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aims of guidance (continuation)

(6) seeks not only to help a person meet and solve problems of daily living but to also learn a technique whereby he/she may in the future be able to solve his/her own problems (7) aims to help a person to make intelligent choices at critical stages in his/her life (8) seeks the best development of the individual to the fullest actualization of his/her potential (9) seeks to make each person self-actualizing, self-relying, and self-directing, inculcating in him/her the spirit of initiative and responsibility

Explain the inverted pyramid(E-G-C-P)

*under the umbrella of education *slowly goes from general to specific


- a licensed clinical or counseling psychologist who may be contacted for help with personal, educational, and career needs

aims of guidance

(1) seeks to help the person understand himself/herself by helping him/her appraise his/her past development and to recognize his/her present assets, liabilities and interests (2) seeks to provide understanding of the educational, vocational, recreational, personal and service activities which they will take part both in school and in life (3) seeks to give information regarding the opportunities and requirements of different fields of endeavor (4) seeks to help people choose immediate goals wisely and to evolve life goals that are personally satisfying and beneficial to society (5) more interested in preventing crisis in the lives of people than it is in rehabilitation or remedial work


- man as slave to nature

social worker

-called upon for cases of physical and sexual abuses that took place at home

Guidance Counselor

-central and most indispensable figure of the guidance program

academic-educational information

-concerns the educational setting that one is in


-considers reason, innate ideas and deductions that guide knowledge


-constructs and develops test; in charge of testing activities

auxiliary personnel

-psychologist -psychiatrist -social worker

educational psychology

-relationship between learning and human growth and development -processes of teaching and learning as well as to have a good grasp of educational and learning concerns


-science of life and living organisms -vital processes of human beings which impact on their thoughts, feelings, behaviors social relationships, etc.


-scientific study of origin, behavior, and the physical, social and cultural development of humans. -provides counselors on an individual's culture


-study of social life of individuals, groups, and societies -effects of human groups to individual human behavior

development psychology

-understand the development stages and tasks and the concerns and adjustments that must be attended to - gives an idea to what happened to a person through childhood and death that made an individual change

unready family

-women/ girls who are not prepared to become pregnant - couples who adopted a child but later on realized that they don't want anything to do with the child


Career Development Association of the Philippines

Definitions: Stroops & Wahlquist

Continuous process of helping the individual develop to the maximum of his capacity in the direction most beneficial to himself and his society.

Guidance in the elementary school

- considers that the child needs guidance in developing fundamental attitudes, knowledge, and skills will enable him/her to enter adolescence with a minimum of storm nd frustration -continuous process throughout the elementary grades

Guidance in college

- orientation to university life - adjustment throughout the college course -almost always individual guidance

Roles of Guidance Counselor

-As Counselor -As Coordinator -As consultant -As conductor of Activities -As change agent

Roles of a Guidance Director

-As a manager -As developer -As leader

information service

-a kind of a guidance service -involves the comprehensive and systematic collection and dissemination of information outside the individual through various methods


-activities and areas of the educational system concerned with helping the individual in the social context of the school setting

definition of Gibson and Mitchell for information service

-an activity whereby descriptive materials and media are accumulated,organized, and disseminated through individual advising, counseling, or through planned group activities

increased financial difficulty

-any cause of financial struggle or difficulty like unemployment, increasing prices of goods, and the like


-belief that experience is the source of knowledge and that learning is a process of accumulating a series of sensory experiences

increasing possibilities of experiencing crisis

-calamities -crimes -illnesses -other disorders

Guidance in the secondary school

-considers that adolescence is a period of transition, exploration and experimentation characterized by new interests and a new outlook on life - close relationships with teachers and homeroom advisers will help eliminate undesirable attitudes


-consultant to whom students with special needs are referred

vocational-occupational information

-covers opportunities for work or careers that one can pursue at present or in the future


-decides on the best methodology for gathering, organizing, and reporting data that the Guidance Director and counselors believe to be necessary for understanding and responding to the needs of the clientele

Activities in the last two years of guidance in secondary school

-developing attitudes -assuming responsibilities preparatory to adult life -individual counseling on sex - guidance for post highschool education -health adjustment

social psychology

-effects of social and cognitive process on the way individuals, perceive, influence and relate to others - impacts of social situations on the individual


-ensures proper transmission of messages and appropriate reception of visitors to the office, -takes care of clerical tasks


-every event is causally determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences

pathological family

-families wheere there are members who have addiction problems,or mental disorders -presence of domestic violence


-focuses on natural phenomena or facts that are objectively observable -adherence to strict scientific method


-focuses on the uniqueness of man

general psychology

-foundation for understanding human behavior -working knowledge on this area helps in deciding and implementing the most suitable and effective strategy for the client

The guidance personnel

-guidance director -guidance counselor -psychometrician - researcher - secretary

personal-social information

-has to do with how the clients can improve themselves or their relationship with others

