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Gregory Wawro/Eric Schickler assert that the practice of filibustering is central to Select one: a. the Senate. b. the Supreme Court. c. the mass media. d. the House and the Senate. e. the House of Representatives.


How important, according to David Mayhew (Lanahan 19), is it for a legislator to have her name be familiar to her constituents? Select one: a. Very important, because voters tend to vote for a candidate they are familiar with. b. Unimportant, because at the election, voters choose based on a party label, with candidate names never listed. c. Important, so that people living in the district who have the same last name will vote for the legislator. d. Unimportant, because voters forget a candidate's name once they enter the voting booth. e. Unimportant, because it will just remind voters that the representative did "casework" for a neighbor but not for everyone in the district.


Legislators are more likely to adopt the trustee role if they: Select one: a. Occupy relatively "safe" seats b. Have a lower education level than their constituents c. Agree with Abraham Lincoln that representatives should be guided by the will of their constituents d. Represent an area where no party dominates e. Serve in the House rather than the Senate


Marbury v. Madison is an important case in constitutional history because it was the case: Select one: a. That set the precedent for the Court's power to declare acts of Congress unconstitutional b. In which the right to sue the president was upheld c. That established the supremacy of federal laws over state laws d. Where the Court defined the boundaries of the commerce clause e. Where the Court challenged a presidential action for the first time


Stopping a filibuster requires that ________________. Select one: a. the chamber votes for cloture b. The Speaker of the House orders to speaker to stop talking c. the speaker steps away from the podium d. The Senate Majority Leader orders a halt on Senate proceedings e. a majority of senators agree on the bill


The War Powers Resolution was first passed in response to President _________'s actions in _________. Select one: a. Nixon, Vietnam b. Clinton, Somalia c. Clinton, Yugoslavia d. Trump, Iran e. Obama, Syria


The main reason why business interests dominate the lobbying process is that they ____________. Select one: a. Generally have more of the resources needed for effective lobbying b. Represent far more voters than any other groups do c. Have more political interests to represent than other groups do d. Must lobby to insure government will continue to purchase their goods e. Generally take positions that reflect a broad public consensus


There have been significant changes in all of the following areas of the presidency EXCEPT: Select one: a. The president's formal constitutional powers b. The president's relationship with the people c. The size and responsibilities of the executive branch d. The budget a president has to work with e. The number of states and land area of the United States


To get themselves reelected, members of Congress rely on all of the following strategies, David Mayhew (Lanahan 19) explains, EXCEPT Select one: a. donating campaign money to weak opponents so that there is no significant competition at the next election. b. getting and maintaining name recognition among their constituents. c. making sure that constituents know what federal funds or beneficial legislation they have brought to their voters. d. taking care of problems that constituents are having with the government, such as finding missing Social Security checks. e. letting constituent


When a prominent presidential scholar wrote that the power of the presidency was the power to persuade, he was making the point that: Select one: a. To get much done, presidents need the cooperation of others b. Effective presidents must have a great deal of personal charisma c. Congress only supports the president when he has strong public support d. The president really has no significant constitutional power e. Bribery is the only way to gain favorable public opinion for a president


Which of the following sources of input does Cornelius Kerwin/Scott Furlong (Lanahan 35) cite as most important in the formation of new rules? Select one: a. interest groups b. the White House staff c. the Speaker of the House of Representatives d. previous cabinet secretaries e. the public at a presidential election


According to Anthony Nownes (Lanahan 56), which of the following best represents the most commonly held opinion about interest groups and lobbyists among Americans (p. 438)? Select one: a. most Americans support both interest groups and lobbyists b. most Americans oppose both interest groups and lobbyists c. most Americans support at least some interest groups, but oppose most lobbyists d. none of the above e. most Americans support at least some lobbyists, but oppose most interest groups


According to David Robson, which of the following best describes what types of social movements are most successful? Select one: a. boycotts and economic protests b. nonviolent campaigns c. Those that are supported with foreign military intervention d. Campaigns that involve physical harm to people or property e. only 3.5% of social movements are successful


According to Issenberg, which democratic institution has the United States exported to other countries? Select one: a. interest groups b. primary elections c. presidents d. political parties e. secret-ballot elections


All of the following are examples of the ways in which presidents serving in the decades after George Washington expanded the powers of the president EXCEPT. Select one: a. John Adams waged undeclared war b. James Madison distrusted his cabinet and rarely convened it c. Andrew Jackson used the veto to block legislative measures he opposed d. Thomas Jefferson negotiated the purchase of Louisiana from France e. None of the above


