Gov ch 14 and 5 quiz worksheets

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Because of broad media coverage, a justice's confirmation is no longer contentious


Can effect a member's choice on which committees to serve


The Constitution says that a Supreme Court must be at least 35 years old

Grants certiorari

The Supreme Court decides to take a case when it

Congressional pay taxes

An amendment based on an idea proposed by James Madison in 1789 was e acted in 1992. This amendment relates to

Majority leader

Assists the speaker in planning the legislative program of the party

"Living" Constitution

Belief that judges should apply the constitution in light of current conditions

Judicial restraint

Belief that te Court should avoid overturning laws passed by democratically elected bodies

Judicial activism

Belief that the court should step in if people's rights are violated


Both the senate and the house contain the same number of members from each state


Brown v. Board of education of Topeka illustrates how the Supreme Court can be influenced by changing societal values and beliefs


By assigning a southerner to write the court's opinion for a voter discrimination case, the Supreme Court demonstrated its awareness of public opinion


Close meeting used by members of a party to make decisions


Confirmation of Supreme Court nominees typically take longe today than in the past


Congress is a bicameral legislature that provides checks and balances during the process of lawmaking

The justice is less likely to declare an existing law unconstitutional

How is the justice who follows judicial restraint likely to be different from an activist?

Senators are elected by the people whereas justices are nominated by the president

How is the process for filling a senate position different from the process for filling a Supreme Court position?

Judicial philosophy

Ideas about what guidelines to follow when interpreting the constitution


If 50 senators vote for a cloture resolution, they can end a filibuster in most cases

Concurring opinion

If a justice agrees with the majority's opinion, but has different reasoning, he or she may issue a


If a justice disagrees with a decision, he or she can issue a concurring opinion


If an interest group wants to explain to the Supreme Court why a case should be decided in a particular way, the group can submit a writ of certiorari

Work to get the constitution amended

If citizens do not like how the Supreme Court interprets part of the constitution, they can


Number of members needed to take an official legislative action

The decision becomes law

Once the Supreme Court reaches a decision in a case,


One both the senate and House floors, members are limited in the amount of time they can debate a bill


One political party has consistently won a house seat within a particular district with 75-80% of the vote. Then, one year, the other party wins the seat with 85% of the vote. This result could be evidence of

Discuss their reasoning

One reason that the justices take a preliminary vote is to


Persuaded members of their party to vote a certain way on bills

The Supreme Court depends on the executive branch to enforce its decisions

President Andrew Jackson's refusal to carry out a court ruling shows that

Have personal integrity and professional expertise

Presidents typically work to nominate individuals who

Stare decisis

Principle that once the court rules, its decision serves as precedent


Someone who was born outside of the US but becomes a US citizen can become eligible to run for the Senate


State legislatures can't use political factors as a basis for redistricting

The member violates House rules by improperly using campaign donations

What action might result in the expulsion of a member of the House?

The house rules committee

What committee type has the greatest powers over the movement of a bill through Congress?

In the senate, each state has a equal voice during debate

What is a key difference between the senate and the house?

Both the House and the Senate are in operation at the same time

What is likely to occur during a congressional session?

It is likely to have holds placed on it before it reaches the senate floor

What is most likely to happen to a senate bill that is opposed by the leadership of the minority party?

Members get allowances to visit the states

What is true for both the House and the senate?

Unanimous consent

What senate procedure requires cooperation between the parties?

Increase in unity within a party

What would most likely be a result of increasing the concentration of power within the office of the speaker of the house?

Passed through the house rules committee

When a bill comes to a vote in the house floor, you know that it has


When hearing a case, the supreme court does not hear testimony from witnesses

Showing judicial activism

When the court ruled in Brandenburg v. Ohio that the gov couldn't take away the right to free speech just because it might incite a crime, it was

Vice President and president pro tempore

Which two individuals share the duty of presiding over the senate?

The want the justices to be somewhat representative of the entire country

Why do presidents want nominees from a variety of racial and ethnic background?


A member of the senate who was elected for 6 terms would serve for 36 years


A member who is contradicting a filibuster must remain on the senate floor and debate the bill to prevent it from being voted on

Brown v. Board of Education

A pivotal civil liberties case in which the court was not bound by precedent was

Having a fair and impartial judiciary

A positive effect of justices' lifetime appointments is


A single senator can prevent a bill from being brought to the senate floor

Be confirmed by the senate

The Constitution requires that a Supreme Court justice

Allow many bills to be heard

The house rules that limits the amount of time a member can speak during a debate is meant to

Can remove justices

The legislative branch can check the power of the Supreme Court because it


The president nominates Supreme Court justices, but the senate elects other federal judges


The president pro tempore and the military leader in the senate are never the same person

One member directly debating another on the House floor

To maintain uniformity in democratic proceedings, Thomas Jefferson wrote the first rules mahal for congress when he was VP. What behavior would not be tolerated


To virtually eliminate the threat of a filibuster, the senate would have to have a minimum of how many members from one party?


Today's justices are more representative of the country as a whole than in the past

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