Government - Executive Branch

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*E.O.P - Office of National Drug Policy

Oversees the nation's anti-drug program. The goals of the program are to reduce illegal drug use (pdf), manufacturing and trafficking, as well as drug-related crime and violence and drug-related health consequences.

*Senate vs Executive

Senate: Approves Cabinet officials, judges, and other high officials — a form of leverage that senators often exploit until they get what they want from the President. They also approve the treaties made by the president. Executive: The president can Veto or sign a proposed bill from the senate.

What is the E.O.P and what is their purpose?

The E.O.P is the executive office of the president and their purpose is to provide the President with the support needed to govern effectively

The Consulate Offices role

The role of a Consul is to protect the interests of his country's citizens who live abroad in the country in which he is stationed. ... Often, the Consulate is a subdivision of an embassy and shares its facilities. (Only deals with issues on a citizens level)

*The role of the State Department

Their role is to lead the U.S foreign affairs and its head, the Secretary of State, is the President's principal foreign policy advisor, though other officials or individuals may have more influence on their foreign policy decisions.


To reduce the length of a sentence, to lessen the severity of a punishment.

Presidential succession in an emergency

in the event of the removal, resignation, death, or inability of the President the Vice President fills the role as president, followed by the President pro tempore of the Senate, and followed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Cabinet - United States Department of the Interior

s the United States federal executive department of the U.S. government responsible for the management and conservation of most federal land and natural resources, and the administration of programs relating to Native American, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, ...

Cabinet characteristics

-Enforces the laws. -15 different departments (Many subdivisions under) -Each department has its own characteristics (Agriculture, Commerce, Defense...) -2.5 Million employed

Consulate characteristics

-Multiple in each country -located in major cities -Staffed mostly by host country -Deals only with citizens issues

Who is Vetted by the senate in the E.O.P

-National Security Council -Trade Representatives

E.O.P - Branches of the E.O.P

-Office of the president -Office of the V.P -Economic Advisors -Executive Residence -Office of Management and Budget (OMB) -Office of Administration -U.S Trade Prep

Embassy characteristics

-One in each country -Located in the capital -staffed by visiting members -deals withONLY government issues -Ambassador functions with the power of the president in the embassies country.

Who is the head of each department.

-Secretaries. Note: They have the same level of power as the president in their department.

The basic powers of the president.

-Sign or veto legislation -Command the armed forces -Ask for the written opinion of their Cabinet -Convene or adjourn Congress -Grant reprieves and pardons -Receive ambassadors

E.O.P characteristics

-Support the president (Their right hand men) -Made up of several branches: White House staff, the national security council, and The Office of Management and Budget. -2,500 employed -Very close to the president, hired based on their trustworthiness -Executive orders are "orders" to the cabinet to enforce.

How the president impacts the legislative agenda

-veto power -signing a bill -speaking directly to Congress and meeting with individual members of the legislative body to persuade.

The relationship between the executive and legislative branches in the budget process.

1. A budget proposal made by the president (Advised by the office of management and budget) 2. The budget proposal is then given to congress where they debate and pass the bill. (Edit) 3. That bill is then given to the president to sign. *Note: The original budget proposal is almost always different than the finalized one.

The Embassies Role

An Embassy is the diplomatic representation of a country's government in another country. It transmits messages of its home government to the government of the host country and vice versa. (Only deals with issues on a government level)

*Amendment XXV (25)

An amendment that deals with succession to the Presidency and establishes procedures both for filling a vacancy in the office of the Vice President, as well as responding to Presidential disabilities.

*Amendment XII (12)

An amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1804, providing for election of the president and vice president by the electoral college: should there be no majority vote for one person.

*Amendment XXII (22)

An amendment to the U.S. Constitution, ratified in 1951, limiting presidential terms to two for any one person, or to one elected term if the person has completed more than two years of another's term.(Amendment)

Cabinet - United States Department of the Treasury

An executive department and the treasury of the United States federal government. It was established by an Act of Congress in 1789 to manage government revenue.

Debt Ceiling

An upper limit set on the amount of money that a government may borrow.

Cabinet - United States Department of Commerce

Concerned with promoting economic growth. ... This organization's main purpose is to create jobs, promote economic growth, encourage sustainable development and improve standards of living for all Americans.

Chief of state

Definition: Acts as the symbolic leader of the country Example: Is the individual a country calls on when it needs a spokesperson to talk with a foreign country. (Ceremonial head).

Chief legislator

Definition: Most often refers to the president of the United States, who has the authority to influence members of Congress to make laws through veto power, signing a bill, speaking directly to Congress and meeting with individual members of the legislative body.

Chief of party

Definition: The U.S. president campaigns for political party members who have supported his policies and helps them get elected or appointed to office.

Chief diplomat

Definition: The president decides what American diplomats and ambassadors shall say to foreign governments. With the help of advisors, the president makes the foreign policy of the United States.

Chief Administrator

Defintion: As chief administrator, the President is in charge of the executive branch of the federal government. This branch employs more than 2.7 million civilians. Example: Obama chooses Howard A. Schmidt to be the Cyber Security Chief.

Chief Executive

Defintion: The president is the "boss" for millions of government workers in the Executive Branch. He or she decides how the laws of the United States are to be enforced and also chooses his advisors to help run the branch.