The Constitution originally called for the election of senators by state legislatures because the framers: Select one: a. Believed that the most effective popular control would be through the state legislatures b. Wanted to insulate the Senate from democratic pressures c. Wanted the Senate to dominate the House of Representatives in creating legislation d. Wanted legislators who would be delegates rather than trustees e. Thought that linking the Senate to the states in this way would increase its legitimacy


The Freedom of Information Act of 1966 helps citizens exercise oversight over the bureaucracy by ________. Select one: a. requiring annual evaluations by the president b. opening government records to citizen scrutiny c. requiring agencies to send out newsletters and publications to all who ask for them for free d. empowering Congress to request copies of documents e. forcing agencies to hold public meetings


Under which president was the White House first decorated for Halloween? a. George Washington b. Dwight Eisenhower c. Donald J. Trump d. Ronald Reagan e. Millard Fillmore


What changes have occurred in the lobbying environment in the past 30-40 years? Select one: a. A fragmentation of interests has taken place b. all of the above c. The internet has made citizen organizing and lobbying easier than ever before d. There is more lobbying at the state level due to devolution of national programs e. There is more professional lobbying


When David Mayhew (Lanahan 19) mentions that legislators send out mail by "franking" the letters, he means that Select one: a. they will send letters with pictures of themselves eating hot dogs, to prove they are a "common man/woman" b. members of Congress can mail letters to constituents for free. c. the Post Office will not deliver congressional mail. d. a frank and straightforward letter is always best. e. Franklin D. Roosevelt first initiated this practice.


Which of the following election procedures would be most advantageous to minority parties? Select one: a. Elect members to Congress on a mixed ticket system b. Elect members to Congress through a system of proportional representation c. Elect members to Congress under a "first-past-the-post" system d. Elect members to Congress under a single-district, winner-take-all system e. Elect members to Congress on a combined ticket with the President


Which of the following is NOT a reason why incumbents tend to win re-election? Select one: a. voters appreciate that the longer someone serves in Congress, the better their committee assignments are b. Congressional campaign committees only donate to incumbents of their party c. incumbents have better name recognition d. districts of incumbents are often drawn so that a majority of voters belong to their party e. incumbents raise more money in their election campaigns


Which of the following post-WWII presidents issued the most pardons and commutations? Select one: a. Gerald Ford b. Harry S. Truman c. Barack Obama d. George W. Bush e. Jimmy Carte


Which of these is NOT a potential cause of polarization in the United States? Select one: a. moderate voters participating less in party politics b. movements have demanded more extreme action for both political parties c. gerrymandering due to redistricting made an increasing number of districts "safe" for one party or another, making the district cater more to the loyalists of that party d. increased party sorting as people gain more national interests e. National mass media such as TV brought national ideas to greater consciousness for the first time


According to Krutz, which of the following best describes the negotiated rulemaking process by which federal rules are made today in many agencies? Select one: a. agencies typically issue most rules without comment from affected parties or the public b. Agencies publish proposals in the Federal Register, accept public comments, and respond to those comments c. a committee is formed with members from vested interests and this committee discusses pros and cons of proposals d. the president instructs cabinet secretaries which rules to make for each agency e. administrative rulemaking is too lengthy, too contentious, and too likely to provoke litigation in the courts


According to Ronald Brownstein (Lanahan 68), during which time in American history were Americans more divided over the role of government in the economy, foreign policy, and/or social issues(556)? Select one: a. over the rise of corporate autonomy in the 1890s b. none of the above c. all of the above d. over civil rights and the Vietnam War in the 1960s e. over slavery in the 1850s


According to Ronald Brownstein (Lanahan 68), for most of American history, political parties have functioned as ______________________(553). Select one: a. the key agents for shaping political beliefs of American citizens b. polar opposites c. loose coalitions that lightly tether diverse ideological views d. ideologically disciplined e. none of the above


All of the following are true of the filibuster, Gregory Wawro/Eric Schickler note, EXCEPT: Select one: a. The filibuster gives Congress power relative to the executive branch. b. An individual legislator in the chamber gains power because of the filibuster rule. c. A filibuster can never be modified because of constitutional protections. d. A filibuster can be ended by a cloture vote. e. The rules governing a filibuster can be changed.


