Govt. Ch. 6 & 7 Test Review

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Equal Time Provision

An FCC regulation requiring broadcast media to provide equal airtime on any non-news programming to all candidates running for an office.

Prior Restraint

If the government can convince a judge that the publication of a particular story would lead to immediate harm to a person, a judge can halt publication.

Yellow Journalism

Journalism that exploits, distorts, or exaggerates the news to create sensations and attract readers using bold headlines, illustrations, and sensational stories

What are the domestic and international agendas for liberals?

⚪Domestic issues ●Government involvement in economy to protect workers, expand social services ●Advocate for poor minorities, women, consumers, and the environment ●Separation of church and state ⚪Foreign affairs ●Oppose sending American troops to influence the domestic affairs in other countries ●Support for international organizations

What are the domestic and international agendas for conservatives?

⚪Domestic issues ●Oppose social and economic engineering, such as wealth redistribution and affirmative action ●Favor light business/industry regulation, low taxes for higher earners, traditional family structures, and school prayer ⚪Foreign affairs ●Support stronger military power and spending ●Less supportive of international organizational efforts and entanglements

Social desirability bias

A tendency to give socially approved answers to questions about oneself.

What ideological group is most often reflected by major nationwide talk radio shows?



occurs when one firm owns different media outlets in the same area

What sample size produces an accurate representation in a survey?

1,000 to 1,500 people

Sampling Error

A calculation that describes what percentage of the people surveyed may not accurately represent the population being studied. Increasing the number of respondents lowers the sampling error.

In recent elections, from which ethnic group does the Democrats want to garner support?


Attack Journalism

journalists focus on scandal, government failures, and politicians' personal failings.

FCC (Federal Communications Commission)

(Federal Communications Commission) regulates the television and radio industry, grants licenses to television and radio stations, and blocks monopolies.

What are the guidelines for good surveys?

-Do not imply a desired answer -Contains mutually exclusive options -Accommodates for all answer options -Measures only one aspect

What are the four criteria for democratic citizens?

1. Political knowledge - you know something 2. Ideology - you believe in something 3. Tolerance - you accept that somebody else can believe differently than you (and still be okay) 4. Participation - you vote (at the very least)

Issue Scale

A survey response format in which respondents select their answers from a range of positions between two extremes.


A way of describing political beliefs in terms of a position on the spectrum running from liberal to moderate to conservative.

Mass Survey

A way to measure public opinion by interviewing a large sample of the population.

Latent Opinion

An opinion formed on the spot, when it is needed (as distinct from a deeply help opinion that is stable over time).

Public Opinion

Citizens' views on politics and government actions. -Explains the behavior of citizens and public officials -Helps explain policy outcomes

Horse Race Journalism

Election coverage by the mass media that focuses on which candidate is ahead rather than on national issues.

What things shape ideologies?

Family, Social Groups, Religion

Which gathers more accurate information, focus groups or large-scale surveys?

Focus groups; face-to-face always produces more accurate responses

Soft News

Media coverage that aims to entertain or shock, often through sensationalized reporting or by focusing on a candidate or politician's personality or even looks!

What are the types of polls?

Robopolls - automatic phone calls

Focus Group

Small groups of people interviewed in a group setting. Allow respondents to answer questions in their own words rather than being restricted to a few options in a survey question, they can provide deep insights into why people hold the opinions they do.

Political socialization

The process by which an individual's political opinions are shaped by other people and the surrounding culture.


development of new communication technologies / eliminates the "rules" or regulations about how media show operate, or how much media a single company can own.


influence on public opinion caused by the way a story is presented or covered, including the details, explanations, and context offered in the report.


influence on public opinion that results from journalists' and editors' decision about which of many potential news stories to report

Shield Law

legislation, which exists in some states but not at the federal level, that gives reporters the right to refuse to name the sources of their information.

Hard News

media coverage focused on facts and important issues surrounding a campaign

What happens to spending as policy mood becomes more liberal?

more government spending on social services, minorities, and protecting workers


release of classified or politically embarrassing information by a government employee to a member of the press

Mass Media

sources that provide information to average citizens on a day-to-day basis

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