Chief citizen

Defintion: This means the President should represent all of the people of the United States. Citizens expect the President to work for their interests and provide moral leadership. Example: Patriotic speech on the fourth of July.

Commander in chief

Defintion: he role of the United States president as highest ranking officer in the armed forces. The Constitution provides this power, but, through the system of checks and balances, gives Congress the authority to declare war.

Presidential succession in the election (Electoral College.)

If a winning Presidential candidate dies or becomes incapacitated between the counting of electoral votes in Congress and the inauguration, the Vice President elect will become President.

Embassy/Consulate Rule of Thumb

If you have an embassy, you have to have a consulate office. If you have a consulate office, you don't necessarily have a embassy

Cabinet - United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Is responsible for providing vital services to America's veterans. VA provides health care services, benefits programs and access to national cemeteries to former military personnel and their dependants.

Cabinet - United States Department of Labor (DOL)

A U.S government cabinet body responsible for standards in occupational safety, wages and number of hours worked, unemployment insurance benefits, re-employment services and a portion of the country's economic statistics.

*E.O.P - National Security Council (NSC)

A committee in the executive branch that advises the president on matters relating to domestic, military, and foreign security. The NSC also directs the operation of the Central Intelligence Agency.


A delay. Gives time for additional preparation for a defense or when a job super sides and comes to trail.

Cabinet - United States Department of Health and Human Services

A department of the U.S. federal government with the goal of protecting the health of all Americans and providing essential human services.

Cabinet - United States Department of Defense (DOD)

A department of the federal executive branch entrusted with formulating military policies and maintaining American military forces. Its top official is the civilian secretary of defense.

*Cabinet - United States Department of State (DOS)

A department of the federal executive branch primarily responsible for making and conducting foreign policy. It is commonly called the State Department and is headed by the secretary of state.

Cabinet - United States Department of Energy

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for developing policies for effective use of the nation's energy resources. The Department of Energy is involved in energy conservation, regulating oil pipelines, and encouraging research on new sources of energy.

Cabinet - United States Department of Education

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for providing federal aid to educational institutions and financial aid to students, keeping national educational records, and conducting some educational research.

Cabinet - United States Department of Transportation

A department of the federal executive branch responsible for the national highways and for railroad and airline safety. It also manages Amtrak, the national railroad system, and the Coast Guard.

Cabinet - United States Department of Justice

A department of the federal executive branch, headed by the attorney general, which administers the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), prosecutes violations of federal law, and is responsible for enforcing all civil rights legislation.

Cabinet - United States Department of Homeland Security

A department that has a goal to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism, and minimize the damage and recover from attacks that do occur

How an Executive Order differs from a law

A law is a project that starts life as a Bill in either the House of Representatives or in the US Senate. Once it's passed in its respective house, it then moves to the other for consideration. - An executive order is just an order issued by the President that is enforceable by members of the executive branch of government until either overturned by a law established by Congress, or overturned by a ruling by a court.

*E.O.P - Council of Economic Advisors

A panel of three noted economists who advise the president of the United States on macroeconomic matters. The council consists of a chairman and two other members, all of whom are appointed by the president and approved by the Senate.


A plan or course of action, as of a government, political party, or business, intended to influence and determine decisions, actions, and other matters: American foreign policy; the company's personnel policy.

Difference between a policy and a law.

A policy outlines what a government ministry hopes to achieve and the methods and principles it will use to achieve them. It states the goals of the ministry.... Laws set out standards, procedures and principles that must be followed.

*Amendment XX (20)

A simple amendment that sets the dates at which federal (United States) government elected offices end. In also defines who succeeds the president if the president dies. This amendment was ratified on January 23, 1933. (Amendment)


A system of unelected government officials that specialize in certain areas.

Executive Order

Executive orders are official documents the President of the United States creates to establish policies and manage the operations of the federal government. Executive orders are like laws, and can be reversed by the courts and Congress. AKA: A order from the president to the cabinet, this order is treated as a military order. AKA and "instant law."


Forgiveness of a large group of people for a specific crime. Example: Draft Dodging

Full Pardon

Full forgiveness of a specific crime + expungement of record.


Full forgiveness of a specific crime. (Still on record)

*E.O.P - Office of Management and Budget (OMB)

The business division of the Executive Office of the President of the United States that administers the United States federal budget and oversees the performance of federal agencies.

Cabinet - United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

The department of the US government that administers federal programs related to food production and rural life. The department's principal duty is to aid farmers, but it also serves consumers through its food-assistance and food-inspection programs.

Cabinet - United States Department of Housing and Urban Development

The department responsible for programs concerned with housing needs, fair housing opportunities, and improving and developing U.S. communities.


The generic term meaning to forgive, leniency, all of types of pardons are considered clemency.

Relationship between debt ceiling and the budget process.

The greater amount of debt ceiling, the more money we have to budget and vise versa. Example: "on Friday, Congress raised the debt ceiling by $800 million"

*War Powers Resolution/War Powers Act

a federal law intended to check the president's power to commit the United States to an armed conflict without the consent of the U.S. Congress. (But no one thinks the lawsuit will succeed. And the War Powers Act has never been successfully employed to end any military mission.)

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