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What is a microcredit loan?

Microcredit loans are small loans provided by local banks to help low-income individuals start businesses.

Using the information included in the map below to guide you, which three of the following statements are probably true?

-Bangladesh has the highest population density shown on the map. -Five cities in South Asia have a population that is higher than 10 million people. -Many tribal peoples live in the Eastern Ghats in India.

Using the information included in the map below to guide you, which three of the following statements are probably true?

-British colonialism played a key role in the spread of the South Asian diaspora. -Two countries of Sub-Saharan Africa have major populations of South Asian descent. -Cities in the United States and the United Kingdom are centers of recent settlement of South Asians.

Using the information included in the map below to guide you, which three of the following statements are probably true?

-In Pakistan, regions adjacent to Afghanistan and Iran are experiencing the greatest political issues within the country. -Sri Lanka's civil war ended in 2009. -Bangladesh and Bhutan are relatively peaceful.

Using the information included in the map below to guide you, which three of the following statements are probably true?

-The presence of mountains in South Asia means that orographic precipitation is a distinct possibility. -Bangladesh experiences a severe flooding risk. -The northern plate boundary in South Asia has been the site of about a dozen earthquakes since 1885.

Using the information included in the map below to guide you, which three of the following statements are probably true?

-The southern tip of the subcontinent was mostly independent in 1700. -Eastern portions of Afghanistan and Iran appear to have been part of the Mughal Empire in 1700. -The modern state of Bhutan was independent in 1700.

How many people are believed to live in slums worldwide?

1 billion

What percentage of Indians still make their living from agriculture?

60 percent

In India, _____ of people live on the land.

70 percent

Which of the following exemplifies the ability of Dharavi's inhabitants to create a viable and vibrant community despite their living conditions?

A Hindu temple

What city is the information technology capital of India?


Which country of South Asia is at the lowest elevation shown on the map?


Which country will likely be the source of many climate refugees in the future, despite its already uniformly high population density?


Which country's topography is almost entirely at sea level?


What threat to Dharavi's housing exists?

Because Dharavi is an illegal settlement, housing built on land not owned by the builders could be torn down by the city of Mumbai.

What is the population density in northern Bhutan?

Between 6 and 25 people per square kilometer

A sizeable percentage of refugees admitted into the United States comes from this South Asian country.


What is the name given to the Indian film industry based in Mumbai?


Following independence from British rule in 1947, South Asia was partitioned into two separate countries: India and Pakistan. Which of the following statements best explains why these new countries' boundaries were drawn the way they were?

Boundaries were drawn in a way that would create one Hindu-majority country and one Muslim-majority country

Which city receives a significant amount of rainfall each month?

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Which city shows the least seasonality in its temperature?

Colombo, Sri Lanka

In which of these places do pull factors appear to be strongest?


Which of the following solutions would best address the domestic problems faced in Indian villages?

Help arrange a meeting for village women.

Which two South Asia countries have nuclear warheads?

India and Pakistan

Which of the following slum rehabilitation projects has the best chance of success?

Invite community residents to design and help build new housing units.

What physical condition in Nepal may have contributed to its low economic status (income)?

It has extremely high elevations and rugged topography.

During which month does Cherrapunji, India, receive the highest amount of rainfall?


Which city on the map is located in a desert region?

Karachi, Pakistan

Which Indian state experienced the lowest amount of growth between 2006 and 2016? Data probe the map to reveal state names and growth rates.


How is the land record system changing in India?

Land records are now digitally stored on a central computer.

How extensive are sewers in Dharavi?

Latrines and communal water taps were installed by the state government in the 1970s and approximately 30 percent of the slum has sewers.

Which of these two pairs of countries have the highest and lowest Gross National Income (GNI) per capita in South Asia?

Maldives, Nepal

Which country possesses the most extensive region of salinization?


What is Delhi's giant minaret?

Part of the first mosque in India built by Muslim conquerors.

Why is raising the incomes of those living in slums so important

People cannot afford to buy property or to pay maintenance costs.

Why do so many people in Mumbai live in slums?

Property is extremely expensive

What occurred in India to spur rapid growth in that country's gaming industry?

Rapid growth in the use of low-cost smartphones.

Which event did NOT occur between 1914 and 1950?

The establishment of Bhutan

In which area(s) of the Indian subcontinent did British influence initially concentrate?

The north and the east

What is life like for villagers who migrate to cities?

There is often no sanitation.

What was the status of Nepal and Bhutan in 1900?

They were British protectorates.

Which climate type is correlated with the highest population densities in the country of Sri Lanka?

Tropical rain forest

What is the meaning behind the slogan, "No Land, No Vote"?

Villagers who are not given rights to their land will vote out government officials.

Which physical feature is located in the region of India that is characterized by a tropical monsoon climate?

Western Ghats

According to the video, what type of people generally live in slums?

a wide variety of working-class people

What types of practices did the Green Revolution introduce to South Asia?

agricultural techniques involving high-yield crop varieties and heavy use of industrial fertilizers and pesticides

A law passed in India in 1993 banned the sale of _____ in village shops.