School personnel

-head of the institution -Classroom teacher -Health personnel

Activities in the first two years of guidance in secondary school

-homeroom - subject organization -class organization - interest clubs

health personnel

-identify children whose medical needs may be related to social or emotional difficulties needing attention - help in determining whether or not physical ailments or defects affect a student's performance, adjustment or anticipated development

disappearing family

-includes couples who separate -"broken family" (this term is offensive!) -also includes families in which the children are already old enough to leave the household - includes families who have member/s who are OFWs

increased mobility of filipinos

-includes problems and issues brought about by moving to another place or even migrating to other countries *adjustment problems

ecological psychology/environmental psychology

-individuals are shaped by, and in turn influence their environment -interrelationship between human behavior and environment - predictions about behavior can be made if one knew the situation/context/environment the indiv is in

3 major elements of educational system

-instruction -service - administration

3 essential educational guidance elements according to Strang

-knowledge of the individual which includes his/her abilities and interests -awareness of educational opportunities -existence of a viable guidance program

Classroom teacher

-listener-advisor -referral and reinforcing agent -discoverer of human potential -career educator -human relations facilitator -guidance program supporter

guidance services

-must relate to and functional compatibly with instructional and administrative elements in the school system - capable of adjusting to the impact of change in the larger society - must provide the special kinds of help to individuals so they can fully function in the changing environment

industrialization and advancement in technology

-older people do not have enough knowledge about technology -younger individuals may have difficulty in accessing technology

Important topics covered by Guidance

-orientation to the school -improved study habits -improved personal adjustments - development of social relationships as well as responsibilities - self evaluation -formulation of life goals and plan for attaining them which includes the choice of their future career and vocation

Guidance Director

-overall head -leader and visionary

kinds of information

-personal social information -academic-educational information -vocational-occupational information

instructional element

-primarily a teaching function

methods of information dissemination

-printed information material -electronic information material -small group guidance activities -homeroom guidance/classroom guidance activities -seminars,symposia, conferences -webinars, online forums - orientation services

Head of the Institution

-program leader and supporter -program consultant and advisor -resource provider

information service helps clients by:

-providing a wide variety and range of information from diverse sources -enables them to make informed judgments and decisions -helps them develop their personality and social life -enables them to know the requirements and the opportunities available -allows them to learn about the world of work and careers so they can appropriately prepare and decide

information service helps counselors by:

-providing a wide variety and range of information that counselors alone cannot give -increases and update the counselor's own knowledge as a basis for guiding clients -extends information to a great number of people even without individual contact

basic principles of guidance (8)

1. guidance program is an integral part of the educational program 2. guidance is responsive to the clients' needs 3. guidance recognizes the client as an individual 4. guidance is based on the true concept of the client 5. guidance is designed to provide assistance to a person dealing with a crisis or concern thru self-discovery and self direction 6. guidance is a learning process 7. guidance is helping the individual understand himself/herself 8. guidance leads one to make intelligent choices and wise decisions or adjust to any situation at hand

Definition: Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004/ R.A 9258

A profession that involves the use of an integrated approach to the development of a well-functioning individual, primarily by helping him bring about his potentials to the fullest & plan his future in accordance with his abilities, interest & needs.

Sinforosa Padilla

Dean of Men, U.P started a psychological clinic in response to cases of student discipline, emotional concerns, academic and vocational problems

Definitions: National Forum on Guidance (2004)

Guidance facilitates people throughout their lives to manage their own educational, training, occupational, personal, social and life choices so that they reach their full potential and contribute to the development of a better society

Definitions: Parankimalil (2015)

Guidance involves personal help given by someone; it is designed to assist a person to decide where he wants to go, what he wants to do, or how he can best accomplish his purpose; it assists him to solve problems that arise in his life. It does not solve problems for the individual but helps him to solve them.


Integrated Professional Counselors Association of the Philippines


Philippine Association for Counselor Education, Research and Supervision


Philippine Association of Guidance Counselors was organized to study the needs, interests, and potentialities of the youth and to establish a Testing Bureau -CONSEQUENCE: 1 guidance counselor for each elementary school


Philippine Guidance and Counselling Association

Definitions: Shertzer & Stone (1966)

Process of helping individuals to understand themselves and their world

Definitions: Peters & Shertzer (1974)

Process of helping the individual to understand himself and his world so he can utilize his potentialities


R.A 9258 was passed - Guidance Counselors to secure a license before practicing


both mind and body exist


congress proposed the establishment of functional guidance and counselling programs because of the need to: -assist students in selecting courses, activities and occupations, friends, future mates - guide students in their work at home and in school - solve personal problems


deals with significant questions that led to the understanding of what a human being is and how she/her must be handled

Guidance Program

developed in the US and brought to the Philippines as a formal set of services by Filipinos who studied in the US in the 1950s


first Guidance Institute was held at the National Teachers College which gave birth to the Guidance Association of the Philippines


foundations of Guidance and Counseling are largely derived from this field

Ultimate aim of guidance

happiness of the individual which is to be achieved through individual efficiency and social competence

Definitions: Hamrin (1939)

helping a person to see through himself in order that he may see himself through


man is entirely physical

new Bilibid prison (1934) and residents of Welfareville (1939)

places where counseling tests were introduced as a service to the clientele of non-school settings

Guidance in the nursery and kindergarten

should serve as a supplement to, never as a substitute for, parental guidance in the home.

Aim of Preschool Guidance

studying children's attitudes and his/her behavior with others when at work, play, or at study time. -includes simple health habits, learning language patterns, correct expression of ideas, the ability to think, proper values, and social relationship with others


there is only one underlying reality

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