Greece Test Study Guide

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After the Persian Wars ended, Athens.. A. Became the economic and cultural center of Greece. B. Sought to build new colonies on the northern coast of Africa. C Built up their military strength to rival that of Sparta D. Was moved to a new location since it had been burned by the Persians

A. Became the economic and cultural center of Greece.

Identify three reasons for the historical significance of ancient Greek literature, like the Iliad and the Odyssey, from the options below. A. Greek literature provides insight into the lives of the ancient Greeks. B. Greek literature provides information about the Greek gods. C. Greek literature provides a historically accurate recording of events. D. Greek literature provides information about Greek culture from the time period. E. Greek literature is of little significance to the study of ancient Greece.

A. Greek literature provides insight into the lives of the ancient Greeks. B. Greek literature provides information about the Greek gods. D. Greek literature provides information about Greek culture from the time period.

Study the chart and answer the question: Which characteristic is correctly matched to an ancient Greek city-state? A. 1 - Boys were taught military service at an early age. B. 2 - Kings with advisers ruled the city-state. C. 1 - Women were allowed to vote on local laws. D. 2 - A strong navy defended the city-state.

B. 2 - Kings with advisers ruled the city-state.

Study the text and answer the questions. Alexander the Great's legacy is both far-reaching and profound. First, his father was able to unite the Greek city-states, and Alexander destroyed the Persian Empire forever. Wherever Alexander traveled, he instructed his team of scientists to record and analyze local plants, animals, geography, and weather, learning about his new empire while spreading the scientific principles of his tutor Aristotle. And finally, Alexander's conquests spread Greek culture, also known as Hellenism, across his empire. Because Alexander did not force Greek culture upon his conquered peoples, they more readily accepted his rule and paid his taxes. Even further, they turned to Hellenism by choice. In fact, Alexander's reign marked the beginning of a new era known as the Hellenistic Age because of the powerful influence that Greek culture had on other people. Without Alexander's ambition, Greek ideas and culture might well have remained confined to Greece. However, little else united his conquered lands besides Hellenism, since Alexander did not set up common institutions throughout his empire. - CommonLit, "Alexander the Great" Based on your background knowledge and the text above, how as Greek culture impacted by the rule of Alexander the Great? A. Alexander the Great forced the civilizations he conquered to follow Greek culture and adopt Greek ideas. B. Alexander the Great spread Greek ideas to the areas throughout his empire, extending the influence of Greece. C. Alexander the Great gathered information from the places that he conquered and brought those ideas back to Greece. D. Alexander the Great did not have a singular policy across his empire, which led to the development

B. Alexander the Great spread Greek ideas to the areas throughout his empire, extending the influence of Greece.

What ancient Greek architectural landmark is pictured in the image above? A. The Lyceum B. The Parthenon C. The Temple of Apollo D. The Library of Alexandria

B. The Parthenon

Based on your knowledge of history, choose three reasons for why the location of Greece in the Mediterranean contributed to its expansion. A. The mountains in Greece protected it from attack, allowing its population to grow. B. The location on a peninsula and islands led to strong innovations in shipbuilding C. The deserts protected the northern border, allowing it to expand to the south. D. They could not farm enough food to support their population on Greece's mountainous terrain. E. Their location on a major river network allowed them to easily travel and spread their empire. F. Greece's centralized location in the Mediterranean allowed easy access to the entire coastline.

B. The location on a peninsula and islands led to strong innovations in shipbuilding D. They could not farm enough food to support their population on Greece's mountainous terrain. F. Greece's centralized location in the Mediterranean allowed easy access to the entire coastline.

What role did the city-state play in Greek history? A. It slowed trade and weakened the Greek economy. B. It led to the creation of a large military that led many Greek invasions. C. It was the primary political structure of ancient Greece. D. It contributed to the creation of a universal culture in ancient Greece.

C. It was the primary political structure of ancient Greece.

Based on your knowledge of history, what words can replace 1 and 2 in the chart above? A. 1 - Oligarchy, 2 - Monarchy B. 1- Direct Democracy, 2 - Oligarchy C. 1 - Direct Democracy, 2 - Tyranny D. 1 - Oligarchy, 2- Direct Democracy

D. 1 - Oligarchy, 2- Direct Democracy

Using your knowledge of history, what was the major contribution made by the individuals pictured in the image above? A. All three were great political leaders in Greece. B. All three were prominent Athenian architects. C. All three were advisors to Alexander the Great. D. All three were important Greek philosophers.

D. All three were important Greek philosophers.

Using your knowledge of history and the map above, identify the location of Asia Minor. A. A B. B C. C D. D

D. D

In 431 BCE Sparta and other city states joined forces within the Peloponnesian League to fight against Athens in the... A. Persian War B. Greek Civil War C. Punic War D. Peloponnesian War

D. Peloponnesian War

Read the source and answer the question. "Who won the laurel wreath crown... the prize of glory in the games? In the foot-race down the straight course of the stadium, Oionos comes first, in the wrestling Tegea won and Daryklos wo the prize for boxing, Samos of Mantinea won the four-horse chariot, while Phrastor hit the mark with the javelin, Enikeus won the shot put. Then in the evening moon beamed forth, and all the city rang with songs of joy, for it was a day of Olympic triumph." - Pindar, Ca. 40 BCE. NOTE - Words in BOLD are names. Using your knowledge of history, what is the origin of the events described in the passage above? A. The events began as a way to allow slaves to earn their freedom. B. The events began as a ceremony to honor the soldiers of the Persian War. C. The events began as a way to choose the next leader of the kingdom. D. The events began as a celebration honoring the king of the gods.