What services do slum dwellers often lack?

all of the above

In which part of South Asia were European possessions and territory concentrated in 1700?

along the coast

Over the last 25 years, India's poverty rate has __________.

been reduced by half

How is the accuracy and security of land records in India being maintained?

biosensor technology

How have milk producers in India been able to secure a fair price for their goods?

by engaging in collective negotiation

What type of government does India have?


Where are the highest elevations in South Asia?

in the north, along the northern plate boundary

Where do the Indus and Ganges Rivers originate?

in the northern highland areas, along the northern plate boundary

Religious tradition, dowries, and the introduction of technologies such as ultrasound machines are all identified as possible explanations for what trend in South Asia's human geography?

male-biased sex ratios

Where do the majority of people in Mumbai live?


Where do most South Asians live?

small rural villages

Which Europeans controlled the most territory in South Asia in 1700?

the Dutch

Which colonial power held possessions in South Asia in 1700, but had none in 1900?

the Dutch

Which parts of South Asia receive the least moisture during the monsoon season?

the Indian state of Rajasthan and much of Pakistan

Who controlled the vast majority of South Asia in 1700?

the Mughal Empire

According to the video, what is one outcome of India's educational initiative?

the alienation and marginalization of villagers

What is one outcome of the Indian government's economic development plan?

the displacement of millions of Indians

The historical roots of the ongoing ethnic violence in Kashmir can be traced to which of the following events?

the partition of South Asia

What is one way for women who are part of self-help groups to raise money?

through matched savings contributions

What is the primary focus of the Ekta Parishad?

to mobilize tribal people and assist them in securing land rights

What is the primary goal of Vision 2020?

to modernize India based on a Western development model

What are the origins of Dharavi?

Dharavi began during a time of economic depression when rural workers migrated from the countryside in search of work.

By what name was the modern state of Sri Lanka known in 1900?

British Ceylon

What is one problem with the Indian government's free housing program for slum dwellers?

Elevators are expensive to run.

South Asia's linguistic geography is diverse, but one language serves as the chief integrating language in the domain. What is this "neutral" language?


Using India and Pakistan on one hand and Sri Lanka and the Maldives on the other hand, determine the potential relationship between women's education and engagement in the workforce, and GNI per capita.

Female literacy rate may be a more important factor than the percentage of women in the workforce in determining the economic development of a country.

Along which geographic feature is India's population density the highest?

Ganges Plain

Where is the oldest surviving film production studio in all of India?


Based on the border differences in the northeast area of South Asia between 1914 and 1950, the population in that region would most like identify with __________.


What type of landform feature is the Thar?


Based on the video, how could the Indian government best address the concerns of tribal people?

give tribal people legal rights to historic land areas

Using the information included in the map below to guide you, which three of the following statements are probably true?

-In Mumbai, India, most of the rainfall comes from June through September. -If Cherrapunji's rainfall were spread out equally throughout the year, the monthly average rainfall would be just over 35 inches. -Orographic precipitation explains the "tropical monsoon" climate in the southwest part of India

Why is Dharavi particularly susceptible to outbreaks of diseases like cholera?

An overall lack of basic sanitation results in outbreaks of cholera and other similar diseases during the monsoon rains.

In which of these places do push factors seem to be strongest?

Andhra Pradesh

Where is the population of Pakistan concentrated?

In the Indus River Valley and the Punjab

Where is the population of Sri Lanka concentrated?

In the southwest portion of the country

The mobile gaming companies Reliance Games and Yellow Monkey Studios are located in what Indian city?


Which city is the financial capital of India?


Which of the following cities is responsible for much of India's foreign trade?


Which religious group is predominately involved in the disputed areas in India and Pakistan?


Which country of South Asia has experienced the greatest net emigration?


Which of these countries is experiencing serious Maoist revolutionary movements?


Most of South Asia's megacities are located on or near the coast EXCEPT _________.

New Delhi

Which of the following is true about remittances inflow in South Asia?

Remittances inflow in Bangladesh is the third highest in the region.

What was the intent of Mahmoud's attack on the Somnath?

Some accounts are that Mahmoud attacked for religious reasons, others are that it was to loot the temple.

Although Buddhism virtually disappeared from South Asia in medieval times, it persisted in which of the following countries?

Sri Lanka

Which of these world regions has a major population of South Asian descent?

The Caribbean

Which of the following statements most accurately describes the regional geography of economic development in India?

The wealthier areas are located in the south, west, and northwest; the rest of the north and the east are less well off.

Microcredit loans often have long-term implications for the women who receive these loans and for the villages in which they live. How have microcredit loans benefited the village of Palampur?

The women use the microcredit loans to purchase fields and plant fruit trees. The income they make from the fruit trees is then used to educate their children

Why is land tenure so important for people living in slums?

Without land tenure, cities will not invest in the infrastructure of slums.

Why is there an imbalance of more males than females in South Asia?

Women and families are choosing sex-selective abortion.

Farmers in India who want to get a loan need __________.

a copy of land records to show that they own the land

What peaceful, direct action has Ekta Parishad planned to get the government's attention?

a march that will block the national highway

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