Gospel of Mark Test

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major themes in mark

- focuses on Jesus' saving action, not his words - Jesus as a suffering servant (here to serve and suffer) - markan secret (no one knows who the that Jesus is the Messiah until they are ready to know) - great tension and drama (very fast paced)

requirements of discipleship

1. An invitation from Jesus 2. Total response 3. Abandonment 4. Suffering 5. Prayer 6. Making a choice to accept God's grace and turn from sin

What was the date for the beginning of Emperor Nero's persecution of Christians and the probable date for the martyrdom of Peter and Paul?

64 AD

When was the 1st Jewish Revolt against Rome held?

66-70 AD

What is the best guess date range for the writing of Mark's Gospel?

68-73 AD

When was the Temple in Jerusalem destroyed by the Romans?

70 AD

The only ones who correctly identified him were _________________________.

people with unclean spirits

beliefs during the 18th century?

siblings- many protestants step brothers- orthodox distant relatives/cousins- western catholics

who thought Jesus had step brothers in the 4th century?

Epiphanius of Salamis (major church historian)

In Mark 1:14-9:49 Jesus traverses the province of ____________________.


Who was the book of mark for?

Gentile Christians

who thought Jesus had real siblings in the 2nd-3rd century?

Hegesippus, Irenaeus (probably), Tertullian

who thought Jesus had real siblings in the 4th century?

Helvidius, Syrians: believed Thomas was Jesus' Twin brother

who thought Jesus had step brothers in the 2nd-3rd century?

Infancy Gospel of James

Jesus goes on to the city of (11:1-16:8) _____________________________.


Jesus also passes through the area of (10:1, 10:46) _____________________.


Mark does not include (in his original ending) any account of an appearance of the risen Jesus to the apostles. His is the only gospel to omit these appearances. Instead, Jesus' resurrection is first revealed to _______________________, ____________________, and _______________________.

Mary Magdalene, Mary Mother of James, Solome

who thought Jesus had real siblings in the 1st century?

Paul, Mark, Matthew, Luke, John, Josephus

who thought Jesus had cousins and distant relatives in the 16th century?

Western Catholics, Martin Luther, John Calvin


a life rooted in Jesus and expressed in union with his Church

Who most likely wrote the book of mark?

an unknown Gentile (aka non-Jewish) Christian who was possibly a disciple of Peter, but not an eyewitness of Jesus' life

Unlike Matthew and Luke which describe Jesus' birth, and John which talks about Jesus' heavenly origin, Mark's gospel considers Jesus' importance to have begun with his __________________________.


The GOM has what kind of detail and language?

clear, straightforward and basic

What are the tradition thoughts on who wrote the gospel of mark? Who were these people?

either john mark (follower of paul) or mark (interpreter of peter)

threefold pattern

elements being repeated three times

Mark is the only one of the four gospels to call itself a __________________.



greek word for "cousin"


greek word that can mean "blood brother", "neighbor", "kinsman", or "step-brother", depending on the context it is used in

what did mark think about Jesus' family?

he thought that Jesus' family was a group of non believers who thinks Jesus' is out of his mind

Jesus himself warned against making _________________.

him knwon

Peter calls Jesus "the Messiah" in , but to make sure he does not misinterpret this title as a political claim, Jesus immediately makes his first prediction of _____________________.

his passion and death

OTHER STUFF: -watch TBPV (flip card for link) - suffering servant comparison - be able to to fully explain the Relationship of Synoptics Diagram (roughly 8 sentences)


markan secret

idea that no one is supposed to know that Jesus is the Messiah until they are ready to know and accept that truth

the GOM is very _______________ with the reader. It is very ______________ paced.

interactive, fast

Why was the book of mark for gentile christians?

it gave them hope in times of persecution during the roman rule

Why is the GOM the most realist of the four?

it was written 1st (less time to get tainted) and the author could be directly linked to paul or another apostle

who thought Jesus had cousins and distant relatives in the 4th century?


who thought Jesus had real siblings in the 20th-21st century?

many protestants, some catholics, many historians

who thought Jesus had cousins and distant relatives in the 20th-21st century?

most catholics

who thought Jesus had real siblings in the 16th century?

no one

Although the above-mentioned "messianic secret" was often __________________.

not kept

who thought Jesus had step brothers in the 16th century?


who thought Jesus had step brothers in the 20th-21st century?


markan mystery

the question "Why does the Messiah have to suffer?"

The transition acts as the ________________ point in Mark's gospel.

turing point

was mary a perpetual virgin?

using NT evidence alone, these questions cannot be clearly answered

The disciples in the gospel of Mark never really come to understand Jesus properly. Even the women who anointed his corpse were afraid to tell anyone (Mk 16:8). The only ones who do grasp that Jesus is a suffering Messiah are:

woman from bethany, the roman centurion, joseph of arimathea

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