guided reading 6-1

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Which group of Indians went to court in hopes of staying where they were


In his inaugural address, Andrew Jackson declared his intention to relocate Native Americans. Where did he want to move them?

Great Plains

What happened shortly after William Henry Harrison became president?

He died of the flu

Who pushed a compromise tariff through congress temporarily resolving the controversy?

Henry clay

What was the name of the law that provided money for relocating native Americans?

Indian removal act

Did Andrew Jackson support or oppose the national bank?


What happened shortly after Martin van buren became president?

Panic of 1837

What was the name of the new political party that was formed to oppose the party of Jackson?


what replaced the caucus system as a method for selecting candidates for political positions?

national nominations convection

Which senator from New England stated that liberty depended on the strength of the union, declaring "liberty and union, now and forever, one and inseparable!"

Daniel webster

Which South Carolina put forth the idea that states the right to nullify a federal law?

John c. Calhoun

what did many residents blame for the decline of South Carolina's economy?

Nation's tariffs

Did Andrew Jackson follow the courts decision?


According to the Supreme Court could the United States force these Indians to move?

No because it did not apply to them because they are a sovereign nation

What nickname was given to the forced relocation of the Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma by the us army?

Trail of fears

What did the force bill authorize president Jackson to do?

Use the military to enforce acts of congress

what did many states do in the early 1800s that made elections more democratic?

lowered or eliminated property ownership as a voting qualification

what is spoils system

the common practice of giving people government jobs on the basis of party loyalty

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