goal 5 review

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What economics term states that the gov't. should not interfere with free-market business and that the natural business cycle would fix any problem in the economy? Favored by Gilded Age businessmen like Rockefeller & Carnegie

1. Laissez- faire

Who invented the telephone?

Alexander Graham Bell

What industrialist used the Bessemer process, allowing him to make steel more cheaply and efficiently therefore increase his profits?

Andrew Carnegie

Who led Tammany Hall?

Boss Tweed

What were examples of government corruption during the Gilded Age?

Whisky ring & credit mobilier

Which law allowed the government to supervise railroads?

interstate commerce act

Who wrote How the Other Half Lives, which exposed the working conditions and living conditions in slums?

Jacob riis

Who was a Social progressive & founder of Hull House, a settlement house for immigrants?

Jane Addams

In the 1890s what group used strikes to try and improve working conditions/wages?

Labor Unions

Who is Eugene Debs?

Labor union leader, American railway uion, socialist who wanted to unite all labor unions

Who were the Robber Barons?

Carnegie-steel , Rockefeller-oil, Vanderbilt- railroads Morgan- banking

Who were first targets of immigration laws?


Who invented the typewriter and thus created jobs for women?

Christopher latham sholes

What were multi-family dwellings usually overcrowded & unsanitary?

Dumbbell Tenements

Where did most immigrants enter the U.S.?

Ellis island

What was the belief by A. Carnegie that the wealthy had a responsibility to make sure their money was put to good use helping others?

Gospel of wealth

Which event caused the downfall of the Knights of Labor and made unions unpopular?

Haymarket Riot

Which strike by steel workers in Pennsylvania was put down by federal troops? strike was massive & well-organized, the first of its kind; resulted from conflict between strikers, scabs, & Pinkertons (hired security agents)

Homestead strike (1892)

What is the practice of an official giving people jobs in government as repayment for helping them get elected?


What was the strike by skilled employees of Pullman Co. in Illinois that was put down by federal troops? The strike stemmed from a 28% wage cut & the conditions of Pullman's established town?

Pullman Strike 1894

Which law made monopolies illegal?

Sherman anti-trust act

What is associated with survival of the fittest?

Social Darwinism

What said salvation is gained through service to the poor?

Social gospel movement

Where did most European immigrants who came to the use US from the 1880s-1919 come from?

South/ Eastern Europe

Which strike by railroad workers(West Virginia, MD &PA) was put down by federal troops? The strike stemmed from poor wages & working conditions that resulted from a national economic slump?

The Great Strike (1877)

What did the Pendleton Civil Service Act end?

The spoils System

Who invented the light bulb?

Thomas Edison

Who satirized Tammany Hall and created the image of Santa Claus?

Thomas nast

What said that monopolies in distribution were illegal, but monopolies in manufacturing was legal?

U.S. vs E.C. Knight

What is taking over suppliers, manufacturing, shipping, and production criteria called?

Vertical integration

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