GOVT-2306- Unit 4- Chapter 9

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What is the age prerequisite for becoming governor?

Successful gubernatorial candidates must meet constitutional prerequisites, including minimum age (30 years).


Supervised release from prison before completion of a sentence, on condition of good behavior.

Martial Law

Temporary rule by military authorities when civil authorities are unable to handle a riot or other civil disorder

Governor's Office

The administrative organization through which the governor of Texas makes appointments, prepares a biennial budget recommendation, administers federal and state grants for crime prevention and law enforcement, and confers full and conditional pardons on recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles

Special Sessions

The legislature may consider only those matters the governor specifies in the call or subsequently presents to the legislature.

What restriction is placed on the Texas governor's special session power?

The length of the special session is limited to 30 days.

Should a governor die, resign, or be removed from office, or should a governor-elect refuse to take office or be permanently unable to fill the office, who would be the first to succeed him or her?

The lieutenant governor heads the constitutional order of succession.

Secretary of State

The state's chief elections officer, with other administrative duties, who is appointed by the governor for a term concurrent with that of the governor

After the legislature adjourns, how long does the governor have to veto pending bills and concurrent resolutions?

20 days not counting Sundays


A governor's official public announcement (such as calling a special election or declaring a disaster area).

pork-barrel politics

A legislator's tactic to obtain finding for a pet project, usually designed to be of special benefit for the legislator's district

Legislative Power

A power of the governor exercised through messages delivered to the Texas Legislature, vetoes of bills and concurrent resolutions, and calls for special sessions of the legislature

Line-Item veto

Action by governor to eliminate an individual budget item while permitting enactment of other parts of an appropriate bill.


An act of executive clemency that temporarily suspends execution of a sentence.

Full Pardon

An act of executive clemency, on recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, that releases a convicted person from all consequences of a criminal act and restores the same rights enjoyed by others who have not been convicted of crime.

Conditional Pardon

An act of executive clemency, on recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, that releases a convicted person from the consequences of his or her crime but does not restore all rights, as in the case a full pardon.

Recess appointment

An appointment made by the governor when the Texas legislature is not in session.

Comptroller of Public Accounts

An elected constitutional officer responsible for collecting taxes, keeping accounts, estimating revenue, and serving as treasurer for the state.

The Texas governor's ________ allows him or her to nominate friends and political supporters for political positions.

Appointive Power

Governor Rick Perry often uses his personal interests to relate to Texans. This is an example of using his ________ as governor.

INFORMAL POWERS are not based on law; rather, they stem from a governor's popularity with the public and are based on traditions, symbols, and ceremonies.

When a state judge dies, resigns, or is removed from office, the vacancy is filled through

More than half of Texas's state judges and justices first serve on district courts and higher appellate courts through GUBERNATORIAL APPOINTMENTS to fill a vacancy

Commutation of sentence

On the recommendation of the Board of Pardons and Paroles, the reduction of a sentence by the governor

The governor of Texas can only grant a full pardon or a conditional pardon for convicted criminals if it is

Only if recommended by the Board of Pardons and Paroles can the governor grant a full pardon or a conditional pardon.

Lieutenant Governor

Popularity elected constitutional official who serves as president of the Senate and is first in the line of succession if the office of governor becomes vacant before the end of a term

Don is governor of Texas, and he decides to strike a bargain with a senator in which he promises not to deny funding for the senator's pet project. In return, the senator agrees to support a bill Don favors. This scenario is an example of

Pork-Barrel Politics

postadjournment veto

Rejection by the governor of a pending bill or concurrent resolution during the 20 days after a legislative session ends.

When the governor delivers a State of the State address at the commencement of each regular session of the legislature, he or she is using ________ to promote a harmonious relationship with the legislature.

message power

The governor of Texas is inaugurated

on the third Tuesday in January of every fourth year, always in the odd-numbered year before a presidential election (for example, January 20, 2015)

Where does the Texas governor's principal control over state spending come from?

the constitutional power to veto an entire appropriations bill or to use the line-item veto to eliminate individual budget items.

What is the only constitutionally prescribed method of forcing a Texas governor from office before the end of a term?

Article XV, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution states, "The power of impeachment shall be vested in the House of Representatives." Each article of impeachment must be approved by a simple majority vote of the House. To remove the governor, one or more impeachment articles must be approved by a two-thirds majority vote of the senators present.

Commissioner of the General Land Office

As head of Texas's General Land Office, this elected constitutional officer oversees the state's extensive landholdings and related mineral interests, especially oil and gas leasing, for the benefit of the Permanent School Fund.

Veto Power

Authority of the governor to reject a bill or concurrent resolution passed by the legislature

Removal power

Authority to remove an official from office. In Texas, the governor's removal power is limited to staff members, some agency heads, and his or her appointees with the consent of the Senate.

contingency rider

Authorization for spending state money to finance provisions of a bill if the bill becomes a law

What is one way the legislature limits the governor's control over the state bureaucracy?

By limiting the governor's independent removal power

Who is primarily responsible for law enforcement in the state of Texas?

City Police Departments and County Sheriffs' departments

Under a ________ , the governor may withhold certain rights, such as being licensed to practice a selected occupation or profession.

Condition Pardon

Article IV, Section 7 of the Texas constitution states that the ________ is the Commander-in-Chief of the state's military forces.

Governor - except when they are called into actual service of the United States

appointive power

The authority to name a person to a government office. Most gubernatorial appointments require Senate approval by two-thirds of the members present

What is the annual salary of the governor of Texas?

The biennial state budget for fiscal years 2014-2015 set the governor's salary at $150,000 per year

Attorney General

The constitutional official elected to head the Office of the Attorney General, which represents the state government in lawsuits and provides legal advice to state and local officials.

Commissioner of Agriculture

The elected official, whose position is created by statute, who heads Texas's Department of Agriculture, which promotes the sale of agricultural commodities and regulates pesticides aquaculture, egg quality, weights and measures, and grain warehouses

Budgetary power

The governor is supposed to submit a state budget to the legislature at the beginning of each regular session. When an appropriate bill is enacted by the legislature and certified by the comptroller of public accounts, the governor may veto the whole documents or individual items

executive order

The governor issues executive orders to set policy within the executive branch and to create task forces, councils, and other bodies.

How many 30-day reprieves is the governor of Texas allowed to grant independently?

The governor may also independently grant one 30-day reprieve in a death sentence case.

message power

The governor's effectiveness in communicating with legislators via the State of the State address at the "commencement" of a legislative session and other messages delivered in person or in writing

Plural executive

The governor, elected department heads, and the secretary of state, as provided by the Texas Constitution and statutes.

Who became the first Republican governor in Texas since E. J. Davis?

William P. ("Bill") Clements Jr in 1978 and 1986

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