Members of Congress usually do not have to worry too much about following public opinion on every issue that comes up because: Select one: a. They can develop a strong political base by emphasizing casework b. Most represent "safe" districts c. All of the above are factors that allow legislators to act independently from public opinion d. Most voters do not pay close attention to what is happening in Congress e. None of the above are factors that allow legislators to act independently from public opinion


According to Ron Elving, which of the following best describes the historical trends of political party support in the American south? Select one: a. Republicans have always had a majority b. Democrats have had a majority for the last 60 years c. None of the above d. Democrats have always had a majority e. Republicans have had a majority for the last 60 years


According to the authors, the fact that the federal bureaucracy often seems inefficient and to be working at cross purposes is probably best explained by: Select one: a. The political control presidents try to exercise over the bureaucracy b. The basic system of separation of powers and checks and balances designed by the framers c. The lack of education and experience of elected officials d. The government's continued use of patronage appointees in key positions e. The sheer size and complexity of government activities


How did the election of 1824 change the way presidents were selected? Select one: a. Following this election, presidents were directly elected. b. The election convinced many that the parties must adopt the king caucus as the primary method for selecting presidents. c. none of the above d. Jackson's supporters decided to create a device for challenging the Electoral College. e. The selection of the candidate with fewer electoral votes triggered the rise of party control over nominations.


In contrast to the American system, parliamentary systems _______________________: Select one: a. Are generally a two party system b. Elect the prime minister by direct popular vote c. Make it almost impossible for minor parties to have any influence d. Operate under an intricate system of checks and balances e. Combine legislative and executive branches


In which type of electoral system do voters select the party of their choice rather than an individual candidate? Select one: a. plurality voting b. single-payer voting c. first-past-the-post d. majoritarian voting e. proportional representation


On an per year basis, which of the following presidents took the most executive actions? Select one: a. Martin van Buren b. George W. Bush c. Woodrow Wilson d. Barack Obama e. Franklin D. Roosevelt


The "spoils system" allocated political appointments on the basis of __________. Select one: a. merit b. specialized education in a qualifying program c. background d. rotting food e. party loyalty


The saying "all politics is local" roughly means that _________________. Select one: a. the local candidate will always win b. local constituents want action on national issues c. voters are more interested in local issues than they are in national issues d. the act of campaigning always occurs at the local level where constituents live e. the local constituents tend to care about things that affect them


Which of the following groups is over-represented in Congress? Select one: a. Middle-income women b. African-Americans c. Men who grew up in traditional blue-collar families d. People between the ages of 30 and 39 e. People with college degrees


Which of the following is an unintended consequence of the rise of the primary and caucus system? Select one: a. Often incumbent presidents will fail to be renominated by the party. b. The conventions have become more powerful than the voters. c. States that are best reflective of the country's demographics and needs hold the first primaries and caucuses d. Campaigns have become shorter and more expensive. e. Sometimes candidates unpopular with the party leadership reach the top.


Which statement best describes the majority of court cases in America. Select one: a. They are civil cases b. They go before the Supreme Court c. They can be tried at either a state level or a federal level d. They have a jury e. They are heard in state and local courts


According to Krutz's Figure 10.12, which shows total donations to parties and candidates, which of the following groups would be most likely to donate to a Democratic candidate over a Republican candidate? Select one: a. a health insurer b. a defense contractor c. an agribusiness company d. a labor union e. an energy company


According to Sarah Kliff, which best describes differences in legislative priorities between women and men? Select one: a. women candidates are more likely to nominate themselves to run for office b. women are less effective at obtaining federal funding for their districts than men legislators c. Women are more likely to vote along party lines than men d. Women in Congress are more likely to prioritize issues that have a direct connection to women e. The average female legislator had fewer bills enacted than men


Minor, or third, parties have influenced American politics in which of the following ways? Select one: a. Allowing voters who are unhappy with the two major parties to register a protest vote b. Bringing up new ideas that are adopted by the major parties when voters begin to respond to them c. Affecting the outcome of an election by taking votes away from one of the major party candidates d. Minor parties have influenced American politics in all of the above ways e. Minor parties have influenced American politics in none of the above ways


Robert Reich (Lanahan 37) notes that civil servants, who are career employees, feel that Select one: a. time cards are a good way to keep track of workers so that they come in on time. b. Republican appointees care about them more than Democratic appointees. c. their jobs aren't as secure as in the private sector. d. they are unappreciated by politicians and should be treated better. e. they should all take a voluntary pay cut.