D. The events began as a celebration honoring the king of the gods.

Based on your knowledge of history and the map above, how did geography most influence the spread of ancient Greek culture, commerce, and ideas? M. Ancient Greeks relied on ocean trade and the establishment of colonies in the Mediterranean region to spread culture and ideas. P. Ancient Greeks depended mostly on overland trade in Asia Minor to exchange ideas and goods with other cultures. R. Ancient Greeks lived mostly in the mountains of the Balkan Peninsula and rejected trade and the cultural influence of outsiders. S. Ancient Greeks confined themselves primarily to the islands in the Aegean Sea, developing unique communities without the need of commerce or trade.

M. Ancient Greeks relied on ocean trade and the establishment of colonies in the Mediterranean region to spread culture and ideas.

Based on your knowledge of history, identify three consequences of the Persian wars. M. Greek city-states entered a Golden Age of cultural development and advancement. P. The Persian empire was defeated and became one of the colonies of Greece. R. The Delian League formed to protect Greece against further harassment from Persia. S. The Hellenistic alliance failed and Persian was able to defeat the Greek city-states. T. Athens had to be rebuilt after its destruction by the Persians. U. Sparta transitioned to a democracy after the death of King Leonidas at Thermopylae.

M. Greek city-states entered a Golden Age of cultural development and advancement. R. The Delian League formed to protect Greece against further harassment from Persia. T. Athens had to be rebuilt after its destruction by the Persians.

Read the excerpt and answer the question below. "On that note, the loyal swineherd led the way to his shelter, Showed his guest inside and sat Odysseus down On brush and twigs he piled up for the visitor, Flinging over these the skin of a shaggy wild goat, Broad and soft, the swineherd's own good bedding. The king, delighted to be so well received, Thanked the man at once: "My host - may Zeus And the other Gods give you your heart's desire For the royal welcome you have shown me here." And you replied, Eumaeus, loyal swineherd, "It's wrong, my friend, to send any stranger packing- Even one who arrives in worse shape than you. Every stranger and beggar comes from Zeus And whatever scrap they get from the likes of us They'll find it welcome." -Excerpt, Homer's Odyssey Excerpts like the one above from Homer's Odyssey provide what information to historians? M. It provides information on the values and lives of Ancient Greeks. P. It provides information on how agriculture was conducted in Ancient Greece. R. It provides information on the military tactics of the time period. S. It provides information on the ways the Ancient Greeks interacted with the Romans.

M. It provides information on the values and lives of Ancient Greeks.

Read the quote and answer the question. "... administration is in the hands, not of a few, but of the whole people. In the settling of private disputes, everyone is equal before the law. Election to public office is made on the basis of ability, not on the basis of membership to a particular class. No man is kept out of public office by the obscurity of his social standing, because of his poverty, as long as he wishes to be of service to the state" What type of government is described by the quote above? M. Dictatorship P. Direct Democracy R. Monarchy S. Oligarchy

P. Direct Democracy

This is a quote from Socrates. "Employ your time in improving yourself by [studying] other men's writings, so that you shall [learn] easily what others have labored hard for." Based on the quote and your knowledge of history, Socrates made contributions to which aspect of Ancient Greek culture? M. Architecture P. Education R. Military S. Trade

P. Education

Which of the following is a body of water that borders Greece? M. Indian Ocean P. Mediterranean Sea R. Red Sea S. Dead Sea

P. Mediterranean Sea

Many Greek city-states had an acropolis. One of the buildings from the Acropolis in Athens in pictured above. Identify two purposes of the acropolis in Greek city-states below. M. The buildings housed the central market as a center for trade. P. The most important temples in the city were built there. R. The most prominent citizens in the city-state lived there. S. It was on a hilltop where people could retreat if the city was under attack. T. It was a restricted military encampment where soldiers were housed.

P. The most important temples in the city were built there. S. It was on a hilltop where people could retreat if the city was under attack.

Which statement describes a difference between how Spartan and Athenian women were raised? M. Athenian girls were raised in military camps. P. Athenian girls were trained for leadership positions in the government. R. Girls were given a formal education in Sparta, including writing and athletics. S. Girls were treated as slaves in Sparta and expected to do manual labor for the community.

R. Girls were given a formal education in Sparta, including writing and athletics.

Polis is the Greek word for... M. Civic Participation P. Citizenship R. Government S. City-state

S. City-state

How did the rule of Alexander the Great impact the Ancient World? M. Extended wars caused an economic depression throughout his territory. P. The use of the Greek language was suppressed by Alexander and his officials. R. Greek books were burned and forbidden to be taught in territories he took over. S. Hellenic ideas and customs spread throughout the territory he conquered.

S. Hellenic ideas and customs spread throughout the territory he conquered.

Which statement best summarizes the consequences of Peloponnesian wars on Ancient Greece? M. The Greek city-states were united by the Peloponnesian League and were able to expand their colonies in the Mediterranean. P. The Greek city-states entered an era of a new Golden Age, with rapid developments in culture and technology. R. Athens became the dominate power of Ancient Greece and united all Greek city-states into a single empire. S. The Greek city-states were left weak and divided, which left them open to attack by the Macedonians.

S. The Greek city-states were left weak and divided, which left them open to attack by the Macedonians.

How were the Greek gods different than the gods in other cultures? M. The Greek gods were all powerful and infallible in their stories. P. The Greek gods were more protective of humans in their stories. R. The Greek gods did not interact with humans in their stories. S. The Greek gods were more human like in their stories.

S. The Greek gods were more human like in their stories.

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