Graphs and Networks
Equation for the number of edges
Complete bipartite graph
A bipartite graph in which every possible edge is present, Kmn
A continuous sequence of edges. The end vertex of one edge in the sequence is the start vertex of the next
A diagram involving a set of points and interconnecting lines
A graph formed by some of the vertices and edges of a given graph
Directed graph / Digraph
A graph in which at least one edge has a direction associated with it
Bipartite graph
A graph in which there are two distinct sets of vertices, and each edge joins a vertex in one set to a vertex in the other
A graph is connected if it possible to travel from any vertex to any other vertex, even passing through other vertices along the way
Traversable / Eulerian
A graph is traversable or Eulerian if it has a trail which is closed (starts and ends at the same vertex) and which includes every edge once only. All of the vertices are of an even degree
Planar graph
A graph which can be drawn without crossing any edges
Network / Weighted graph
A graph with a number, or weight, associated with each edge
Simple graph
A graph with no loops or multiple edges
Cycle / Circuit / Closed walk
A journey which returns to its start vertex
A line joining two vertices
Adjacency matrix
A matrix of the connections in a graph, showing the number of edges connecting the vertices. Does not include directions
Distance matrix
A matrix of the connections in a network, including directions and weights. Entries correspond to the weights of the edges
Triangle inequality
A network satisfies the triangle inequality, for every set of three connected vertices A, B and C: weight AB <= weight AC + weight BC
A point in a graph
A simple connected graph with no cycles
Complete graph, Kn
A simple graph with an edge connecting each possible pair of vertices
A walk which does not pass through any vertex more than once
Directed network
A weighted graph with directed edges
Hamiltonian Cycle
Goes through all the vertices exactly once and returns to the start
Graphs which have the same set of vertices and connections
Non-traversable graph
Has more than two odd nodes
Edge set
List of edges, e.g. {AB, AC, BC}
Vertex set
List of vertices, e.g {A, B, C}
Bidirectional edges
Listed twice in edges sets/matrices because it goes both ways, e.g. CD and DC. Similarly DD is listed twice
Semi-traversable /Semi-Eulerian
The graph has a trail which includes every edge once only but it starts and finishes at two different vertices. The two odd vertices are the start and finish nodes.
The number of edges which connect to a vertex
Equation for total of degrees
Total of degrees = 2 * number of edges