Skuldt, who wrote one of this week's assigned readings, doesn't think a third-party could win the US presidency. Why not? Select one: a. the two major parties routinely endorse popular third-party candidates b. it would be unconstitutional c. a candidate must be either a Democrat or Republican to be on the ballot in 37 states d. our single-member legislative districts and winner-take-all elections tend themselves to a two-party system e. most Americans prefer choosing between two candidates


The Supreme Court's power of judicial review_____________________________. Select one: a. established the three-tiered, dual court system b. allows it to hear any cases it wants c. has expanded over time d. enables it declare acts of other branches unconstitutional e. is given to it in the Constitution


The U.S. Senate differs from the House of Representatives in that it: Select one: a. Is more organized and hierarchical b. Is more governed by formal rules c. Does not permit as much debate d. Gives individual members more freedom of action e. Is larger than the House of Representatives


The part of the executive branch work force that most resembles the demographic make-up of the country as a whole is: Select one: a. Those serving in the cabinet and on the White House staff b. The 35% who hold appointments under the special merit systems c. The president and vice president d. The 60% of federal employees who hold civil service positions e. Those holding patronage positions


The president's constitutional power to "appoint and receive ambassadors" means that the president: Select one: a. Can appoint ambassadors without having to get the Senate to confirm his appointments b. Must deal with whomever another nations wishes to send to Washington as its official representative c. Chooses who the United States will declare war against d. Decides unilaterally with whom the United States will have diplomatic relations e. Can bypass the treaty-making process and make executive agreements with other leaders directly


The process of redistricting can present problems for congressional representation because ________. Select one: a. states can gain but never lose districts b. states have been known to create more districts than they have been apportioned c. members of Congress often have to move in order to keep representing roughly the same districts as they have before redistricting d. districts are often drawn to benefit partisan groups e. districts must include urban and rural areas


What does Campbell's surge-and-decline theory suggest about the outcome of midterm elections? Select one: a. Fewer people vote in midterm elections than presidential elections b. More people run for Congress during midterm election years than during presidential election years c. If voter turnout increases in one midterm election, it is likely to decrease in the next midterm election d. The president's party almost always loses seats in Congress during midterm elections e. Incumbents are less likely to win re-election during midterm elections


What is one key obstacle for judges who are trying to interpret the Constitution and issue a decision, according to Richard Fallon (Lanahan 41)? Select one: a. trying not to upset the Congress that passed the law b. trying not to anger the president who could remove them from their jobs c. finding time to talk with lower court judges who have ruled on the issue d. using the very old Constitution to make decisions about modern day problems e. Presidents regularly try to defy unpopular judicial rulings


What political faction receives protection because of the filibuster rule, Gregory Wawro/Eric Schickler discover? Select one: a. the executive branch b. the majority c. the disenfranchised d. the minority e. the party leadership


Which of the following best describes the purpose of the War Powers Resolution? Select one: a. to increase the powers of the presidency in military conflicts b. to make it easier for Congress to declare war c. to limit most military conflicts to 60 days or fewer d. to limit the powers of the presidency in military conflicts e. to make it more difficult for Congress to declare war


Which of the following does not represent a major contributing factor in party realignment? Select one: a. changes in key issues b. demographic shifts c. changes in party strategies d. third parties


Which of the following is an example of an executive agreement? Select one: a. The president issues recommendations to the Department of Justice on what the meaning of a new criminal statute is. b. The president consults with the Speaker of the House on whether or not to sign a bill c. The president negotiates an agreement with China and submits it to the Senate for ratification. d. The president signs legally binding nuclear arms terms with Iran without seeking congressional approval. e. The president changes a regulation on undocumented immigrant status without congressional approval.


While businesses often possess a huge advantage in terms of the resources needed to influence government, their influence is not absolute because: ____________. Select one: a. Politicians may fear they will lose votes if they appear to be too close to business interests b. The interests of different business may not be the same so sometimes business interests end up fighting one another c. None of the above are reasons why business interests do not win out all the time d. All of the above are reasons why business interests do not win out all the time e. Businesses may not always use their resources wisely


What is a difference between a PAC and a super PAC? Select one: a. Super PACS are much more likely to support incumbent candidates than are PACs. b. Contributions to PACs are unlimited, but restrictions have been placed on how much money can be contributed to super PACs. c. Conservative interests favor PACs over super PACs. d. PACs are for every man, but Super PACs are only for Superman e. PACs can contribute directly to candidates, but super PACs cannot.

