is released by the ocean, will also be absorbed by it. The carbon dioxide released by humans is not part of this cycle! We are only emitting and not absorbing. Which will cause carbon dioxide levels to rise drastically.

By what percentage has the amount of atmospheric carbon dioxide increased since the industrial revolution?

The atmospheric carbon dioxide has increased from 280 ppm to 390 ppm since the industrial revolution. Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 30 percent

Why does the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide reach a yearly maximum during April/May?

The atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide reaches a yearly maximum during April and May because this is when there is the most green plant life, so that's when the most photosynthesis and respiration are going on.

What impact does adding more carbon 12 have on atmospheric concentrations of carbon 13 or carbon 14?

The carbon 12 dilutes the carbon 13 and 14 so that in a sampling there would be WAY more carbon 12, than 13 or 14.

What is the current concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere and how does the current value compare with levels of carbon dioxide 200 years ago, 2000 years ago, and 400 million years ago?

The current concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere 0.04%. Compared to levels 200 years ago, it is high, even 2000 years ago. However compared to 400 million years ago, it is actually below average.

What is the fundamental difference between these policies?

The fundamental difference between these two policies is that with a carbon tax, the policy makers make an exact tax rate (everyone knows exactly how much it is going to cost) but it is not certain how much this rate will reduce emissions. With cap-and-trade policy makers make an exact number of permits (everyone knows exactly how much emissions will be reduced) but it is not certain how much it will cost.

The reading contains a graph. Why is the slope of the graph increasingly negative after the year 1900 and why does the graph stop in the early 1950s?

The graph displays how much carbon 14 was found in tree rings. There is typically a certain ratio of carbon 12, 13, and 14. This ratio has been put off by human activity however because fossil fuels produce carbon 12, but not carbon 14. So this graph shows that the amount of carbon 14 in the ratio is getting smaller and smaller. However in 1945, there began nuclear bombing. Nuclear bombing does produce carbon 14 so this testing had to end because the ratio got messed up.

What are the main differences between carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14?

The main difference between carbon-12, carbon-13, and carbon-14, is that carbon-12 has 6 neutrons to go with the 6 protons (makes up 99% of carbon), carbon-13 has 7 neutrons to go with the 6 protons (makes up slightly less that 1% of carbon), and carbon-14 has 8 neutrons to go with 6 protons (there is roughly 1 out of a trillion carbon atoms that is carbon-14).

Why is the ocean more acidic now than in the mid-1700s and how much more acidic is it?

The ocean is more acidic now because seawater is absorbing approximately one-third of the carbon dioxide that has been emitted by human activities such as the burning of fossil fuels. That absorption prompts a series of chemical reactions that reduce seawater pH, carbonate ion concentration, and saturation states of biologically important calcium carbonate minerals.

What organisms are affected by the changes in ocean pH and why is the state of Washington concerned?

The organisms affected by the changes in ocean pH are animals and plants that use calcium carbonate to build shells and skeletons-- phytoplankton, zooplankton, corals, and shellfish. Washington is concerned because a study found that the combined effects of naturally low-pH upwelling, and increased CO2 absorption, render the surface waters of the California Current System 'undersaturated' for a form of calcium carbonate known as aragonite for up to 50 percent of the time. In other words, for half the year, organisms such as oyster larvae, which use aragonite to build their shells, would be unable to do so - and that's potentially a very big problem in states such as California, Washington, and Oregon, where the shellfish industry is worth several hundred million dollars annually.

What are the differences between cyclones, hurricanes, and tsunamis?

The region that they occur in. Depending on where in the world they take place depends on which they are classified as.

Currently, is there an imbalance of E[in] and E[out] for the Earth's surface? If so, which is greater (E[in] or E[out]) and why?

There is currently an imbalance. E[in] is greater than E[out] because the Earth is absorbing so much heat but not emitting enough.

How does the United States compare with China in terms of total yearly annual greenhouse gas emissions per person?

Total yearly annual greenhouse gas emissions per person in China: Slightly less than 7 tons per person Total yearly annual greenhouse gas emissions per person in United States: 17 tons per person

Identify the six greenhouse gases specifically mentioned by Dessler and determine which greenhouse gas is the "most important and abundant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere".

Water vapor (most important and abundant greenhouse gas in our atmosphere) Carbon dioxide Methane Nitrous oxide Ozone Chlorofluorocarbons (Not greenhouse gases: Oxygen, argon, diatomic nitrogen)

Why focus on carbon dioxide emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels when plants and animals emit far more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere?

We need to focus on the carbon dioxide emitted during the combustion of fossil fuels because that carbon is not part of the carbon cycle. Though plants and animals emit far more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, they also absorb it. It is all part of a cycle of coming in and going right back out. What human activity is doing however, is dumping carbon that used to be safely stored in rocks and taking none back in. It's an overdose of carbon that is just getting worse and worse and the longer we wait, the longer it will take to fix.

What is the relationship between climate change and typhoon Haiyan?

When the deep ocean water gets warmer, it causes storms to become much more fierce. Typhoon Haiyan was the first typhoon that we have seen that has hit the earth so powerfully. This makes scientists think that the warmer water is causing the intensity of storms to become greater.

Define the following terms: thermal inertia, committed warming, radiative forcing, ship tracks, climate sensitivity

thermal inertia: The force that causes the time lag between putting a turkey in the oven and it actually cooking. committed warming: Warming that is going to happen no matter what. Ex- If we were to stop emitting greenhouse gases today, then our world would still rise in temperature ½ a degree. radiative forcing: Energy is constantly flowing into the atmosphere in the form of sunlight that always shines on half of the Earth's surface. Some of this sunlight (about 30 percent) is reflected back to space and the rest is absorbed by the planet. And like any warm object sitting in cold surroundings — and space is a very cold place — some energy is always radiating back out into space as invisible infrared light. Subtract the energy flowing out from the energy flowing in, and if the number is anything other than zero, there has to be some warming (or cooling, if the number is negative) going on. ship tracks: When aerosols are added to a cloud and the cloud gets brighter and more reflective. climate sensitivity: The equilibrium temperature change in response to changes of the radiative forcing.

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