not a

Where does a US citizen have the least effective representation in Congress? Select one: a. In a small state like Montana or Vermont, where these is only one member of the House of Representatives for the whole state b. In a large state like Florida or New York, where the high population means there are lots of voters but only two Senators c. In any state where they are in the political minority, since members of Congress from the opposite party will not listen to them d. Anywhere because Congressional representatives only listen to campaign donors e. In Washington DC or Puerto Rico, where their only representation is a non-voting delegate

not a

Edmund Burke believed that a representative owed their constituents: Select one: a. His own best judgment b. Their best effort at perfectly representing their views c. Loyalty to their political party d. As many pieces of favorable legislation as possible e. As many special projects for his district as he could get

not b

One of the biggest differentiators between working as a part of government bureaucracy and the private sector is? Select one: a. the issuance of policies and regulations b. a merit-based selection process c. a motivation to work on behalf of others d. working in a hierarchical organization with supervisors and subordinates e. the pay schedule/salary

not b

Which of the following best describes the impact of the War Powers Resolution? Select one: a. increasing the powers of the presidency in larger scale conflicts b. requiring a declaration of war before dispatching troops into conflicts c. to allow states more input in the foreign policy progress d. increasing the powers of the presidency during wartimes e. increasing the powers of the presidency in smaller scale conflicts

not b

Which of the following best describes the modern model of legislating? Select one: a. the president sends bills to Congress that they promise not to veto b. members of Congress each try to introduce as many bills as possible c. leadership is active in creating large omnibus packages and moving them forward d. most bills have been written by interest groups and lobbyists e. the duty to develop and amend laws is left to committees

not b

Which of the following components of political parties is most likely at work when it comes to making phone calls or knocking on doors to encourage voters to support particular candidates? Select one: a. the local party organization b. PACs and interest groups c. the party in the electorate d. the party in office e. the national party organization

not b

According to Sarah Kliff, which best describes women's representation in politics? Select one: a. women in Congress are more likely to be Republican than men b. there are more women in Congress than ever before c. the rate was highest after the passage of the 19th Amendment, but has since declined d. women are more involved in local and state governments than the federal government e. it regularly fluctuates over time

not b, not d

According to those who advocate for majority rule, the fact that the people of Wyoming elect two U.S. senators just like the people of California do best illustrates ____________: Select one: a. that Wyoming has gerrymandered its electoral districts b. the framers' commitment to the principle of political equality c. a distortion of the expression of popular sentiment and diminishment of democracy d. a needed protection of the rights of people in small states e. Demonstrates that the Constitution needs revision regarding representation

not b, not d

Jeffrey Toobin explains that in the hearings in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee to recommend confirmation of her nomination to the Supreme Court, then-second Circuit Court Judge Sotomayor had to clarify her comments about ______________. Select one: a. her rejection from Yale Law School. b. the major league baseball lockout. c. her opposition to affirmative action. d. a "wise Latina" being a better judge than a white male in certain circumstances. e. her release of the Tarzan Murderer from prison.

not c

Which of the following best describes the early role of the Supreme Court in American Government? Select one: a. the court was seen as "naturally feeble" and had some difficulty in filling its seats b. The court could initially only overturn the decisions of lower federal courts c. the early court primarily performed procedural duties, such as issuing writs of mandamus d. The Supreme Court building was the first to be completed once the capital was moved to Washington, DC e. The principle of judicial review meant the Court had the ability to check decisions made by the other branches

not c

Which of the following is LEAST LIKELY to be considered an example of a lobbyist? Select one: a. a citizen writing a letter to their Congressional representative b. the Sierra Club holding a rally to oppose fracking in the Delaware River Valley c. an employee of Coca-Cola meeting with state lawmakers against a recycling bill d. a member of the American Bankers Association meeting with lawmakers over a proposed legislation e. an employee of a private firm that is hired to meet with lawmakers on its behalf

not c

What is the most lasting impact of national party conventions? Select one: a. party insiders gauge the strength of the party, its platform, and its ability to organize its members b. most Americans watch coverage of the convention on TV each night c. The presidential and vice presidential nominees are commonly unknown before the election d. People in convention host cities overwhelmingly vote for the candidates who speak there e. State and local parties and party leaders compare notes and strategies for winning elections while at national conventions

not d

According to Issenberg, why were party primary elections created? Select one: a. to copy the successful British parliamentary procedure b. as an expansion of direct democracy c. to require people to join a pollical party d. a response to pressure from labor unions e. to breakup the influence of party machines

not e

FOUR LIES AND A TRUTH: Which of the following statements about the federal bureaucracy is true? Select one: a. The public pays a lot of attention to bureaucratic agencies. b. Interest groups seldom try to lobby executive agencies. c. Some agencies perform law-making and judicial functions as well as administrative functions. d. Most agencies are created by the Supreme Court. e. The bureaucracy is a rigid hierarchy with a clear chain of command.

not e

With record levels of contributions, both parties have developed technologically sophisticated campaign machines operating out of new office buildings with large, well-trained staff. As these changes have been taking place within the parties, _____________________________. Select one: a. Party leaders are now able to exercise much stricter control over who their nominees will be b. More voters are now calling themselves Republicans or Democrats than in the 1950s c. There has been a decline of party identification d. Voting turnout in national elections has soared to an all-time high e. Third parties have disappeared

not e

Organizations with a strong interest in a case before the Supreme Court often try to influence the Court by _____________. Select one: a. Making campaign contributions to the political party the judge belongs to b. Organizing letter-writing campaigns to influence the judges c. Filing an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the party in the case they are supporting d. Hiring lobbyists to "wine and dine" the judges e. Campaign for their members to be elected as Supreme Court Justices


Which of the following is not a type of government bureaucracy in the United States? Select one: a. government corporation b. independent executive agencies c. competitive service agency d. regulatory agencies e. cabinet departments


Which of the following statements best reflects recent trends in party identification among Americans? Select one: a. More people are switching from one party to another b. More people are cancelling their voter registrations c. More people identify as independents, but still likely favor one party over another d. More people are registering with one of the two major political parties e. More people are identifying with one of many third parties


Why might several competing corporations join together in an association? Select one: a. because they can all benefit from governmental policies b. because there is often strength in numbers c. all the above d. because they often have common issues that may affect an entire industry


Recent presidents, David Yalof (Lanahan 40) notes, often depend on the assistance of which group while selecting possible Supreme Court nominees? Select one: a. former Supreme Court justices b. the House Judiciary Committee c. heads of top Wall Street law firms d. the White House Counsel's office e. the Federal Reserve Board


According to the Constitution, the number of judges on the Supreme Court Is ____. Select one: a. 12 b. Seventeen c. Nine d. Six e. The Constitution does not say


According to Ron Elving, who wrote on of this week's assigned readings, what did political scientist Nelson Polsby, say made the south Republican? Select one or more: a. fresh fruits all year long b. the Great Migration c. a rejection of civil rights d. low real estate prices e. air conditioning

not b or d

In order to form voting coalitions large enough to win elections, parties __________: Select one: a. Appeal to international politicians for help b. Take clear stands on every controversial issue facing the country c. Try to be as inclusive as possible d. Frequently agree to form coalitions with other parties e. Solicit large contributions from corporations

not d

The principle that determines whether or not the Supreme Court will agree to hear a case is known as ___________________. Select one: a. appellate jurisdiction b. rule of four c. judicial review d. stare decisis e. writ of certiorari

not e

The fact that typically no more than 30 or 40 House seats are truly competitive suggests that: Select one: a. Term limits are not necessary b. Often both parties will agree on districting plans designed to protect incumbents from serious challenges c. There is a great deal of political apathy in the country about most congressional races d. Most states are either solidly Democratic or solidly Republican e. Most representatives do such a good job once they are elected that they are seldom seriously challenged


According to Linda Kilian's "The Swing Vote" (Lanahan 72), which group decides the outcome of most elections? Select one: a. independent voters b. people who vote every year c. senior citizens d. Democrats e. women


Arthur Schlesinger (Lanahan 28) is a harsh critic of which of the following presidents most clearly and specifically? Select one: a. Richard Nixon b. Franklin Roosevelt c. John Kennedy d. Lyndon Johnson e. Harry Truman


Franklin Roosevelt wanted to enlarge the size of the Supreme Court because _____. Select one: a. The Court had declared unconstitutional some of the legislation Roosevelt thought was necessary to fight the Depression b. He wanted to reward more of the people who had helped him get elected with Court appointments c. He believed an even number of Justices would bring about more justice d. The Court was not able to keep up with the large number of cases it was being asked to hear e. Roosevelt believed the Court had not been forceful enough in asserting its judicial prerogatives


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